
Does He Love Me??

15 Chs

New Clothes

While Lulu and I were talking Master Yu came in. "Girls, you both need new clothes. I can't have my maids looking like some snail." "Umm thx, I guess." "Anyways, my bodyguard will take you there. Mathew?" "Yea sir." "Take these two to the mall. And make sure they find something good" "Yes sir." We were all walking out when Master Yu pulled me back while the other two walked out. "What are you doing?" "You are mine. I do what I want." "I'm not yours now if you'll excuse me." I ran out and caught up to Lulu and the bodyguard. We went on our way and we both found some nice dresses and clothes. When we got back, Master Yu was sitting down with another man. They seemed friendly and I didnt want to interrupt so I took Lulu and walked past but Master Yu called us. "Chen Lin and Lu Cheng come meet Wu Tang." "Yes Master. Hello Mr. Wu Tang." "Hello, Wu Tang, my name is Lu Cheng. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." "Well it's a pleasure to meet youra too Miss Cheng. And you, why didnt you greet your self this nicely." Me and my rude self has to say something of course. "Excuse me. Last time I checked I dont even know who you are so dont talk to me like you're all high and mighty." "Chen, is she serious?" "Yes she is." "Lady, I am high and mighty. And why are you so fiesty?" "I refuse to fight with your arrogant self so I will take my leave." "Chen Lin, wait up." "No, lulu, you can stay down here and keep Wu Tang company." I walked upstairs.

*Downstairs with the three* Lu Cheng said" Well this is quite awkward. I believe I will take my leave." "It is awkward indeed but dont leave yet. I would like to talk to you more," Wu Tang said. "I'm going to take a nap. Lu Cheng, make sure you're in bed early for school tomorrow. I dont want you to sleep on the tutor" "Yes Mister Chen."

Chen Yu came to my room to cheer me up but I didn't know so I said "What do you want?" He then pulls me into the bathroom. "What are you doing?" " I'm sick and tired of your attitude. You are My maid and you work for Me. Treat me with some respect." I feel guilty and look down. "I'm sorry. You're right, you're helping me, the least I could do is respect you. Please forgive me." I guess he felt bad for me and decided to walk out. I was relieved he didnt do anything to me but then he said "One of these days you will be mine" I answered "Im looking forward to that but I want to say thank you for getting me and Lulu new clothes" I smiled so brightly.