
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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209 Chs

Prelude of summoning

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The next day, Ivan came out of the library, and after having breakfast under the protection of Red Devil, went to see Rasputin.

Seeing Ivan's arrival, Rasputin asked eagerly, "How is it? How did much Dr. Ivan gain? Can you understand magic? Can you fix this machine?"

Ivan was a little tired, but he was in good spirits, "I read some introductions about the basic knowledge of magic and the history of the magic world. I generally know what kind of existence magic is, but I still have some doubts. Next, please let me know. Demonstrate common magic for me so that I can learn more about the nature of this energy."

"No problem" Rasputin took out a small stick less than a foot from his sleeve. Ivan guessed that there must be a pocket in Rasputin's sleeve that was spelled with the infinite extension spell.

"Every magician has a wand, and I too naturally have it, but since I realized the true meaning of magic, the magic wand has become dispensable to me, and now I will show you some of the simplest magic, I hope it helps you."

Rasputin picked up a cup from the side of the room, and as soon as his hand was loose, it fell to the ground and shattered. Then he tapped his wand and said "Reparo".

A little light flashed from the tip of the wand, and the fragments of the cup flew up automatically, joined together, and went back to how it looked originally.

Then he tapped the wand again, shouted "Protego", and threw the cup on the ground, but this time it was protected by a protective spell, so there was no damage at all.

Rasputin thought for a moment, pointed his wand at the ground, shouted "Wingardium Leviosa", and kicked the cup out with another kick. The cup seemed to encounter an invisible obstacle during the rolling process, making a clanging sound. Finally, the cup stopped, and Rasputin used a spell to make the cup fly back into his hand and put it back on the table.

Ivan carefully sensed it with his mental power since Rasputin performed magic, and did not miss any detail. Every time Rasputin casts magic, there is a wave of energy from his body, and power from his body flows into the wand and then gets emitted through the magic wand. After the emission is released, it can achieve special effects, repair items, set up obstacles, etc.

Combining the theoretical knowledge in the magic books he read before, Ivan's understanding of magic became clearer and clearer, and he gained a lot. He couldn't help but get excited. Ivan had a feeling that as long as he was given some time, he would be able to control magic even beyond Rasputin.

"It's amazing, magic energy is a kind of multi-purpose energy, you can use the beam to do all kinds of things, and to summon from the other world naturally you need to convert the magic energy into space energy, but the energy needed to open space is It is too huge for the human body to carry, so it needs to be transformed with the help of machines."

"Clap clap" Rasputin couldn't help applauding.

"Dr. Ivan is truly a super-first-class scientist, just by simply looking at the machine, you could understand its principle, I admire it."

"I've won the prize, but I don't understand. Since you need powerful space energy, why didn't you apply to the head of state for the right to use the Tesseract Cube? It's so troublesome to use magic energy at such a high cost?"

"Tesseract Cube?" Rasputin looked puzzled, "What does this have to do with the Tesseract Cube? I have heard of Tesseract from the Fuhrer, but it has always been in Schmidt's hands, except for extracting energy to make bombs, It's useless, why did Dr. Ivan mention it?"

Now it's Ivan's turn to wonder, "The energy in the cube was space energy, and it's endless. As long as it is used reasonably, no matter how big the space channel is, there is no problem. I also wrote about it twice in the report of Tesseract research. According to the report, when the first research was proposed, Mr. Schmidt refused because the research on super soldier serum was a priority, and the second application was after the theft of super soldier serum, but he transferred me to make aircraft."

"The energy in the Tesseract is space energy" Rasputin's anger in his heart, what a good opportunity, just slipped away from him in vain, that ass Red Skull, for his selfishness, only caring about the super soldier serum I lost my biggest chance.

Red Skull, Rasputin had met him. He knows his temperament very well and also knows the Red Skull's dedication to the superhuman serum. Naturally, he understands that Ivan's report on space energy research may be secretly removed by the Red Skull. Well, the purpose is naturally to let Ivan study the super soldier serum for him.

Rasputin's bowels of regret are turning green, why didn't he pay more attention to the situation of the Tesseract in the first place?

Rasputin's so-called summoning of the Seven Chaos Gods to help Hitler rule the world is nothing but a scam. With his current accumulated strength, it is impossible to summon the Seven Chaos Gods. At best, he could only open a small channel and release the son of the devil, and then slowly raise the son of the devil. When he grows up, with the help of the son of the devil, it might be possible to open a space channel large enough to release the seven gods of chaos, but this will take at least a few decades. Hitler would already be dead by that time, how could it be possible to help Hitler rule the world?

It can be said that Rasputin was only using Hitler from the very beginning. Rasputin believed in the devil, and he has been serving the devil. If he can release the devil from the dark and different space, he will be the greatest hero and will get unimaginable awards, to obtain eternal life and supreme rights, it can be said that Rasputin has planned for himself from beginning to end.

If Rasputin had known that there was such a good thing as the Tesseract earlier, he would have tried all means to get it. With the Tesseract directly used to open the space channel, there would be no need to wait for decades. Unfortunately, now it's too late to say anything, the Tesseract has disappeared, and it's not so easy to find it, and now that the plan has reached this point, he can't bear to back down.

"Dr. Ivan, you have been in contact with the Tesseract, and you are sure that the Tesseract contains space energy. You must have a good understanding of space energy. Is there no way to use this energy?"

"There is no way. After all, the understanding of the Tesseract can only be regarded as superficial, and there is no in-depth research at all. How can we use the profound ability of space."

There were still a lot of energy blocks extracted from the Tesseract in Ivan's hands. As long as Ivan was willing to take out some of them, he could use these energy blocks to open a space channel large enough to summon the Seven Gods. Ivan has no plan to help at all, and Ivan is not stupid, he doesn't want this world to be ruled by demons.

Hearing Ivan's words, Rasputin couldn't help but feel a little dejected, but he was also a man with a firm heart, so he quickly adjusted and said as usual: "If this is the case, then Dr. Ivan please adjust this machine, since Ivan already has some understanding of space energy, it must be easy to adjust this energy converter, and I hope you can do it as soon as possible."

Ivan nodded and assured with a stern face, "Don't worry, this is my job, I will do my best, and I will give you a satisfactory answer within seven days at most."

"That's great. I leave everything to Dr. Ivan. If you have any requirements, feel free to ask, and I will try my best to cooperate."

"Okay, if there is a need, I will not be polite," Ivan replied casually and came to the altar to get busy around the machine.

With Ivan's ability, the energy converter only needs to be adjusted slightly, and it can be repaired in less than half a day, but Ivan doesn't want to be too evil to scare others and also wants to get more from Rasputin, It's good for my son, so he deliberately delayed the time, and when Rasputin asked him, during the time of repairing the instrument, he asked some knowledge about magic from time to time. 

It took five or six days for Ivan to feel that Rasputin had been hollowed out by him, so he pretended to repair the machine completely and put it into operation.

Rasputin was about to cry. In just a few days, Ivan could answer casually when he first asked for some simple magic knowledge, and then he became more and more advanced. He was almost unable to answer. Rasputin is afraid that Ivan will ask something he can't answer, so Ivan thinks he is hiding. At that time, Ivan deliberately made excuses for not being able to repair the machine.

"Dr. Ivan, thank you so much for your help, I didn't expect you to fix the machine so quickly." This time Rasputin's thanks are sincere, because the machine meant so much to him, if the machine doesn't work, then his plans are really in vain.

"You're welcome, it's just my duty. Now that the machine is repaired, everything is ready for the next God-calling plan. When do you plan to start? I heard that Germany has suffered a few defeats on the battlefield. The head of state is desperate. Telegrams to our side have urged us several times, and I can't wait."

"Of course the sooner the better. I'll prepare it today and start tomorrow."

Rasputin discussed with Ivan tested the operation of the machine, and left in a hurry. Rasputin gave almost everything he had for this plan and did not hesitate to kill all his fellow dark wizards. Now that the most critical moment has come, there is no room for loss.

As for Ivan's intention to rest at all, he planned to secretly use his powerful mental power to observe the situation around the base. Ivan had discovered that someone was hiding nearby and observing him a few days ago. Ivan recognized it as an elite of the Allied countries. The team, I am afraid that they already know the situation here and were ready to make a sneak attack at the most critical moment.

Although he knew that the enemy was about to attack, Ivan did not plan to remind Rasputin at all. Although on the surface, the two had been talking and laughing during this period, and the cooperation was good, Ivan knew that Rasputin could not wait, Rasputin was not a generous person, but the plan was about to start, and Rasputin did not want to make any extravagance. This was why Rasputin forcibly held back and didn't kill him. 


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