
Chapter 4

I pick Bentley up and hold her close. The guy comes closer to us and Liam moves over giving the other guy some room. He stands tall at about six feet. I internally groan from the height difference. He looks down at me but I feel him eyeing Bentley. I growl looking right into his eyes.

He growls back watching me hold her tighter. "Mommy." Bentley whispers worriedly. I look to her questionably.


"Isn't that the w-" I cover her mouth with me hand.

'Baby, it is but don't say anything. I don't want him to know.' I tell her through mind link. I see her nod her head slightly.

"What did she say?" The guy asks.

"She was wondering if you two are from our rival pack." I cover up. "I told her it was rude to ask that in front of you." I simply say. He raises an eyebrow at me but let's it go.

"Well, for now cupcake we are acquaintances, so don't get yourself all worked up." He says smirking. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Great. You shouldn't have said that." I hear Evelyn groan. I feel my wolf wanting to come out to rip his face off. She, like me, has a short temper. We hate being told to calm down, what women does, or generally talked to in any rude way pisses us off.

"Excuse me." I did not need his cocky attitude either. He keeps his smirk plastered on his face, but his brother takes a step back. Evelyn takes Bentley away from me stepping back.

"What you don't like the name cupcake?" He asks amused. I growl at him crossing my arms over my chest.

"Did you just tell me to calm down?" I ask in a low growl.

"Technically no, but in a way yes." He chimes amusement clear in his voice. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"Mommy, can we take a walk?" Bentley asks. I count to ten in my head before smiling at her.

"Of course. Liam and... Umm..." I say looking to the other guy.

"Isaac." He smiles.

"And Isaac were just leaving." I say giving them a warning look. Isaac looks at me smirking.

"We are?" He questions. I growl at him and he chuckles. I take Bentley from Evelyn and walk pass the guys. I walk down the hall and see Connor.

"Connor!" I call getting his attention. He stops and looks to us smiling.

"Karla, Bentley how can I help you?" He asks as we reach him.

"We are going to explore, and maybe go on a run." I say. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"That's not what Alpha said. He said no shifting from you two." Beta Connor says in a hushed voice.

"Please Connor." I beg.

"Yeah, please Connor." Bentley pleads too. We both give him a puppy dog face. He looks torn between what he should do.

"Fine. I'll cover for you, but just be careful you two." He says. We squeal excitedly at him and shout a thank you over our shoulders as we race down stairs. We walk quickly to the woods and stop looking around for anyone.

I turn to Bentley who is grinning from ear to ear. "Ready?" She nods and shifts into her white wolf. Her wolf isn't a pup anymore but is the size of a regular wolf, which is quiet small compared to an adult werewolf. I shift too and we take off running.

We run for a few minuets in silence before Bentley decides to break it. 'Wasn't Isaac the one from the night you saved me?' She asks as we slow down.

'Yes he was, but you can't let him know that.' I say looking at her.

'Why not, you said we could trust him before.'

'I know I did, but I don't know if I can now.' We were about two and a half miles away from the mansion and I feel safe enough to stop. We stop and I look around quick seeing no other wolves around. I sit down and Bentley starts to stalk a bunny.

It springs up and Bentley chases after it and follows it into the bushes. 'Stay close baby.'

'Mommy!' I jump up at her worried cry. I head to the bush she went to and didn't see her.

'Baby where are you?' I ask frantic to find my little girl.

'Mommy someone's watching me. I'm five feet from the bush, just go straight.'

I sprint to her and stand over her growling. I see a black wolf standing there, but he is huge. I look up to his face, his wolf is like six feet, biggest I have ever seen. He eyes lock with mine they are that ocean blue... Isaac. He sits down cocking his head at me and I feel myself start to clam.

I can tell he's trying to get in my head to talk, but I won't let him. I feel Bentley's head rub against my leg. I look down at her and she comes out, and walks past me to sit between Isaac and I. 'Mommy he wants to talk to you... he says he needs to.'

'Baby I don't think I should.' She looks at me giving me a pointed look, and I shrug giving in. 'Fine.' She seems happy now, and with that I let him in my head.

'Mine!' I froze, not saying anything back. I look at Bentley and she sees my frightened state and comes over to me looking at me with concern. I whimper to her and we run. We run further from the mansion, not wanting him to know we came from there. I hear him following us and I nudge Bentley to go faster and we speed up.

'Evelyn! Get my brother and sister, Isaac is chasing us and we can't shift back, or he will know who we are.' I mind link Evelyn frantically.

'We are on our way.' She replies. I keep running making sure Bentley is in front of me. 'We smell you.'

'I'm going to kill him.' Adam growls. I hear snarls and growling behind me, so I stop and turn around seeing Isaac and a white wolf in a stand off. Adam and Lacey are behind Isaac watching what's happening, while Evelyn is coming to me. We head a few more meters before we stop and shift back throwing on the clothes Evelyn brought us.

"What the hell were you thinking? Running in the woods when both of you are two rare wolves." Evelyn scolds me. I feel myself start to shake with anger, and she seems to notice. "Why did you run from him like that, and who was the white wolf?" She asks calming down. I feel myself calm as Bentley hugs my waist.

"I met him the day I saved Bentley, and he saved us from three wolves. But he got in my head and growled mine." I say whispering the last part. "As for the white wolf I don't know."

"Well I'm not letting him anywhere near you... alone I don't trust him. He's lying all we have to do is ignore him." She says and looks over her shoulder. "Let's head back." She says, and I nod, we start our way me grabbing Bentley's hand.

"Wait right there." We all freeze and see a shirtless Isaac standing there. All he had on were black basketball shorts. He had his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Damn his body is just so....