
Deep Ocean Survival: A Submarine From The Start

Everyone was transmigrated and was trapped 2000 meters under the frozen ocean on another planet. Everyone only had a small submarine, to begin with. They were challenged with all sorts of problems such as the lack of food and oxygen, water pressure, turbulence, and even powerful sea monsters and bacterial parasites. There were all sorts of dangers lurking around and the path to survival was deemed to be extremely hard. However, while everyone was worried about their own lives, Meng Lei was able to remain calm as he quickly realized that he could see hints from the system. “A pioneer’s sunken submarine can be found 500 meters away from you. The resources inside the ship will make you the richest person.” “An Apocalypse worm has been detected 1200 meters away from you. Kill it and you’ll become the strongest in the dark abyss.” “A ruin of ancient civilization can be found 4500 meters away from you. Danger level: SSS. What are you hesitating for? Run!”

Dog That Doesn't Know How To Wander · SF
40 Chs

Sea Route

編集者: Henyee Translations

There were a lot of things to take note of.

After Meng Lei had finished reading, his mind was in a daze.

It took him a long time to digest all the notifications.

Sitting in the chair in front of the central control screen, Meng Lei closed his eyes in thought and summarized.

From what he had learned so far, the difficulty of surviving in this deep-sea survival game was rather enormous!

It was far from what the apocalyptic or wilderness survival kinds could compare with.

Food, oxygen, water pressure, sea monsters…

All kinds of potential threats that followed closely behind continued to threaten the players' lives all the time.

In addition, the collection of resources was also plagued with huge risks!

The sonar detector could only scan the anomalies near the submarine, but it could not distinguish what those anomalies were.

It would be fine if they were resources.

However, if what he encountered were some terrifying sea monsters, he would probably lose his life directly.

In fact, this was similar to opening a mystery box, whether he lived or died, depended on luck.

The key was that in such a pitch-dark sea environment, with the searchlights that came with the submarine, the illuminated area range was only 20 to 30 meters.

It was certainly not possible to search for resources hidden at the bottom of the sea with the naked eye.

Under such circumstances, he could only rely on the sonar detection system.

However, Meng Lei, who had abundant experience in online literature and games, knew very well that the System would definitely not have a sure-death setting.

However, he would not underestimate the difficulty of surviving in this game.

At the same moment, the countdown timer appeared at the end of the System notifications.

Unknowingly, it also brought a strange sense of urgency to Meng Lei.

Although he did not know the consequences of the so-called collapse of the ice layer, since the first survival goal given by the System was to reach the gathering place of the first outpost before the ice collapsed, as he thought about it, if the ice layer above his head collapsed, a serious calamity would definitely happen.

This calamity might be fatal!

This countdown, which had a seven-day duration only, was likely the protection period for novices in a certain sense.

After understanding all this, Meng Lei took a deep breath.

Waiting for death was definitely not his disposition.

Since he had transmigrated into this survival game, no matter how difficult it would be, he would definitely give it his all!

However, since this was a game, there would definitely be some miscellaneous settings.

Before he got started, Meng Lei thought it would be better to have a deeper understanding.

Now that the game had just begun, survival was not urgent.

Having a full understanding of the game's functions and settings would definitely be of great help to his subsequent moves.

As soon as he thought of this, the interface on the central control screen suddenly started to change.

The System notifications gradually disappeared, and in their place was information about the submarine and the control interface.

[Bottomless Valley (Exploration-type submarine)]

[Specification: 10*10*8 meters]

[Oxygen Content: Normal]

[Hull Damage: 0%; Toughness: Low]

[Shipborne Weapons: None]

[Hull Structure: Rudimentary]

[Pressure Resistance: Low (only able to navigate to 2,500 meters below sea level)]

[Overall Rating: H]

(System notification: Don't try to steer it deeper into the ocean. Compared to exploration, you should consider how to survive in the brutal deep ocean environment and the treacherous ocean cave system and reach the gathering place of the first outpost!)

The texts on the submarine's information were all in normal bold font on the central control screen.

The line of System notification at the bottom was written in faint golden font. They were slightly distorted and were out of place with the introductory information.

More importantly, this line of text seemed to have appeared out of thin air before Meng Lei. It had not come with the information.

As he had just come into contact with this game, Meng Lei did not think anything was amiss. He thought it was normal.

After reading the basic information about the Bottomless Valley, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

Although it was not clear what level the other submarines were at, at least the grade H rating of Bottomless Valley was a little too low based on the normal hierarchy.

Moreover, he did not even have a shipborne weapon from the start.

If he encountered any deep-sea monsters, he would not even have a chance to resist.

"The exploration submarine is indeed an exploration submarine. Steering such a lousy thing to survive in the ocean thousands of meters deep, death in the stomach of a fish is certain!"

Meng Lei secretly lamented and let out a long sigh.

However, since he was already here, he had to make himself comfortable. Meng Lei was in a good frame of mind.

Everyone's starting point should be the same.

Even if it was different, it wouldn't be much different. Otherwise, this survival game would be meaningless.

He looked away from the submarine's information page. The line of faint golden fonts disappeared.

Then Meng Lei turned back to the other lists displayed on the central control screen.

With a quick glance, he saw a few familiar words.

[Communication Channel], [Trading Market], [Auction System], [Ranking]…

As his gaze moved, Meng Lei suddenly realized that the faint golden fonts had appeared again at the bottom of these lists.

[Communication Channel]

(System notification: Players can communicate through the communication channel. At this stage, only the regional channel is open. When 80% of players pass through the shallow area, the world channel will be opened.)

[Trading Market]

(System Notification: Players can trade resources and items through the trading market without any intermediary fees. If used properly, it will help you get through the exploration period smoothly.)

[Auction System]

(System notification: The auction system is similar to the trading market. The time the items are placed on the shelf and the starting price are set by the captains themselves. There is also no intermediary fee.)

… .

Every time Meng Lei focused his gaze on a list, faint golden texts would appear on the corresponding list, as if it was making a corresponding introduction for Meng Lei.

At this moment, Meng Lei still did not feel anything amiss.

After all, something as irrational as transmigration had already happened, even if it were something more magical, he could accept it calmly at the moment.

After briefly browsing through these lists, Meng Lei did not find anything special. It was no different from ordinary game functions,

except that the communication channel was starting to gradually flicker.

The other lists were all blank. Clearly, at this stage, no one had started interacting.

"It hasn't been long since he woke up. Has someone started chatting on the communication channel already?"

There was a brief pause.

Meng Lei locked his gaze on the communication channel.

Driven by curiosity, he touched the screen with his finger.

The cold touch came, and the list unfolded. A line of green words appeared in front of Meng Lei.

[Shallow Area: Channel 66671 communication channel]

Meng Lei was stunned. He immediately realized that this was probably the regional channel he belonged to.

In the top left-hand corner there was a 100,000/100,000 display.

Clearly, this was a sign of the number of people who were active in the current area.

In addition, in the upper right corner of the communication channel, there was a number of the daily communications. The current status was 5/5.

Meng Lei immediately understood. It seemed that in the regional channel, the System seemed to have a certain chat restriction to prevent malicious spam.

At that moment, as the communication column unfolded, a large number of voice and text messages slid past like a waterfall.

The number of unread messages in the upper left corner of the screen instantly increased to 9,999+!

[Hercules: Can someone tell me what's going on?! How did I somehow end up in a submarine?!]

[Love Sauce: Boohoo… It's scary here. It's cold. I need to go home. I need to find my mother…]

[ET: Two thousand meters under the sea! Could it be that we have been hijacked by aliens?! Does anyone know what's going on?]

[Nautilus: Hahaha… Everyone has transmigrated. I've finally managed to transmigrate! Abyss of the Alien Planet, I'm coming!]

[Great Wisdom: I'm a landlubber. I can't swim, let alone pilot a submarine! How am I supposed to play this game!]

[Nissan: The man destined to become the King of the Pirates is here!]

[The Invincible: My submarine's rating is only H?! What are your levels?]

[Divine Dragon: In the name of the upper echelons of the navy of the Nine Provinces, I sincerely invite my fellow Nine Provinces compatriots to join our fleet and rebuild the glory of the Nine Provinces in this Abyss of the Alien Planet! Current coordinates: 9178632.56, -2102.3, 7785433. Compatriots in the vicinity, please advance forward as soon as possible!]

… .

The information column in the communication channel of the sea route was a mess. Everyone was chatting enthusiastically.

The small communication channel gathered people from all walks of life. Even the officials of the Nine Provinces seemed to have joined in.

It showed all the forms of life.

Meng Lei only took a brief glance at it; he found nothing particularly useful.

In the current situation, almost everyone was still in a daze and did not start to navigate right away.

The only thing that was certain was that everyone's starting point was no different. They were all trapped inside the submarine.

Moreover, as Meng Lei had expected, everyone's starting point was the same. The submarines were all grade H exploration submarines.

If there was any discovery, it would be that of the official "Divine Dragon" of Nine Provinces putting forward the information of the coordinates for the first time.

However, in Meng Lei's opinion, the coordinates seemed to be meaningless at this stage.

Most people had yet to figure out the situation. It was very risky to team up at this time!

Immediately, Meng Lei prepared to close the communication channel.

Rather than wasting precious exploration time on meaningless prying,

relatively speaking, it was more important to familiarize himself with the submarine as soon as possible.

He had understood most of the things on the central control screen, but he was still not familiar with the various facilities and functions in the submarine.

But at this moment, a few other messages in the chat box suddenly attracted Meng Lei's attention.

[Seagull: This damn game doesn't even give a hint or provide an introduction. How do we play it?]

[Calmness: The person above is right. Also, how does the trading market and the auction system work?]

[Boogie Island: Same question. I'm fumbling around too. I'm dumbfounded!]

… .

Looking at these conversations, Meng Lei suddenly sensed something amiss.

The faint golden system notification that appeared in front of him had already made a corresponding introduction to the various functions. Why were these people still wasting their precious chats and asking such obvious questions in the communication channel?

"What is this situation?"

"Could it be that no one else can see those golden notifications?"