
Chapter 3

*Two Years Later*

"Are you sure you want to bring Bentley with you?" Evelyn asks me as she is helping me pack. My family and I have to go to the Alpha meeting type thing. Every few years the Alphas from neighboring states get together to discuss stuff and treaties. All of them get along for one weekend so they can get through everything.

"Why would I not bring her?" I ask looking at her like she's crazy.

"I was just asking a question. You know she is a white wolf, and only eight." Evelyn says defending herself. I laugh at her knowing she is right, though.

"I know. It's just she's my little girl I can't leave her behind." I say picking up her stuffed cat and putting him in Bentley's suitcase.

"I get it. I wish I didn't have to spend your birthday without you." Evelyn pouts putting Bentley's clothes on the bed for me to pack.

"Well, why don't you just come." I say casually at her putting the clothes in the suitcase. I hear a squeal and look up just in time to see Evelyn wrap her arms around me. I smile hugging her back. "Yeah we can say you are to help watch Bentley. Not to mention Beta Connor and Beta female Veronica will be there." I say smiling. Her father is our pack's third. Brandon's father is Beta, but he can't come because he isn't close to ready to being Beta. Not to mention my father is no where near ready to let Adam be Alpha.

"Yes!" Evelyn exclaims letting me go.

"Maybe you should go pack now." I say as she takes a seat on my bed. She smirks at me.

"Already packed. I knew you wouldn't leave without me." She smiles. I roll my eyes at her. "Just think you could find your mate there." She sighs. I freeze stopping what I'm doing. I feel her look at me and she moves closer to me. "Karla what's wrong?" She asks concerned.

"I don't want to find him." I say quietly.

"What? Why?" She gasps. I blink looking at her.

"What if he doesn't like Bentley?" I say voicing my fear. She shakes her head at me.

"Karla he won't hate her because you love her, and so he could never hate her. Plus who could hate her?" She asks. I look at her and smile.

"Thank you. Now help me pack we have to leave soon." I say pulling her off my bed. She laughs at me as she pulls me down.


"Okay, so we only get two rooms. One for the kids and one for the adults." My father says as we unpack the car. We nod our heads as I grab Bentley's hand. We walk me holding our suitcases in one hand and holding her hand in the other. Adam picks her up making her let go of my hand. I growl at him sending him a glare.

"Cool it Karla." Evelyn warns me. I nod my head following a chuckling Adam and giggling Bentley to our room. As we reach the door I'm hoping for at least two beds. I'm not trying to sleep with everyone.

We open the door to see two beds and Evelyn pushes through me to land on one of the beds. Lacey takes the same bed as her and I send her a glare. "What?" She asks innocently.

"He's your twin you sleep with him." I groan.

"Hey I've been stuck with him from day one. You can deal for a few nights."

"I'm right here!" Adam exclaims. Bentley laughs at his annoyed state as he watches. I roll my eyes at him and Lacey.

"Whatever." I say annoyed. Adam walks over and puts Bentley on the bed that we will share. She is now eight and her brown hair is really long, but she likes it that way.

"Mommy can we go explore?" She asks me hopping all around the bed.

"I don't know baby, maybe not right now." I say putting our bags across from the bed on the floor.

"Now Bentley you know you can't shift right?" Adam asks. She let's out a sigh nodding her head.

"Hey Lacey dad wants us to meet with him." She nods her head and they leave the room closing the door behind them.

"Evelyn do you thinks it's weird I never get called to meet with my father?" She looks at me with her thinking face on.

"Well they are both twenty now, and mateless." She says thinking she hit it right in the head. Maybe... and maybe they will find their mates here, and they are just meeting more wolfs.

"What happens if I find mine here?" She smirks looking at me, and that right there made me shiver.

"Why, don't you want to find your mate?" She questions coming to sit on my bed next to me. I look over my shoulder to Bentley curling up in a ball and drifting off.

"I already told you: what if they he hates Bentley?" I speak my biggest fear. It wouldn't be his chid, so what would he do.

"Like I said before, if you love her so will he, that's how they work. If he knows you would be upset about it he would learn to love her. You will let me know if you find him right?" She asks as there is a knock at the door. I nod my head as I get up to answer it. I get to the door and smell him, a Blue Moon member.

I hesitantly open the door to a guy about my age. He has dark brown hair that isn't too long or short, and blue eyes with the slights hint of green in them. He is wearing dark jeans and a gray sweatshirt. As I am casually looking him over he is doing the same to me. "Hello... um... how can I help you?" I ask as Evelyn walks up behind me.

He looks at her eyeing her up and down before looking back to me. "Is Alpha Michael here?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No, he's next door." I say.

"Mommy." I hear as I feel little arms wrap around my waist. I look down wrapping my arms around her. I feel the guy's eyes on her. I look up and look at him letting out a warning growl.

"Who are you?" I ask trying to sound nice. He looks up at me eyes kind of wide.

"I'm Liam. Is she yours?" He asks looking down back to Bentley.

"What do you think Buddy?" Evelyn asks annoyed. I smile at her response. Liam sends her a glare alone with a growl and she lowers her head in summation trying to refuse.

"Yes she is." I say nicely to him. He looks back at me with a small smile.

"Pups shouldn't really be attending these kind of events." Liam says calmly.

"Liam!" Liam frozen along with all of us from the tone and power his name was said with. Another guy walks up wearing dark jeans and a black tee shirt, that shows his muscular figure. His hair is so dark it is practically pure black. I look into his eyes... they were a deep ocean blue. Like the wolf I met when I saved Bentley.

Oh shit!