
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · 映画
208 Chs

Wonder Woman

Authors Note-

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You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse


The next day, it rained heavily, and Ivan and the Red Devil came to the altar early and sat in a tent that was temporarily set up not far from the altar to shelter from the rain.

And Rasputin came earlier than Ivan, and was talking to his assistant and lover, the blond girl, and finally handed a black book to her.

Although Ivan knows that the black book must record the most important magic or secret techniques of Rasputin, Ivan has no plan to ​​snatch it. With Ivan's current understanding of magic, it is no weaker than Rasputin. Even the understanding of magic has surpassed the other party, if he wanted to create any secret magic, as long as he was willing to spend time, he would be able to create it.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Rasputin immediately took off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles, and strode towards the altar in the pouring rain.

Ivan looked at Rasputin's perfect body and was secretly amazed. He didn't expect Rasputin to have such a good figure, which was beyond the reach of ordinary wizards. It seems that he usually pays attention to physical exercise. With that muscle, his melee strength is probably not inferior to that of an elite soldier.

Rasputin stood on the altar, the Clockworker Nightingale Kroenen waved his hand, and two German soldiers carried a wooden box to the altar. Rasputin opened the box and took out a huge mechanical arm and put it on his hand. , There is also a steel rope connected to the mechanical arm, I don't know how long it is.

Ivan looked at the mechanical arm and secretly said in his heart: This mechanical arm is like an imitation key, which can open a passage in a small space. As for the real key, it should be the ominous arm of Hellboy. Now this imitation key can only release a young Hellboy, and when he grows up, he can use the real key to release the seven gods of Chaos, Ogdru Jahard.

Everything was ready, Rasputin nodded to Kroenen, Kroenen immediately sent an order, the staff started to start the machine, and the energy conversion instrument in front of the altar immediately started to operate, the machine turned faster and faster, and finally slowly above the instrument. open a space wormhole with a diameter of about one meter.

Under the induction of Ivan, the magic power contained in the countless bones in the ground was absorbed by the magic array on the altar and rushed to the energy conversion instrument.

At the moment when the space channel was formed, a strong suction force was suddenly generated, and the nearby things were continuously sucked in. The nearest Rasputin stood the brunt, and the skin on his body was like a water surface blown by the breeze. A circle of ripples appeared.

In this case, it is obviously not an easy task to resist the suction of the space channel, but Rasputin endured the pain in his body and did not take a step back. He shook the wire rope connected to the mechanical arm, and the other end of the wire rope was connected to the one. The lights were thrown out, sucked into the space passage, and the wire ropes were pulled in in circles. In just ten seconds, the wire ropes went in for hundreds of meters, and I didn't know if it was long enough.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by the space pass, Ivan secretly reached into his pocket and took out a thumb-sized bead. There seemed to be a faint blue light on the surface. Ivan flicked his fingers, The beads were sucked into the space channel along with the debris, and no one found it.

The bead was developed by Ivan. The bead is made of special metal. A little space energy crystal and Ivan's imprint are sealed in it. He has only one function and can be used as a space coordinate. In the future, when Ivan gets strong enough, he might be able to take a vacation in the dark space and make a deal with Ogdru Jahard.

As the suction increased, Rasputin's two eyes were actually sucked in by the space wormhole, but even so, Rasputin still refused to let go and held on to the mechanical arm tightly. At this time, the wire rope The length has reached more than 1,000 meters, and it is about to come to an end.

"Boom! Boom"

At this most critical moment, a series of explosions suddenly sounded. Because it was so sudden, it took a while for the German Nazi fighters to react. When they looked back, they realized that their enemy had come for them. From their appearance, it was clear that they were Confederate army.

"Enemy attack"

A shrill cry alarmed all the people in the base, and they took out their firearms to fight back. For a while, the guns roared, the smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and the base was in chaos.

As Ivan's bodyguard, the Red Devil's first reaction was to protect Ivan's safety and protect himself and Ivan in space. As long as he didn't remove the barrier, almost no one could hurt them.

Since there is no danger, Ivan is not in a hurry and is still in the mood to observe the situation on the battlefield. At this time, the Clockworker Nightingale Kroenen, Hitler's royal killer, was very powerful. When he saw the enemy coming, he would not retreat but advance. He took out a pistol from his waist.

However, the bullets in the pistol were quickly exhausted, and the soldiers of the Allied countries soon discovered the plight of Kroenen and killed him again, but Kroenen did not mean to be afraid at all. Of course, even if he did, he was wearing a gas mask and couldn't see it either, so he quickly took out a pair of strange knives, like juggling, his body continuously rotated to avoid the bullets that came over, but he couldn't dodge the bullets. No one can survive.

"Looking for death"

Just as Kroenen was showing off his mighty power, he suddenly heard a coquettish shout, and a figure came running from a distance, leaping more than ten meters, and slashing a sword in his hand to Kroenen.

In a sudden flash, a figure materialized in front of Kroenen. His instincts immediately sensed the impending danger, and he swiftly crossed his swords to counter the threat.

With a resounding "clang," Kroenen met the incoming sword with both his blades. However, the force behind the attack was so tremendous that Kroenen was sent hurtling through the air, crashing through a pillar before coming to a halt.

"Wonder Woman, Diana Prince" Kroenen, possessing an immortal body, suffered no lasting damage from the impact. He quickly rose to his feet, his voice hoarse as he addressed the woman who had sent him flying. The name of his opponent was discernible but somewhat muffled, requiring close attention to understand.

"It's you, disrupting our good deeds once again. This time, I shall ensure your demise."

Diana did not engage in idle conversation. She raised her sword, and Kroenen responded by wielding his knives. The two adversaries clashed in a brief but intense duel.

Throughout this encounter, Ivan closely monitored Kroenen's battle. It came as a surprise to hear Kroenen speak, as Ivan had never heard him utter a word until now. Nonetheless, the focus of Ivan's attention remained riveted on the fierce conflict between Kroenen and the incredibly beautiful woman.

With her exquisite features, an alluring figure, long, lustrous black hair, and her iconic golden tiara, shield, sword, and wrist guards, Ivan couldn't mistake the famous Wonder Woman.

Exasperation coursed through Ivan. He found himself questioning why Wonder Woman, a character from a different universe, had suddenly entered the Hellboy story. However, Ivan soon realized that Rasputin, a dark wizard, was no secret among the high-ranking officials of the Allied countries. Their investigation of this operation must have included information on Rasputin's involvement in occult sciences, which prompted them to seek similarly supernatural allies. In this context, Wonder Woman, a potent and unexplainable force, was the Allies' ultimate trump card.

As the chief scientist of the German scientific research department, Ivan possessed access to numerous secrets. He had known about Wonder Woman's existence for quite some time. During World War I, Germany suffered severe setbacks due to Wonder Woman's intervention, which had thwarted their secret research on poison gas bombs. Thankfully, Dr. Poison, who was overseeing the project, had survived, or all their earlier research would have been in vain.

Kroenen and Wonder Woman were familiar with each other, their encounters likely occurring during his missions as an elite assassin. Even though he wore a mask, Ivan could discern the history of enmity between them. Diana must have endured significant suffering during their prior confrontations.

On the battlefield, Kroenen and Wonder Woman engaged in a furious exchange of swordplay. Kroenen's strikes were swift and menacing, his speed increasing with each movement, his intent clear—lethal precision.

In stark contrast, Diana's swordplay was marked by broad, fluid movements, a deceptively straightforward approach that forced Kroenen into a continuous retreat. With each clash, his arm felt the intense pressure, and the prospect of beheading loomed were it not for his immortality.

Inexplicably, a peculiar sentiment welled up within Ivan. Diana, a seemingly delicate and beautiful woman, wielded divine power with a forceful elegance, embodying true strength.

Observing the masked Kroenen, Ivan couldn't help but sympathize. Despite his villainous appearance, he could only respond to his foe with cunning swordsmanship, evoking a sense of pity. It was as if a tempest raged, and Kroenen appeared as the victim, while the female hero played the role of the oppressor.

"Azazel, go and assist"

Ivan finally made a decision, ordering the Red Devil to aid Kroenen. In doing so, he would also gauge Wonder Woman's formidable capabilities.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mad_versecreators' thoughts