
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

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26 Chs


Tiberius was currently watching the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Tiberius didn't focus in the match as he was looking at the crowd of Gryffindors as he saw a rat.

The rat was on the shoulder of Ginny Weasely, and by using Legilimency, Tiberius found out that this rat was Peter Pettigrew.

He was found by Percy in the toilet, Ginny felt sorry for him and took him as her pet naming him Scabbers.


The Slytherins were cheering where I was thinking about Peter Pettigrew. He is in his rat form.

I plan on exposing him, but how to do it. After the match was over, I used the map to double-check where Pettigrew was.

To my surprise, I saw Padfoot on the map who was Sirius Bones. Why was he here?

I realised that Sirius might be here in Hogwarts to search for Peter Pettigrew, I couldn't focus on him as I had exams coming up.

My current level was that of an Elite Auror, but it's not enough to stand against the likes of Voldemort.

I kept a close eye on the map during breaks. My studying was going well.

News of the execution of Buckbeak reached my ears due to overhearing a conversation of the golden trio.

After a few days, I saw on the map that Wormtail, Padfoot, and Moony all together.

So they caught Pettigrew, but then Wormtail began running with Padfoot, and Moony stuck in one place.

Tonight was a full moon, and I don't think Lupin took his potion.

I closed the map and went to bed with senses still alert to any danger.

Another few days passed, and Buckbeak escaped, much to the anger and displeasure of Draco Malfoy.

I walked through the hall with the golden trio, looking at me with confusion and fear. I used Legilimency on them, and I was quite shocked.

When they used the time turner, they couldn't find me anywhere, even in classes that I attended with them.

This got me thinking, what does this mean? The only thing I can do is speculate.

My theory is that this is a benefit of being from a different universe, Singularity.

There is only one me in single timeline, no past, future only the present me.

Lupin resigned due to Snape telling the school board that he was a Werewolf as Snape wanted Lupins' job.

Now it's time for the exams. In Charms, we all had to perform offensive Charms, to which I excelled.

In Care Of Magical Creatures, we had to keep a Flobberworm alive for an hour. I passed by feeding it the food it needs, which is lettuce.

In Potions, we had to brew a Confusing Concoction. I successfully brewed the potion and showed it to Snape.

Snape nodded in an approving way, and I could tell he was impressed.

In History Of Magic, we all had to answer questions on medieval witch hunts.

In Defence Against The Dark Arts, due to Lupin resigning Snape oversaw the exam.

We all had to battle a troll, Snape was close by and prepared to use his wand in case the students were in danger.

I was the first to go. The troll swung its club at me, but I used wandless magic to stop him from moving.

I casted Reducto on the club, and then I used my Force Lightning to kill the troll.

In a few minutes, the troll fell to the ground dead. Its corpse was charred. I did all this without taking out my wand.

Everyone looked afraid of the power I wielded. Ever since the duel between me and Zack, people were afraid of me.

My fellow Slytherins were very careful when approaching me. Snape looked at the dead troll and left.

He came back with another troll and got rid of the dead one. I'm pretty sure I passed that exam.

For the final exam, Study Of Ancient Runes, we had to translate paragraphs of runes.

Thanks to my Eidetic Memory, I remember what these runes translated, and I easily translated the paragraphs of runes.

With that, the third year exams were finished. I was walking down the hall where I saw Susan along with Zack and the Weasely twins.

Susan spoke with a fearful tone.

"Um Tiberius, may we have a moment of your time, please?" I nodded. "What do you guys want."

Zack spoke with a bitter tone and an angry face.

"We want you to return the map to the twins."

"Or what Zack, how are you going to make me give the map back? Have you forgotten what happened during our duel."

Zack clenched his fists and started speaking again.

"Yeah, I remember the duel. How's your scar, by the way?" He referred to the scar on my right eye.

"Oh, it's doing quite well. How's your nuts, oh wait, I forgot I crushed them with my elbow."

Zack's face flushed with anger and embarrassment.

I spoke.

"Listen, the map will stay with me, and there is not a thing you can do about it." I pushed past them and didn't look back.

They were foolish to think that I would give them back the map.

After the end of term feast, we went to the Hogwarts Express, where once more I was alone, looking out the window.

I heard the door opening. It was Daphne Greengrass along with Astoria Greengrass.

Daphne was the first to speak.

"Tiberius, may we sit here."

"You may."

They all sat and stared at me, I could feel an itch in mind and saw Daphne concentrating.

Immediately, I flung her to the top of my room with my magic, and Astoria tried getting her down by pulling her.

"Greengrass, I suggest you stay out of my mind, or I'll break your pretty neck." I threatened with my eyes glowing purple a bit.

I dropped her to the ground, and she slowly got up.

Daphne looked pale and apologised.

"I'm very sorty Tiberius, I wanted to know what kind of person my future husband was."

"... What?"