

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
100 Chs

Demon's children

On getting to where the people were, he stood in the front of the road, blocking them from going any further.

"Well, well, well, see who came to greet us, if it isn't one of the demon's children" said a man as he jumped off from his horse.

"Why are you after us?" Asked Owen as he look at him. "What did we do, for you to come after us?".

"Well I guess your mom wouldn't tell you what you and your sister really is, I will grant her wish as you won't know the truth before you die" said the man.

"What do you mean by what we are, answer me" shouted Owen as he hold his sword tightly.

"The sins of thy father shall be pour upon the children, haven't you heard that saying?" Asked the man as his men jumped off from their horse and sprinted to attack Owen.

Owen on seeing the first person sword close to him, he quickly dodge as he knew blocking it will put him in a disadvantage.

Dodging to his right, he swung his sword, slashing at the hand of the person, slicing his hand off his body.

Before the man could muffled a sound in respond to his hand cleaning slice off, Owen has already slash at his neck, giving him a swift death.

Quickly dodging another sword of his enemies that was about to slash at him, he kick the man off his feet before killing him. Moving to the other person close to him, he swung his sword, slashing the chest of the one who was unfortunate to dodge.

For a sixteen years old, no sign of hesitation was on his face as he kill those who were trying to kill him.

The psychological barrier from taking a fellow human's life doesn't seem to be holding him back as he didn't think about it before killing his enemies.

Slashing, blocking and dodging their attack, he finally managed to kill everyone except the man that has exchanged words with him.

He didn't kill him because he was desperate to know why this was happening, and the man in front of him seems to know somethings about it.

Asking his mom doesn't seem to be working, so hearing it from outsider is the only option he have right now. So seeing an opportunity in front of him, he quickly plan on using it before it could slide away.

"Tell me what you know and I promise not to kill you" said Owen as he point the sword to his throat.

"I don't bargain with demon" replied the man as he spit towards Owen, but was dodge.

"Do you prefer to die instead of telling me what you know and living your life, I wouldn't kill you" said Owen.

"Who in his right mind would accept a deal with a demon" said the man as he spit for the second time.

Being referred to as demon seems to be getting to him as the grip on his sword was becoming tighter.

"Wrong answer" said Owen as he push the sword, piercing through his throat, killing him in an instant.

Walking back to his mother and sister, he could their mom still sleeping while his sister was panicking up and down.

"It's okay Beatrice, we will get through this, I promise you" said Owen as he hug her. "Don't tell mom about what just happened, she wouldn't be able to take it in her current condition".

Waking up the next morning, they could see Owen sitting with his eyes wide open, he doesn't look like someone who have shut his eyes to sleep.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Asked Owen as he saw she have woken up.

"I'm good Owen" said Bethany as she tap Beatrice to wake up. "We should keep going now" said Bethany the moment she finished waking Beatrice.

"Let's eat first before continuing this journey" said Owen as he didn't wait to hear her reply before getting up and walking to the stream.

Doing the same thing as he did last night, they all ate before getting into the carriage and resuming their journey.

'Devil's children' said Owen inwardly as this was the only words that was ringing in his ears since last night.

Riding the carriage for close to four hours, he stopped under a tree where they could all rest.

Bethany didn't argue as she know that for the past two days Owen haven't been able to get some sleep as he have been awake protecting them from harm.

Looking at his son, a slight pain pricked her heart as memories of someone was resurfacing in her head.

'I know you two are special, but I can't tell you guys about your father, it will only bring you pain and suffering, not only from outsiders but also with yourself' said Bethany inwardly as she look at them.

"Owen, why don't you sleep, I'm okay now" said Bethany.

"I'm fine mom, I'm not tired and don't feel like sleeping" replied Owen as he kept on standing.

"Then sit, you don't have to keep on looking everywhere" said Bethany with a little chuckle.

"Owen, I will take over, I'm okay unlike someone who hasn't sleep for the past two days now" said Beatrice as she stood up to take the role of Owen.

Heeding the words of his mother and sister, he walked over to sit under the shade of the tree.

"Mom, isn't the Bucadox clan one of the four clan in the kingdom?" Asked Owen as he sat beside her.

"Yes it is Owen" replied Bethany as she look at him.

"Then why is it being attacked and how come it's people are few compare to the others?" Asked Owen.

"Just put it this way, the Bucadox clan committed a great mistake some years ago, thereby making it being attacked for the sole purpose of revenge" said Beatrice.

"Mom, tell us everything in details so we can understand properly" replied Owen as he know that Beatrice was also paying attention to the matter.

"I will tell you everything when we are completely safe, but for now, just be patient and wait" said Bethany.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️