
Does He Love Me??

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15 Chs

New Roommate

I woke up the next day and thought that what happened was all a dream. I thought it was a normal day and decided to get ready for school. But as I got out of bed, I realized it wasnt a dream. I still had my uniform on from yesterday and decided to leave like this. I mean, it wouldnt make a difference anyways. I look bad in everything to everyone. I dont even understand, why someone that guy, I think his name was Chen Yu, well either way, why would he want a poor helpless girl like me? I walked downstairs about to leave but I was stopped by him. "Hey, trying to escape already? You work for me now." "I know but I have school" "Well you can be homeschooled. I will schedule a tutor for you" "No please, my best friend who doesnt have a place goes to that school. She gets bullied with me but she always protects me. I cant just stop school without telling her" "Well tell her, then stop school" "Really?" "Fine, go to school and get her. She can stay here with you in your room." "Are you serious? Thank you." "Yea, yea, now hurry before I change my mind." "I will not disappoint you Master Yu" I ran to school and pulled her into the bathroom. "Chen Lin what's the big deal? You know I would protect you." "That's not it Lulu (short for Lu Cheng)" "Well, what's the problem?" "Just come with me"

I ran with her all the way to my new house. "Chen Lin, you know this is Chen Yu's house right?" "Wow, am I the only person who has never heard of him? Anyways, this is your new home. Come one." She pulled me back. "Chen Lin, wait you're going to fast. What are you talking about?" I had to explain everything to her and after she gave me a big hug and said let's go. We walked in and saw Master Yu. "Master Yu, this is my best friend Lulu, I mean Lu Cheng." "Ok, she is cute. She will be my maid too." "So, when are we having school Master Yu?" Lulu then said " Chen Yu, may I call you Mr. Chen?" Call me what you want but dont call me Master Yu like this crazy girl." "Yes Mister Chen." "You will start school tomorrow but for now I'm hungry and my other maids make the same things. So you two can cook umm Lu and Lin lin." "Linlin, my name is not linlin. "And could you call me Cheng sir?" "Those names are too complicated so I'm calling you Lu and Linlin. Now go make me food" "Yes Master Yu." "Yes Mister Chen"

We both went go the kitchen and fed Master Yu something different than he usually eats. We fed him chicken alfredo and he seemed very pleased with it. So me and lulu went upstairs to talk about how happy we were. Because after all she was my new roommate.