
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Spoiler alert: Bell and Riveria make little elf babies. In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

The Evergreen Fairy Queen and the White Rabbit

The great creator god of Orario, Ouranos, was in a deep trance, a pensive expression on his face. He looked like a sculpture sitting on a throne.


"What is it?" Ouranos's mage servant Fels, wrapped in black robes, asked.

"The Dungeon..." Ouranos began, "...is in distress."

 "Distress? The Dungeon itself?" Fels asked. 

"I can't tell clearly from here, but something has caused it great pain. It's trying to send a message," Ouranos revealed.

 "What message?"

 "It's not a message, it's a warning...." Ouranos's long silver beard quivered. 

"Beware... Medusa."

The words were heavy, the air tense.


The black-robed mage asked quietly as if trying to confirm they had heard correctly.

"Tyratryx... lives..."

"The tyrant?"

"That's right," Ouranos confirmed. "The ancient name of Medusa."

"But how? I thought all the Xenos—"

"No... One is missing."

Fels looked up at the deity on his throne.

Ouranos's gaze remained fixed on the floor as the words continued to pour out of his mouth.

"Fels...." Ouranos commanded, with a tone of gravitas and urgency.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Send word to Hermes."

The great deity raised his head to look directly at Fels, the mage's face obscured by a hooded black robe.

"A great and ancient power lies dormant inside Nine Hell... the skill Lux Nexus Aegis, exclusive to High Elves of royal blood."

"The skill known as the Light Bond Shield? I thought it was forbidden...?"

"It is. But I will permit its use... but this skill needs to be unlocked, and Bell Cranel is the key.... Tell Hermes that the time has come for the union of the Fairy Queen and the White Rabbit."

"As you wish."

The black-robed figure bowed respectfully and disappeared into the void.

Ouranos's gaze returned to the floor as he continued to ponder in silence.


"Beware Medusa…" as those very words left Hermes's divine lips, that very name cast a frigid chill down the spine of Asfi Al Andromeda.

"Medusa?…" the name barely left Asfi's mouth.

"Yes…. I'm afraid so, but fear not, my Asfi. There is still hope."

Hermes leaned back in his chair, a cryptic smile playing on his lips. 

"By divine decree, the Light Bond Shield within Riveria must be awakened... and Bell is the only one who can do it." 

Asfi's brow furrowed, her mind racing. 

"Riveria and Bell? But why?" 

Hermes shrugged, his eyes glinting with mischief. 

"That is the will of Ouranos. We don't ask questions; we just need to make it happen."

Asfi sighed, her fingers drumming a restless rhythm on the arm of her chair. "Hermes, I think you've got us wrapped up in something really unpleasant this time. I don't like this at all."

"Have a little faith in me, Asfi. Bell is the key; we just need to get him to the lock."

"And how, then, do you propose we do that?"

Hermes's grin widened. "Ah, that's where your clever mind comes into play, my dear Asfi. We'll need a plan, something to draw them together, to forge a bond that can withstand the trials ahead."

Asfi's eyes narrowed, calculations whirring behind her gaze. "that's easier said than done. Nine Hell is well known for being withdrawn and insular, and Bell Cranel still has a long way to go."

"All the more reason to give them a little push," Hermes said, leaning forward conspiratorially.

Asfi nodded slowly, her mind already weaving the threads of a plan. "A 'happy accident,' you say? I think I might have an idea."

She stood, her chair scraping against the wooden floor. "Leave it to me. I'll make sure their paths cross in a way that seems like fate's own hand."

Hermes chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I have no doubt you will. Just remember, subtlety is key. We don't want them to suspect our involvement."

Asfi's lips curved into a sly smile. "Don't worry, I know how to play this game. They'll never see me coming."

Hermes clapped his hands together, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Perfect! We'll set the stage, and let fate do the rest."

Asfi rose from her chair, her mind already racing ahead to the preparations that would need to be made. "I'll start making arrangements. But Hermes, we must tread carefully. If Loki or Hestia catch wind of our meddling..."

Hermes waved away her concerns with a dismissive hand. "Leave the gods to me. You focus on bringing our two protagonists together. The future of Orario may depend on it."

She turned to leave, her mind buzzing with the details of her scheme. As she reached for the door handle, Hermes's voice stopped her.

"Asfi," he said, his tone suddenly serious. "Be careful. We're dealing with forces beyond our control. One misstep, and this could all unravel."

Asfi paused, her hand hovering over the handle. She glanced back at Hermes, her eyes glinting with determination. "I know the stakes. I won't fail."

With that, she stepped out of the office, the door clicking shut behind her. The wheels were in motion, the pieces set on the board. Now, it was up to her to make sure they fell into place.

As Asfi left the room, Hermes leaned back in his chair once more, his eyes drifting to the window and the city beyond. The pieces were in motion, the players positioned on the board. Now, all that remained was to see how the game would unfold.

As she walked through the bustling streets of Orario, Asfi's mind raced with possibilities. She needed a situation that would force Riveria and Bell to interact, to rely on each other. Something that would create a bond, a connection that could grow into something more.

A smile played on her lips as an idea began to take shape. It was risky, but if it worked, it could be the catalyst they needed. She quickened her pace, eager to set her plan into motion.

The game was afoot, and Asfi was determined to emerge victorious. After all, the fate of Orario itself hung in the balance.


The awe-inspiring, delicately lit halls of Twilight Manor created an atmosphere of enigma. Banners and tapestries bearing the insignia and image of the trickster goddess, Loki, bedecked the walls. The air was rich with the scent of alcohol and food.

A group of adventurers was gathered around a table, their eyes glued to the dice game in the center. The sound of dice clattering on the wooden surface filled the air, punctuated by shouts of victory and defeat.

But in the captain's office, the ambience was solemn and taut by contrast. A hastily arranged meeting between Hermes, who had arrived unannounced and unexpectedly and insisted on meeting the Loki Familia leadership, was underway.

Hermes stood beside Finn, who met the god's mischievous grin with a serious stare. Flanked by Gareth and Riveria, the trio looked exasperated, trying to discern Hermes's intentions.

"Just what are you playing at, Lord Hermes? This better be good, I don't have time to entertain your games," Riveria spoke in a tone that conveyed her annoyance and impatience.

Hermes's grin widened. "I assure you, Riveria, this is no game. In fact, this is a matter of great importance to you in particular."

"Oh?" Riveria raised an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing as she studied Hermes. "And what would that be?"

Hermes paused for dramatic effect, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"About a certain boy. With white hair, and ruby eyes, wields the Argonaut. Ring any bells?" Hermes said, his tone casual.

Riveria's eyes widened slightly, the only hint of her surprise. She exchanged a quick glance with Finn, who turned his sharp blue gaze on Hermes.

"How is he of importance to Riveria?" Finn asked, his voice calm but firm.

Hermes leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Always straight to the point, Finn. I like that. Let's just say I know all about Bell Cranel—his origins, his rapid growth, even his lineage."

Finn's expression hardened. "Enough with the riddles, Hermes. Speak plainly."

Hermes sighed theatrically. "Very well. Bell's lineage traces back to the greatest Familias, Zeus and Hera. He holds a potential that even he is unaware of."

Riveria felt a jolt of surprise but remained silent, letting Finn continue the questioning.

"Why involve Riveria?" Finn pressed.

"Because," Hermes said, his tone turning serious, "there's an ancient power within her that only Bell can awaken. And we need that power to face the threat that's emerging."

Riveria's thoughts raced. She had always known there was something unique about Bell, but this revelation added a new layer of complexity. She glanced at Finn, who nodded slightly, signalling his support.

"Very well," Riveria said, her voice steady. "I'll look into it."

Hermes's grin widened. "Excellent. Trust me, this is just the beginning."

"And now, Hermes, quid pro quo," Finn said.

"Ah, ah. Not so fast, Braver. I need your cooperation first. In exchange for my secrets, I need something from you."

Finn crossed his arms, his gaze never wavering.

Gareth, the burly dwarf, crossed his arms and grunted. "And what exactly do you want from us, Hermes? Spit it out."

Hermes turned his gaze to Riveria, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I need Nine Hell to get close to Bell Cranel. I need her to gain his trust and learn more about him."

Riveria's eyes widened in surprise. "I beg your pardon?"

Hermes smiled slyly, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "You heard me. I want you to get close to Bell Cranel. Don't worry, I don't expect you to seduce him. Just be his friend, his mentor. You know, mentor him in the ways of the world. Help him grow."

Riveria frowned, her brow furrowing as she tried to understand Hermes's motivations.

Hermes' smile remained, but his tone turned serious. "Bell is an enigma, and there are forces at play that even I don't fully understand. Riveria, you have the skills, the intellect, and the grace to approach him without raising suspicion. Plus," he added, his voice softening, "I have a feeling you're already curious about him."

Riveria's eyes widened, and she glanced at her fellow Loki Familia members.

Gareth shrugged. "If Lord Hermes is asking for your help, Riveria, it must be important."

Finn stepped forward, his expression thoughtful. "Riveria, what do you think? Can we trust Hermes, and more importantly, are you willing to do this?"

Riveria hesitated, her mind racing through the implications.

On one hand, she was intrigued by the prospect of learning more about Bell, of helping him grow and mature into the powerful hero he was destined to become. But on the other hand, she was wary of Hermes's motives and of getting caught up in whatever scheme he was planning.

"I'll pass. There are others much better suited to such a task."

Hermes's smile faded, and he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Riveria, I know this is not an easy decision, but I promise you, no harm will come to you or Bell."

"I think this will do you some good, Riveria." Gareth chimed in. "You've been cooped up in the manor for far too long. A little time outside will do you some good."

"He's right, Riveria." Finn concurred. "I believe that Bell Cranel can change you in a positive light, perhaps give you a new perspective on life."

Riveria was silent for a moment, her eyes downcast as she considered their words.

Finally, she looked up and met Hermes's gaze.

"I will do it."

Hermes's grin returned, and he clapped his hands together in delight.

"For the sake of our Familia and to uncover the truth about Bell Cranel, I will get close to him."

Hermes' smile returned, broader than before. "Excellent. I knew I could count on you, Riveria. In return, I promise to share everything I know about Bell Cranel. And trust me, my secrets will be worth the effort."

Gareth nodded, his expression one of reluctant approval. "It's settled, then. Riveria will go to Bell, and we will keep Hermes's involvement a secret from the rest of the Familia."

Riveria sighed, a resigned expression on her face. "Very well, but if you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, Hermes, I will not hesitate to reveal your involvement to the Guild."

Hermes laughed, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Now, Hermes, start talking. We need to know what we're dealing with."

Hermes inclined his head, a gesture of acknowledgement. "Bell Cranel's lineage can be traced back to Zeus and Hera Familias."

Riveria's eyes widened, her lips parting in surprise.

Finn raised an eyebrow, his expression one of scepticism. "And what proof do you have of this, Hermes?"

"Get close to him, and that will be proof enough," Hermes said cryptically.

"This is ridiculous," Riveria declared, shaking her head. "Hermes, I don't know what game you're playing, but this is a waste of our time."

"This is no game, Nine Hell. It's also fair to say that boy was brought up by Zeus. He is all that is left of the one-time two greatest Familias." Hermes continued, his tone serious.

Riveria's eyes narrowed. "I suppose we'll have to take your word for it. But why the secrecy? Why not just approach him openly and explain everything?"

"Let's just say, there is something within you that he can awaken, and only he can do it," Hermes said, cryptic as ever.

Riveria's brow furrowed, her mind racing to decipher Hermes's meaning.

"What do you mean, Lord Hermes? What does Riveria have that Bell Cranel can awaken?"

"The power to change the tide of the upcoming war, the biggest war ever."

Riveria's eyes widened, and she glanced at her fellow Loki Familia members.

Finn, who remained silent up until that point, spoke up.

"Lord Hermes, you still have not told us what this great power Riveria possesses is."

"What do you know of the monster named Medusa?"

"I know enough. A mythical creature, one that exists only in legends." Riveria said, her voice laced with scepticism.

"She's real, Nine Hell. The Dungeon is deeply unsettled. Ouranos was able to decipher a warning from the Dungeon itself."

"A warning? To what end?"

"Two words: Beware Medusa."

"Beware Medusa?"

"That's right," Hermes confirmed. "The Dungeon itself has issued a warning about the monster Medusa. I believe this monster is also linked to Bell Cranel somehow, and what he can awaken within you, Riveria Ljos Alf, could save the world."

Riveria's eyes widened, and she glanced at her fellow Loki Familia members.

Gareth scratched his beard, his expression one of deep thought. "This is all very strange, but I've heard enough. We need to protect Bell Cranel at all costs."

Finn nodded slowly, his gaze never wavering. "If Lord Hermes says that Bell Cranel is important to the future of the world, then we must do everything in our power to ensure his safety."

Riveria took a deep breath, her mind still reeling from the revelation. "So, I'm to play the part of a mentor, then? I must say, this is all very unexpected."

"Is it? Bell never got the chance to know what a mother is like. His mother died when he was still an infant. You have experience in raising children. It's the perfect fit." Hermes said.

Riveria sighed, a resigned expression on her face. "Very well, I will do my best to mentor Bell Cranel. But I warn you, Hermes, if this is all a ruse, there will be consequences."

Hermes smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Nine Hell. If anything, I think you're secretly looking forward to it."

Riveria glared at Hermes, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "You're playing a dangerous game, Hermes. Do not forget that I am a Loki Familia member, and I will not hesitate to expose your schemes if necessary."

"I can guarantee one thing," Hermes said. "When this is all over, you will be madly in love with Bell Cranel, Nine Hell. It's simply fate."

Hermes's grin widened, and he clapped his hands together in delight. "Come to the Benevolent Mistress tonight. We'll set the stage and let fate do the rest. We'll be in touch, Riveria. Be sure to take good care of Bell."

Riveria's eyes narrowed, her gaze never wavering from Hermes. "You can count on me, Hermes."

Hermes chuckled, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Of that, I have no doubt."

With a nod to Finn and Gareth, Hermes turned and walked out of the office, his robes billowing behind him.

Riveria watched him go, her expression one of wary resignation.

Finn stepped forward, his expression one of concern. "Riveria, are you all right? This must be a lot to take in."

Riveria nodded slowly, her eyes downcast as she pondered Hermes's words. "I will admit, I had no idea Hermes knew so much about Bell Cranel. I suppose it makes sense, given how he always seems to be the one pulling the strings."

Gareth scratched his beard, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, but if there is one thing we can trust Hermes for, it's his knowledge. I believe he is genuinely concerned about Bell Cranel's well-being."

Riveria nodded, her gaze focused on the door through which Hermes had just departed.

"I will do my best to get close to Bell Cranel and hopefully uncover some of the mysteries that surround him."

Finn clasped Riveria's shoulder reassuringly.

"We will be here for you, Riveria. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask."

Riveria nodded, her expression one of gratitude. "Thank you, Finn. I will do my best to live up to your faith in me."

With a determined expression on her face, Riveria turned and left the office, the door closing softly behind her.

Finn and Gareth exchanged a look, both of them filled with a sense of unease at the events unfolding.


The Benevolent Mistress tavern was alive with the sound of adventurers' boisterous chatter, mugs clinking, and the occasional burst of hearty laughter. Amidst the lively ambiance, Bell found himself seated at a weathered table, his drink held lightly in his hand as he nervously scanned the room, filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Asfi's mysterious request for him to come alone had left him pondering the reason behind it.

The heavy tavern door groaned as it swung open, and a sudden hush fell over the bustling crowd as the renowned Loki Familia made their grand entrance, their esteemed core members at the forefront. Among them, Riveria Ljos Alf, also known as the Nine Hell, graced the tavern with her presence, her striking jade-colored hair catching the warm glow of the room and drawing the attention of all within.

As they confidently navigated the tavern's floor, the gaze of the formidable Riveria briefly locked with Bell's before she averted her eyes. In that fleeting moment, Bell felt a rush of adrenaline, a wave of warmth creeping from the base of his neck and spreading upward, as his heart fluttered with a mix of emotions

Bell was shoved from behind, stumbling forward and grabbing onto Riveria's leggings for balance. The fabric slipped, revealing her smooth skin. Mortified, Bell lay on the floor, his face burning with embarrassment. But from his perspective, he got an eyeful of her underwear, as white as the hair on his head.

The tavern fell silent, all eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. Bell, his face a mask of horror, stammered, "Oh dear."

The High Elf royal and senior executive of the city's most powerful and most influential familia appeared to turn to stone, with a frozen, mortified expression on her space. She remained completely motionless and unresponsive for several minutes. Everyone was at a loss for words. Even Lefiya did not know how to react.

Riveria, slowly but surely regaining her composure, turned to face him. The tavern held its breath, waiting for her reaction. Riveria's face flushed with shock, but after a tense moment, she regained her composure, pulling her leggings up with a hint of a smile. "Next time, Bell Cranel, try to be more careful," she said, her tone lightening the mood.

Bell, his face burning, scrambled to his feet. He mumbled an apology, his eyes fixed on the floor, and turned to leave. But Riveria's voice, calm and clear, stopped him in his tracks.

"Wait a minute, Bell Cranel," she said, her tone brooking no argument. "You don't get out of it that easily."

She gestured to the empty seat beside her. "Sit."

Bell, his heart pounding, obeyed. He slid into the chair, acutely aware of Riveria's presence, the heat of her gaze on his face.

The tavern slowly returned to its normal hum, but Bell could feel the eyes of the Loki Familia on him, curiosity and amusement mingling in their expressions.

He risked a glance at Riveria, finding her watching him with a calculating look. "I...I'm sorry," he managed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riveria leaned back in her chair, her fingers drumming on the table. "Sorry? For what, exactly? Falling victim to a prank or for the audacity to touch a High Elf?"

Bell swallowed hard, unsure how to respond. He could feel the weight of her gaze, the expectation in her words.

"I...I didn't mean to..." he began, but Riveria cut him off with a wave of her hand.

"Of course, you didn't," she said, her tone softening slightly. "But intent and outcome are two different things, aren't they?"

Bell nodded, his throat tight. He braced himself for her judgment, for the scorn he was sure would follow.

But Riveria surprised him once again. She leaned forward, her voice low, meant only for his ears. "Perhaps this is an opportunity, Bell Cranel. An opportunity to learn, to grow, to...understand each other better."

Bell's eyes widened, his heart racing at the implication of her words. He met her gaze, finding a glimmer of something he couldn't quite name.

"I...I'd like that," he managed, his voice steadier than he felt.

Riveria smiled then, a genuine curve of her lips that made Bell's breath catch. "Good," she said, leaning back once more. "Then let's start with a drink, shall we?"

Bell nodded, a tentative smile playing on his lips as Riveria signalled for another round. The drinks arrived, and Riveria raised her glass in a silent toast, her eyes never leaving Bell's.

As they sipped their drinks, the conversation flowed, starting with small talk about their adventures in the dungeon. Bell found himself drawn in by Riveria's stories, her voice painting vivid pictures of battles fought and challenges overcome.

"You've faced your fair share of trials," Riveria said, her gaze appraising. "For one so young, you've shown remarkable courage and resilience."

Bell ducked his head, a blush staining his cheeks. "I've had good teachers," he said, thinking of Aiz and the others who had guided him. "And I've been lucky."

Riveria laughed, the sound rich and warm. "Luck plays a part, certainly. But don't discount your own strength, Bell Cranel. It's what has brought you this far."

Bell felt a warmth bloom in his chest at her words, a mix of pride and something else, something that made his heart race.

As the evening wore on, the conversation turned to more personal matters. Bell found himself opening up to Riveria in a way he hadn't with anyone else, sharing his hopes and fears, his dreams for the future.

In turn, Riveria shared snippets of her own life, her childhood in the Alf's Royal Forest, the weight of expectation that came with being a High Elf, and how she left her home to find out about the outside world..

"It's not an easy path," she said, her eyes distant. "But it's one I've chosen, one I continue to choose every day."

Bell nodded, understanding in his gaze. "We all have our burdens to bear," he said softly. "But we don't have to bear them alone."

Riveria's eyes snapped to his, surprise and something else flickering in their depths. For a moment, she was silent, considering his words.

Then, slowly, she reached out, her hand covering his on the table. Her skin was cool, her touch light, but it sent a shiver through Bell, a spark of something electric.

"Perhaps you're right, Bell Cranel," she said, her voice low. "Perhaps we don't."

The moment stretched between them, charged with possibility, with the promise of something new, something unexpected.

And in that moment, Bell knew that something had shifted, that the path ahead had changed in ways he couldn't yet fathom. But with Riveria by his side, he found himself ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Bell prepared to speak again, but Riveria raised a slender hand. "Before you begin, I must confess I have a question of my own for you."

He nodded, giving her his full attention.

"What drives you, Bell Cranel? What is it that compels you to venture into the Dungeon, to face the dangers that lurk within?" Her gaze was unwavering, her tone sincere.

Bell considered her query, searching for the words to convey the fire that burned within him. "I... I'm not entirely sure," he admitted. "There's a pull, a yearning, that I can't quite explain. The Dungeon calls to me as if it holds the answers to questions I didn't even know I had."

Riveria nodded, her expression thoughtful. "An adventurer's heart is a complex thing. The Dungeon tests us, challenges us, forces us to confront our own limitations and strengths." She paused, her eyes gleaming with an emotion Bell couldn't quite place. "And sometimes, it reveals to us the true nature of our desires."

Bell leaned forward, captivated by her words. "You speak as if from experience. What has the Dungeon shown you?"

A shadow flickered across Riveria's face, there and gone in an instant. "The Dungeon has a way of stripping away the facades we present to the world, exposing the core of who we are." She met his gaze, her voice soft. "It is a place of both discovery and reckoning."

Bell felt a chill run down his spine, the weight of her words resonating within him. He opened his mouth to respond, but Riveria raised her hand again, silencing him.

"But I did not mean to burden you with my own reflections." She offered him a small smile. "Tell me, Bell Cranel, what is it you hope to find in the Dungeon?"

Bell took a deep breath, considering Riveria's question. "I suppose I'm searching for a purpose, a reason for being." He glanced down at his hands, calloused from countless hours of training. "I want to prove myself, to show that I'm worthy of being called an adventurer."

Riveria studied him, her expression unreadable. "And what will you do when you find that purpose? When you've proven your worth?"

Bell met her gaze, his eyes blazing with determination. "I'll keep pushing forward, always striving to be better, to help others." He clenched his fists. "I won't stop until I've reached the very depths of the Dungeon and uncovered its secrets."

A smile tugged at the corners of Riveria's lips. "You have a noble heart, Bell Cranel. It's a rare thing in this world." She leaned back, her eyes distant. "But be careful not to lose yourself in the pursuit of glory. The Dungeon has a way of twisting even the purest of intentions."

Bell nodded, her words striking a chord within him. "I understand. I'll be careful." He hesitated, then asked, "What about you, Lady Riveria? What keeps you venturing into the Dungeon?"

Riveria was silent for a long moment, her gaze fixed on the ivy-covered wall. "Duty, perhaps. A sense of responsibility to my Familia, to the people of Orario." She sighed, a sound tinged with weariness. "But there are times when I wonder if there's more to it than that. If there's something I'm meant to find down there, in the depths."

Bell leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What do you think it could be?"

Riveria shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe it's just a foolish notion, a dream of something more." She turned to face him, her eyes searching his. "But I do know that the Dungeon changes us, Bell Cranel. It molds us, shapes us into something different than what we were before."

Bell swallowed, a sudden weight settling on his shoulders. "I'm not afraid of change," he said, his voice steady. "If the Dungeon is where I'm meant to be, then I'll face whatever challenges it throws at me."

Riveria's smile was genuine this time, tinged with a hint of admiration. "You have a strength within you, Bell Cranel. Never lose sight of that."

Aiz Wallenstein sat at the opposite table, her gaze fixed on the unlikely pair. Bell had barely acknowledged her. She watched as Riveria leaned in close to Bell, a smile playing on her lips as she spoke. Bell, for his part, seemed enraptured, hanging on her every word.

A strange feeling stirred in Aiz's chest, a tightness she couldn't quite name. She watched as Riveria's hand brushed against Bell's, a casual gesture that seemed to linger just a moment too long.

Aiz's brow furrowed, her lips pursing into a slight pout. She couldn't understand why the sight of them together bothered her so much. Bell was just another adventurer, wasn't he? And Riveria was her mentor, her friend, her mother... So why did she feel this twist in her gut, this urge to march over and...

She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts. It was ridiculous. She had no claim on Bell, no reason to feel... whatever this was.

Beside her, Lefiya Viridis was having a harder time controlling her emotions. Her hands clenched into fists, her knuckles white with the strain. She glared at the pair, her eyes narrowed to slits.

How dare he? How dare this... this upstart, this player, monopolize Lady Riveria's attention? Lefiya had trained under Riveria for years, and had worked tirelessly to earn her respect and approval. And now, this upstart was swooping in, charming her with his boyish smile and wide-eyed innocence.

It was infuriating. Lefiya could feel her magic stirring, responding to her anger. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. It wouldn't do to cause a scene, not here, not now.

But as she watched Riveria laugh at something Bell said, watched the way her eyes sparkled with mirth, Lefiya felt her control slipping. Her jaw clenched, her teeth grinding together.

She had to do something. She couldn't just sit here and watch as this... this interloper wormed his way into Lady Riveria's good graces. She had to put a stop to it, had to show him his place.

Asfi slipped out of the tavern, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. She had done it. She had set the wheels in motion, had sparked something between Bell and Riveria that was sure to cause ripples throughout Orario.

It had been a delicate operation, one that required precise timing and a subtle touch. But Asfi was nothing if not a master of manipulation. She had seen the way Bell looked at Riveria, the admiration and awe in his eyes. And she had seen the flicker of interest in Riveria's gaze, the way her attention seemed to linger on the young adventurer.

All it had taken was a little push, a carefully orchestrated "accident" to bring them together. And now, as she walked away from the tavern, Asfi could feel the satisfaction thrumming through her veins.

"Mission accomplished," she murmured to herself, her voice tinged with a hint of self-congratulation.

She had no doubt that the relationship between Bell and Riveria would continue to develop, to grow into something more than just a passing fascination. And when it did, when the news spread throughout the city, it would cause a stir like no other.

Asfi could already imagine the reactions, the shock and disbelief on the faces of the other adventurers. A High Elf, one of the most respected and revered members of the Loki Familia, falling for an upstart human like Bell Cranel? It was unheard of, scandalous even.

But that was exactly what made it so delicious. Asfi loved nothing more than shaking things up, than watching the carefully constructed order of things come crumbling down. And this? This was sure to do just that.

She couldn't wait to see how it all played out, to watch the drama unfold. Would Riveria's familia approve of the match? Would Bell's goddess, Hestia, see Riveria as a rival for his affections? The possibilities were endless, and Asfi was eager to see where they led.

But for now, she was content to bask in the glow of her success. She had set the stage, had put the pieces in motion. Now all that was left was to sit back and watch the show.


Several days later, Bell and Riveria had become the talk of the town. People whispered about their budding romance as they passed by in the streets, and shopkeepers gossiped about the relationship between a powerful High Elf and an up-and-coming human adventurer. The news was on everyone's lips, and Asfi couldn't have been more pleased.

But the elves did not take kindly to this turn of events. They saw it as an insult to their kind, an affront to their dignity and pride. Riveria's involvement with a human was seen as a betrayal of their values and traditions, and it spurred some to take action.

They were especially enraged by the rumor that Bell had humiliated Riveria in the tavern. To them, it was an unforgivable affront to their honor, and they were determined to seek retribution on behalf of the High Elves.

A group of elves approached Riveria in the marketplace one day, their faces twisted with anger and indignation. They confronted her about her relationship with Bell, demanding to know how she could sully herself with a human.

"How could you disgrace yourself like this?" one of the elves demanded, her eyes flashing with fury. "How could you dishonor our kind by involving yourself with a filthy human?"

Riveria met their accusations with calm composure, her gaze level and unwavering. "My choices are my own," she replied, her voice steady and sure. "And I will not be dictated to by narrow-minded fools."

The elves were shocked by her response, and they erupted into an uproar. They called her names and hurled insults at her, but Riveria stood firm. She refused to be cowed by their prejudiced views, and she refused to apologize for her actions.

The commotion drew the attention of others in the marketplace, and soon a crowd had gathered to witness the heated exchange. The elves became more agitated as the situation escalated, their anger fueled by Riveria's refusal to back down.

Bell also had his own problems. Not only was he forced to go into hiding for several days, but he also had to explain himself to his goddess. The boy pleaded his innocence, emphasizing that none of it was his fault.

"I swear I didn't do anything!" he insisted to his flabbergasted deity. "It was an accident!"

But he wasn't getting through to Hestia. She stormed out of the manor, and Bell took off after her. He hurried down the busy streets of Orario, his face flushed with embarrassment.

As he rounded a corner, he collided with a beautiful and ageless woman, sending her basket of freshly baked goods tumbling to the ground. Jyaga Maru Kun scattered across the cobblestones, and Bell's heart sank as he realized who the woman was.

"Lady Riveria!" he exclaimed, his voice cracking with mortification. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, and—"

Riveria stood before him, her elegant robes now dusted with crumbs and flecks of icing. Her emerald eyes widened in surprise, but her expression quickly softened as she took in the sight of the flustered young adventurer.

"Bell Cranel," she said, her tone measured. "I must say, this is not quite the reunion I had envisioned."

Bell felt his face burning as he scrambled to help her gather the scattered potato poppers. "I'm so, so sorry, Lady Riveria. I didn't mean to—"

"Hush, child," Riveria interrupted, raising a hand. "It's quite alright. These things happen." She knelt down, her movements graceful despite the mess, and began carefully placing the baked goods back into the basket.

Bell watched, his heart still racing, as he tried to assist her. "Please, let me help you," he insisted, his hands clumsy in their attempts.

Riveria glanced up at him, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You're making more of a mess than you're cleaning up, Bell Cranel."

He winced, his fingers fumbling with a particularly stubborn potato snack. "I'm sorry, I—"

"There's no need to apologize," Riveria interrupted, her voice soothing. "It was an accident, and I'm not upset. Aiz might cry, though." She placed the last Jyaga Maru Kun in the basket and stood, brushing off her robes.

Bell followed suit, his head bowed in shame. "I feel terrible. I wanted to see you again, but not like this."

Riveria's expression softened, and she reached out to gently touch his arm. "Well, now you have." She paused, her gaze meeting his. "And I'm glad for it."

Bell's head snapped up, his eyes wide. "Have you seen my goddess anywhere?"

Riveria chuckled softly. "Ah, so that's why you ran into me. I believe I spotted Hestia headed towards Central Park not long ago."

Bell let out a sigh of relief, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Thank you, Lady Riveria." He hesitated, then added, "I truly am sorry about the accident."

Riveria shook her head, her hand still resting on his arm. "Bell Cranel, accidents happen. There's no need for you to continue apologizing."

Bell nodded slowly, still not quite convinced. "If you say so. Thank you, again."

Riveria smiled at him then, a genuine smile that made her emerald eyes sparkle with warmth.

The tension in Bell's shoulders eased, and he felt a glimmer of hope ignite within him. "Then, do you mind helping me find Goddess? If you have the time, that is."

Riveria considered his request for a moment, then nodded. "I believe I can spare a few more minutes." She extended her free hand towards him, palm open. "Shall we? Please walk with me."

Bell stared at her outstretched hand for a moment before tentatively reaching out and taking it in his own.

Riveria's skin was cool to the touch, and her slender fingers seemed to fit perfectly.

As they made their way to the Central Park, Bell couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and anticipation. Despite the embarrassing start to their encounter, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to speak with Riveria again.

And as their hands remained intertwined, Bell had a feeling that something had changed between them — something profound and indefinable.

The streets of Orario bustled with activity as Bell and Riveria navigated their way through the crowds. As they passed by the stalls lining the main thoroughfare, Riveria found herself captivated by Bell's enthusiasm and energy.

"I've never seen so many different kinds of foods before," Bell marvelled, his eyes wide as he took in the sights and smells.

Riveria smiled at him, her heart warmed by his innocent wonder. "This is only the tip of the iceberg. Orario has a diverse culinary culture that has been honed and perfected over centuries."

Bell's eyes shone with excitement. "I can't wait to try everything! Which stall do you recommend first?"

"Well," Riveria said, gesturing towards a nearby stand with her free hand. "This one has some excellent candied apples. Perhaps we could start there?"

"I… uh…. can't have sweet things." He replied nervously.

"Then how about some Taiyaki?"

Bell nodded eagerly, and Riveria chuckled at his enthusiasm. Together, they approached the stall and purchased two of the Taiyaki.

As they continued their journey towards the park, Bell eagerly took in the sights and sounds of Orario's vibrant marketplace. But despite his excitement, Riveria noticed a hint of tension in his shoulders and a slight furrow in his brow.

"Is something troubling you?" she asked, concern coloring her voice.

Bell sighed, his eyes fixed on the ground. "I'm worried about Goddess," he confessed. "She's been so distant lately, ever since this whole... scandal started."

Riveria frowned, her grip on Bell's hand tightening slightly. "Have you spoken with her about it? Communication is important in any relationship."

Bell nodded slowly. "I've tried, but she keeps avoiding me. I think she's really upset, but I don't know why." He glanced up at Riveria, his gaze imploring. "Do you think she'll forgive me?"

Riveria offered him a reassuring smile. "Of course she will. You're her Familia, Bell Cranel, and she loves you dearly. I'm sure she's just overwhelmed by all the attention." She squeezed his hand gently.

They entered the Central Park, and then settled onto the bench with Riveria's basket of potato snacks and Taiyaki tucked neatly between them. Bell fidgeted nervously, unsure of how to continue their conversation after the earlier mishap.

"So, young Bell Cranel," Riveria began, her voice calm and measured. "What else did you wish to discuss?"

Bell took a deep breath, summoning his courage. "I, um, I was hoping we could talk more about the Dungeon." He paused, then added hastily, "If that's alright with you, of course."

Riveria nodded, her expression serene. "Of course. The Dungeon is a subject I'm quite passionate about."

Just as Bell was about to respond, a sudden commotion erupted nearby. A group of rambunctious adventurers, their voices booming, came careening around the corner, barreling straight toward them.

Bell's eyes widened in alarm, and he instinctively reached out to steady Riveria's basket, but in his haste, he knocked it straight into the air. Time seemed to slow as the basket tumbled end over end, potato snacks spilling out in a flurry of crumbs and starchy goodness.

"Oh, no!" Bell cried, his face flushing with mortification as he watched the basket and its contents crash to the ground, scattering in all directions.

Riveria's expression shifted from surprise to something akin to exasperation, but before she could say a word, one of the boisterous adventurers, oblivious to the chaos they had caused, stepped right into the mess, his heavy boots grinding the Jyaga Maru Kun into the cobblestones.

"Hey, what's going on here?" the adventurer bellowed, his voice booming. He looked down, finally noticing the scattered baked goods. "That kid is throwing food at me! What a little punk!"

Bell felt his heart sink as the adventurer's gaze landed on him and Riveria. He opened his mouth, desperately trying to explain, but the words caught in his throat.

Riveria, ever the picture of grace, rose from the bench, her robes swishing softly. "I'm afraid you're sorely mistaken, good sir," she said, her tone polite but firm.

The adventurer's eyes widened as he recognized the renowned elven mage. "L-Lady Riveria!" he stammered, his bravado quickly evaporating. "I, uh, I didn't realize—"

Riveria raised a hand, silencing him. "It was an accident, and I take full responsibility." She fixed the adventurer with a stern look. "However, I would appreciate it if you and your companions were a bit more mindful of your surroundings in the future."

The adventurer nodded, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Y-yes, of course, Lady Riveria. It won't happen again."

Riveria acknowledged his response with a graceful nod, then turned to Bell, who had been watching the exchange with a mixture of awe and mortification.

As they made their way over to the short goddess, Riveria whispered to Bell, "Don't worry, I'll pay for the snacks next time."

Bell looked up at her in surprise, but before he could respond, Hestia's shrill voice cut through the air. "Bell! What are you doing with... with her?!"

Bell winced, knowing he was in for a stern lecture. He glanced at Riveria, but she simply winked at him, then turned and walked away, her coat billowing behind her like a whisper of silk.

"Bell Cranel," she said, her voice soft. "I believe we've had enough excitement for one day."

Bell opened his mouth to apologize, but Riveria raised a hand, silencing him.

"Let us reconvene another time, shall we?" She offered him a small, reassuring smile. "I believe we have more to discuss."

Bell could only nod mutely, his throat suddenly dry. As Riveria turned and made her way through the now-dispersed crowd of adventurers, Bell felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, knowing that he had once again managed to embarrass himself in front of the esteemed elven mage.