
Cruel questions

In other words, I wanted to know the no.of times she slept with her ex-boyfriends one by one. Ugly, immoral, cruel and moreover being an asshole. But she said.

"3 times with the last guy, 2nd guy - zero and the first - 7 to 9. But none of these were close to what we have now. All those were not as deep as ours. Are you done knowing the numbers, Arun?"

Now the sick part is that I'm not done with my questions. My mind is not stopping. I asked her "Where did you have sex with the last guy and did he use condoms?"

I am a freaking maniac who asks anything that flashes in my mind now.

She felt really bad but she answered though. "Twice in his clinic and once in his car. He never used condoms but he would let it out when it's about time."

I said, "I understand but was it really comfortable to make out in the car?"

She , "yes it really was".

Somewhere in the back of my mind having never tried it kept wondering how it worked out. It took a while for me to digest all these.

Now that she told everything, I asked her to forgive me for asking such questions which I've never did before. She asked me to forgive her for being a wreck.

She did lie to me before about it before, saying that she had sex just once. It was to see how I react to it. Firstly, it was when we were starting our relationship. Secondly she didn't know back then that I can find immediately when someone is lying 90% of the time. That's my gift.

Now that she knew I can find it and she loves me more than anything, she said all that. After that she didn't speak much. She asked me just one question.

"Arun, do you feel painful to know the truth about my past?"

I said, "Yes but I am your friend too. I really want to understand whatever you could never share with anyone and wanted to be there in both good and bad without any judgement. I Love You, Jenni. I really do."

Jenni left home and didn't speak much the next couple of days. She thought that I would go far from her.