
A Handsome Mysterious Stranger

Next morning jade and mike made their way down toward table for breakfast and saw myra "good morning mum, aunt" they greeted together

"good morning to you both too and mike my baby its nice that you'll finally living with us" she said in an endearing tone as she wasn't able to greet mike yesterday, by the time she came both of them had already slept so she welcome him today as she hugged him

"ok enough of this reunion lets get going" said jade as she watching their hug

"just say you are jealous watching aunt hug me" teases mike

"hump who's jealous uncle also loves me more than you any way and don't you dare forget my lovely aunt she certainly loves me more than you" jade humped

"Yeah, yeah whatever helps you sleep any way that doesn't change the fact that aunt loves me more and not only her but the whole family loves me more than you anyway" resorts mike

"you…"jade gritted her teeth and myra interrupted their banter "ok kids enough get your breakfast" orders myra and all three them takes their seats

"you kids start anywhere" comments myra while shaking her head "alright then tell me mike till when are you planning to stay and what about your university, you won't miss your studies right?" ask myra concerned as she spreads jam on the toast

"no aunt there is an exchange so no problem and I also want to spend some time with you guys as it has been so long we did that and as for leaving maybe after your wedding; lets see what plans are there in university administration, its quite not clear yet, I came early" answers mike while eating his cereals

"mom did dad call you to tell his itinerary, I tried a few days ago but he dint pick up the phone" jade interrupt eating her peanut butter toast as myra's smile ceases thinking of all the incidents

"oh nice mike and jade you know your dad is always not available but he'll definitely be there before your birthday and he also called me yesterday telling he would come so don't worry darling and eat fast or you'll get late" she reassure her daughter and changes the topic "by the way you'll take your Saab or you want me to drop you today as well"

"nah mom I'll take my car" said jade as she finishes up her milk and toast

"and what about you mike what's your plan" she ask finishing her breakfast

"aunt I'll go to company branch here as I have work here, dad assigned me" he replies as he finishes his cereals and marie cleans up the table while they are moving towards porch

"oh my poor baby even with all the college stuff you have to work in the company" she feels bad for her nephew as he has so much burden

"no problem aunt in fact I enjoy it a lot" he reassure as they were taking they dint notice jade's absence

" ok bye mom see ya' later and bye mikey" she said as she lowers the window of the car

"when did you get the car" asks mike

"when you were busy talking my mom" replies jade with an eye roll

"oye tomato your mother is also my aunt don't forget and bye see ya' later this evening" mike bid her while teasing

"I am not tomato" rebuts jade kissing her mother and bother goodbye and drives off

In the car she calls ginny "gin do I need to pick you up…..oh ok….see you in school then…bye"

Jade stops her car in front of mia's house and she enters the car "morning babe, ginny is coming with us right" she greet and asks

"morning mia and no gin will come with glenn and we'll drop her" replies jade continuing driving and they reach school as she parks the car while mia waits for her

"aren't you enough, whole drive you were chatting with your boyfriend and even now you are still at it" commented jade with an eye roll

"Don't roll your pretty eyes for once jade and I didn't meet henry after school so I'll go on date after school" she said

As they were talking a stylish blue sports Lamborghini came into parking lot attracting a lot of attention but not just the car, it's owner is quiet handsome get off the car and to describe him he has dark green eyes with raven black hair, a handsome visage and a sleek muscular body.

He is quiet hot and as mia checks him out she whistles "wow so hot" she comment as she's quiet attracted to him and she doesn't understand but finds herself ogling at him and at the same time jade finds him disturbing even though she doesn't get any malicious vibe but the vibe he excludes is quiet dangerous and her instincts are telling her that there is more to him that meets the eye and doesn't want to dwell on it and would like to keep him at distance

"hello mia…to earth mia did you forgot your loving boyfriend for a stranger" said jade

"jade its handsome stranger and no I didn't forget my boyfriend" said mia offended as jade raises one brow at her

While they were conversing the stranger makes his way to them "excuse me miss can you tell me the direction of administration office" he asks in a deep voice to mia which she blushes and she don't understand why she's blushing at such a common question "miss" he asks retrieving her

"well you can take right and straight to the hall at end you'll find the office" she answers

"thanks" he says and leaves without paying attention to jade even for a second and mia feels her strong heartbeat remain in daze

"mia lets go to class and please remember that you have a boyfriend and I don't get good vibe from him" said jade with a frown

"oh come on jade you never get any good vibe from any boy sometimes I seriously think that you are a lesbian" said mia with giggle throwing the boy back of her mind

Jade glares at her and say " I also had a boyfriend remember and please its nothing like that it's just my instincts are saying that we should keep him at a distance"

"jade don't you think your instincts are acting quiet often these days" said mia with a frown etched on her face

"no mia and I can't control it so I think you are over thinking" said jade with a shrug


"no talking anymore lets go gin would be waiting for us" said jade dragging mia towards their class

sorry i was ill so this delay

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