
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Battle of Gods Arc

Tsukasa, Vegeta, Gohan, and Goku were standing in a circle, each facing one another with their fists clenched and their power levels rising.

Tsukasa was in his base form, while Vegeta had just transformed into his Super Saiyan form, Gohan had powered up to his Mystic form, and Goku was in his Super Saiyan God form.

"Are you ready, Tsukasa?" Goku asked, a smile on his face.

"Of course," Tsukasa replied, getting into his fighting stance.

The four warriors charged towards each other, their energy creating a massive shockwave that shook the entire area. Tsukasa quickly dodged a punch from Vegeta, while Goku and Gohan clashed in a fierce exchange of blows.

Tsukasa then launched a barrage of punches and kicks at Vegeta, but the Saiyan prince easily blocked and countered with his own attacks. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan's battle had intensified, with both warriors unleashing their full power.

Tsukasa then stepped back, assessing the situation before unleashing a powerful energy blast at Vegeta. The Saiyan prince managed to dodge, but the blast created a massive explosion, engulfing the area in a bright light.

When the smoke cleared, the four warriors stood in their battle-damaged forms, panting heavily but with smiles on their faces.

"That was a good warm-up," Goku said, grinning.

"You've all improved since the last time we sparred," Vegeta added, a hint of pride in his voice.

Tsukasa nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his fellow Saiyans. The group then dispersed, ready to continue their training and prepare for their next battles.

Tsukasa and Erasa were walking back to their home after a day of training. As they walked, Erasa suddenly stopped and turned to face Tsukasa with a serious expression.

"Tsukasa, I need to talk to you about something," she said firmly.

"What's wrong, Erasa?" Tsukasa asked, a bit taken aback by her sudden change in demeanor.

"I know you're strong, but you can't just go recklessly charging into battles and risking your life like that," Erasa scolded. "I care about you too much to see you get hurt."

Tsukasa looked down, feeling a bit ashamed. He knew that Erasa was right. He had a tendency to act impulsively, and he didn't want to worry her or anyone else.

"I'm sorry, Erasa. You're right. I promise I'll be more careful from now on," Tsukasa said, looking back up at her with a sincere expression.

Erasa smiled softly, placing a hand on Tsukasa's cheek. "I know you will. You're too important to me to lose," she said softly.

Tsukasa leaned in and kissed her gently, wrapping his arms around her waist. They pulled away from each other and continued walking, feeling more connected and in love than ever before.

The Z Fighters and Beerus and Whis were gathered at Bulma's birthday party, enjoying the festivities and each other's company. Suddenly, a burst of energy caught their attention, and they turned to see a Saiyan God and a female demon woman standing before them. Tsukasa and the others tensed, ready to fight if necessary, but the two newcomers didn't seem hostile.

"I am Sypher, the King of the Demon Realm," the Saiyan God said, his voice calm and steady. "And this is my wife, Hikari, the Queen of the Demon Realm."

The Z Fighters and Beerus and Whis murmured among themselves, impressed by the powerful aura emanating from the couple. Tsukasa stepped forward, his curiosity piqued.

"What brings you to Earth?" he asked.

Sypher smiled, his white hair glinting in the sun. "We've heard about your legendary strength and wanted to see for ourselves. We also wanted to extend an invitation to you and your friends to visit our realm."

Hikari stepped forward, her long, black hair whipping in the wind. "It's a beautiful place, full of powerful demons and magical creatures. We'd love for you to come and visit."

The Z Fighters and Beerus and Whis exchanged glances, wondering if they should trust the strange couple. Tsukasa stepped forward once more, his eyes shining with excitement.

"I'm in," he said. "Let's go to the Demon Realm."

The others nodded in agreement, intrigued by the possibility of a new adventure. Beerus and Whis smirked, sensing something exciting was about to happen.

As they prepared to leave, Hikari leaned in to Tsukasa and whispered, "I sense a darkness in your heart. Be careful, Saiyan."

Tsukasa shuddered, unsure of what she meant, but determined to find out. The group vanished in a burst of energy, ready to explore the mysterious and dangerous Demon Realm.

As the Z fighters were still recovering from their encounter with Sypher and Hikari, a sudden burst of energy caught their attention. They turned to see a portal open up and a strange creature emerge. The creature was humanoid in shape, but with large horns on its head and razor-sharp claws on its hands and feet. It looked like it came from the demon realm.

"Who dares to challenge us?" Vegeta demanded.

The creature chuckled. "I am Gargantu, and I have come to test the strength of the greatest warriors in the universe!"

The Z fighters braced themselves for a fight, and Gargantu wasted no time attacking. The creature was incredibly fast and agile, and it proved to be a formidable opponent for the Z fighters. Everyone was locked in their own battles, trying to fend off the creature's attacks.

Tsukasa found himself fighting alongside Erasa, who was surprisingly skilled in combat. They fought side by side, taking on the multiple clones that Gargantu had created.

But then, one of the clones managed to get past Tsukasa's defenses and hit Erasa with a powerful blow. Tsukasa's eyes went wide with rage, and he let out a primal roar. His aura exploded around him, and he charged at the clone, pummeling it with a barrage of punches and kicks.

The other Z fighters were taken aback by the sudden outburst, but they didn't have time to dwell on it. Gargantu and his clones were still coming at them with everything they had. The battle raged on, each fighter pushing themselves to the limit.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the last of Gargantu's clones was defeated. The creature himself was badly injured, but he still managed to chuckle.

"Well done, warriors. You have proven yourselves worthy opponents. Until we meet again!"

With that, Gargantu disappeared back into the demon realm. The Z fighters were left standing in the aftermath of the battle, breathing heavily.

Tsukasa was still shaking with anger, and Erasa approached him tentatively. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Tsukasa turned to her, his eyes softening. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I can't stand to see you get hurt."

Erasa smiled at him, and they shared a brief moment of tenderness amidst the chaos. The rest of the Z fighters looked on, slightly amused and slightly confused by the interaction.

"Well, that was certainly unexpected," Goku remarked.

Vegeta grunted. "We've faced stranger things than that. Let's just be grateful that it's over."

The Z fighters began to disperse, each going their separate ways. But the memory of the battle with Gargantu and Tsukasa's rage would linger on for a long time to come.

Tsukasa and the others were catching their breaths after the intense fight with the demon creatures, when suddenly Tsukasa noticed Sypher and Hikari standing in the distance. They were grinning devilishly at Tsukasa and the other Z fighters, as if they had been waiting for this moment.

Without warning, Sypher lifted his hand and fired a powerful energy wave at one of his own demon knights, Gargantu, who had been lying on the ground defeated. The attack was so powerful that it vaporized Gargantu into thin air.

Tsukasa was enraged by this show of cruelty and his eyes glinted with a fiery anger. "What kind of king are you to treat your own subjects like that?" he shouted.

Sypher simply chuckled. "You Saiyans are so naive," he said. "In the demon realm, only the strong survive. Weakness is not tolerated."

Hikari stepped forward, a wicked smile on her face. "And we've been watching you, Tsukasa," she said. "We've heard all about your strength and we're eager to see it for ourselves."

Tsukasa tensed, ready for a fight. "You'll regret underestimating me," he warned.

The other Z fighters stood by Tsukasa's side, ready to defend their friend. But the air around them was thick with tension, as everyone could sense the danger that lay ahead.

As Tsukasa dashed straight towards Sypher with a fierce determination, Sypher just grinned devilishly and casually extended his hand, unleashing an energy wave that sent Tsukasa crashing to the ground. Despite being in Super Saiyan 2 form, Tsukasa was no match for Sypher's incredible power.

The rest of the Z fighters immediately rushed towards Sypher, determined to avenge Tsukasa, but they were all quickly knocked out as well. Vegeta tried to land a punch, but Sypher easily sidestepped and delivered a devastating kick to his gut. Goku attempted a Kamehameha, but Sypher merely flicked it away with a flick of his wrist. Even Beerus and Whis were shocked by Sypher's overwhelming strength.

Sypher just stood there, smirking at the fallen Z fighters, before turning his attention to Hikari. "Let's go, my queen," he said, holding out his hand. "We have more important matters to attend to."

Hikari nodded and took Sypher's hand, and the two of them disappeared in a flash of dark energy, leaving the Z fighters lying on the ground, battered and defeated.

As Tsukasa slowly regained consciousness, he looked around at his fallen friends and felt a seething rage building inside of him. "I won't let them get away with this," he vowed to himself, clenching his fists. "I'll train harder than ever before and become stronger than any demon!"

Goku slowly opened his eyes, groaning as he sat up. He rubbed his head, feeling a dull ache that signaled a concussion. Looking around, he saw the other Z Fighters scattered around him, slowly getting up as well. They had all been defeated by Sypher and Hikari, and Goku couldn't believe how easily they had been taken down.

"Man, that was brutal," Goku said, standing up and stretching. "I can't believe we got our butts handed to us like that."

Tsukasa and Erasa were helping each other up, their faces grim. They had both been particularly affected by the defeat, as they had both lost control and let their emotions get the best of them during the battle.

"I can't believe how strong they are," Erasa muttered, shaking her head. "We didn't even stand a chance against them."

Tsukasa nodded, clenching his fists in frustration. "I should have been stronger," he growled. "I let my emotions get the best of me, and I paid for it."

"But we'll get stronger," Goku said firmly, placing a hand on Tsukasa's shoulder. "We'll train harder and come back stronger than ever before. We won't let them defeat us again."

The other Z Fighters nodded in agreement, determination in their eyes. They knew they had a long road ahead of them, but they were ready for the challenge.

"We can do this," Gohan said, smiling bravely. "We'll get stronger and we'll win next time."

Tsukasa took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. He knew that he had a lot to learn, but he was ready to put in the work.

"You're right," he said, looking up at the sky. "We can do this. We'll get stronger, and we'll show them what we're made of."

The Elite Force of Sypher, the Demon Saiyan King, was summoned to face the Z Fighters. The members of the Elite Force were dark and imposing, with cold gazes that made the Z Fighters tense up. Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu got into position, preparing to strike at any moment.

Suddenly, one of the Elite Force charged at them, sending a blast of dark energy straight at the Z Fighters. Yamcha quickly leaped into action, throwing his Wolf Fang Fist at the Elite Force's blast. The two attacks collided, creating a massive explosion that engulfed the battlefield.

As the smoke cleared, it became clear that Yamcha had managed to vaporize the first member of the Elite Force. The remaining members began to attack in unison, overwhelming the Z Fighters with their strength and ferocity. Vegeta, Gohan, and Goku held their ground, exchanging blows with the Elite Force.

Krillin and Piccolo joined forces, using their combined strength to defeat the fourth member. Tsukasa, Android 18, Goten, Trunks, Videl, and Buu fought back fiercely against the other members of the Elite Force. Erasa watched from the sidelines, cheering on Tsukasa and his friends.

Despite the Elite Force's power, the Z Fighters began to gain the upper hand. Tsukasa warned them of an ambush, and Android 17 quickly took down the remaining member with ease. The Z Fighters emerged victorious, but not without a fierce struggle.

"Wow, that was intense," remarked Krillin, catching his breath.

"Yeah, these guys are tough," added Gohan.

"But we won't give up," declared Tsukasa, his eyes glowing with determination. "We have to be prepared for anything Sypher and his army throws at us."

Erasa nodded in agreement, her heart pounding with adrenaline. "We'll be ready for them, no matter what," she said.

The Z Fighters stood tall, their spirits unbroken. They knew that the battle against Sypher and his army was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever came their way.

The last remaining Elite Force member shot a death beam at Tsukasa, aiming to kill him on the spot. Everyone looked on in horror as the beam hit Tsukasa straight in the chest, causing him to scream in pain and fall to the ground. Blood gushed out of the wound as he lay motionless on the ground.

Gohan, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't take it anymore. He flew into a rage and charged towards the Elite Force member, his eyes blazing with fury. "How dare you!" he yelled, as he landed a powerful punch to the Elite Force member's face, sending him flying backwards.

Vegeta, Goku, and the others quickly joined in, launching their own attacks at the Elite Force member. With a series of powerful blasts and punches, they managed to defeat him once and for all.

Tsukasa lay on the ground, unconscious and bleeding. Erasa rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face. "Tsukasa!" she cried, as she held him in her arms. "Please, wake up!"

The rest of the Z fighters looked on in concern, their own injuries momentarily forgotten. Goku quickly retrieved a Senzu bean from his pocket and handed it to Erasa. She placed it in Tsukasa's mouth, hoping it would heal him.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, Tsukasa's body began to glow with a golden light as the Senzu bean worked its magic. His wound closed up, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking around in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Erasa asked, tears still streaming down her face.

Tsukasa nodded weakly. "I'll be okay," he said, struggling to sit up. "Thanks to all of you."

The Z fighters breathed a collective sigh of relief as they realized that their friend was going to be all right. However, the memory of the bloody scene would stay with them for a long time.

Beerus called Tsukasa and the other Saiyans to the rooftop of Capsule Corp, where he began to explain the legend of the Super Saiyan God. "Long ago," he said, "the Saiyans on planet Vegeta were a noble and pure-hearted race. They had the ability to transform into Great Apes, and their power grew with the light of a full moon. But one day, they grew greedy and destroyed their own planet. The gods saw this and punished the Saiyans by taking away their ability to transform into Great Apes and limiting their power."

Tsukasa and the other Saiyans listened intently, fascinated by the story. Beerus continued, "But the legend says that if six Saiyans, all with pure hearts, come together and channel their energy, they can create a Super Saiyan God. This transformation is said to be even more powerful than a Super Saiyan."

Tsukasa and the others were excited by the prospect of unlocking this power, but they weren't sure how to achieve it. Beerus explained that they needed a ritual, which involved six pure-hearted Saiyans holding hands and channeling their energy into one of them. "But be warned," he said, "the transformation only lasts for a limited time. You must use it wisely."

Tsukasa and the other Saiyans nodded, determined to achieve the Super Saiyan God form. Beerus agreed to help them with the ritual, and they all joined hands on the rooftop, ready to tap into the power of the legendary transformation.

As Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Tsukasa stood together, they focused their energy and felt a surge of power unlike anything they had ever experienced before. They felt their bodies beginning to change, their hair turning a bright shade of red, and a fiery aura enveloping them.

Goku was the first to speak, marveling at the new power coursing through his body. "This is incredible, guys! I feel like I could take on anyone!"

Gohan nodded in agreement, feeling a newfound sense of strength and determination. "I've never felt anything like this before. It's like all of our power is multiplied by ten!"

Vegeta, ever the proud warrior, smirked as he looked at his new form. "This power... it's beyond anything I've ever imagined. I can't wait to test it out."

Tsukasa was in awe of his new form. He felt a deep sense of power and purpose, like he was meant to reach this level. "This is amazing... I never thought I could reach this level of strength. I won't let it go to waste."

The four Saiyans looked at each other, grinning with excitement as they prepared to take on their next challenge with their newfound power.

Sypher and Hikari appeared in front of the Z Fighters, with Sypher grinning devilishly at them. "You're all still alive, I see," he said. "That's disappointing. I was hoping to have a little more fun."

Tsukasa stepped forward, his aura flaring around him. "You're not going to hurt anyone else," he declared.

Sypher just laughed. "You think you can stop me? You're nothing compared to me."

Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta stepped forward, their auras matching Tsukasa's. "We'll see about that," Goku said.

Goten and Trunks flew up beside their fathers, their hair standing on end. "We can do this too, Dad!" Goten shouted.

The other Z Fighters, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Piccolo, stood back to back, ready to take on Sypher's elite force.

Sypher's hair turned pure white, and his eyes glowed red. "You think you can defeat me?" he sneered. "I am the King of the Demon Realm!"

The Z Fighters charged forward, their auras flaring around them. Goten and Trunks transformed into Super Saiyan 2 for the first time, their hair crackling with energy. Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Piccolo tried a team technique for the first time, launching a coordinated attack on Sypher's elite force.

The battle was intense, with each of the Z Fighters having a moment to shine. Yamcha and Tien managed to take out one of Sypher's elite force with a coordinated attack, while Vegeta and Gohan worked together to defeat another. Krillin and Piccolo worked together to take out the fourth member.

Tsukasa, Android 18, Goten, Trunks, Goku, Videl, Buu, and Erasa fought the remaining members of Sypher's elite force, each of them demonstrating their incredible power.

Finally, Sypher transformed into his true form, a massive demon with pure white hair and glowing red eyes. The Z Fighters charged forward, their auras flaring around them.

The battle was fierce, with Sypher demonstrating incredible power. But the Z Fighters were not to be defeated, and they fought with all their might.

Finally, Gohan snapped, his aura flaring around him. "You're not going to hurt anyone else!" he roared.

He charged forward, his power increasing with each step. Finally, he launched a massive energy blast at Sypher, who was caught off guard.

The blast hit Sypher head-on, vaporizing him in an instant. Hikari watched in horror as her husband was destroyed, her eyes filling with tears.

The Z Fighters gathered around Gohan, congratulating him on his victory. Goten and Trunks were amazed by their new transformation, while the other Z Fighters marveled at their teamwork.

It was a hard-fought battle, but the Z Fighters emerged victorious. They stood together, their auras flaring around them, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the dust settles, everyone except Tsukasa and Gohan lie on the ground, knocked out by Sypher's power. The demon saiyan hybrid stands tall with his wife Hikari beside him, both grinning with satisfaction.

Tsukasa grits his teeth and charges towards Sypher, yelling at the top of his lungs. "You monster! How dare you hurt my friends and family!"

Sypher smirks and dodges Tsukasa's attacks effortlessly. "You Saiyans are so predictable. Always fighting with your emotions rather than your brains," he taunts.

Tsukasa growls in frustration and tries to hit Sypher with a punch, but he is quickly countered and sent flying backwards.

Hikari steps forward, her eyes fixated on Tsukasa. "You may be strong, Saiyan, but you are no match for my husband," she says calmly.

Tsukasa jumps back up, his eyes blazing with determination. "I won't let you hurt my loved ones any longer! I'll stop you both, no matter what it takes!"

Sypher and Hikari share a look and nod, and suddenly a gray smoke surrounds them. Tsukasa braces himself, but when the smoke clears, he finds himself alone with Gohan, who is still unconscious.

Tsukasa takes a deep breath and looks around at his fallen comrades. "I won't let this happen again. I'll train harder and become even stronger to protect them all," he vows.

Sypher stood in front of Tsukasa and the remaining Z-Fighters, smirking arrogantly. "You're all still standing? How persistent," he taunted.

Tsukasa gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, ready to charge at Sypher. "You won't get away with hurting my friends and family! It's time to put an end to this!"

With a fierce battle cry, Tsukasa transformed into his Super Saiyan God form and charged forward. The other Z-Fighters, including Goku, Vegeta, and Goten and Trunks in their Super Saiyan 2 forms, followed suit.

As they got closer, Tsukasa unleashed a powerful Kamehameha wave, while Goku and Vegeta combined their attacks into a massive Final Flash. Goten and Trunks fired their own combined energy attack, and the other Z-Fighters added their own unique attacks to the mix.

Sypher was caught off guard by the overwhelming force of their combined attacks, and was unable to dodge. The attacks hit him head-on, causing a massive explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Tsukasa and the other Z-Fighters were left standing, breathing heavily from the intense battle. They looked around, searching for any signs of Sypher.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the smoke. It was Sypher, with his clothes tattered and his hair disheveled, but still standing. "You're... still... not... good enough..." he managed to say before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

Tsukasa and the other Z-Fighters exchanged looks of relief and triumph, proud of their hard-earned victory against the formidable demon king.

The dust settled as the Z Fighters stood panting and wounded, having given their all in the intense battle against Sypher and Hikari. Suddenly, the two demons began to merge together, their bodies glowing with a dark energy as they charged towards the exhausted warriors.

Tsukasa gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, ready to fight until the end. "This ends now! We won't let you harm anyone else!" he yelled, leading the charge towards the demonic duo.

Vegeta smirked and flexed his muscles, "You heard the man. Let's finish this once and for all!" he declared.

Goku and Gohan powered up, their bodies crackling with the energy of the Super Saiyan God transformation. Goten and Trunks, now in their Super Saiyan 2 form, followed suit, a fierce determination burning in their eyes.

Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Piccolo stood back, readying a team attack. "Let's do this, guys!" Krillin shouted, as they launched their coordinated assault.

The Z Fighters unleashed a barrage of attacks, their combined powers creating a spectacular display of lights and explosions. But Sypher and Hikari seemed unfazed, their combined strength allowing them to withstand the onslaught.

Suddenly, Beerus and Whis appeared on the battlefield, their presence commanding the attention of everyone present. "That's enough," Beerus said firmly, his eyes glinting with annoyance.

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and unleashed a devastating Hakai energy blast, obliterating the merged form of Sypher and Hikari in an instant. The Z Fighters watched in awe as the two demons were reduced to nothing more than a pile of ash.

Beerus turned to the Z Fighters, his expression serious but not hostile. "You've proven yourselves worthy opponents. I will consider you allies for now," he said before turning to leave with Whis.

Tsukasa and the other Z Fighters watched them go, their bodies still buzzing with the intensity of the battle. "We did it," Tsukasa said, a smile spreading across his face. "But we can't let our guard down. Who knows what other threats may come our way."

The scene opens with a beautiful sunny day. Goku, Vegeta, Tsukasa, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Android 18, Yamcha, Tien, Beerus, and Whis all gathered at Capsule Corporation. They were there to celebrate Bulma's birthday party, and the place was decorated with colorful balloons and streamers.

Bulma, wearing a pink dress, welcomed everyone with a smile. She was excited to see all of her friends and family gathered to celebrate her special day.

As everyone settled in, they started to mingle and chat with each other. Goku and Vegeta were eating bowls of food while Tsukasa and Gohan were discussing their training. Goten and Trunks were running around playing, while Krillin and Android 18 were having a romantic moment.

Yamcha and Tien were enjoying the food as well, while Piccolo was watching over everyone, making sure that everything was in order. Beerus and Whis were also present, enjoying the food and the company.

After a while, Bulma brought out the cake, and everyone gathered around to sing "Happy Birthday" to her. Bulma closed her eyes and made a wish before blowing out the candles.

As the party continued, everyone had a great time. They talked, laughed, and enjoyed the company of each other. The z fighters and Beerus even had a friendly sparring match, with Goku and Vegeta taking on Beerus, and Tsukasa and Gohan teaming up against Whis.

The party went on until the late hours of the night, and everyone left with a smile on their faces, looking forward to the next time they would all gather together again.