

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Stay vigilant

After about four hours of waiting without any of them moving from their spot, Bethany eyes open as she wake up from her long sleep.

"Mom, how're you feeling?" Beatrice asked as she approached her.

"I'm good" replied Bethany.

"That's a relief" said the man as he sighed out loud.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Owen as he point his sword towards him.

"It's nothing, her injuries were just infected as it was left open for some time, but it's okay now as I disinfect it and she's not showing any symptoms like she's affected by it" explained the man quietly as he don't want to experience another situation where his life would be on the line.

"Thank you mister" said Bethany as she bow a little. "Owen, we have to leave now" said Bethany as she face him.

"I understand" said Owen as he pick up the herbs the man have given to him which he has also explain how it should be taken. "Let's go".

Supporting her on one side with Beatrice supporting her on the other, they walked out of the building and got into the carriage.

On getting inside the horse, Owen turn to face the man which have just help them, not really entirely out of free will, but it still count. He throw the golden crest over towards the man which the king gifted him.

"Thank you, I'm sure you can get a position in the castle with that, tell the king a boy gifted you and ask you to meet him" said Owen before he ride off.

'So you were the boy with the mask that won the competition' said the man inwardly as he look at the carriage which have drove off.

'Mom, aren't we being patient enough' said Owen to himself as he continue riding the carriage. 'Please tell us what this is all about'.

After riding for five hours straight without stop, they finally managed to ride away from the kingdom of Pekresh, seeing as the night was already upon them and they could no longer continue their journey, Owen stop the carriage.

On stopping the carriage close to a stream, Owen descended from it before informing them that they would be passing the night here.

He quickly walked around picking woods which he use to set a campfire before spreading his clothes he brought with him on the ground as a bed for them to lay on.

The moon was shining brightly making everywhere easy to see. The stream not too far from them was reflecting brightly showing how clean the water is. The stream wasn't that deep, it was more of like a shallow lake, making it not too hard for someone to see the sand underneath it.

Walking to the stream with his bow and arrow, he look over it before attaching the arrow to the bow and firing it off.

Being a stream that wasn't too deep, Owen was able to see everything clearly as the moon was reflecting on it.

Waiting for some time, the arrow he shot floated up as a fish could be seen attached to it while shaking his body for some seconds before going still.

After waiting for some time for the river to go back to being calm, he attach another arrow to his bow before firing it off.

He continue doing this for some time, before coming to a stop, looking at the eight arrows he shot, six of them were piercing through a fish while he misses the other two.

Jumping into the stream and swimming over to where the arrows were, he picked them and swim back to shore.

Walking back to them, he pass three fishes over to Beatrice who was accompanying Bethany who was now sleeping.

Using the arrows as stake, they roast the six fishes to a well cook degree before sharing it in an equal ratio between them.

After finish eating and taking her drugs, she went back to sleep as her body wasn't strong for her to stress it.

Staying awake for some time, Beatrice wasn't able to continue as she lay beside their mom, leaving Owen to stay guard.

"Beatrice, wake up" said Owen who was watching guard since they have been sleeping for about four hours now. "Just stay awake and protect mom, people are coming".

"From which direction?" Asked Beatrice as she quickly get up from the bed and use her hand to clean the sleep off her eyes.

"They are from the kingdom of Pekresh" said Owen as he point at the people approaching them, which were close to ten in number.

"Are they after us?" Asked Beatrice as she stood up to see where Owen was pointing.

Seeing the number of people approaching them, she took a big gulp of saliva as she wasn't sure if her brother could fend them off by himself.

"I don't know Beatrice, just stay vigilant and protect mom, I would be right back, if you see me fighting against them, then make sure you shoot anyone that get pass me" said Owen as he was about going to meet them.

"I'm not that good with long range shooting, I'm not like you Owen" said Beatrice.

"I know you are not me, but you are my sister, you are smart, I believe you will figure it out, just make sure not to wake mom no matter how it is" replied Owen as he could see that they were still far from them.

"Owen, they are many in numbers, you can't fight them on your own" said Beatrice as she hold him before he could leave.

"Don't worry I won't die, I promise to always protect you and mom, just stay by her side and make sure not to leave no matter what you see" replied Owen as he clean the tears from her eyes before turning to leave.

'Mom please, what are you hiding from us, we need to know' said Owen to himself as he sprinted towards the people.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️