
Darkness: Book One

Sophie Ortiz has had to grow up much faster than most 18 year-old girls in New York City. With an alcoholic step- father and a mother in constant financial distress, Sophie carries a heavy burden that forces her to juggle school, work, family and friendships – leaving little time for herself.  So when a handsome stranger walks into her life one summer afternoon, she flushes, her heart skips a beat, and… she dismisses him, thinking she doesn’t have the time for a relationship. But her heart and his persistence convince her otherwise. Sophie is about to come of age, and in so doing will learn a painful, heartbreaking lesson – that monsters are indeed real, and the scariest ones are those with whom you share your heart."

Jacks_Morales · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter: Two- School and work; Time for play?

Already cooler September air circulates the room through the open windows, ruffling papers. I stand at the edge of the bed trying to finish organizing my bag for the last year of high school I have. However, this year is special, this year I take my AP college courses at an actual nearby college for college credit.

"Can I come in?" Sebastian says with his sweet honey tone coming out tentative as he takes in my messy bed covered in open loose-leaf packets, notebooks, folders, and more needed accessories.

"Of course." I say barely taking my eyes off of my forming system, the system I will use for the year. Dressed in overalls over a white tank with a messy bun with curls spilling out, filled with sharpie markers. I hold one Black sharpie in my hand biting the tip a little harder than I intend to.

"What are you doing?" he asks as he starts to fully take in the picture of me in my full glory of organizing. His eyebrows are raised, and his voice is soothing as if he has walked in on a wild animal in its natural habitat.

"I am getting everything in order for school tomorrow. I'm late getting my bag organized." I turn my face up at him and give him evil squinty eyes as he slowly backs away, hands raise. Laughing Quietly before coming back to me and planting a kiss on the top of my head. Unamused and in a hurry to finish my work I smack him and his advances away. Having enough of me swatting at him he finally goes and sits quietly in the farthest corner of my bed where nothing is laid out. Picking up a folder he asks, "why is everything different colors?" in confusion as if he has never seen a filing system.

"Well doll face" I say sticking my tongue out at him. "each color stands for a different subject. I have purple binder here that is coded with five different colors blue, white, red, yellow, and green. Then I have the folders that match for each of those classes-"

"Then what are the notebook for?" he interrupts me mid-sentence and I reward him by throwing a pillow at him which he easily catches in midair.

"As I was saying. The notebooks are for other classes. The gold one is for cooking, black for business, and orange for Spanish and each notebook has their own folder on the inside pocket." I tell him as I write the names of the classes and my name on the inside of each of the notebooks.

"You seem to be very organized." He mutters in such a sensual way that for a second my whole body pauses what it is doing and starts to react before I physically have to shake off the effect he has on me and continue what I am doing muttering back, "I like to think I am".

Coming around behind me his hands come down softly onto my shoulders and start to rub. Moving his thumbs in strong circles below my shoulder blades and up by my trapezius. My bodies tension starts to release, and I begin to sag into him making it difficult for his hands to continue their magical work massaging my back.

"hmmm, where did you learn to do that?" I ask melting like a puddle in front of him. A turned-on molten puddle. His scent, his touch all calling to my body in a way that no one has ever done before in my short life.

"If I tell you I'd have to kill you." He deadpans as he kisses the top of my head. Turning to look up into his beautiful, chiseled face I say with all the confidence in him "You won't kill me. You love me too much." A small smile forms on Sebastian's lips but it doesn't reach his sad eyes. Dipping low he kisses me deeply and excuses himself stating he forgot he has last minute things to do for a case he of his.


Waking up at five in the morning I start gathering my things for my shower. Taking my towel off my bed post before walking over to my bureau and seizing a clip for my hair. Wrapping my hair in a bun I clip the end to my scalp and head out of my room, through my wooden door. As I walk down the short white hallway it seems as if shadow people are walking with me until I get to the darker part of the apartment next to my parent's bedroom.

"SHITTY! SHIT! SHIT" I yelp in pain as my toe collides with the edge of the metal filing cabinet my stepfather keeps just outside his door with lord only knows what inside. Moving over just slightly I finish the rest of my journey hopping to keep my slightly injured toe off the cold, hard, unforgiving floor. Hanging my now faded Princess Jasmine towel, my only prized possession a gift from a dear family friend, over the sink and start to strip out of my PJs to step into the tub. Placing my hands around the cool steal knobs I twist the hot water almost all the way on and add just a touch of cold water, so I do not burn myself. At first the water comes out in spurts and I close my eyes, place my hands over my breast and relish the feel of the water hitting me. Each drop warming me as the smoke from the heat rises to cover the room. Small baby hairs cling and stretch on my forehead as the bun sinks from the rush of the water.

Getting out the cereal box of fruit loops and a bowl from the kitchen cabinets I start making my breakfast while running my day through my mind. First, I have AP Math then gym, after that I have Spanish and cooking before heading over to City college for the completion of my classes. Plopping down on the futon I get ready to dig into my delicious bowl when I hear noises coming from my mother's room. It sounds like a slap but I can't be sure, until I hear the sobs and yelling. Normally they don't start fighting this early. Normally they are still asleep this early and I am left with a peaceful house. Ignoring the ruckus, I eat my meal and head out for the day unwilling to let their drama ruin yet another first day of school for me. That morning I had gotten up extra early specially to blow out my hair, so it is straight and "presentable" for the first day of classes. I want to be a knockout with my new look even if I am already taken for the first time ever. My overgrown bangs now instead of being pinned back as normal are flat ironed to frame my still slightly chubby baby looking face. Running I make it to the bus stop just in time to see it coming down the street at a crawl. Once aboard I make my way to the back of the bus where I can put my feet up on the other empty chairs around me. My jeggings straining just a little as they are still a half a size too small for me around my thighs and butt. I peer out the window as the sun comes up over the horizon painting the sky different colors of a pastel rainbow.

Finding my locker in the throng of teens gathered talking and searching for their own lockers and friends after a summer a part is not as easy a feat as I thought it would be after being in this school for four years. When I do find it, it is of course imbedded between Ella's and Mari's lockers with the two of them yammering on about something.

"Ready for the first day of classes guys?" I ask as I attempt to open my locker the first time and fail. For one of the smarter students in the school I am horrible when it comes to the school's lockers and often need Ella's assistance. Looking over unwilling to give it a second attempt I give Ella the biggest puppy dog eyes I can muster while pointing at my locker.

"Yeah." Ella replies to both my asked and unasked questions while moving over and making quick work of my demonic locker.

"No" replies Mari with a sour face as she finishes shoving the rest of her books into her locker.

"Why not and write me a hundred page essay on the matter." I mock pretending I am our old teacher Mrs. Weasel.

"I'm not because summer is over and that means no beach days, no shopping trips, no time for boys and dates!" she scream whispers at us with the most upset face I have seen her wear in our lives. Looking over at Ella who has finished grabbing her texts for her first set of classes I burst into laughter and her into a small fit of giggles. We know that nothing will stop Mari from getting what she wants and if that means boys at the beach going shopping for lord knows what, she is going to get it. Mari stares at us incredulously, but luckily, we are saved from her wrath as the bell rings warning us to get to class. Quickly I grab my binder with folders stuffed inside for forgetfulness measure and rush over to my AP Math class. Walking in my eyes roam the room as I navigate the pathways between desks until I find the middle chair. The cliché math posters hang on the walls in the brilliant lighting, a mixture of both the sun streaming in through the windows now to my right and the artificial lighting above.

"Good morning class. I am Miss Samantha Walker and I will be your math teacher for this semester. This big, fat, heavy book I have placed on each of your desks will be your text." She emphasizes by picking up her own copy of the text, holding it up to the class then subsequently dropping it while continuing with her obviously rehearsed spiel. "You will have homework from it once to twice a week. The rest of the time I do not care what you do with it. As long as when I get them back, they are in the same condition I gave them to you in." She looks young and exotic. A beautiful set of emerald eyes set in a soft brown face. Between her commanding presence and her looks she reminds me of Esmerelda. Like a gypsy ready to spell the class into our best work and then whisk us away to a new locale. Needing to break visual contact with her I let my eyes wonder some more, occasionally falling on posters with quotes from mathematicians from over the centuries.

"Open your books to page 25, complete these problems on a loose leaf and hand them in. This will show me what level you are at and if you truly belong in this class. After you hand in your sheet, bring up your text and read to me the number on the top left corner. It should be red and have two numbers with a letter at the end." Pivoting she re-grabs her text and show us what she means. Curious about my own, I open my book to find my number is 19V. Turning the page to the Table of contents I see we will be starting out with calculus and ending with analytics. Taking a deep breath, I remove a sheet from my binder, turn to page 25 and get started.

Sophie Elita Ortiz

Ms. Walker

AP Math

September 2nd, 2019

I write out my MLA format before journeying into my math problems; each equation getting harder than the last. Yet, as I look at each one it is like they work themselves out easily before my eyes. Within ten minutes I am done with all the questions and checking my work. I grab my sheet and text heading up to the front of the classroom to Ms. Walkers desk. She must have noticed my movement, her head snaps up with clear, focus eyes and an outstretch hand. Passing along my sheet, she looks it over seemingly satisfied as she takes out her roll call book and asks, "Book Number?"

"19V Miss." I say as politely and quietly hoping I am not disturbing a classmate. She scribbles it in her book then holds her hand out to me. I proceed to take it and instead of shaking it like I expect she just holds it and says, "Welcome to my class." Her voice a lot warmer than it had been the whole time I had known her thus. Before I can take my hand back her face darkens and she gets up, leaning over.

"Have you read the book of Nod?" She whispers to me fiercely.

"No, I am sorry. I haven't." I say eyes widen. This was starting to be a weird interaction with a teacher I was hoping to look up to. Math is one of my favorite subjects after history and I had hoped I would be able to use it in my career.

"What is it about?" I ask unable to shake the curiosity blooming inside.

"You will find out yourself. It's a book of history and Destiny." She says enunciating the last word as if it is the key.

"Maybe I will read it." I nod giving her another once over, now noticing an amulet almost hidden beneath her shirt. An evil eye pendent about the size of half my fist. My whole childhood I had dreamed of gypsies, vampires, fairies and werewolves. The magic of it all and mystery but now, all I want is a normal life.

Back at my seat, I riffle through my backpack finding my reading book at the bottom beneath my gym clothes. Releasing it I commence my reading from the ear marked page. Within seconds I find myself engulf in the fascinating world of a young adoptive girl and how her birth family becomes broken because of it. Twenty minutes into the book the last person brings up their sheet and gives Ms. Walker their book number. Just in time for the bell to ring and everyone to get up already ready to leave.

"Okay! Kids read the first three pages of your text and answer the questions. It is due first thing tomorrow!" She bellows after us. The class racing to make their way out of the room and to their next torture chamber. I on the other hand slowly take up my belongings after taking note of the assignment in my planner.

Halfway out the door I collide into Kyle another senior and honestly one of the hottest guys in the entire school.

"Sorry Kyle." Smiling over at him I turn to make my way down to the gymnasium.

"Its cool. You have gym next?" He asks wishful.

"Yeah." I point out as if there is no other logical option considering my trajectory.

"Cool! Will you be my partner?" he all but practically leaps out of his skin like an excited puppy.

"You don't even know what we are doing." I state.

"so what? At least I will have a partner if we need one." He replies virtually begging me with his eyes to say yes.

"True, I guess we can be partners. Although, we will probably just talk about the rules, run a couple of laps, and go to our next class." I point out to him yet another brilliant point. He had already started to jump around before I said I would be his partner. His eyes constantly roaming over my body in between watching where he is going. His jumping slowly dies down the closer we get to the gym. My blue jeggings like a second skin show off my newly defined curves. A black tank top adorns me covering up to my navel, allowing for my cleavage to be shown off as well but leaving my midriff bare.

"What are you looking at?" I ask knowing full well that he is checking out how much smaller I am this year.

"Huh?!" he grunts caught unaware. "oh, it's just you look amazing. What did you do this summer?" He asks genuinely intrigued.

"I ran, exercised, and no! I did not go on a diet." I say a little offended that he asked. I knew coming back that people would be curious about how I had managed to change so radically for senior year, but I had hoped that Kyle would not be one of them. Walking slightly faster I make it into the locker room before he can utter another word.

I head straight for the locker I generally use, lucky number 25. While piling my bag inside, I kick off my sneakers, and take a cursory look around at the other six girls in my gym class. Quickly, since I am still a little shy about my physique I change into a white tank, and a blue pair of sweats. Sitting on the bench I pull back on my sneakers and head through the other set of doors to find out just what we are doing for class. Walking slowly into the auditorium I watch as the new 'adults' enter in for their last year of mandatory gym. My hair swings softly behind my back as I swiftly pull it up into a ponytail then messy bun by the time, I make it over to a group of gathered students. In the center sitting on the bleachers in our teacher Mr. Bucsa. Kyle is at the forefront listening intently to the teacher's instructions. His long, loose t-shirt covering his skinny yet muscular biceps. His latte color eyes matching the color of his pulled back curls, currently in a ponytail. Staring at him harder than I probably should my gaze falls to his face, the square set of his jaw both calm, but fierce. My eyes finally land on his lips, noticing how red they are as if he had just sucked on a lollipop before exiting the locker room. Were his lips that red in the hallway? I ponder aimlessly, ignoring the instructions being doled out to the now fully assembled class.


The sound of Mr. Bucsa's whistle disturbs me from my observations just in time.

"Hey, you ready to stretch before we run?" Kyle asks clearly understanding I did not get any of what was said.

"Sure, thanks. I was too busy thinking about my first day at the college. I must have totally zoned out. I didn't hear anything." Walking over to an unoccupied corner, I make a small half confession. Stretching out on the floor he lets me know the plan for gym class and I am grateful that he decided to have my back. The whistle goes off again in the background and we jump up from our seats, sprinting around the gyms outer ring. Careful not to bump into anyone we race trying to out due each other. The school's athletic captain and the school's athletic previous fat chick trying to figure out who will be the victor.

After the third lap I stop by the bleachers hands victoriously in the air. Kyle coming up just a few feet behind me puffing clearly not having practiced enough during the summer months to keep in top shape. He huffs out "W-ell y-ou-'ve be-c-ome a re-really g-g-ood runner." Hunch over he gasps for more and more air. Having done three laps around our gym in probably less than a minute due to an all-out sprint race between the two of us. My breathing is also coming in a little short from the exertion but for the main part I had been practicing all summer with full out sprints in the maze around my house. As we try to calm our breathing we continue to stand and watch the other students who are languidly doing their laps with the knowledge more running is coming.

Once all the students are done, we are instructed to get into teams and get ready to play kickball; one of my favorite games. I line up behind one of the few girls in the class with me, Alicia Marsh who happens to be fifth in line to kick. Knowing I have time I allow my mind to daydream about Sebastian and what he might be up to at this moment in his office or even better at home. I wonder what fitted shirt he might be sporting beneath his leather jacket or what his strong hands might be doing at this very moment. I ponder on what we will do on our date later and if he will try to go beyond kissing me. Parts of me yearns to go beyond kissing while a firmer part in my head rejects the notion.

"Hey, are you ready for a fierce game of kickball?" Kyle asks as he hops into the line behind me.

"Ohhh yeah, I am so ready to whoop their booties." I reply enthusiastically.

Waiting for my turn is like sweet torture as I turn my mind back to my suitor. All too soon it is my turn, the bases are loaded, and it is my job to clear them. Mr. Bucsa winds his arm, I shift my feet, he releases the ball and I eye it patiently waiting for it to get close enough before letting the full force of my kick send it flying. It easily soars over the other team's heads making its way to the out field where no one is. Without waiting to see where it lands, I start running and my teammates, noticing my movement take the hint and get going. Rounding the bases everyone gets off but me, I make it to third base before the ball makes it to me threatening to get me out. When they realize I won't budge from the base they finally throw the ball back to our teacher and as they do that, I sprint to steal home. Caught off guard Mr. Bucsa catches the ball and throws it to the catcher. Unfortunately, too late as I have already slid into home and stood up by the time the ball gets caught by the catcher. The game progresses with my team taking a clear lead from the beginning and ending with us wiping the floor with the other team. Feeling quite triumphant I skip my way through the rest of my classes. Barely feeling any further anxiety over going to the local college just 5 minutes away by bus for my last couple of classes. At the end of it all I walk through the beautiful campus greenery to the stairs leading to the street. Only to find a black Mercedes parked across the street, waiting for me. Confusion courses through me as I race over, jump in, and look over at the man driving. What I see is heart breaking, my man, my sweet Sebastian is so gorgeous in his business suite. His long hair brushed back from his face and curled around his neck, his sexy eyes looking forward as he starts pulling into traffic.

"So, where are we going?" Strapping myself in, I place my bag on the floor and look forward.

"It's a surprise." He says finally glancing in my direction. A bad decision on his part since he takes a triple take and nearly crashes into the car ahead of us.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just hypnotize by your beauty." He smiles at me and I can't help but blush at his words. A crooked smile forming on my lips in response to his comment. He ultimately lets his eyes go back to the road as we continue our drive in silence for hours before we make it to our destination at the edge of a forest. The sun is setting, and the sky is being sprayed with the many shades of blues and purples. Coming around to open the door for me he helps me out of the car, leading me deep into the woods until we come upon a small clearing. Sitting in the middle is a blanket with two plates covered by silver domes, two glasses of sparkling apple cider, and two electric candles. Turning I face him peering deep into his eyes and find them full of affection, passion, and yearning to please me. He wraps me in his arms, leans down and gently kisses me. Only to then escort me to our waiting dinner of which he reveals to be my favorite meal of arroz con gandules with baked chicken.

"Sebastian this is all so beautiful and this meal. This meal looks extremely delicious. Thank you so much for this." My heart pounds in my chest as tears well up in my eyes. Love invades me like the Greek soldiers in the battle of troy, sneaky and all consuming. Taking a sip from my flute to settle my nerves, I carefully dig into the food he has again so graciously provided for me.

"How was school?"

"Good, except everyone kept staring at me. Though the day went by without a problem. In fact, in gym we won a game of kickball which they credited to my awesome kicks. My teachers also seem to like me. Although, one is a bit interesting in a peculiar way. How about you? How was your day?" I ask around a mouthful of rice and beans. His eyes are on me, a smile dancing as always ever on his lips.

"Oh, I just sat around my office and did some boring lawyer stuff." He watches on in amazement as I eat. Barely eating his own food, he pushes it around on his plate taking a bite here and there.

"I'm sure it's not that bad. I mean you must love what you do if you are still doing it. Which makes me wonder what made you want to become a lawyer?" gnawing on a chicken leg I peer up at him. Seeing him look down at me, my stomach drops a little and I start to eat a little less like a crazed animal.

"I don't know really. It was something that came easily to me and so I pursued it." Picking up his own chicken leg he scarfs it down in one bite leaving my jaw to drop. As if an encouragement, I go back to sucking and gnawing on my own chicken bone.

"Did you always want to be a lawyer?" I ask ultimately relinquishing the bone and returning to the rice and beans.

"No." Peering up at him I prod him with my eyes to tell me more and he concedes "when I was younger, I used to want to be a doctor. However, I couldn't handle all the blood. What do you want to be?" He turns it over to me as if to say that is all he will say on that matter.

"I am torn between going to school to be a veterinarian or a history teacher. Either way I'll always be creative and write my songs." I blab while daydreaming what my life will be like. Life with Sebastian continually picking me up while I go to college. Maybe us living together and being married by the time I am a junior in College. The thought does not last long in my head as if it doesn't fit with reality.

"Songs really. May I hear one?" He politely asks scooting ever closer to me. Clearly done with his barely touched meal; meanwhile I have virtually finished my entire plate.

"Maybe one day I'll play one for you but today I just want to lay in your arms." Crawling the rest of the distance over to his side, we lay downside by side. My face rests on his chest whilst his arm is securely wrapped around my waist holding me close to his side as we stare up at the stars. Talking aimlessly, we go over our talents, dreams, goals, and just general places we want to go to in the course of our lives. His lips occasionally brush against my hair, inhaling the strawberry mango scent of my conditioner.

"You smell too delicious for your own good." He whispers in my ear, his voice husky, languid. Picking my head up off his chest I pull myself up a bit and kiss him. Pulling away he says "We should get going. You have school tomorrow and I don't want you to be dead for your classes."

Groaning I get up permitting him to lead me back to the car. Laying my head down on the head rest I soon drift off into unconsciousness.

I feel his arms slide beneath me as he picks me up out of the car. Walking me to my door he sets me on my feet. My eyes barely open as I get my key out to turn the doorknob letting myself in. Barely able to mumble my goodbye before my legs buckle, he snatches me up and carries me to my room. Laying me out on my bed, taking off my shoes, and tucking me in under my blue covers. He kisses my forehead and says goodbye. Falling back into a deep slumber I hear a scream then a bang. Jolting awake I realize I am at my house and Sebastian is gone. Carefully I get up, walk over to my door and out into the hallway. I continue till I hear another bang and crash. Turning towards my mother's room I see her and my stepfather throwing things at each other and his fists swinging towards her. Primarily, I see his fists coming down at her while she tries to protect herself by throwing whatever is close by at him. I can barely see as my mother crumbles to the floor, tear streaking down her face, hands up trying desperately to protect herself.

"Stop!!!" I yell stepping between the two of them in an attempt to defend her.

"What are you doing in here? Move! Get out!" He yells back at me slapping me with each emphasis.

"No! leave my mom alone!" I take the hits and swing back. Pushing him away from us trying to get him out the door.

"Fine, I'll leave her alone." He replies menacingly as he swings his fist down hard punching me squarely on my forehead. Reeling back from the impact I fall to the floor. Looking up at him I see another fist coming down and another until they blur together. Finally, I hear the door slam shut behind him once he has had enough of beating me. My mother comes close helping me to my feet as my one eye is swollen shut. She takes me to the kitchen and sits me down in a chair while she gathers ice to place over our bruises.

"You can stay home from school the rest of the week baby. Ask Mari or Ella to bring your homework for you." She places an icepack wrapped in a towel on my eye, tears of guilt sparkling in her eyes. Nodding my reply I look down at the floor not wanting to see her grief. Coming in close she puts her finger under my chin and lifts my face.

"Baby the next time he takes to beating me I don't want you to get in the middle. It is one thing for it to happen to me but-but not to you." She says yet again. This is the same sentiment she says every time I end up getting beaten by him and need to leave school. Nodding because I know it will happen again, I cross my fingers behind my back.


The rest of the week I stay inside the house nursing my wounds and doing my schoolwork that Ella would bring over for me. Each day Sebastian would call, I would say I was not feeling well, saying I cannot leave the house and am not allowed to have any one over. However, everyday he would insist he could come take care of me. By Friday most of my bruises are gone, all except for one.

Back behind the fish counter doing my job and hiding the bruise on my eye with my overgrown bangs, I turn to see the sweet old lady back but this time without her husband. She is wearing all black and she looks broken. I can tell her husband is no longer with us and with him she too has died. I find it amazing that a woman so strong can just crumble because of the loss of a man. The love they had for each other must have been greater than anything in the entire world. Her eyes are sad with grief yet behind them I can still see the same lion waiting for the right moment to come back out. Once, again she has deposited a little something into my heart that I cannot describe but it gives me the power to not be afraid. However, I am afraid, afraid that Sebastian will turn out to be like Jimmy but more afraid that he won't then I will give myself to him and be happy. An emotion I am unfamiliar with.

At nine my shift ends, and Sebastian picks me up. "So, where are we headed Principessa?" He asks while opening the car door.

"Anywhere but the house. I just want to stay with you and the stars. Can I see you tomorrow at twelve?" I reply in a stiff voice. Trying to keep the overwhelming emotion out.

"At night of course." He laughs at his own joke

"No, silly at noon. Pick me up for lunch and we can hang out." I say having missed his company.

"Soph, baby I can't I have work." He looks over at me

"Don't you want to see me and kiss and - and touch me." I slide my hands up and down my body giving my chest a little shake. Distracting him from his driving as he looks over, eyes bulging out, nearly crashing into a wall. He swerves into an abandoned parking lot settling the car into a spot before crawling into the back. Grabbing my arm, he unbuckles me but instead of getting me into the back, I jump out of the car running.

The cooler September air tickles our skin while we race around the pavement trying to catch and evade each other. Giving us air to breath whilst cooling us when our own two bodies become over heated with perspiration. Falling to the ground out of breath I place my head on his chest. I cannot hear his heart beating and barely any breathing. I just hear mine reverberate through him as if we are synced.

I don't arrive home until one in the morning. No one is awake and even if they were no one would care what time I show up. I make my way to my room, sink into my bed, and pass out.

Waking up it is five and I cannot believe it. Why can't I sleep lately? Ever since those fantasies stopped, I just can't sleep. Even though I have the real thing I just cannot get any rest without them. Sauntering into the bathroom I shed all my clothes and climb into the bath. Turning on the hot water I let it sprinkle down over my head, making my hair stick to my face and back. Scorching my skin giving it a ruby red look as I take up the soap and rub my skin raw. After I am done, I get out, sit down, and let everything go. Enjoying the relief of the soothing heat that lingers on my skin I stand up and get ready to face the day.


I spend the week back in school studying, trying to catch up. The days drag on and on as I wait for the moment, I can see Sebastian again. However, I know I cannot do it until I am all caught up and even maybe ahead in my schoolwork. I feel as though a part of me is missing the entire time. As I divide myself between schoolwork and work. The entire week I walk around half dead, dragging my feet. Even in gym everyone can see a difference in my performance.

"Hey, Sophie what's going on with you?" Kyle confronts me one day after gym class "You've been barely participating in gym."

"It's nothing just been a little overwhelmed with school stuff and work. Haven't had time to focus on anything else." I sigh unable to feel any true emotion other than exhaustion.

"Well, please try to relax or do something that will give us our star player back please." He says before running off to his next class.