
Deceptive shadows: Eclipsed fate

In the city of Duskfall, where darkness weaves its own narrative, a man known only as Blackthorn prowls the night with a reputation that strikes terror into the hearts of both the law-abiding and the criminal. With a face shrouded in mystery and a past buried in the shadows, Blackthorn is a mastermind who orchestrates chaos for his own enigmatic motives. As the city succumbs to a rising underworld, a relentless detective named Valeria becomes fixated on unmasking the elusive Rogue Reverie, the moniker whispered in fear by those who cross paths with Blackthorn. Unbeknownst to her, the lines between justice and villainy blur as Blackthorn's actions reveal a twisted sense of morality that challenges her understanding of right and wrong. As the city teeters on the edge of anarchy, Blackthorn's past resurfaces, intertwining with a prophecy that foretells his pivotal role in the city's fate. Unveiling layers of betrayal, redemption, and forbidden magic, "Deceptive shadows: Eclipsed fate" is a high-staked tale that explores the complex psyche of a male lead villain navigating the fine line between hero and antihero. In a city where shadows birth legends and villains, Blackthorn's enigmatic journey unfolds, leaving a trail of questions that can only be answered in the clandestine realms of the rogue's reverie.

Vortexsama · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 (Lurking)

The laughter echoed in Blackthorn's ears, a cruel reminder of his current predicament. Stripped of his powers, forced to bear another identity, and ridiculed by those who did not know his true nature, he felt a surge of frustration building within him.

But as the laughter faded into the background, Blackthorn's resolve hardened. In his mind, he vowed to exact revenge upon Razen and his men, to make them pay for their mockery in the most fitting way possible. But he knew that the time was not right, that he must bide his time and wait for the perfect moment to strike.

Later, as he met with Valeria in the dimly lit corridors of the academy, she reminded him once more of the necessity of his disguise, of the need to lay low and avoid drawing unwanted attention.

Frustration boiled within Blackthorn's chest, but he knew that she spoke the truth. For now, he would bide his time, waiting for the moment when he could unleash the full extent of his wrath upon those who dared to oppose him. 

After parting ways with Valeria, Blackthorn walked the dimly lit corridors of the academy, his mind churned with thoughts of revenge. The laughter of Razen and his lackeys echoed in his ears, fueling the fire of determination within him. He felt the weight of his powerlessness like a heavy chain around his neck, but with each step, his resolve only grew stronger.

He didn't know why he felt angry though, as he had enough physical strength to take on a top student from a high-ranked school however, he just felt like without his magic it wasn't enough. 

Valeria's words echoed in his mind, reminding him of the necessity of his disguise. He knew she spoke the truth, but the frustration of his current situation gnawed at him. How could he, the feared Blackthorn, be reduced to this? Forced to hide in the shadows, stripped of his powers, and mocked by those who knew nothing of his true nature.

But as he reached his room and closed the door behind him, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time washed over him: the thirst for revenge, the hunger for blood. It consumed him, driving out any lingering doubts or hesitation.

"No, not now... Not yet..."

He pondered, and as he did, his eyes, which were a chilling shade of silver, briefly flickered to a fiery red, startling in their intensity alongside a grin, before swiftly returning to their usual hue.

Little did he know that luck was on his side, a tournament was about to come up in their school.

The academy was abuzz with excitement as news of the upcoming tournament spread like wildfire. It was the perfect opportunity, Blackthorn realized, the perfect stage upon which to exact his vengeance. But he couldn't do it in public. He needed a plan.

As he lay in bed, his mind raced with possibilities. How could he make them pay for their mockery? And then it came to him, like a bolt of lightning illuminating the darkness.

The tournament would be his stage, his arena of retribution. But he would need to play his cards carefully, to bide his time until the moment was right. And so, he began to devise his plan, each detail falling into place like the pieces of a puzzle.

But as the days passed and the tournament drew nearer, Blackthorn couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that coursed through his veins. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, a feeling he relished with every fiber of his being.

Valeria, on the other hand, saw it as an opportunity for the both of them to move to a higher-rated academy. 

"We could finally join the others if one of us wins it." She uttered, facing Blackthorn who had a blank look on his face.

"If one of us?" He spoke. "Then that means it would be only you. As you said, only one person can advance, and that is the tournament's winner." He added.

"That doesn't sound good then!" Valeria replied, with a slight frown on her face."

"I will still join the tournament though, but you have to win... By the way, let us just wait and see what happens." He said.

"(Sighs) Guess I have to wait then!" Valeria thought.

"She has grown too attached to me over time, and that is not good for her. Nevertheless... it is good for me." Blackthorn mused, and while he did, a thin smile surfaced his lips.

And then, finally, the day of the tournament arrived. The academy grounds buzzed with excitement as students from all corners of the school gathered to watch the spectacle unfold. Blackthorn watched from the stands, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he waited for his moment to strike.

As the first round began, Blackthorn observed his opponents with a cold, calculating gaze. He knew that victory was within his grasp and that he would stop at nothing to achieve his goal. And with each opponent he defeated, his confidence grew, his thirst for revenge burning ever brighter.

Valeria seemed to defeat her opponents with ease, however, Blackthorn made his battles seem like he one through luck, or after minutes of struggle.

And then, after a few weeks of preliminary and knockout battles, the day he had been waiting for finally arrived. The semi-final draw.

"After weeks of separating the best from the rest, we have arrived at the semi-finals!" The announcer yelled into the microphone he was holding onto. "First we have Razen the defending champion, versus a newbie named Damien; and on the other hand, Valeria, the most impressive throughout the tournament, who is of course also a newbie, versus the three times champion of this tournament who one three times in four years... Mr. X!"

The crowd, or rather the students, roared in frenzy as the announcer did his job with vitality.

"Valeria has been pretty impressive for a newbie." A student in the stands chipped in.

"Yeah! Unlike Damien who seems to always win by luck, the other three are exceptional." Another added.

"True, Valeria's fighting prowess is quite astounding, however, her matchup in the semi-finals is just bad luck." A girl who was sitting next to Owen spoke.

"X..." Blackthorn wondered. "Who the hell is he, judging by the announcer and the crowd's reaction, he is quite a handful."

"Well good luck to him, he is facing the person who chased me endlessly just to seek my true identity." He added inwardly while shrugging his soldiers.

In no time, it was time for the participants to face off.

Razen stepped into the arena, his face twisted with arrogance and disdain. But Blackthorn remained calm, his mind focused on the task at hand.