
Chapter 4

'Maybe you are just going into your first heat cycle. It's different for us were-dogs. You females get it when you turn seventeen, and then not until you actually get marked by your mate.' Toby explains. I lift my head looking at him cocking my head to the side.

'How do you know this?' I ask.

'I was with Pepper when it happened to her. I was in charge to make sure no unmated males came to her.' He says shaking his head. Chase growls lowly, and I look to see he is mind linking someone.

His eyes clear up and he looks at me nudging his snout on my neck. I think back to that day where everything changed.

"Alright, now just feel yourself give in to your dog. Once you do that you will feel yourself shifting." Our dad tells us. I give into my dog closing my eyes. I open them and see I'm her. I bark excitedly, and look to see my siblings doing the same.

"Now to communicate just think what you want to say, and who you are saying it to." My father says.