
I'm with you

As usual, I picked her up after work and went on to our special place in the highway where we stop for a chat.

I started the conversation when she was looking at the cloud patterns and the sunset.

"Jenni, are you still upset?"

She nodded her head and started her apologies.

I stopped her before she could get into the topic.

"Jenni, I am sorry for making you feel like this but I just wanted to say, you can count on me for anything and I'll never let you down. I Love You and I am happy to be in your present and future life. Your past is no longer going to hurt you because I'm with you."

Jenni replied back with a hug saying, "I Love You so much!"

In the past, her search for love gave her so much suffering. All the scars in her hand and legs have always made me love her more. Every relationship made her life more painful. She did everything she could to protect those relationships but ended up being cheated or being abused. When I realised my love for her, she had given up already. Emotionally burnt and scarred.

And I am not someone who would give up. That's how I made the impossible, possible. Reaching her heart.

There was a time, I longed for her love. I told her that the universe will bring her to me one day and she'll realise the way I love her. And it didn't happen so easily. I have to work hard for it to happen. I was obsessed more than anything. I told the universe how much I need her with every vibe I made. It's not easy to get anything unless you use the law of attraction.

How do you make someone come to you?