
Chapter 2

My wolf doesn't take long to come out as I jump from the steps, and land on all fours. I run as fast and far as I can.

'Karla where are you going?' It was Brandon, but I didn't respond. I kept running and ran past the territory line and the sun was getting weaker. The heat from it was lessening and I knew I had about two hours until the sun sets.

I keep running though not caring where I am heading. I keep running until I hear fighting, which causes me to me stop on the spot. I know I need to do something, but I know this isn't my pack it smells different. I don't know when I left my territory border, but I can't let this fight go on.

'Brandon, get Luke and Adam there is a fight in the territory next to ours!' I rush out through mind link.

'We are on our way.' He replies.

'Just stay there.' Adam orders me.

'Don't do anything stupid.' Luke says. I roll my eyes as I get closer to the scene.

'Hurry!' I say back quickly as I run to the noise. I can't have people getting hurt. I creep up and see a pup there... a white pup. A big gray wolf had another white wolf by the neck. The body was limp no doubt it was the pup's mom. He drops the limp body and the pup cries out.

As he is about to grab the little pup I lunge at him. I bite his ear and pull him to the ground. He growls a loud growl but it doesn't make me let go. I let go hearing the pup whimper and look over to her. The rogue takes the opportunity to flip us so he is pinning me down.

I growl at him lifting my head to bite him, but he bites my shoulder missing my neck. I whine from the pain as I try to push him off. It only causes his grip on me to tighten. I see a flash of black and the wolf is off of me. I stand up and look to see a jet black wolf fighting the rogue.

He circles him before lunging and grabbing his neck instantly killing the rogue. I gulp taking a step back not looking in his eyes. I turn my head to see the white pup watching with wide eyes. I take in a breath and the smell hits me... Rain mist- he's from the Blue Moon pack. I trot up to the white pup and pick her up by the scruff of her neck.

I run out of there away from the fight seeing more rogues winning than the pack. I sprint out of the woods and get to a little clearing, but the whole time I hear the wolf behind me. He comes around and stops in front of me causing me to stop and stare at him.

He stands tall about the hight I am as a human, five feet flat. He let's out a warning growl to not run. I put the pup down and she hides under me. He stares at me with his deep ocean blue eyes. I bare my teeth at him and he just looks amused. He lowers his head to look a the pup.

I growl at him and he raises his head and cocks it at me. He sits there in front of me and for some reason I calm down. I lower my head to the pup and nod my head for her to come out.

I know her mother died so that link is dead, but if I accept her as my daughter there is a chance the link could go to me. She comes out and licks my muzzle. I lick her head back and realize I don't trust her with anyone else, so I will be her mother. I know I am only sixteen but we trust each other, and I know she would want me to care for her. 'Baby,'

'Mommy, are you my new mommy?'

'Yes baby, what's your name?' I ask nuzzling her head with mine.

'Bentley. Who is the black wolf?' I look to him and he just cocks his head at us again.

'I'm not sure, but I think we can trust him.' She nods her head and I look up at the black wolf. He seems to be concentrated on something. Then he stands looking towards the way I had come from and tenses up causing me to tense up.

A wolf pops out, he is a little smaller than the black one, but his anger made his seem stronger. He is growling showing his big teeth and is pawing at the ground. He comes and charges at us, I grab Bentley with my teeth gently ready to run. But the black wolf meets him head on grabbing him by the throat.

I step back shocked, he went straight for the kill, didn't bother fighting. Then the other wolf went limp. Another wolf comes behind me biting my tail. I yelp causing the pup to fall to the ground I whirl around to fight the wolf. When I do the black wolf has him pinned to the ground holding his throat.

I yelp again at the limp body. The black wolf looks to me his eyes black, but soften going back to the blue when he looks into mine. I turn back to Bentley as she comes from under me. She comes and looks up at me then walks to the black wolf.

He lowers his head and I let out a warning growl. He snorts at that and touches his head to Bentley's. Then he lifts his head to me and does the same. I feel my wolf giving into this and I don't know why. He is a member of the Blue Moon pack, isn't he a killer? The power coming off him is strong though, so he's an alpha or and alpha to be. Is that why my wolf is giving in?

How come he hasn't killed us? Just then he looks the way I was heading and looks back to me, then Bentley. He took off back to where the fight was ending.

Then I see my brother flanked by Luke on his right and Brandon on his left. There are also a dozen other wolves with them. I pick up Bentley and head to the pack. They look at me questionably, but I ignore them all leading the way back.


"Um no!" My mom screams at me. I growl at her sending a glare her way.

"Too bad." I growl. She looks to my dad for back up and he stands next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Jane, Bentley trusts Karla. I trust Karla to take care of her." My father says. I grin at him as my mother looks at him with wide eyes.

"She is only 16, Michael!" She exclaims.

"Your point? You know she is responsible." He says.

"I know, but can't you find someone else?" She asks.

"No mom I saved her I'm going to raise her." I state getting annoyed.

"Jane there is nothing better than a rare wolf raising another." My father says. My mother sighs defeated and I smile at my father before turning around and heading to my room. I open the door and Bentely turns to look at me. "Mommy what's wrong?" I smile and sit on the bed next to her.

"Nothing baby, can't sleep?" She nods her head and I pull her in my arms. She rests her head on my chest, and falls asleep within seconds. I run my hand threw her long brown hair.

I haven't told anyone about the Black wolf, and don't think I will. I don't even think I could tell my two best friends, Evelyn or Lilly. Not even Lacey my trustworthy sister. Adam knocks on my door opening it. He crosses his arms leaning against the door frame and looks at Bentley.

"I thought Luke told you not to do anything stupid."

"I didn't I saved a child, and a white wolf."

"Yeah, but I'm guessing you had to fight a least one wolf to save her." I look away, and he chuckles. "I knew it." I roll my eyes and look down to my new daughter and smile. "Well I'm going to be the best uncle and spoil her rotten." I look up at him and laugh.

"We will see."

"Oh about those two dead wolves where we got to you, did you kill them?" I snap my head to him. "I smelt a Blue Moon pack member..."

"No I didn't kill them, there was a Blue Moon wolf there and he killed them. He ran when you guys showed up being out numbered." He looks at me tilting his head, but turns around and leaves the room.

"Be carful, I doubt he will think twice next time." He calls over his shoulder.

"Will do." I say before kissing Bentley's head. I lay down more growing tired. Today was a long day, which had a great end to my birthday.