
Dark Forest: secrets lie in darkness

It's about darkness and relief hidden in its a story of Jade and how she overcome all of it. There are so many mysteries in the world And there are consequences for every action some are done by Destiny and some are done by choices...... ——— ps. can't tell story plotting but must read it once and I am a little lazy and busy person so please forgive me if it is a little late update but I will really try my best and it is also my first novel

LaVieExtraordi1 · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Brother & Father 

It was almost evening that the mansion invited a guest "good evening young master" greets marie

Yes it was none other than jade's elder cousin brother Michael Watson, Martin Watson's son who came here to surprise jade on her by coming a week before her birthday.

"where is that tomato" he asked marie as he nods at her greeting

"tomato sir?" asks marie troubled

"I mean my sister, where is she" clears Michael

"sir young miss jade is sleeping in her room after coming back from her school and she also ordered not to disturb her" answers marie

"ok fine prepare my room" he orders

"young sir your room is always prepared and would you like something to eat or perhaps drink" she ask politely

"no thanks; I'll rest a bit and will do dinner together with my sister and aunt"

"but today ma'am will not be present as her assistant just messaged me" she informs

"fine then both of us will have it in two hours or so and please don't disturb me till then" he takes his leave as he orders while marie shakes her head as both of them are so similar just like siblings even though they don't live together.

In the evening as Michael comes downstairs he doesn't see his sister so asks "where is she"

"sir young miss is still sleeping" answers marie

"fine I'll wake her up, set the dinner at the table ready" he orders and walks toward jade's room and enters.

He sees her sleeping figure and goes there "wake up my baby tomato" he says in soft voice as he kisses her temple and shakes her

"what" she said annoyed to be awoken

"well its dinner time tomato" he says as he chuckles at how cute she looked right now

"bro mike what are you doing here am I dreaming or what" she mummer

"no you are not dreaming I really am here and get ready for the dinner" he says as he walks out of the room while jade is getting up from her bed.

As jade comes down and sees he is already seated on the dining table engrossed in his phone.

"tomato come sit fast I am really hungry now" he urges her

"hey I am not tomato" resorts jade while all her face is red now as she really appears to be tomato and mike just chuckles

While chewing down the white truffle pasta she asks him "what brings you here"

"why can't I come here to celebrate your birthday in advance here" he says

"you are always welcome its just that I think you are also here for some business"

"well yeah there's an exchange of university so I'll be here for some time"

"see otherwise you would have appeared on time as always but its great that we'll spend time together" she commented

"yeah" as they finished their dinner and head towards their lounge as they have a lot to talk having not met for a long while.


A few hours ago somewhere in distant place,

While the world was at peace at jade's side there is storm burning at her father's site. Desmond von winters is a name to be trifled with is his world but there are also the things he has to be afraid of as he has his weakness too and he has been hiding them form the people but it seems that he can no longer hide them as the time is coming.

Desmond is sitting in a study like room with lots of books present in the book shelves, a big wooden crafted table filled with papers and stationary, with the comfortable chair behind the table that makes it look like an old 19th century study room; as for the man himself he is sitting on that chair, with the same silver hair and purple eyes. Clearly jade has inherited her looks from her father although he's a bit muscular but a very handsome man and seems to be lost in his thoughts until the doors of his study opens which startle him.

"where are you lost that you dint notice my arrival even a bit" complain the women with a slightly older appearance and has same features as his.

"nothing mother, just thinking about the work and may I ask to what privilege do I hold your presence" he asks politely

"oh you know that is about to come and I want you to personally look after the preparations of it as it is an important event and no mistakes allowed and I'll be assured that you are in charge of it" said his mother somberly

"but it isn't possible, I have to leave in a while to somewhere" he said

"no arguments allowed as it really is an important thing and I am sure whatever you have can wait" she orders "and don't make me repeat as there really is no excuse I will hear, do you get it"

"alright mother" he mumbles defeated as she takes leave with a satisfying nod

After making sure she left he takes out his communicator and dial's to a person "hello take plan b….send two of them for now…..I'll see when I can leave just take care of two of them for now...fine don't spoil it and protect her…..well nothing can be done now…..I'll see bye" and he ends the call

'Sorry princess dad can't see you even on this birthday but he will see you soon' he thinks to himself

Thinking about how he came to love his daughter when he dint want the child in first place; if it wasn't her persistence then jade wouldn't had been here and as always his intuition was at point although this time he really hoped that it was all wrong but the preparations are all ready and he hopes the plan work because he can't afford a single mistake as it would mean that all the sacrifices he made go in drain and his world would end. But thinking he also doesn't want his queen to suffer any more so all for once it had to end even if it mean to bring a storm in his daughter's life as it is evitable and he really doesn't want all this that is happening but he really can't fight destiny and nature any more so he has already made all the preparation that is needed to face this fate but he's worried about his daughter as this storm would not only change all the beliefs she had been following all her life but also her habitat.

sorry i had to see off my brother to airport and am busy with the work so this delay but i'll try my best to upload more chapters.

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