
Divine Souls

Friends Aki and Runar try to perform a binding spell with each other when things go wrong and they are sent into a new world. Given new names and a system they slowly grow and become more powerful. This is my first time writing something so please forgive me if its bad. If you enjoy please give power stones. Doing so will tell me you like it and I'll add more chapters daily. Cover is not mine. If it is yours please let me know and I will take it down

FoxyWitch · ファンタジー
62 Chs

First Day Of School

It has been a week since they got their uniforms and they just spent all of the time training, especially their magic. Their parents walked them to the school and promised to pick them up once school was over. The school entrance was full of kids all wearing the same uniform minus a few noble kids who thought they were too good for it. The uniform was a black pair of pants and shoes, a white shirt, a blue blazer and a blue tie. Both boys and girls wore the same things although the girls could wear a black full length skirt instead of pants. 

They were all funneled into an auditorium where they all sat. The lights shut off as the curtain on the stage opened up revealing an old man and a group of teachers on the stage illuminated by magic lights. The old man began speaking.

Hello everyone I am the head master of this school, you may call me Mr. Cipher. I am here to welcome you all to the magic academy and to explain a few rules. For starters you must wear your school uniform or you will not be allowed to attend your classes, we will forgive it today but starting tomorrow you will have to wear them he said looking right at all of the noble kids. Second there are no fights allowed between students unless you have a teachers permission and it takes place in one of the arenas. Third and this is most important. We have a no tolerance policy on bullying, if we see that someone is being bullied we will expel them from the school and make sure that they will never be allowed back. Your status means nothing here whether you are the kings son or the daughter of a farmer. In here you are all equal. Now I will leave you to your teachers. When your class is called please follow your teacher to your classroom.

Slowly the teachers one by one called their classes and left the auditorium. Most of the kids were in classes E through C. About 100 were in B, 50 in A and around 5 were in S.

Mihael and Aeden followed their teacher to their classroom. Their teacher looked like a young man in his 30s with short black hair and clear blue eyes. He was around 6ft tall and was very slender. Arriving in our classroom he told us all to sit as he stood at the front of the room at the podium and began speaking.

Hello everyone I am Mr. Genesis Jewel. You may call me Sir, Professor or Mr. Jewel. I will be your teacher for the entirety of your schooling here so I hope we get along. Today we will only have a short day so lets get through this quickly. Now can you please introduce yourselves?

Mihael stood up and introduced himself followed by Aeden. After him was a girl with blonde hair and gray eyes. She introduced herself as Lydia Smock. She seemed very chipper and happy. The next one was a boy with brown hair and red eyes. He introduced himself as Christian Rose. He seemed angry and fiery. Finally the last student was a black haired girl with yellow eyes she also had a pair of glasses on. She introduced herself as Morgana Dread. She seemed very shy and nervous.

Alright now that that is over with lets get on with our first lesson the teacher said. We are going to go over the origin of magic and the different stages.

He quickly reviewed the different stages of mana cores up to astral before saying that nobody has gotten past purple in the past 1,000 years. Then he started talking about where mana comes from. 

Mana comes from the souls of the living creatures of this world. When you absorb enough mana into your body your body begins producing mana that then leaks out of your body into the environment. But the world itself has a soul much stronger than all of ours and when it leaks out into the world it gathers in certain spots creating mana springs or mana stone mines. This continent is the place where a massive amount of mana gathers naturally which is why this school is here. Also the more high level people who live in an area the higher the ambient mana is in that area since their bodies release mana into their surroundings. It is said that when your body reaches the gold stage your body produces enough mana to be the soul of a world on its own but that is just a legend.

He went on for awhile longer and before he realized it the school day was over.

Before you all leave let me tell you that tomorrow we will be going over mana control and learning some basic spells. Alright everyone have a good day. 

After that he walked out of the room. Both Aeden and Mihael quickly walked out soon after and went to head out to find their parents. The other students in their class stayed around to talk but they both didn't know how to talk to people other than their parents well so they quickly left. Heading out of the school they found their parents and headed home while letting them know about their day. They were prepared for another day of school tomorrow.