
Does He Love Me??

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15 Chs

The Way He Looked At Me

When I said that, he looked at me and smiled. The smile made me blush so hard, I turned away. I said "I should get out of the bathroom and go to bed. It's getting kind of late." "Yea, you should. I'll go get Lu." So I went to bed waiting for Lulu while Master Yu got her.

*Downstairs with Master Yu* He walked downstairs and saw Wu Tang and Lu Cheng on the counter kissing. He immediately pulled her off and said "Lu Cheng, do you know who this guy is?" She shakes her head and said "Master Yu, it wasnt my fault. When he asked me to talk more and you left, he started kissing me all over and I told him to stop but he said If I didnt listen he would do the same to...." "Girl, what lies are you spurting out? You are the one who started kissing me." Wu Tang said. Lulu replied "Stop lying. You told me if I didnt listen you would do the same to Chen Lin without her permission. I wanted to protect her Mister Chen. So I did what I had to do." "Kid, go upstairs and go tell Chen Lin what you did. If you dont you'll be keeping a secret from her. I'll deal with Wu Tang," said Master Yu.

She went upstairs with tears in her eyes so I ran to her saying" What's wrong? Did Master Yu yell at you? I'll get hin." She said "No, it wasnt Master Yu, it was Wu Tang." "I knew that man had a screw loose. You dont even have to tell me what happened I could guess. I'm going to deal with him. Just go to sleep and if Master Yu asks where I am tell him that I went for a jog or something." "But Chen Lin, Mister Chen is already dealing with him for me." "Well, that isnt enough. I'm going to him myself and DONT try to stop me." "Ok, got it.

I walked downstairs full of anger. I saw Wu Tang walking out so I followed him into a corner. "Wu Tang." "Oh my my, if it isnt the rude girl who doesn't know how to greet people." "Look I'm not here for games." "I assume you're here for that girl." "I want you to apologize and I wont beat you in any way." "Silly girl, you think you could beat me?" A bunch of other guys had me cornered.

Five minutes later. "Yes, I do think I can best you." "Curse you, I will get you back one day." "And get beat up again. Sure I'm up for that." I walked back home leaving him injured very badly. I went to sleep and the next day Master Yu called us down for school. We both walked downstairs and he asked us" Hey, look what happened to Wu Tang. He's severely injured. Who would do this to him? The person must've been stupid." "I did it sir." When I said that he looked at me the same way before with a worried face on.