
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Android Saga

As the smoke cleared from the spacepod's landing, everyone stared in amazement as a spiky-haired Saiyan stepped out, dressed in an outfit that seemed to be a combination of Saiyan and Earthling clothing. His purple eyes scanned the group, and he could sense their power levels.

Meanwhile, Future Trunks and Goku looked at each other in confusion. "I don't remember another Saiyan arriving," Trunks muttered. Goku nodded in agreement.

The group cautiously approached the newcomer, wondering who he was and what his intentions were. Tsukasa remained silent, staring at each of them in turn. Finally, Goku spoke up. "Hey there! My name's Goku. Who are you?"

Tsukasa hesitated for a moment before responding. "I am Tsukasa, a Saiyan warrior."

The group was taken aback. Another Saiyan? They had thought Goku was the last of his kind. But Tsukasa's power level was comparable to theirs, and they could sense that he was not a threat.

"Nice to meet you, Tsukasa," Trunks said, extending his hand. "What brings you here?"

Tsukasa hesitated again before speaking. "I was fighting Cooler, Frieza's brother, on Namek. I managed to defeat him, but I was badly injured. I used the last of my strength to launch myself towards Earth in a spacepod. I didn't expect to find anyone else here."

The group nodded sympathetically. They had all been through their fair share of battles and injuries. "Well, you're welcome to stay with us," Goku said, grinning. "We're always happy to have more warriors on our side."

Tsukasa smiled slightly, relieved that he had found allies on this strange planet. He collapsed onto the ground, exhausted from his journey, and the group gathered around him to offer their help and support. Despite the chaos that often surrounded them, they were always willing to welcome new friends and fight for what was right.

After a moment of rest, Tsukasa sat up and looked around at the group. "Do you have any food on this place?" he asked, his stomach rumbling.

The group chuckled. "Yeah, we've got plenty of food," Goku said, patting Tsukasa on the back. "Come on, let's go find something to eat."

The group led Tsukasa to a nearby village, where they knew they could find some food. As they walked, Trunks filled Tsukasa in on what had been happening on Earth. "We just defeated Mecha Frieza and his father, King Cold," he explained. "But there's still a new threat coming. Some evil androids created by Dr. Gero. We've been training to prepare for their arrival."

Tsukasa listened intently, impressed by the group's strength and determination. He had always been a lone warrior, fighting his own battles. But he was starting to realize the power of working together with others.

As they arrived at the village, the group split up to find food. Goku and Tsukasa went to a nearby market, where they browsed the stalls for something to eat. Tsukasa was amazed by the variety of food available on Earth, from fresh fruits and vegetables to cooked meats and baked goods.

After a few minutes, they settled on a stall selling roasted meat on skewers. Goku ordered a dozen skewers and handed them to Tsukasa. "Here you go, dig in!"

Tsukasa eagerly bit into the meat, savoring the delicious flavors. "This is amazing," he said, his eyes widening. "I've never tasted anything like it before."

Goku laughed. "Yeah, Earth has some pretty great food. You'll have to try some of my wife's cooking sometime. It's the best!"

Tsukasa smiled, feeling grateful for this new group of friends and the experiences they were sharing. As they ate, they talked about their past battles and the challenges that lay ahead. But for now, they were content to enjoy the simple pleasures of good food and good company.

Tsukasa continued to walk through the village with the group, enjoying the sights and sounds of the bustling community. Suddenly, his senses tingled, and he stopped in his tracks. He turned to see two figures in the distance, both of whom he recognized from Trunks' earlier description: Androids 19 and 20.

Without hesitation, Tsukasa sprang into action. He moved Yamcha out of the way and grinned, a yellow, bright aura forming around him as he powered up. The group watched in amazement as he charged straight towards Dr. Gero.

Goku and the others realized the immense energy coming from Tsukasa, and they knew he meant business. Suddenly, Tsukasa transformed into a Super Saiyan, his hair turning golden and his eyes blazing with intensity.

Dr. Gero looked surprised at the sudden attack, but he didn't back down. He raised his arm, and a beam of energy shot out towards Tsukasa. Tsukasa dodged the attack easily and launched a counterattack, punching Dr. Gero with a fierce blow that sent him flying backwards.

The androids regrouped and prepared to fight, but Tsukasa wasn't intimidated. He continued to fight with all his strength, his fists and feet striking with lightning-fast speed. The battle was fierce, but in the end, Tsukasa emerged victorious, the androids lying defeated at his feet.

The group gathered around Tsukasa, amazed at his strength and skill. "Wow, that was incredible!" Yamcha exclaimed. "I've never seen anyone fight like that before."

Tsukasa smiled modestly. "I've had my fair share of battles. But I'm glad I could help out."

Goku nodded in agreement. "You're a great fighter, Tsukasa. We're lucky to have you on our side."

Tsukasa grinned, feeling grateful for the opportunity to fight alongside these warriors. He knew that there were more battles ahead, but for now, he was content to bask in the glow of his victory and the camaraderie of his new friends.

As the dust settled from the intense battle, the group looked around, relieved to see that the androids had been defeated. However, their relief was short-lived, as Dr. Gero suddenly rose to his feet, grinning wickedly.

"I may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over," he sneered. "I have more surprises in store for you!"

With that, he quickly made his escape, his cackling laughter echoing in the air.

The group looked on in frustration as he disappeared into the distance. "We have to stop him!" Trunks declared, his fists clenched in anger.

Just then, a loud explosion rocked the area, and the group turned to see smoke billowing from the direction of Dr. Gero's laboratory.

"What's happening over there?" Tsukasa asked, his senses on high alert.

Before anyone could respond, the ground shook again, and three figures emerged from the wreckage. The androids, 17, 18, and 16, stood before them, looking every bit as deadly as Dr. Gero had warned.

Tsukasa braced himself for another fight, but Vegeta stepped forward, his eyes narrowed with determination. "I'll handle this," he growled.

The androids sneered, but Vegeta wasted no time in launching his attack. His fists and feet moved with lightning-fast speed, striking the androids with devastating force.

Tsukasa watched in awe as Vegeta fought, knowing that he was no match for the Saiyan prince's power. However, his attention was soon drawn to Android 16, who stood silently in the midst of the chaos.

Tsukasa moved towards the android, his senses tingling with curiosity. "Who are you?" he asked, his eyes locked on the silent figure.

"I am Android 16," the android responded in a deep, monotone voice. "I have been programmed to destroy Goku."

Tsukasa's eyes widened at the mention of Goku's name. "Why would you want to do that?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"It is my primary objective," the android responded simply.

Tsukasa frowned, realizing that this android was not like the others. He wondered if there was a way to reason with it, to convince it to change its mission.

Before he could try, however, the androids suddenly exploded, their bodies destroyed beyond repair. The group looked around in shock, wondering what had caused the sudden explosion.

As the smoke cleared, Tsukasa saw Dr. Gero's head rolling on the ground, a look of terror frozen on his face.

The group stood in silence, realizing that they had won the battle, but at a great cost. Tsukasa looked around at his new friends, knowing that they had all risked their lives to protect the world from Dr. Gero's evil plans.

He knew that there were still more battles to come, but for now, he was content to stand beside his new comrades, united in their fight against the forces of darkness.

Tsukasa watched as Vegeta charged towards the remaining androids, his energy surging as he prepared to take them on single-handedly. He could sense the anger and determination in the Saiyan prince's movements, but he also knew that Vegeta's recklessness could get him into trouble.

"Vegeta, wait!" Tsukasa called out, hoping to get the other Saiyan's attention. "We need to come up with a plan!"

But Vegeta ignored him, his eyes fixed on the androids before him. He continued to charge forward, his fists clenched in anticipation.

Tsukasa sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to reason with the stubborn prince. He stepped forward, hoping to intervene before things got out of hand.

But before he could even take another step, Vegeta turned towards him, a scowl on his face. "Stay out of my way, Tsukasa," he growled. "I'll handle this on my own."

And with that, Vegeta launched himself at the androids, his energy exploding around him.

Tsukasa braced himself for the impact, but he wasn't prepared for what came next. In his haste to attack, Vegeta had failed to notice Tsukasa standing in front of him. The Saiyan prince's fist slammed into Tsukasa's gut, sending him flying backwards.

Trunks and the others rushed over to help Tsukasa, concern etched on their faces. "Are you okay?" Trunks asked, helping him to his feet.

Tsukasa nodded, still reeling from the blow. "I'm fine," he said, his voice strained. "But we need to stop Vegeta before he gets himself killed."

The group watched in horror as Vegeta continued to fight, his energy levels steadily decreasing. They knew that they needed to act fast if they were going to save him.

Trunks stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination. "Let's do this, guys," he said. "We need to work together if we're going to take down these androids."

The group nodded in agreement, their energies surging as they prepared to launch their attack. Tsukasa took a deep breath, his eyes locked on Vegeta, hoping that they could reach him before it was too late.

With Vegeta out of commission, Tsukasa, Trunks, and the others were left to battle the androids on their own. Android 17 and 18 proved to be formidable opponents, their speed and strength far surpassing what anyone had expected.

Despite their best efforts, the Z fighters were unable to gain the upper hand. Android 17 and 18 seemed to be toying with them, effortlessly dodging their attacks and landing devastating blows.

Tsukasa fought valiantly, his Super Saiyan powers helping him to keep up with the androids' speed. But even he couldn't hold out forever.

As the battle raged on, a new threat emerged. A massive android, larger and more powerful than any of the others, appeared on the battlefield. This was Android 16, and he had been activated by Dr. Gero to serve as the ultimate weapon against the Z fighters.

Tsukasa and the others braced themselves for the worst, knowing that they were in for the fight of their lives. But to their surprise, Android 16 was not interested in fighting them.

"Leave me alone," he said, his voice cold and unfeeling. "I have no desire to fight."

Tsukasa and the others were taken aback by this, unsure of how to proceed. But before they could react, Android 16 was attacked by Android 17 and 18, who saw him as a threat to their own existence.

In the chaos that followed, Tsukasa and Trunks seized their chance. Working together, they managed to disable Android 17 and 18, leaving them in a state of complete shutdown.

With the androids defeated, the Z fighters breathed a sigh of relief. But their victory was short-lived, as a new threat emerged from the shadows. Cell, a powerful bio-android created by Dr. Gero, appeared on the scene, intent on absorbing Android 17 and 18 to achieve his perfect form.

Tsukasa and the others knew that they had to stop Cell at all costs. They trained tirelessly, pushing themselves to their limits in an effort to become strong enough to defeat him.

In the end, it was a team effort that saved the day. Goku, who had recovered from his illness, returned to the fight just in time to help Tsukasa and the others take on Cell in a final, epic battle.

Thanks to their combined efforts, the Z fighters emerged victorious once again. Tsukasa and his friends returned to their normal lives, grateful for the lessons they had learned and the bonds they had formed through their battles.