
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Resurrection of Frieza Arc

Tsukasa and Erasa, along with their two children, Freya and Katsuo, arrived at Capsule Corporation to meet with Gohan and Videl. They were there to see Gohan and Videl's daughter, Pan, who was just a few months old.

As they entered the room, Gohan and Videl greeted them warmly. "Hey Tsukasa, Erasa, good to see you guys!" Gohan said with a smile.

"Likewise, Gohan. And congratulations on the new addition to your family," Tsukasa replied, nodding towards Pan who was sleeping peacefully in Videl's arms.

Erasa approached Videl and took a closer look at the baby. "Oh my, she's so cute!" she exclaimed.

Videl smiled. "Thanks, Erasa. We're really happy to have her."

Freya and Katsuo looked on curiously, their eyes fixed on the baby. "Can we hold her, Mom?" Freya asked.

Erasa looked at Gohan and Videl for approval, and they nodded. "Sure, but be careful," Videl warned as she handed Pan over to Freya.

Katsuo was too shy to hold the baby, but he watched as Freya cradled Pan in her arms, looking down at her with a sense of wonder.

Tsukasa looked on with pride at his children, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for the strong bonds that he and Erasa had built with their friends over the years.

As they spent time together, catching up and talking about their lives, Tsukasa and Erasa couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over them. This was what life was all about - the moments they shared with the people they loved.

The sun shone brightly as Tsukasa, Erasa, and their two children, Katsuo and Freya, made their way to Gohan and Videl's house to see their daughter, Pan. Katsuo eagerly ran ahead to play with Goten and Trunks, while Freya shied away, watching her brother from a distance.

As they approached the house, Erasa noticed Chi-chi practicing martial arts with her younger daughter. "Excuse me, Chi-chi," Erasa called out. "Would it be possible for you to train my daughter, Freya?"

Chi-chi looked over and smiled. "Of course, I'd be happy to help. It's never too early to start training," she said as she gestured for Freya to come over.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa and Goku were sparring with Piccolo nearby. The three warriors were evenly matched, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Erasa sat on a nearby bench, watching as the men exchanged blows.

After a while, Tsukasa called a break in the action. "Let's take a breather and grab some lunch," he said. "I'm starving."

As they made their way inside, Erasa chuckled to herself. "Boys will be boys," she said. "Always thinking about food."

As they sat down to eat, they discussed their plans for the future. Tsukasa and Goku talked about training together more often, while Erasa and Chi-chi discussed different techniques that Freya could learn.

The afternoon flew by as they enjoyed each other's company. Before they knew it, the sun began to set, and it was time for Tsukasa and his family to head back home. As they said their goodbyes, they all agreed to meet up again soon for another training session and a fun day of hanging out.

The camera pans to a dark, ominous space where a group of Frieza's men are gathered around a mysterious orb. Suddenly, the orb glows and Frieza's laughter fills the air as he is brought back to life.

As Frieza stands up from his pod, he looks around at his loyal soldiers who bow before him. One of them, a tall, muscular soldier with a scar over his eye, steps forward and bows before Frieza.

"My lord, it is good to see you again," he says, his voice filled with reverence.

Frieza smirks. "Ah, it feels good to be back. But tell me, what has happened in my absence? What news do you bring?"

The soldier straightens up and clears his throat. "Well, my lord, it appears that those pesky Saiyans have achieved a new level of power. They call it the Super Saiyan God form. They are becoming a nuisance and threatening our plans for domination."

Frieza's eyes narrow as he listens to the soldier's report. "I see. This is unacceptable. I have a deep hatred for those Saiyans, and it seems they have only grown stronger in my absence. But no matter. I will not let them interfere with my plans."

The soldier nods, relieved that Frieza shares his hatred towards the Saiyans. "We are with you, my lord. We will do whatever it takes to achieve our goals."

Frieza smirks again, feeling confident in his plan. "Excellent. Let us make preparations to show those Saiyans the true power of the Frieza Force. It's time to show them who truly rules the universe."

As the skies of Earth turned dark, the Z fighters sensed an ominous presence. Suddenly, a large spaceship descended from the sky and landed near Capsule Corp. Out of the spaceship came Frieza's army, led by a group of powerful soldiers.

Jaco, who had been patrolling the area, immediately contacted the Z fighters and informed them of the incoming threat. Tsukasa, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Androids 17 and 18, Goten, Trunks, and Krillin rushed to the scene to confront the invading army.

As they arrived, they saw Frieza's soldiers standing tall and ready to fight. Tsukasa stepped forward and addressed the group.

"What do you want?" Tsukasa asked, his eyes fixed on the leader of the group.

"We have come to retrieve our master, Frieza," the leader replied, his voice cold and emotionless.

"Your master is dead," Goku interjected. "You should leave before things get ugly."

The soldiers didn't take kindly to Goku's words and prepared to attack. The Z fighters braced themselves for battle, ready to defend their home and loved ones.

The tension in the air was palpable as the two groups faced off, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

The Frieza army had made their way to Earth, and the Z-fighters were ready to face them. Tsukasa, Goku, and Vegeta stood tall, ready to take on the army with their new power, Super Saiyan Blue. Gohan, on the other hand, decided to use his Potential Unleashed form, which allowed him to tap into his full potential.

Goten and Trunks, eager to show off their new Super Saiyan 2 forms, were itching for a fight. Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Buu, and the androids all stood behind them, ready to lend a hand in any way they could.

As the Frieza army landed, the Z-fighters prepared to fight. Tsukasa, Goku, and Vegeta powered up, and their aura surrounded them, creating a powerful blue glow. Gohan's power, too, was evident as he radiated with energy.

The Frieza soldiers were taken aback by the sheer power of the Z-fighters, and they hesitated for a moment. But then, they charged forward, and the battle began.

Goten and Trunks jumped into action, quickly taking out a group of soldiers with their new Super Saiyan 2 powers. Krillin and Tien worked together, firing off powerful energy blasts, while Yamcha used his speed to take out soldiers one by one.

Piccolo and Buu used their unique abilities to their advantage, overwhelming the enemy with their respective techniques. The androids proved to be a formidable force as well, with their limitless energy and strength.

But it was Tsukasa, Goku, and Vegeta who were truly the MVPs of the battle. With their Super Saiyan Blue transformations, they were able to take on groups of soldiers at once, overpowering them with their immense strength and speed.

The battle raged on, with both sides giving it their all. But in the end, it was the Z-fighters who emerged victorious, standing tall amidst the defeated Frieza army.

Tsukasa let out a breath of relief, his aura fading as he powered down from his Super Saiyan Blue form. Goku and Vegeta followed suit, their auras also disappearing. Gohan's Potential Unleashed form faded away as well, and the rest of the Z-fighters caught their breath.

"Looks like we won," Tsukasa said with a grin.

But little did they know, this was only the beginning of the fight to come.

As Frieza arrived and fired a sudden ki blast at Gohan, Tsukasa quickly noticed and charged towards Frieza, intent on protecting his friend. Tsukasa transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue form, his power surging as he closed the distance between himself and Frieza.

Frieza's grin widened as he saw Tsukasa coming at him. "Ah, a weak little monkey is trying to stop me," he taunted, preparing to counterattack.

Tsukasa ignored Frieza's words and attacked him head-on with a barrage of punches and kicks, but Frieza managed to deflect or dodge every single one of them with ease. As Tsukasa landed a hard punch on Frieza's jaw, the tyrant laughed.

"You Saiyans never learn, do you? Your attacks are useless against me!" Frieza boasted, before delivering a powerful punch to Tsukasa's stomach, sending him flying backwards.

Tsukasa gritted his teeth, determined not to let Frieza get the best of him. He charged once more, unleashing a flurry of ki blasts at the alien emperor. But Frieza merely deflected them with a flick of his wrist and retaliated with a blast of his own, which Tsukasa barely managed to dodge.

As the two combatants clashed, the other Z-Fighters continued to fight against Frieza's minions, with Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and the rest of the team fighting with all their might to protect the Earth from Frieza's wrath.

Tsukasa groaned and tried to sit up, but the pain in his body was too much to bear. He had to fight back against Frieza's minions, but he was too weak to even stand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping to regain some strength, when suddenly he heard Frieza's voice.

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally awake," Frieza said, his voice dripping with contempt. "I must say, I'm impressed. You managed to land a hit on me. Not many can say that and live to tell the tale."

Tsukasa opened his eyes and glared at Frieza. "You underestimate the power of the Saiyan race," he said through gritted teeth.

Frieza chuckled. "Oh, I know all about the Saiyans. That's why I've come to Earth. I want to see if they're as strong as they say they are."

Tsukasa struggled to his feet, ready to take on Frieza again, but then Frieza raised his hand and two of his elite members appeared.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, little monkey," Frieza said, his eyes gleaming with malice. "I have a little surprise for you. Meet my elite soldiers. They'll take care of you while I deal with the rest of your friends."

Tsukasa glared at the two soldiers, knowing that he was outnumbered and outmatched. He gritted his teeth and prepared to fight, but then he heard a commotion behind him. He turned to see Goku, Vegeta, and the other Z Fighters arguing amongst themselves.

"I'll fight him first!" Goku yelled.

"No, I will!" Vegeta retorted.

"I'll do it!" Krillin said, stepping forward.

"Hey, what about me?" Tien asked.

The arguing continued until Jaco interrupted. "Excuse me, but don't you guys have some kind of system for deciding who fights first?"

The Z Fighters paused and looked at each other, then nodded in agreement. They decided to do rock paper scissors, with the winner taking on Frieza first.

Tsukasa watched as the Z Fighters argued amongst themselves, feeling a sense of despair wash over him. Frieza was too strong, and he knew it. But he refused to give up. He would fight to the bitter end, even if it meant sacrificing himself for his friends.

As the Z Fighters continued to argue, Frieza chuckled to himself. He knew that they were desperate, that they had no chance against him. But he enjoyed playing with his prey, drawing out their fear and despair before delivering the final blow.

"Come on, who's it gonna be?" Frieza taunted. "I don't have all day, you know."

Tsukasa glared at Frieza, his muscles tense and ready for action. He may have been injured and outnumbered, but he refused to back down. He would fight until his last breath, no matter the cost.

Tsukasa flew up into the air, watching as the first of Frieza's elite soldiers fell under the might of his Tri-Beam attack. He landed on the ground, wiping the sweat from his brow as he watched the other soldier step forward.

"You little monkey," the soldier growled, "You'll pay for what you did to my comrade."

Tsukasa just shrugged. "It's not my fault he was weak. You should have trained harder." He smirked, "But I suppose it doesn't matter. You'll be joining him soon enough."

The soldier growled again and raised his power level. Tsukasa just watched with a calm demeanor, his eyes narrowing as the soldier's aura began to surge. He knew what was coming next.

Meanwhile, the other Z-Fighters were finishing up their game of rock-paper-scissors to determine who would fight Frieza first. Goku emerged victorious and stepped forward, his eyes locked on Frieza.

"Frieza," Goku said calmly, "It's been a while. You're still as ruthless as ever."

Frieza sneered. "You should have stayed dead, Goku. You're just a thorn in my side."

Goku smirked, "And you're just a cockroach that needs to be squashed."

The two began to power up, their auras surging around them. The other Z-Fighters stepped back, knowing that this battle would be one for the ages.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa was busy dodging the elite soldier's attacks. He had been playing with the soldier, letting him think that he had the upper hand. But now, it was time to show him the true extent of his power.

Tsukasa charged up his energy, and a bright light surrounded him. When the light dissipated, he was standing there in his new form, a perfect copy of the soldier's transformation.

The soldier's eyes widened in shock. "How...how is this possible?"

Tsukasa just smirked. "I'm a Saiyan. But Unlike the others, I have the ability to copy other's Abilities."

He charged at the soldier, their fists meeting in a burst of energy. The two traded blows back and forth, neither gaining the upper hand.

Back with Goku, the battle was just as intense. Frieza was giving him a run for his money, and Goku knew that he couldn't hold back. He charged up his energy and prepared to unleash his full power.

The two clashed in a massive explosion, their energy surging around them. The other Z-Fighters watched in awe as the battle raged on.

Tsukasa, meanwhile, was still battling the elite soldier. He had managed to gain the upper hand, and was now pummeling the soldier with a barrage of attacks.

"You're nothing compared to a true Saiyan warrior," Tsukasa said, his voice cold and merciless.

The soldier gritted his teeth, summoning all of his remaining energy to transform once more. Tsukasa just smirked, charging up his energy once more.

The two clashed one final time, their energy surging around them. In the end, it was Tsukasa who emerged victorious, standing over the fallen soldier.

He turned his attention back to Frieza, ready to lend his strength to the battle.

Tsukasa caught the Senzu bean that Vegeta had tossed towards him and quickly devoured it. He could feel his strength returning to him, and he knew he had to rejoin the fight as soon as possible.

Goku was still trading blows with Frieza, but Tsukasa could see that he was getting tired. Tsukasa flew towards them, and as he got closer, he began to power up. A golden aura surrounded him as he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"Sorry for the delay, guys," Tsukasa said as he landed beside Goku. "I'm back in action now."

Goku grinned at Tsukasa. "Great timing, buddy. We could use some extra help."

Frieza's remaining elite member had transformed into a powerful beast, and he was unleashing devastating attacks on the other Z Fighters. Tsukasa knew that he had to take him down quickly, or things would only get worse.

Tsukasa flew towards the beast, his aura blazing brightly. He slammed into the creature with all his might, causing it to stumble backward. The beast roared in anger and charged towards Tsukasa, but Tsukasa was ready. He dodged its attacks with ease and countered with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Meanwhile, Vegeta and the others had finished their game of rock-paper-scissors, and Vegeta had won. He powered up and charged towards Frieza, his aura glowing brightly.

"Time to pay for what you've done, Frieza!" Vegeta shouted as he slammed into the tyrant with all his might.

The fight had reached its climax, and the fate of the universe hung in the balance. The Z Fighters knew that they had to give it their all if they were to defeat Frieza and save the day.

As Frieza's rage boiled over, the sky began to darken, and the ground began to shake. Tsukasa, Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z-Fighters could feel the immense power emanating from Frieza as he started to transform. The air crackled with energy, and the wind howled as Frieza's aura expanded outward.

Suddenly, a blinding light shone forth from Frieza's body, and he began to rise into the air. His muscles bulged and swelled, and his golden form radiated an otherworldly energy that made Tsukasa shiver.

"Amazing," Tsukasa thought to himself. "I've never seen anything like it."

Goku, Vegeta, and the others watched in awe as Frieza's transformation continued. The power he possessed was unlike anything they had ever encountered before. They knew that this battle would be the toughest one they had ever faced.

As Frieza's transformation came to an end, he let out a maniacal laugh that echoed across the battlefield. His power was immense, and he was ready to take on anyone who dared stand in his way.

"Get ready, Z-Fighters," Frieza said. "You're in for a treat."

The Z fighters charged at Frieza, but their attacks were useless against the tyrant. Krillin threw a destructo disc, but it was easily deflected by Frieza's finger. Tien launched a volley of ki blasts, but they were all swatted away by Frieza's tail. Yamcha tried to sneak attack Frieza from behind, but Frieza sensed his presence and grabbed him by the neck, crushing it and tossing him aside like a rag doll.

Piccolo tried to use his regeneration ability to heal his comrades, but Frieza simply blew a hole through his chest. Goten and Trunks fused into Gotenks and unleashed their full power, but Frieza swatted them away like flies.

Androids 17 and 18 worked together to unleash a barrage of energy attacks, but Frieza simply absorbed them and laughed maniacally. Buu tried to engulf Frieza with his body, but Frieza used his golden form to blast him apart.

Videl and Erasa tried to use their martial arts skills to take down Frieza, but they were easily tossed aside. Jaco used his ray gun, but Frieza simply caught the blasts and sent them back at him.

Tsukasa, Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta then decided to take on Frieza together in a four-on-one battle. Tsukasa and Gohan worked together to keep Frieza distracted while Goku and Vegeta charged up their strongest attacks.

Frieza was able to hold his own against the four warriors, even in his golden form. He blocked their attacks with ease and countered with his own. Tsukasa and Gohan were quickly taken down, leaving Goku and Vegeta to face Frieza alone.

Frieza laughed as he dodged Goku and Vegeta's attacks. "Is this the best you Saiyans can do?" he taunted. "You're no match for my power."

The four warriors struggled against Frieza, but he was too strong for them. Frieza grinned as he prepared to deliver the final blow. "It's over for you," he sneered.

Suddenly, a blinding light erupted from the battlefield, causing Frieza to shield his eyes. When the light dissipated, the warriors had disappeared, leaving Frieza alone and defeated.

Frieza looked around in confusion. "What just happened?" he muttered to himself. "Where did they go?"

Little did Frieza know, the warriors had used their combined power to create a warp portal, transporting themselves to a distant planet where they could regroup and come up with a new plan to take down Frieza once and for all.

As the Z fighters struggled against Frieza's overwhelming power, Tsukasa and Gohan looked at each other with a nod. They knew what they had to do. The two Saiyans walked towards each other and stood back to back.

"Fusion, ha!" they shouted in unison, as a bright light enveloped them. When the light faded, a new warrior stood in their place. It was Gojasa, the fusion of Tsukasa and Gohan.

"Wow, they really did it," exclaimed Bulma, who was watching the fight from a distance.

At the same time, Goku and Vegeta had also fused using the Potara earrings. They became Vegito, their combined power now evenly matched with Golden Frieza.

"Ha! This is more like it. I was starting to get bored," said Frieza with a twisted smile.

Vegito and Gojasa charged at Frieza with full force, unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks. Frieza was forced to defend himself, his golden aura shimmering with power.

The four warriors clashed in a flurry of blows, causing shockwaves that shook the entire planet. The sky turned dark, and lightning crackled in the distance.

As the battle raged on, Frieza began to gain the upper hand. His attacks became more vicious, and he started to wear down Vegito and Gojasa.

"Is this all you've got?" Frieza taunted. "I expected more from the legendary warriors of Earth."

Vegito and Gojasa gritted their teeth and poured more power into their attacks. They knew that if they didn't defeat Frieza soon, there would be no hope for the planet.

The two fusions charged up their final attacks. Vegito unleashed a massive energy blast, while Gojasa fired a Kamehameha. The attacks collided with Frieza's Golden Death Ball, creating a massive explosion that lit up the sky.

When the dust settled, Vegito and Gojasa landed back on the ground. They were panting heavily, their bodies battered and bruised. Frieza lay motionless on the ground, defeated.

The Z fighters cheered, relieved that the battle was over. Goku and Vegeta defused, while Tsukasa and Gohan unfused, returning to their normal forms.

"That was close," said Goku with a grin.

"Yeah, but we did it," replied Vegeta with a smirk.

Tsukasa looked over at the defeated Frieza, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I never wanted it to come to this," he muttered under his breath.

The Z fighters regrouped and began to assess the damage to the planet. It was a long road to recovery, but they knew that they would get through it together.

With everyone exhausted and beaten down, Frieza rose to his feet and charged up a massive energy blast. The Z-Fighters and their allies braced themselves for what seemed like their inevitable defeat. But suddenly, Tsukasa, who was barely standing, raised his hand and focused his energy into a powerful final shine attack.

Frieza sneered, "Do you really think that pitiful attack will stop me?"

Tsukasa replied with a small smile, "I don't need to stop you, just delay you long enough for this."

With that, Tsukasa unleashed his final shine attack, which soared towards Frieza with incredible speed. The rest of the fighters watched in awe as the attack collided with Frieza's energy blast, causing a massive explosion that lit up the sky.

When the dust finally settled, Frieza was nowhere to be seen. Tsukasa collapsed to the ground, completely drained of energy. Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, and the other fighters rushed to his side to check on him.

"Tsukasa! Are you okay?" Gohan asked, concern etched on his face.

Tsukasa managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

Vegeta walked up to him and patted him on the back. "Well done, boy. You really saved our hides with that one."

Goku grinned. "Yeah, you really gave Frieza a run for his money with that attack."

The rest of the fighters cheered and congratulated Tsukasa on his victory. The battle was over, and the Z-Fighters had emerged victorious once again.

As the fighters began to head back home, Tsukasa reflected on the battle. He had never felt so exhausted before, but he knew that he had done the right thing. Frieza was gone, and Earth was safe once again. He smiled to himself, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction that he had never felt before.