
Deceptive shadows: Eclipsed fate

In the city of Duskfall, where darkness weaves its own narrative, a man known only as Blackthorn prowls the night with a reputation that strikes terror into the hearts of both the law-abiding and the criminal. With a face shrouded in mystery and a past buried in the shadows, Blackthorn is a mastermind who orchestrates chaos for his own enigmatic motives. As the city succumbs to a rising underworld, a relentless detective named Valeria becomes fixated on unmasking the elusive Rogue Reverie, the moniker whispered in fear by those who cross paths with Blackthorn. Unbeknownst to her, the lines between justice and villainy blur as Blackthorn's actions reveal a twisted sense of morality that challenges her understanding of right and wrong. As the city teeters on the edge of anarchy, Blackthorn's past resurfaces, intertwining with a prophecy that foretells his pivotal role in the city's fate. Unveiling layers of betrayal, redemption, and forbidden magic, "Deceptive shadows: Eclipsed fate" is a high-staked tale that explores the complex psyche of a male lead villain navigating the fine line between hero and antihero. In a city where shadows birth legends and villains, Blackthorn's enigmatic journey unfolds, leaving a trail of questions that can only be answered in the clandestine realms of the rogue's reverie.

Vortexsama · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 8 (A new Duskfall)

As the group found themselves in the mix of the past and future Duskfall, they faced the challenge of adapting to their teenage selves. The cityscape stretched before them, a blend of familiarity and mystery.

Valeria, now a younger version of her guardian self, took in the surroundings with a mixture of confusion and determination.

"This is truly Duskfall, but it feels different. What happened to us?" She asked for the umpteenth time.

Blackthorn, his enigmatic aura subdued in his youthful form, surveyed their surroundings with a thoughtful expression.

"Like I had explained earlier, The Vorpal Lords last-ditch effort threw us into the tapestry of time. We must navigate this blend of past and future to uncover the shadows that still linger." He said, not minding that she bombarded him with questions here and there.

Nexus Sage, despite the temporal shift affecting his appearance, maintained a composed demeanor.

"Our teenage selves are woven into the city's destiny. The Threads of Revelation now intertwine with our youthful spirits." He uttered.

Evelyn, her magical aura diminished in her teenage form, acknowledged the situation:

"We are bound by the threads of this altered time. Valeria, Blackthorn, Nexus sage, prepare for challenges beyond the shadows."

As the group contemplated their next steps, they realized that some of their powers and magical prowess had been affected by the temporal shift. 

Valeria, wielding her enchanted blade, faced the reality of her diminished guardian powers.

"Some of the magic in this blade are gone, but my resolve remains. We will find a way to navigate this new Duskfall." She thought.

Blackthorn, who had secretly lost his powers, masked his disappointment, as he stood by Valeria's side.

"Our journey might take unexpected turns, but we'll defy the shadows together." He uttered with a motivating tone.

Nexus Sage, sensing the shifts in magical energies, suggested a pragmatic approach.

"We must adapt to our current situation. Evelyn, your magical prowess might guide us through this enigmatic era." He advised.

Evelyn nodded in agreement, accepting her role in the group's journey. The four of them decided to separate temporarily, to attend different magical academies based on their current abilities.

The Nexus Sage and Evelyn were qualified to enroll in a prestigious high-rated academy, where ancient knowledge and powerful magic thrived. 

On the other hand, Valeria acknowledging their present limitations, could only qualify for a lower-ranked academy that focused on unconventional skills and practical combat. Blackthorn, not leaving Valeria behind decided to accompany her. 

Although he also didn't qualify for a High ranked academy, as he had lost his powers. Luckily, they took the test and entrance exams in different centres so the others were still unaware of that fact. 

And also, he didn't display his efficient combat skills, and physical strength, because he had guessed that Valeria won't qualify for a high ranked academy.

Valeria, determined to make the most of her situation, turned to Blackthorn with a reassuring smile.

"We might be in different academies for now, but our mission remains the same. Defy the shadows, shape our destiny." She spoke.

Blackthorn, concealing the loss of his powers, nodded in agreement.

"Together, we will navigate this new chapter in Duskfall's history. The echoes of the rogue's reverie continue, even in our teenage selves." He spoke.

Deeply moved by his inspirational speech, she gave him a warm hug which made the atmosphere quite weird.

"Thanks for always being by my side through this whole thing." She muttered, getting emotional as tears gathered in the borders of her eyes.

After she finally let him go, Blackthorn spoke:

"What was that for?" He said, with a thin smile on his face.

"Keep quiet!" She blurted, while her face slightly reddened in embarrassment.

"Is your teenage instinct kicking in? I never knew you were such a crybaby." He teased.

Using her fist to bump his shoulder, she spoke 

"Keep quiet you treacherous villain." She uttered, before letting out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I almost forgot who I was....." He thought as he stared into the bright sky.

The group, now temporarily separated, embarked on their journeys within the different academies, each determined to unravel the mysteries of the altered Duskfall and, once again, confront the shadows that lingered in their teenage destinies.


In the diverse landscape of the new Duskfall, the group ventured into separate paths, each heading to a different academy. Evelyn and Nexus Sage embraced the prestigious high-rated academy, where the air was thick with powerful magic and ancient knowledge.

Evelyn, observing the magical prowess of her new peers, turned to Nexus Sage.

"This academy is teeming with potent magic users, even though most of us here are only first years. Navigating through this high-powered environment will not be easy." She stated.

Nexus Sage, his eyes gleaming yellow with ancient wisdom, replied:

"Our journey here will be an exploration of magic's grandeur. Embrace the challenge, Evelyn, for it will sharpen your abilities." 

The entrance of this academy that Valeria and Blackthorn were enrolled into revealed an atmosphere quite different from Evelyn and Nexus Sage's academy.

Valeria, observing the insides of the academy, whispered to Blackthorn:

"This place seems rough. Practical combat is emphasized, but there's an unsettling air about it."

Blackthorn, his mysterious demeanor hiding a simmering frustration, surveyed the surroundings.

"We will navigate this academy's challenges and forge our path. The echoes of our purpose persist, even in this environment." He said.

As they entered a particular passage in the building, a troubling scene unfolded – a weak-looking teenager being bullied by a group of stronger students. 

Blackthorn's eyes narrowed, and his fists clenched in restraint. These were the individuals he despised the most, and those he held an even greater disdain for, were the figures from his past.

Blackthorn, a little pissed yelled:

"Enough of this! Leave him be!"

Valeria, recognizing Blackthorn's rising anger, warned against rash actions.

"Blackthorn, don't forget where we are. Let us handle this without causing unnecessary trouble." She advised.

Despite Blackthorn suppressing his frustration, he confronted the bullies, ordering them to leave. 

The bullies, unaware of Balckthorn's true nature, reluctantly dispersed after a stern warning.

"Listen, newbie, don't think we let him off the hook. You just worsened things for him, as you can't be with him all the time, and that aside, be careful of who you speak to." One of them spoke, then turned back to take his leave, and the rest did the same, with the last pointing his ~~middle finger~~ and sticking out his tongue as he left.

The weak-looking teenager, grateful for the intervention, expressed his thanks and exited. 

Unbeknownst to Blackthorn, the bullies reported the incident to their master, a powerful student with influential connections.

"That guy interfered in our business. We need to report this to our master." Raven, a guy with orange spikey hair suggested.

"Yeah, let's make sure he faces the consequences. Our master won't tolerate disruptions." Another chipped in.

The bullies, fueled by resentment, sought their master, setting in motion a chain of events that would ripple through the dynamics of the academy.