
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

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The Third Year

In the Hogwarts Express, Tiberius is alone by himself preparing himself for the Demetors.

Arcturus told Tiberius that some Death Eaters were caught and were forced to tell the Aurors what they were planning thanks to Arcturus, who was in the scene.

The plan was to sneak Peter Pettigrew to Hogwarts, which succeeded, and as a result, Dementors were sent to Hogwarts.

Tiberius was on the lookout for any rats that have a missing limb.

He had his wand in his right hand and was prepared to use it.


I was in my compartment just waiting for the Demetors. After some time, I finally felt it.

The feeling of despair and sadness, my happiness was being sucked out, and I heard the door opening.

It was a floating hooded figure. As soon as I saw the Demento, I used the Patronus charm.

"Expecto Patronum"

I focused on my happy memories, and it the Dementors started backing up, I was pushing it back.

There are other Dementors who looked at what was happening. The other Slytherins were in awe at what they saw.

The light that came out from my wand started getting stronger, and it soon filled the entire compartment.

The Dementos were driven away, and I think Draco pissed his pants as his trousers were wet.

I got off the train where I heard the other students talk about how Lupin and I casted the Patronus Charm.

Draco made fun of Harry for fainting, even though he did piss his pants when he was in the presence of a Dementor.

The two elective courses that I have chosen are Ancient Runes and Care Of Magical Creatures.

The reason why I chose Ancient Runes was to solve puzzles I may find in the future.

As for Care Of Magical Creatures, I seek to learn more about the Creatures and how they work. I also want to experiment on them.

After the feast, I went to my class. it was Ancient Runes. The teacher was Professor Bathsheda, and she taught us to translate runes.

We were all given a sheet of paper that had rune symbols on them, and next to them was the translation.

After some time, the sheets of papers were taken away, and we were given rocks that had a rune symbol on it.

What Professor Bathsheda wanted was to see if we memorised the runes.

I was the first one to get it right, and then Bathsheda gave me more runes on rocks. I got all of them correct.

Bathsheda was impressed by how fast I got the answers correct and awarded five points to Slytherin.

For the other classes, I learned new spells and potions to brew.

Now, it was time for Care Of Magical Creatures. We were all given books that tried biting us.

Hagrid was very nervous since it was his first time teaching. He showed us a Hippogriff, and Harry was the first to go to it and ride it.

Draco deliberately provoked the Hippogriff Buckbeak into attacking him and faked being injured.

This led to Draco telling his father about the attack, and Lucius filed a complaint against Hagrid.

The Slytherins hurled insults at Hagrid as they blamed him for Draco's injury. Though there were some who remained quiet.

These people were Daphne and Astoria Greengrass. If I were to recall, Astoria was the future wife of Draco Malfoy.

Astoria was a short, beautiful girl with dark hair and brown eyes. She had a curse, but Arcturus healed her curse or rather passed to someone else.

The reason why he did this was to gain access to the Greengrass libary, which had rituals that he deemed were useless.

Though there was one ritual that was useful but Arcturus never told me about it. I think it involved Alchemy?

Daphne Greengrass was tall and had white hair mixed with black. She was the single most beautiful girl in Slytherin with a big bust and long legs.

Almost all the boys sought to marry her, but she rejected all of them. Daphne was also a talented girl as well.

Walburga saw her as a possible wife for me in the future. Daphne could be useful in the future.

I went to Defence Against The Dark Arts class, and my fellow Slytherins began making fun of him.

Lupin ignored the insults and carried on with the class. He showed us a Boggart and explained that it takes the shape of what we fear most.

Neville was the first, and his fear was Snape, I snickered a bit when Neville used Riddikulus to make Snape wear his grandmother's clothes.

After the others had done their turn, only Harry and I were left. I was next.

Everyone paid close attention as they were very curious to know what I was afraid of. The Boggart changed into a tall skeleton with a cloak.

Many of my classmates were confused about what the skeleton was, and I uttered the incantation.


The Boggart changed into a bar of gold. Lupin asked me a question that everyone wanted to ask.

"Mr Black, what did that Skelton represent."

"Death, it represents death."

He nodded. My greatest fear was death because, to me, it was the end. A way to cease to exist.

When Harry came up, the Boggart changed to a Dementor, and Lupin got in front of him, and his fear was the moon.

All my classmates were confused about why Lupin feared the moon, only I knew the truth. It was because Lupin was a Werewolf.

During the common room, I sensed a presence behind. I looked back and saw no one, but I sensed that there were people in front of me.

I used my magic to try to detect what was in front of me. It was Fred and George Weasely using the invisibility cloak.

I raised my wand and used Accio to pull the cloak towards me, Fred and George looked surprised.

Before they could speak, they were in the air being choked by an invisible force.

I used Legilimency on them and found that they planned on throwing pies at me and dumping dirty water on me.

A piece of paper fell to the ground from Fred's pocket, and I grabbed it. It was the Marauders Map.

Their eyes widened when they saw me grab the map.

"Well, gents, as punishment for trying to prank me, I will be taking this map with me."

They fell to the ground, coughing and massaging their throats.

"I suggest you get out of my site, and piss off, or there will consequences."

I said with purple lightning starting to appear around me. The twins gave one last look at the map and ran off.

I placed the map inside my pocket and went to my common room.