
Deceptive shadows: Eclipsed fate

In the city of Duskfall, where darkness weaves its own narrative, a man known only as Blackthorn prowls the night with a reputation that strikes terror into the hearts of both the law-abiding and the criminal. With a face shrouded in mystery and a past buried in the shadows, Blackthorn is a mastermind who orchestrates chaos for his own enigmatic motives. As the city succumbs to a rising underworld, a relentless detective named Valeria becomes fixated on unmasking the elusive Rogue Reverie, the moniker whispered in fear by those who cross paths with Blackthorn. Unbeknownst to her, the lines between justice and villainy blur as Blackthorn's actions reveal a twisted sense of morality that challenges her understanding of right and wrong. As the city teeters on the edge of anarchy, Blackthorn's past resurfaces, intertwining with a prophecy that foretells his pivotal role in the city's fate. Unveiling layers of betrayal, redemption, and forbidden magic, "Deceptive shadows: Eclipsed fate" is a high-staked tale that explores the complex psyche of a male lead villain navigating the fine line between hero and antihero. In a city where shadows birth legends and villains, Blackthorn's enigmatic journey unfolds, leaving a trail of questions that can only be answered in the clandestine realms of the rogue's reverie.

Vortexsama · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 9 (Do you know who I am)

In the prestigious high-rated academy, Evelyn and the Nexus Sage delved into a world of magical stateliness. 

As they attended daily training lectures and magic classes, the atmosphere hummed with potent energies. Evelyn marveled at the diversity of magical abilities displayed by her peers.

Whispering to the Nexus Sage, Evelyn spoke:

"These lectures are like a magical showcase. Everyone seems to have mastered their unique abilities."

"(Nodding) Embrace the diversity. Learning from your peers can be as enlightening as the lectures themselves." The Nexus sage replied.

Even the Nexus sage was quite stunned at the level of discipline and diligence everyone in this academy had.

"Hey Nexus sage, I was thinking that we should visit Blackthorn and Valeria during the monthly break that they are going to give us at the end of each month." Evelyn said, breaking the Nexus sage out of his reverie.

"That is a great idea, Evelyn! And besides, the 'Nexus sage' is not my name, it's my moniker. My real name is Dante Vesper."

"Alright Dante, the lectures are about to continue. Don't slack off, okay?" She uttered, a smile playing on her lips as she walked back to her seat.

"How did she know that I wasn't paying attention?" The former mused as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead.

Meanwhile, at the lower-ranked academy, Valeria and Blackthorn navigated a more rugged environment. Their daily routine involved practical combat, and the air crackled with an unsettling tension.

"(whispering to Blackthorn) It seems like chaos is the norm here. Let's stay focused on our goals." She advised.

"(Stoically) The challenges may be different, but our purpose remains unwavering." Blackthorn replied.

During their break which was just after a training session, the weak-looking teenager became surrounded by the bullies once again. 

Blackthorn, his restraint wearing thin, intervened.

"(Angrily) How many times must I make myself clear, let him be!" He ordered.

"Blackthorn, keep it in check. We can't afford trouble here." Valeria whispered to the former.


After the bullies dispersed once more, the weak-looking teenager thanked them, however as he wanted to take his leave, Blackthorn spoke:

"What is your name?"

 Turning back slowly, he muttered.

"Owen... Owen Wyatt..." He responded with a timid tone, before walking away slowly. It was almost like he was dragging his feet.

"He is as timid as a rabbit!" Valeria remarked, however in a hushed tone which only Blackthorn could hear.

Later, as the day progressed, the academy's daily routine unfolded. In the high-rated academy, lectures were conducted with finesse, and magic classes showcased the students' talents. Dante—the Nexus Sage and Evelyn, found themselves immersed in a world where magical prowess was celebrated.

"Knowledge and magic intertwine seamlessly here." Dante observed.

"(Smirking) I better step up my game to match these magical virtuosos." Evelyn intoned.

At the lower-ranked academy, Valeria and Blackthorn faced a more unorthodox training routine. Nevertheless, their instructors mixed humor with lessons, creating an atmosphere of flexibility.

"Practical combat is like a dance – just with more bruises!" The instructor joked.

"(Smiling) At least it keeps things interesting." Valeria thought.

As the day unfolded, Blackthorn and Valeria ventured to their respective rooms. 

Blackthorn, with two new male roommates to meet, encountered a tense atmosphere.

Blackthorn's first roommate whose name was Felix, eyed Blackthorn.

"Heard you stirred up trouble today." He uttered.

"I did what I felt was right," Blackthorn mumbled coldly. He didn't want to answer at first, but he had no other choice than to respond.

"I wonder why our third roommate hasn't arrived yet though." Felix muttered.

Meanwhile, Valeria shared her room with two new female roommates.

Valeria's first Roommate–Isabella with a curious look on her face asked:


"What brings you to this academy?"

"Defying shadows, one step at a time." She spoke, with a smile on her face.

"Defying shadows? Isn't that hilarious?!" Her second roommate whose name was Amelia chuckled.

"I'm serious!" She blurted, a little embarrassed at what she had told them earlier. She wasn't surprised that they thought she was joking. After all, they were in the past.


A few individuals confronted Blackthorn in the academy's courtyard. The latter wanted to find a perfect space to keep himself apart from human company, albeit it was made impossible by the former.

"Dude, do you think you can just interfere or meddle in someone else's business without consequences?" Raven hollered, pointing his index finger towards Blackthorn.

"Consequences depend on actions, not empty threats." Blackthorn uttered, seemingly unfazed by their numbers.

"This is our last warning to you, back off! Or you will face the wrath of man!" Razen added, with his brows scrunched.

Letting out a dark chuckle, Blackthorn boasted.

"Do you know who I am, I am Blackthorn! The Lord of the shadows!"

For a brief moment, a profound silence enveloped everything.

And immediately, Razen and his men burst into laughter for a while.

Wiping away tears that had gathered at the borders of his eyes from excessive laughter, Razen spoke:

"That trick won't work on us, fool. Blackthorn is an all-powerful and wanted Malefactor. There is no way you would even be related to him. Nice try, boy. You almost got us there!"

As if intoxicated by laughter, they erupted into another wave of mirthful chuckles.

"I understand now. In this past, I still exist as a villain. However, my current appearance prevents them from identifying me as such. Nevertheless, all these people laughing out loud in my face will surely come to regret it." Blackthorn mused silently within himself.

New encounters awaited both Blackthorn and Valeria, as they continued to navigate the challenges of their academy.

The echoes of their purpose persisted, even in the face of an unpredictable and transforming environment.


In the high-rated academy, Dante and Evelyn, continued to immerse themselves in the magical grandness of their surroundings. The lectures and magic classes showcased a dazzling array of talents among their peers.

"(whispering to Nexus Sage) These students are like living spells. It's fascinating to witness the convergence of knowledge and magic." Evelyn spoke.

"(Nodding) Magic here is an art, and each student contributes a unique brushstroke to the canvas. Learn from this mosaic of abilities, Evelyn." He replied.

"He is always replying with learn this learn that." Evelyn mused inwardly.

Following a grueling day of intense training, the duo retired to their respective rooms.

"Evy, why are you always around that guy named Dante? Are you two an item or something?" Inquired Lily, one of her roommates.

"It's not what you think I---"

"It's fine, I just wanted to be sure, however, you can't convince me that you two are not a thing." Lily insisted.

"Fine, interpret it however you want!" Evelyn mumbled.