
Chapter 3

It's always been like this- a competition. Before we can fight our mom comes out growling loudly. I calm down knowing this isn't who I want to be, and run.

I run until I make it to her territory. It's dusk now and I can hear a girl laughing and a dog excitedly barking. I walk close to the edge if the woods and see her with her human. But she can't be a regular dog. She us too big, she is nearly four feet. I hear I twig snap an look to see another huge dog. He is four feet- defiantly not a normal dog.

He growls at me warning me to leave. I just smirk a wolfy smirk snorting. I growl back warningly as I stand tall. If he thinks he has a chance against me he's wrong. He might even be plain stupid. I watch him try standing tall too, but he isn't close to my hight.