
Devil hero

oh damn, I guess I died And reincarnated in MHA Well, I guess I’m gonna become the number one hero and stop all for one kind of suck I don’t have an overpowered quirk but I’ll least I have two. of them and they’re extremely strong

7_night · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 9 the first time I’ve met you

*Ring ring!*

"It looks like the class ended. Everyone, you can leave now," the teacher announced.

"Finally, we can go home," Izuku said, gathering his stuff to leave.

"Hey, nerd! Where are crazy eyes and horns?" Bakugo suddenly asked.

When Izuku looked into Bakugo's eyes, he felt nothing. If it had been before, he would have been afraid, but now it was different.

"Junpei went to the people who take care of his suppressors for an upgrade, and Akari is probably sleeping. She trained halfway through the night," Izuku explained.

"Then call them and tell them I want a rematch," Bakugo demanded.

Izuku sighed. "Alright, but this will be the 34th challenge. Are you sure you want this?"

Was p

"You dare mock me?" Bakugo's hands started making explosions.

Although Bakugo's still scared him, Izuku Midoriya started walking home, thinking about his life so far. From meeting his friends to discovering he was Quirkless to training under Master Ichigo, he had learned a lot. Training under Ichigo, learning how to fight, and becoming one of his best students—right behind Junpei and Akari—had been transformative. They could even defeat seniors without using their Quirks.

Most importantly, Junpei's words had come true: Izuku had helped some girls from hooligans and, in that moment, felt like a hero—something he thought he would never experience. Izuku smiled at the memory as he headed home.

Meanwhile, at the Takahashi residence, Junpei was making sweets.

"Big brother, are the sweets done?" called his little sister, June, who was six years old.

"Alright, they're done now," Junpei replied, taking the sweets out of the oven and placing them on the table.

His sister, Fumiko, praised June. "You did a good job. We can always rely on you to force Junpei to make food for us."

Junpei sighed. Because of his past life spent watching too many cooking shows and his parents taking him, Izuku, Bakugo, and Akari to cooking lessons, it was easy for him to make delicious food for his family.

"Don't eat everything. I brought extra for Mom and Dad, but I think you made a little too much."

When I looked at the table, there was a mountain of sweets. I realized I had unconsciously made a portion for myself, but I wasn't in the mood for sweets. Maybe I should give it to Akari.

"Oh, sorry. I accidentally made some for me, but I don't want to eat them. I'll give it to Akari."

"Oh, I see. Is this on purpose so you can give her a gift? How sweet," Fumiko teased.

"How many times do I have to say this? There's nothing between us," I protested.

"Well, the red on your face says something else," she replied.

I grumbled but put all the food in the bag. As I was walking out of the house, I noticed myself in the mirror. I had reached 6'5 feet, and my hair now reached my neck, with my bangs covering my eyes lately. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail.

"Wow, you're also improving your looks for the meeting," Fumiko called from the kitchen.


"Hey, don't say that! June is here."

"Sorry," I muttered, quickly leaving the house.

He started walking towards Akari's house. Seeing her house, I began thinking about the first time I met Akari.

My parents had to go on a mission quickly and didn't have time to find me a babysitter, so the only option was to leave me with the neighbors, the Tatsume family. We weren't that close, but they were still friends. When I arrived, I didn't even know they had a daughter. I pretty much just watched TV the majority of the time until I noticed someone peeking at me. When I locked eyes with that someone, it was Akari. She freaked out and ran off.

When I asked her parents about it, I finally learned about Akari. Eventually, because I got sick of watching TV, I started to make friends with her. After all I am not planning on exclusively making friends with the main cast it wasn't a great idea, considering how long it might take to meet one of them.

After that, every time I tried to approach her, she avoided me. Then one day, she nervously approached me.

"Hey, y-y-you... d-d-do you wanna p-p-play with me?" Young Akari said, her face glowing red.

I was absolutely stunned by hearing that and didn't respond. She started crying from my silence and ran away. After I realized what had happened, I followed her and fixed the misunderstanding.

Remembering all of that, I started chuckling and smiling warmly.

Walking through the door, I saw Akari's mother.

"Hello, Mrs. Tatsuma."

"Oh, Junpei, is that you? What brings you here?"

"Well, I made a bunch of sweets for my family, and there are a lot of leftovers, so I thought I'd bring some to Akari."

"How sweet of you! You should go upstairs; Akari should have woken up by now."

"Thank you very much."

Walking upstairs towards her room, I started knocking.

"I'm coming," she called out.

The door opened, and the sight before me burned into my mind. Akari was wearing a cat onesie with the hood on. and The zipper is slightly down showing her large breasts

Akari was a bit dazed because she had just woken up, but as her eyes cleared, she saw Junpei with his mouth open and his face completely red. It took a few seconds, but she finally realized the reason for his expression. She screamed

downstairs, Akari's mother smirked knowingly.

After we both came down, Akari closed the door to change. While that was happening, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Akari is currently 15 like me, but she has developed a lot. She's around 6 feet tall and really beautiful. Not to mention the chest size. Stop thinking about this, I told myself, calming down.

The door opened, and Akari stepped out wearing casual clothes. "Come in," she said, still flustered from earlier.

"Thank you," I said, sitting on the computer chair.

"So, why did you suddenly come here?"

"I accidentally made some extra sweets, so I decided to bring them over."

"Really? Thank you," she said, sounding a bit disappointed. "Do you want to stay a little and play some games?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I don't mind."

We started playing some games in awkward silence.

"You know, we told Izuku that we were busy. If he discovers we were just goofing off, he might get upset," Akari commented.

I chuckled a bit. "Izuku? That would actually be a bit funny."

Our conversation slowly became more natural again.