

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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Owen was about pressing on the matter but change his mind as he look at the face of their mother and the condition she was in.

Seeing as the sun wasn't as hot as it was like before, they all enter into the carriage to continue their journey.

Riding throughout the whole day and seeing as it was night now, Owen stopped the carriage so they could all rest and continue their journey in the morning.

Finding some dry hay and woods, he picked them up and two solid rocks before striking them together so as to ignite a spark so as to make fire.

Striking the rocks over and over again, he manage to make a spark which land on the dry hay causing it to produce flame.

Putting the dry woods around the burning hay, he has made a full fledge fire that was now burning constantly without any sign of dying.

"I see it's a good thing teaching you guys about survival, hope you guys are seeing the benefit of it now" said Bethany as she look at the fire which Owen has made.

"Of course I know it's a good thing from the start, Beatrice was the one against it" said Owen with a slight smile.

"Keep dreaming, you never once like survival lessons, so stop lying" responded Beatrice.

"I'm happy you both learned" said Bethany as she put some woods into the fire.

Spreading some of his clothes on the ground away from the fire, he dress it properly like a bed so his mother and sister could sat on it before he walked to hunt what they will all eat.

Seeing as there was no stream close by for him to go fishing, he decided to walk towards the bushes area that wasn't too far from them so as to see if he could hunt for any unlucky animal.

Making sure to move quietly when walking through the bushes so as not to alert any animal or scare them away, he manage to spot a rabbit chewing on something.

Attaching an arrow to his bow, he aim at the rabbit before pulling the string and letting it fly.

Walking towards the rabbit which was lying on the floor, he could see that the arrow pierce his stomach, thereby killing him on the spot.

Carrying the rabbit back and cleaning it properly by removing his intestine and others, he roast it with the fire to a perfect grilled meat before they consume it.

Applying the ointment to the wound of their mother, she lay down on the clothes before closing her eyes to sleep.

"What has been bothering you Owen?" Asked Beatrice as she could see that he was lost in thought.

Ever since their mother has close her eyes to sleep, he was just staring at the fire with no aim of looking away from it any time soon.

"I'm just thinking about something, what if I agree with being the king's guard, then I'm sure we wouldn't be on the run right now because I would have use his name to protect us" said Owen.

"Owen do you think the king would be any different, why you were allow to participate was because you worn a mask, if not you would have been killed" said Beatrice as he look at him.

"Do you think our father was killed or he run away because of what the Bucadox clan was facing?" Asked Owen.

"I don't know Owen, but I should be the one asking as I'm the youngest" replied Beatrice with a small chuckle.

"Now you agree on being the youngest, were you not the same person that was arguing about me and you being equal" said Owen.

"You are some minutes older than me, that makes you the oldest and me the youngest" responded Beatrice.

"I'm angry on seeing the conditions those people put mom in, if we were to heed her words at that time, then she would have been killed. I will make sure to pay them back for everything they have cost us" said Owen with anger, but control his voice so as not to wake their mom.

"Owen I know you haven't sleep for the past days now, but I still need to ask you this, anytime you close your eyes, do you see face of the people you took their life?" Asked Beatrice as she look at her brother.

"Do you feel haunted when you sleep?" Asked Owen as he move closer to her.

"I do Owen and it's scaring me, I dream seeing the faces of the people I killed in the mansion staring back at me with lifeless eyes" replied Beatrice as she look at her hand.

Seeing as his sister was afraid and lost, he gently place her head on his chest. Knowing as not everyone could handle the after effect of taking a fellow human live, he try his best in calming her down.

"You don't have to be afraid Beatrice, do you prefer seeing the face of mom instead of those guys, they would have killed her if we didn't intervene" said Owen.

"I know Owen, but no matter how I tell myself that before sleeping, I still see them" replied Beatrice.

"Do you know why I can't see those I killed even when I close my eyes, it's because I did it for the right reason, even if I was to kill hundreds of people just to protect you and mom, I will do it over and over again" said Owen as he continues stoving her hair. "Clear your mind from any sympathy, they don't deserve it".

"Thanks Owen, I'm lucky to have a brother like you who always understand" replied Beatrice as she close her eyes to sleep. "If you see I'm having difficulty breathing then please wake me up".

"Don't think about it and you won't see them, I will stay right beside you" replied Owen as he look at the burning fire.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️

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