
Darkness: Book One

Sophie Ortiz has had to grow up much faster than most 18 year-old girls in New York City. With an alcoholic step- father and a mother in constant financial distress, Sophie carries a heavy burden that forces her to juggle school, work, family and friendships – leaving little time for herself.  So when a handsome stranger walks into her life one summer afternoon, she flushes, her heart skips a beat, and… she dismisses him, thinking she doesn’t have the time for a relationship. But her heart and his persistence convince her otherwise. Sophie is about to come of age, and in so doing will learn a painful, heartbreaking lesson – that monsters are indeed real, and the scariest ones are those with whom you share your heart."

Jacks_Morales · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter: Three- Am I ready?

Saturday morning with nowhere to be, I decide I am better off in bed. Only opening my eyes when I hear a noise coming from inside my room.

"Mom? What are you doing?" I shriek as I watch her with diligent eyes, taking in her standing over my jewelry rearranging it.

"Oh, just waiting for you to wake up. That way I can tell you about that incredibly hot boyfriend of yours in the kitchen." Before she can finish her sentence, I am off my bed and flying down the hallways to see if she is telling me the truth. Unconcerned about the jewelry she had found since they are the custom ones I keep as decoys. Before going into the kitchen, I turn into the bathroom to brush my teeth, fix my bed head, and wash my greasy face. The trifecta of looking and smelling good for your significant other. When I am done, I make my debut in the kitchen only to find my mother already had returned. My hand flies to the infinity pendent Sebastian had given me on one of our dates then tug gently on my navy blue chemise nightgown. Turning to see me standing in the entrance of the kitchen his jaw drops as the full image of me imprints in his mind.

"You look beautiful as always Principessa." Sebastian states recovering smoothly in front of my mother who can seem to care less. "Why don't you go get dressed and we can go get some breakfast." He gulps as if he is fighting with himself to say such a thing.


We drive out to a romantic restaurant that also happens to be owned by an old friend of his. It appears he has a lot of old friends. Not far from the restaurant is a hotel that was renovated from an old castle. After breakfast we decide to go in and look it over. When we walk in I feel like Cinderella. It's beauty too much for words to describe it. The ceiling is grand like looking up at the sky with a huge chandelier hanging in the center. Paintings of people, beautiful people are hanging everywhere. A portrait on the ceiling. The paintings of the people seem so real and familiar, like a nagging feeling pulling at my brain. There is a long hall of beams and statues with these paintings we walk through to get to the open area where the chandelier is. In there is the main desk that unlike everything else looks vintage new. The furnishings of a noble family in the late eighteen hundred decorate the lobby. The history behind the hotel seems to be quite amazing. Walking away from the desk I wonder the hallways being lead around by the walls depicting drawings of battles and love stories. Not understanding how I know which hallways to go down so the story on the wall makes sense I follow my gut, interpreting the artwork. Soon, the story is unfolding before me. It starts with a young noble man that had wanted for nothing but the safety of his children. One day his youngest grew sick with malaria and the nobleman became distressed. A week went by and no one could do a thing for the poor child. He stood by her side day and night, not taking his eyes off her for one second. Then one day a man came dressed in all black. The man's cloak covered him, and his hood masked his face. He gave the nobleman an option; he can either save his daughter, relinquishing his soul to the devil or keep his soul and watch his daughter die. The man of course gave his soul up and immediately his daughter became better. That night when the moon was high the nobleman walked into his garden thinking nothing of his deal. The man in the cloak came that night and drank the noble's blood, turning him into a vampire, taking him away from his family forever. On another wall the story begins with two lovers who are forbidden from being together because they are not of the same class. The girl of royal lineage and the boy just a knight that would sit beneath her window singing lullabies of the birds to her. She would run down to the garden to be with him until one day when her father found out and threw the boy into the dungeon. While imprisoning his daughter in her room he had the boy put to death. The girl wept for days until the man in the black cloak came to her and said "join my clan and be rid of your murderous father." She replied to him that she would if only she could see her love again. That night she saw her love in a dream and while she dreamt the man in the cloak drank her blood, taking her away. Soon there is story after story surmounting on top of each other with the only common factor being the man in the black cloak. The stories themselves seems almost real as they are set in real places, with real royalty as well. The stories even fit into a perfect timeline showcasing from the latest, where I had started, to now where I find myself. The beginning depiction for the man in the black cloak. His story now stands before me. It depicts the man in the black cloak as a father and leader of a big clan of vampires. Showing his flesh and blood son that looks awfully like Sebastian. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I leave the wall, telling myself that his friend must have wanted to integrate him into the hotel artwork. However, I cannot stop thinking about the story. It showed the boy becoming a leader as the man in the black cloak is dying. How the boy needs to find a queen that is human and would leave her world to be with him.

Becoming lost as I had not paid attention to which way I was truly going as I followed the stories for the past hour or so, I wonder around hoping to make it back. Before I get the chance to fully panic, I see Sebastian walking towards me and I am relieved I won't be wondering these halls forever.

"Hey, where did you go?" He asks placing an arm over my shoulder. Ushering me down several hallways.

"I was reading the depictions." All of a sudden, I feel weird around him as if I cannot talk to him about what I saw.

"Really? Did you happen to get to the end?" Concern is laced in his words. His brows knit themselves together.

"No, I got lost." I tell as a half-truth. "What are we doing now?" I try to change the subject, just as I try to rid myself of the doom feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"We are staying here tonight since the fog has rolled in and isn't forecast to leave until sometime tomorrow." The man standing behind the front desk frowns when his eyes land upon me. As if I am an unwanted guest which I am pretty sure there can't be in a hotel, Right?

"Ookay" I draw out. Coming to the acceptance that I will be spending the night with my boyfriend in a hotel. "Lead me to my room." Expecting like usual in class trips boys and girls sleep in separate rooms in separate halls.

"Umm" He fiddles with a key, slapping it distractingly in his hand. "We are sharing a room."

"Okay." I huff a bit feel a little overwhelmed. "One room, two beds. Correct?" I ask at this point not wanting to assume anything.

"Actually, one bed." He holds up his hands as if he can stave off my anger that he would without my consent order a room with only one bed for us to share. Who does he think he is?! "Why don't you let me show you the room first please" sweeping my hand before me because I do not trust my voice, I tell him to lead the way. Walking me to the Elevator he presses the button for the penthouse. Opening its doors my eyes nearly pop out of my head. The room looks nearly as stunning as the lobby. The ceiling is high, and dome shaped a short hallway leads directly to the bedroom. Everything is gold or painted golden. Whereas the walls are sparkle like crystals being hit by the sun, little rainbows bouncing off. A small Circular oak table sits in the middle of the room, while other longer tables line the walls each holding their own vase of flowers. One holds yellow daffodils, another red poinsettia, while yet another jasmine. The center table though holds a beautiful boutique of white roses. Walking around hugging the curve of the center table I go through the hallway to find a quaint living room. Still golden it is decorated with a mahogany amour, small couch, and love seat. Turning ever slightly I see heavy, wooden doors. Approaching them I hold my out slowly stretching them towards the doors to take hold of the firm brass handles. Pressing down on them the doors give way without hesitation.


I gasp in shock, walking through the bedroom, twirling from time to time to take in the beauty. Like the front of the suite the ceiling is domed and high. Curtains hang from the top of the chandelier dipping down but curving back up to hook into each corner of the room. A canopy sits in the middle of the bedroom, circular like the table in the hallway. I've never seen a circular bed before. I wonder how they got it in here. The room is still decorated in gold like the rest of the apartment but for some reason the gold in this room seems more brilliant then the rest. A vanity table sits to the far edge of the room, framed by miniature bulbs to light up the small section.

His warm hands slid around my waist hugging me from behind before turning me into his chest. Peering up at his face I can see him reading the excited happiness on my face. Picking me up as if he can read my mind, he walks me over to the bed. Opening the curtain and laying me down. Unwilling to let him go I keep my arms securely wrapped around his neck pulling him down on top of me. He braces himself on his forearms before looking deep into my eyes searching for exactly what I want in that moment. Taking the lead, I push myself up a bit and brush my lips against his. Letting my tongue glide across the inner part of his top lip. Parting them under my light pressure he lets his own tongue slither out and twine with mine. My heart pounds beneath my breast, frantically pumping heated blood coursing through my body. Gasping I break away from the kiss trying to calm my heart but not wanting to give up the surge of endorphins and pheromones surging through me and surrounding us in this moment. He nibbles at my neck forceful but tender. His soft hair tickling my flesh everywhere it touches as he makes his way down the length of my neck towards my breast and back up again to capture my mouth. I welcome him exuberant to have another taste of him. Each lick, kiss stirs something more in me and soon I am wiggling beneath him. Consumed by the thought of his lips on every inch of my body tasting me while I taste every inch of him. My brains alarm starts to go off just as it has every time we get close together and my thoughts drift to going further.

"Stop, Sebastian. We have to stop." I groan into his lips clearly unhappy with my inner monologue. Letting out a small groan himself he rolls over onto the bed, sprawling himself out. I curl myself into his chest and he wraps his arm around me to hold me close, kissing me on my forehead.

"Sorry" I mumble into his hard side.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He strokes my side in reassuring circles putting me to sleep. Comforted by his presence I dream of what I saw earlier. The pictures on the walls coming alive again in my minds eye. The last story comes into focus I am a princess, the young woman they had waited for, the young woman meant to be queen and stand beside Sebastian's side as he rules over the demonic world. Turning to him I see the man I love is a monster. His normally deep brown eyes are bright red and his lips are dripping with blood. Warm liquid oozed its way down my shoulder, chest, and dripping off my bosom. Placing my hand on my neck, I withdraw it only to see the blood from his lips is mine. Screaming I jerk up out of my slumber waking Sebastian in the process with a start.

"W-what! What's wrong? What happened?" he stammers startled.

"nothing, nothing-" I whisper "It was just a nightmare" I say scooting back a bit to get some air I tell myself and not because of the horrible images that already begin to recede from my mind.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he puts his hand out to reassure me but lets it fall as he witnesses me flinch.

"No, I can't remember it now." Moving back towards him hoping I can get over the slight aversion that has settled into my bones.

"Okay" He acquiesce pulling me into him, relief can be felt leaving his body as I curl back into his side. I stare up into his eyes slowly comforted by the brown I see staring back down at me. Settling myself close to him I try to finish banishing the dream from my mind and body. The rest of the night I dream of nothing else.

Waking up early to an empty bed I run frantically through the rooms yelling out his name. Seeing him nowhere I go back to the bedroom and grab the robe hanging on the back of the doors. Walking into the bathroom I hang the robe on the back of the door and strip out of my clothes. I step into the porcelain shower with three nozzles, I turn on the hot water letting it scorch my body as I clean myself. I hear the door open but cannot see anything through the fogged glass door. Opening it a bit I stick my head out only to be confronted by Sebastian.

"I heard you calling for me." He leans against the sink with his hip, arms folded, eyes leering at me.

"Why didn't you answer?" I ask incredulously.

"I wasn't in the suite to answer." He answers matter of factly. I want to ask him how he had heard me then, but he turns to exit the bathroom throwing over his shoulder "I'll let you finish up in here." Closing the door, I turn around and quickly finish up. Getting out I dry off before putting on the robe and making my exit. In the bedroom once again my dirty clothes in hand I find a fresh pair of clothing waiting for me on the bed and a plastic bag next to them. Placing my dirty clothes into the plastic bag, I quickly get dressed in the new outfit Sebastian graciously has gotten for me. Entering the living room, I find Sebastian standing by the window looking stunning in his dark denim jeans and black fitted tee. Deciding to let go of how he magically heard me I ask instead "What are we doing today?" as I nearly skip over to his side.

"I was thinking we would go shopping today." He pulls me in to a sweet kiss.

"But I don't have any money." I complain breaking free.

"I will pay for it of course." He looks down at me as if it is a given that he would provide for me.

"Sebastian I can't let you do that."

"Why not?" He asks incredulously. Pulling me in closer until we pressed flushed together. I must turn my head all the way up in order to look into his eyes. His sweet mouth distracting as it is now so close. His rippling muscles can be felt easily through both of our shirts and my body begins to quake slightly. Space, space. I need space. Trying to dislodge my arms which have somehow become trapped beneath his around his sides, my fingers just barely touching his firm buttocks. I try to no avail to gain leverage to break free. Exasperated I tell him "I just won't feel comfortable with you continually buying me things."

"Including this outfit, I bought you?" He claps back. Staring at him agape I try to push down the anger I feel and speak in a calm dulcet voice. "I didn't ask for this outfit and even though I appreciate it. I am only wearing it because I have nothing else to wear currently. I am not a charity case Sebastian and I don't intend to be treated like one." Taken aback by my words as if they were a sharp slap to the face, he lets me go and I stumble back a few feet. A few moments go by before he can speak again.

"You are not a charity to me; you will never be a charity to me. You are my everything. You are my Principessa. I want to share with you everything I have to offer." He seems so frustrated his words heated. Grabbing at my hips again, he brings me in softly saying "This is as much a present for me as it is for you. I love seeing you in something I have provided." He bends down swiftly planting a resolved kiss on my mouth. Yielding to him as I feel I may always do; I open in invitation. My resolve crumpling under his attentive tongue. He withdraws only to take my hand and chauffeur me to the mini mall Crossroads Plaza.


After spending nearly an hour walking from store to store peering into windows just to find the right one; I finally do. The outfits adorning the mannequins in the front showcase has me salivating at mouth. Barging into the store I find the outfits upfront and with an excited, gleeful leap start picking out my sizes. Snatching up a red strapless mini dress, the blue spaghetti strap top next to it with denim mini skirt, and black off the shoulder slinky A cut mid-thigh dress. Taking off towards the back I wander through the aisles of attractive clothing. Every once in awhile my eyes will fall on an outfit, I want but quickly shy away from after peeking at the price tag. Finally, ready to leave I make a right to find Sebastian going down a new aisle. Distracted by the bewitching prom dresses I walk head long into a hard chest, falling hard onto the floor. Looking up I of course see the owner of the chest is none other than Sebastian, who is smiling down at me.

"We really have to stop meeting like this." He laughs offering me his hand. Reaching out to take hold of his hand I glare at him. Not bothering to reply I let go as soon as I am back on my feet and walk away, hearing his laughter increase in volume with every step.


Back at the hotel I run straight to the shower feeling dirty and cold from our long day out at the mall. "What are you doing?" puzzled he inquires. Leaning against the bathroom door leading into the bedroom.

"It's called a shower." I respond sarcastically. Making a face as I ready the shower temperature and place my towel in the optimal position.

"I realize that. I am wondering why you are taking another one so quickly." Swatting at my behind.

"Well doll face I feel dirty ergo shower." I stick to sarcasm lacing my words.

"If you really want to feel dirty, I have something for you." He wiggles his eyebrows in a disgusting display and saunters closer to me.

"Out with you, you fiend!!" I bellow while physically shoving him out of the room. He puts up very little resistance but does manage to smack my bottom which produces a soft moan. Ignoring it and how easily it would be to invite him into the shower with me, I close the door on him locking it. Quickly undressing I can hear him yell through the door to hurry up since he has made reservations for dinner. I do my best to comply taking a quick five-minute shower, exiting to just as speedily dry myself. Getting dressed in the red mini dress we bought earlier with matching red strappy pumps and silver butterfly earring Sebastian gave me on our first date. I head out to the living room to make my entrance to find Sebastian dressed in Navy-blue button-down shirt and black slacks. He turns hearing me walk in he stands looking conflicted as if he is waging some sort of battle. He walks over to me eyes fixated on me, my body, my lips. As he gets closer the sexual tension in the room grows and I become nervous. Thankful we have some place to be I try to sidestep but am cornered against the wall. He descends upon me like a bird of prey swooping in to capture its feast. His mouth captures mine hungrily, he licks into my mouth brushing his tongue against mine. Taking hold of my loose curls he grabs the base of my head yanking it gently down. Angling my head up even more to deepen the kiss so he may explore more of me. Breathing heavy, heart hammering, sweat beading across my forehead we back away slowly from each other before we miss our reservation.


Getting to school just in time to run to class I sit down taking out my homework, placing it in the left corner of my desk. Having just barely scribbled it out late the night before after getting home it looked messy, much unlike my usual work. Coming around to pick up our papers Ms. Walkers reaches my desk and tsks as she gathers it up. Class begins and I take out my binder to start my work but am taken away into the world of daydreams where I imagine me, Sebastian, and the road that lies ahead of us.


The bell startles me out of my dream state. Embarrassed I gather my belongings and leave for my next class. Making a mental note to ask someone for notes. Walking into Kyle halfway to gym class we start to talk about our weekend.

"So, what did you do for yours?" He inquires after detailing his boring weekend of video games, ball games and skirmishes.

"Oh, nothing major. I went shopping, went out to dinner with the boyfriend, and checked out a really cool castle which was renovated for the public use." I say editing my recap.

"Wow! That seems pretty exciting." He jumps up before going to his side of the locker rooms and I my own.

Once changed we meet in the gym to run our usual three laps which we again decide to race. Leaving me the victor by just a hair collapsing at the end of it we wait patiently for the rest of the class to finish theirs. Once again, I am feeling great and at the top of my game in class.


Finally, in my last class of the day, business I bring out my notebook, and settle into my seat. The professor Mr. Bloom is very monotone, but the material is too important to me. I set my recorder up so that any information that I might not write down will at least be obtained. Class begins and the droning begins. My lids become heavy with every word he utters. In this class I always make sure to sit in the back seat in the farthest corner behind the tallest guy. I'm not to concerned with viewing the board since the professor uses a large projector. By the tenth sentence my head is down, and my eyes are losing their battle to stay open. The day had been long, and gym had taken a lot of energy out of me. I fall asleep. Waking to the sounds of movement in front of me I observe class is over and am thankful once again that I have my recorder. Gathering my belongings, I take my exit and make my way across the campus green, down the stairs, over to the street. To my surprise I find his car parked at the end of the street waiting for me. Strolling over I get in and buckle up as he takes off down the road. Waiting patiently for once I keep my eyes focused on the pavement ahead.

"No hundred questions today?" He probes a bit too relieved.

"No, if you have anything to say you will say it." I deadpan not taking my eyes off the road.

"I'm taking you to my home. I think its time I show you where I live." He declares rather plainly as if it isn't the most exciting news, he can possibly tell me. Enthusiastic over the possibility of finally seeing where he lives, I become jittery in my seat. All too soon we turn into a long driveway to a large metal gate steering us towards a mini castle by look of it. Truly shocked my mouth falls open at the sight.

"How many rooms?" my voice cracks in small squeaks.

"65" Smiling at my reaction he drives up around to a hidden road that leads to a connecting garage.

"Do you live here by yourself?" I wonder out loud. Eyes wide still with amazement.

"No, I live here with friends and family." He brings the car to an empty spot in a crawl.

"Do I get the full tour?" I ask nearly absent mindedly but intrigued to see what this palace might hold.

"Maybe." Sebastian is already at my door pulling me out onto my feet. We fly up the back stairs to the third floor and down the hall. Finally, we stop in front of a huge elaboratively carved door.

"What is with the rush?" I puff out having had to take the stairs two or three at a time.

"Step in and find out." He swings the door open to a pitch-black room. Taking a step inside I try looking for a light switch instead Sebastian grabs my hand spins me around while closing the door behind him. His lips find mine and all I can think about is how soft and tender they feel against mine. I start to shape my body to his; feeling his lips become harder as he licks my lip asking for entry and I oblige. Tipping my head at just the right angle to allow total access into my mouth; our tongues dance with each other. I become faintly aware that his hands are sliding down my arms dragging my jacket along with them before I feel them at my sides gliding my tank up over my breasts. He breaks the kiss so quickly as he yanks the tank up and off, replacing his lips onto mine before they can be deeply missed. The sensation of being moved is overtaken by the need to feel his skin on mine. My fingers make their way down each of his buttons, relieving him of his shirt in no time at all. I am pleasantly greeted with the unusual touch of bare skin instead of his normal wife beater underneath. Less work for me, I guess; I mutter to myself. Both of our bare chests heavily rise and fall as we make our way over to the bed. His hands are on my pants.

"Sebastian, I love you." I whisper into the darkness between fervor kisses.

"I love you too Sophie." He replies hastily as he unbuttons my jeans sliding them off. I lay back on the bed in nothing but blue bikini bottoms and matching bra.

"Well, this doesn't seem fair." Sarcasm bounces off the walls while my insides clench with lust and the need for fulfillment.

"What isn't" He asks genuinely dumbfounded. Too caught up in the fun to see anything amiss.

"I, being practically naked. While you, are still halfway dressed." I retort.

"Trust me you'll prefer it this way." His mouth descends onto my neck sucking and biting it lightly, my body begins to rub against him. I feel a pinch and a tsunami of arousal and pleasure fill me leaving the bit of pain far behind in its wake. My hands hold his head to my neck but do nothing to stop him from leaving it and making his way lower. His lips brush slightly over the curvature of my breast on its journey downward to my flat stomach, his tongue tickles me.

The back of my mind is screaming that I should put an end to this, but it feels to good to stop. Instead I curl my fingers in his locks as he continues to descend licking my- the door swings open. We both freeze our bodies turning to ice. I slide out from underneath him taking the sheet with me as Sebastian stands facing the intruder who has started to yell at him.

"She shouldn't be here! We shouldn't be interacting with them!" The man who has yet to be identified growls.

"How dare you tell me what I should and should not do! Who is King of this domain? Who is can kill you in a split second?" Sebastian whispers fiercely back, eyes blazing even in the dark. Starting to feel very unsafe I stand quickly with the need to leave driving me. I walk over to the other side of the bed where Sebastian stands, and my clothes are scattered. Grabbing them quickly I start to shimmy into them while still holding the sheet around myself. Almost to the door I feel a pair of strong arms grab me around the waist pulling me back into the room as the other man take his leave. His short blonde hair spiked, soft facial features make him appear young, and his baby blue eyes as light as a sunny sky.

Still in Sebastian's arms I turn and ask quietly "Who is he?" I slowly try to pry myself from his grasp.

"His name is Jasper. He's like my right-hand man." Still staring at the door as if he expects more people to come crashing through it at any second. Taking a moment to take my phone out of my pocket only to see that the time is already seven pm.

"I should go." I nervously let out heading towards the door.

"Please stay. We didn't get to finish." His eyes take on a plead glint and his mouth pouts in a sweet boyish way.

"Honestly, I'm not in the mood anymore. I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable." Walking over to him I give him a tender kiss on those pouty lips feeling a small tingle ignite in the put of my belly. Enough to feel but too small to change my mind.

"Well then before we leave let me give you something." He saunters over to a mahogany dresser turning on a light in the process. HE pulls out the baby blue corset, the sheer lacy cups can barely be seen from where I am standing.

"Sebastian." I breathe. I cannot believe he went back and got it for me. I cannot believe he remembered I wanted it. We didn't even know each other then and I didn't realize he was viewing me so carefully.

"Try it for me." He smirks knowing the effect this present is having on me. He takes a few steps back to me, circling his hands around my hips.

"Maybe next time." I swallow, grabbing the corset and folding it to put into my bag so it is not only away but out of sight. My body feels heated again and Sebastian has commenced his puppy dog pout. It makes me want to kiss him and care for him, to please him. To give in. "If I try it on do you promise not to do anything but watch." Inquiring my face takes on a semi- hopeful, semi-quizzical look.

"I cannot do that." He responds resolutely. Frustration by that answer courses through me and I turn away from him knowing full well I cannot say this in the firm manner I need to, if I am forced to look into his face.

"Well then I guess I cannot try it on." I punctuate with a small foot stomp. "Plus, I would rather get some dinner and watch a movie." Turning back around I pout my own lips and stare up at him with my eyes wide like a begging dog for a treat.

"Okay." He sighs walking me back to the car while carrying my bag.

Leaving the mansion, I see many faces staring at us out of the windows. Driving away slowly we drive out of sight, the faces growing smaller till they fade behind the gate and trees. Stopping at the nearest restaurant we eat a healthy dinner then drive off to the movies.

Standing in front of the teller I peer at all the pictured movies available, landing on the most intriguing one; Dracula vs. Vampira.

"Can we watch Dracula vs. Vampira? Plleeaasse?" I enunciate the last word hard like a little child hoping he will give in without question. To my pleasure he does sliding the money for two tickets under the window and grabbing my hand once he gets the tickets to escort me inside.


Walking out of the theater the sky is nearly black it is so dark. "That movie was a terrible depiction." He bemoans

"Why cause Vampira kicked Dracula's butt?" Turning around so I face him, I walk backwards towards the car parked in front of the theater.

"No. It just does not seem plausible." Frowning he looks as if he wants to change the topic to anything else.

"Because she beat him." I press on, flattening my body against the passenger side door of the car.

"Where to now?" He asks not even trying to disguise his lame attempt to change the subject.

"I guess I should go home. I have got to get some sleep." Moving away from the door so he may open it for me, I climb in, settling myself inside as he makes his way around the car so we can drive off.


Entering the apartment, I find myself engulfed in darkness. Tired and sluggish, dragging myself to my bed I plop down falling to sleep even before my head hits the pillow


Climbing through her window I am relieved to see I have gotten here before the others. Stepping down off the sill off to the side of the bed my foot catches on an article of clothing. Shaking my foot loose of it I draw the shades down before making my way into her closet hoping that I will not be seen nor heard. Backing into the wardrobe my back brushes lightly against her hangers. Immediately I stand still peering out of the closet to see if she has awoken. Watching as she quietly slips from her bed, pinning herself to the wall looking around for what I can only assume to be the source of the noise that awoken her. Her hand starts to slide against the wall reaching out towards the door handle. Quickly in four strides I am at her side hoping that she will not see me before I can assure her it is only me. I reach out instinctively to stop her movements putting my hand on top of hers. Startling her in the process, I realize my mistake, quickly wrapping my other hand around her mouth trying to quiet her screams.

"Sssshhhhh it is only me." I say soothingly as if she were a child that had, had a nightmare. Her scream dies on between her lips and my fingers as recognition settles in. Removing my hands from her I seat myself on her bed, reaching out to her, bringing her down onto my lap.

"What are you doing here?" Her soft whisper tickles my ear, a yawn follows not that far behind. Her tresses fall over her face as she lays her head on my chest beneath my chin, cuddling up against me. I wrap my arms tightly, protectively around her. Claiming her.

"I could not stay away." I whisper back not wanting to break the spell that has been created. She intertwines her arms around mine holding me closely. We sit like that for a little, feeling her slowly doze in and out. Slowly I lower myself fully onto her soft comforter moving her into the crook of my arm while letting her head remain resting on my chest. She wiggles her body closer to me, molding herself to the contours of my body before falling completely and soundlessly asleep. Having her like this again reminds me of being at the hotel. Sleeping cuddled up together in a very similar position. Turning my head, I kiss her forehead, getting a whiff of her strawberry and mango shampoo and conditioner. With my free hand I stroke her soft curls, moving them away from her truly angelic face. Resting my cheek on top of her head, I close my eyes letting the worries that had me climbing in through her window go, and just enjoy her company. Hours fly by before surrendering to the pull of the dark unknown. Dreaming of the life I am to lead with her, I picture what our life will be like in the mansion.


Opening my eyes, I see the face of temptation; he is still resting beside me. Softly unwilling to give in or wake him, I remove myself from his arm. Tip toeing across my room to retrieve my towel and a change of clothes, I turn to leave. Halting when I notice movement out the corner of my eye. Looking over at him I see that he has found a more comfortable position to continue resting in. Resuming my journey to the bathroom I remain on tippy toes until I am out of sight of my bedroom. Once in the bathroom I quickly strip, turn on the water, and hop in to take one of my quicker showers. The water no matter how deliciously it calls to me to stay beneath its beating intensity is no match for my wanting to be beside Sebastian again.

Washed, dried, and dressed once again I make my way back to my bedroom. Only to find him sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for me. He beckons me to sit next to him as soon as I enter and do nearly as I am told. Curling up in his arms, he rocks me slowly as screams from my mother's room intensifies.

"Are they always like this?" codling me like a small child that has been beaten and is frighten he starts to play with my hair as he continues the rocking motion. Not wanting him to know the truth about my home life I reply quietly. "No. No, this is a rarity." Hoping I am convincing I lean into him and close my eyes as a tear falls down.

"Let's get out of here." Placing his hand beneath my chin he has me look into his eyes. Wiping away my tear in the process.

"Ok. Where do you want to go?" I ask still barely able to talk.

"I'm not sure yet. Just anywhere but here." He pulls me up off his lap. Walking over to my closet to find a pair of shoes for me.

"I do have to go to school." I remember, walking over to him, pulling out a pair of black sneakers and putting them on.

"Skip with me." He casually lets out as if I can just miss school given my track record.

"I wish I can, but I am just catching up in my classes." He looks down at me with the same puppy pout from yesterday. Relenting, as I am unable to fight the pout again, we run out into the day to his waiting car.


Pulling into his garage we run up the back stairs to his room again. This time learning from yesterdays mistake he locks the door behind us before moving over to the dresser and retrieving the blue spaghetti top with denim mini skirt outfit from the plaza. "You don't like my outfit?" I ask quirking my eyebrow.

"I love it. I just want to see you in this and maybe the corset as well." He smiles brightly at the idea.

"Do you have somewhere I can change?" I pointedly ask as I look around the very open room.

"Yes, right where you stand." He quickly replies as if it is a no brainer.

"Turn then." Circling my finger, he shrugs in response as if it is not like he has not seen my body already. Stripping I grab the corset which is now on the bed and slip it on. Fumbling with the strings in the back I am unable to fix it how it should be and instead of getting more frustrated, I pull on the mini skirt before calling to Sebastian. "I need help" I pout. Turning back around he chuckles his infamous laugh sauntering over to take a look at what I have done with the delicate laces. Within seconds it seems he laces me up, as if he has spent years working corsets.

"All done love." He whispers into my ear. Tickling the top of it sending tingles shooting through it down into my neck straight to my crotch. My face takes on a rosy look as I feel the heat spread across my cheeks. Knowing what he has done he backs away slowly letting his presence linger around me. Feeling him down the back of my neck and round my torso even though he no longer takes up that vicinity. Quickly I shrug on the camisole and turn to face him showing off my now pushed up breasts from the corset below that accentuates my curves beneath the outfit he has picked for me. My other outfit discarded on the floor along with my bra.

"Where to from here?" I try my best to keep the lust out of my voice. Failing epically in the process. Taking my hand, he takes me through the hallway, down the stairs, and back to the garage. Jumping back into the car, which sitting in is now a little harder to do than before since I have never sat in a corset before, we speed off towards the woods in the back of the palace.

Dark, looming trees cover us as we now walk deeper into the forest behind his home. Having left his car at the end of the dirt rode he jumped out to show me the way through the wet, moss covered atmosphere. Very little light fully penetrates through the tops of the trees and what little did only created shadows that followed us, scaring me. "Where are we going?" I ask feeling very under dressed for this excursion.

"You will see. Just relax, I will not let anything bad happen to you." He says barely looking back at me as we make our way further into the dense woodland. He gently squeezes my hand in reassurance though and I take as much comfort from that as I can. Soon we come across a clearing with a brick small one floor structure. HE opens the wooden door having us step into a warm darkness. Pulling me through the room in his excitement my foot misses a step and I nearly slip. Catching myself on his arm that still holds me tightly I correct myself before he turns back picking me up bridal style and carries me to our destination in the dark.

A few short minutes later I am placed onto something soft like a pile of blankets on a feather bed. Peering around the pitch black room my eyes start to adjust to this new level of darkness as I try to find Sebastian. "Sebastian? Sebastian?" I call a little panicked that he has left me here in this strange place. I start to sit up scrambling until I feel his hand reach out to touch my face. Looking beside me I notice his now outlined figure in the dark lying beside me.

"Sssshhhh it is okay. I am right here. I will always be right here." Smiling into the darkness I can feel the mood shift. Drawing closer to each other, we search for the other's lips. First, I kiss his cheek as he kisses my nose. Then his nose as he moves down to my chin. Finally, our lips meet in a fevered kiss. The intensity rocks through my body, bringing my hands up from my sides I slide them up his chest and around his neck into his hair. I can feel him mimic my actions with his hands bringing them around and up my back into my loose curls. Rolling on top of me, he plants his hands on either side of my face before letting one hand trail its way down my body to the edge of my new top. Yanking it up and off of me breaking our kiss in the process. Sitting over me he looks down at me as if he can see my still tan skin revealed, my chest laboring under the duress of my desire filled cravings. "What's wrong?" Scared that what he can see he does not like: I begin to grow anxious.

"Nothing. Not a single thing is wrong. Everything is just right. You are beyond gorgeous right now." Coming back down he kisses me tenderly then roughly till we are back to breathing heavily. His hands slide up my legs causing them to bend around his waist. He rolls up my skirt ripping my second favorite pair of booty shorts. His hand dances close to my core, I grow more and more expectant for him to enter me, but he doesn't. Everything slows down till in frustration he rolls off me. Try to pull myself together I squirm my way into his arms and lay there.

"I'm sorry." Unsure of what I had done wrong but positive it is in fact my fault that he is upset.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be the one apologizing to you. I do not know why I could not continue." He looks down at me kissing my forehead.

"Maybe it's just not the right time." I state looking deep into his eyes.

"Come on, let us go." He pulls me up, grabbing my torn undies in the process.

"Go where?" He walks me out and to the car, opening the door for me. He places a kiss on my lips before I get into the car. Putting on my seatbelt I watch him go around the car to his side and hop in starting the car as I close my eyes and take a nap.