
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

The Shadow of Medusa

A party of rogue adventurers, led by Mord, was making their way to the adventurer town of Livira on the Dungeon's 18th floor. Suddenly, a bone-chilling laugh echoed through the unforgiving stone maze, sending shivers down their spines. As they navigated the twisting passages, an ominous silence descended upon them, only to be shattered by a bone-chilling 

"By the gods, what was that?" a young mage whimpered, clutching his staff tightly. 

"S-S-Show yourself!" Mord demanded, his voice trembling. 

"I am terror. I am suffering. I am death," the shrill voice retorted, echoing ominously. The adventurers shivered, their teeth chattering with fear. 

"W-What do you want?" Mord stammered, his heart pounding.

"The song. Can you not hear it?" the voice asked.

 "No, I cannot! Leave us at once!" Mord shouted, his voice cracking.

 "The song is beautiful, sweet. It whispers to me relentlessly. Punish Celdia. Punish Perseus. Cover the world in shadow. Purge the lineage of Perseus, and eradicate the kinship of Celdia. Destroy the world they left behind. That is what it tells me."

 "What are you talking about?" Mord screamed, his fear mounting.

"A song. Calling me to war. Against all of you and the entire world." The voice declared.

Mord's heart pounded as he caught the panicked glance of the young mage. 

"Run!"' he yelled, his voice breaking. Feet scrambled on the cold stone, breathless gasps echoed as they fled for their lives.

The creature moved with the cunning of a twisted genius, whispers of madness driving its every step. What was once dismissed as a mere nightmare now proved to be a chilling reality, as terrifying as the legends described. It had claimed the Dungeon as its dominion, defending its realm with depraved ruthlessness.

It left desolation wherever it went and roamed the Dungeon with its tentacles reaching every corner in the darkness. Feared by the most feared, dreaded by the dreaded, it had no peer in this abyss of death."All that met its gaze never lived to tell the tale. Its faithful legions of snake monsters followed, feeding upon the dead and dying, cleaning up any stragglers. The Dungeon's walls and floors flowed as they slithered in unison, covering every inch, their dark minds filled with nothing but an ironhearted appetency to serve their dark mistress."

With the snakes acting as its keen senses, it was always observing, always hearkening. With a pachydermatous lust for the screams of their prey, their mass of bodies filled the maze with slithering, scaly slews. The harbingers of death, were the last thing their victims ever saw before they met their doom. They were playing a twisted game of hide and seek, playing the role of the seekers, and all intruders into the Dungeon they claimed as their boundless bastion were the hiders.

They were all extensions of her will. The invisible terror that haunted the dungeon has locks of hair that writhed and were alive. Her hair was a slew of living serpents. They sunk their fangs into the organic walls of the Dungeon, leeching its very essence into their dark mother. The Dungeon had become nothing but a host to the most abominable of all parasites. Her gaze had an unholy burnish, petrifying everything and setting the fates of all in stone. Her silhouette flickered in the dim light, silent as a shadow. The air around her seemed to still, leaving only the chilling aftermath of her presence—petrified bodies frozen in their final moments of terror. Her venom permeated far and wide, corrupting all that touched it with her baleful intent.

She stood stagnant in the murkiness of her empire, not unlike that of her petrified prey, sensing the vibrations of the hapless adventurers with alarming precision. She would find them. She would kill them. It didn't matter who or what you were, and she was coming for you in her maniacal game of hide and seek, or rather, hide and kill. This was merely a pastime that aroused her, that got her heart racing. She would stave off her boredom and world-weariness by fashioning adventurers into statues. The smell of fear was delectable, unlike anything else. She did not merely want to smell their fear, she wanted to taste it, enticing her deeper into the darkness.

There was no escape from this waltz to oblivion. A rhythm that would decide between life and death, and flesh and stone.

Her snakes were her familiars, her unflinchingly loyal troops that she could call to arms at any notice. They hissed in dissonance, singing in a discordant fugal choir of doom that reverberated in all directions. Her inhuman eyes combed over her surroundings, picking up the faintest of movement from her quarry. In these killing grounds, the torment of her kills was conspicuous in their petrified faces. She believed that preserving their final moments of agony forevermore in stone was a form of art, something to be treasured.

The Dungeon had become a graveyard for adventurers, a labyrinthine maze choked with their littered, petrified remains. Statues that were once people adorned every chamber, their final moments of terror captured in perpetuity. Only one force would dominate the food web in this darkness.

Whispers began to circulate about a Dark Mother that tyrannized the Dungeon, lording over hosts of innumerable snakes that coiled around their victims and devoured them whole.

As the tyrant empress reigned, the Dungeon that begat her was dying, its very essence being sapped. She sucked the vitality out of Dungeon, adding it to her own, making her stronger. Her voracious appetite for power killed everything around her.

The Dungeon had fallen eerily silent, interrupted only by the harrowing screams of adventures that met their untimely end. Nothing could live there, not even the monsters that were once abundant in this forsaken place once known as the Dungeon.

Reveling in the terror she wrought, her name invoked fear by its very utterance: Medusa. It was a name that would soon be known far and wide, whispered in hushed tones by those who trembled at the mere thought of her.

Those with the misfortune to cross paths with Medusa were offered two choices: die quickly, or die slowly.

Her ear-splitting, shrill, maniacal laughter reverberated from every corner of the Dungeon, the echoes bouncing through the twisted corridors and treacherous passageways. It was a tone filled with a cruel pleasure, a perverse delight in the suffering that was to come. An impish laugh that bode pain and suffering, it relished in the death and agony it promised.

The reign of Medusa had only just begun, and it would not be limited to the Dungeon or even to Orario. Her empire-building would expand, swallowing the lower world whole. The whispers in her head urged her to make war with the creatures of the surface world, making the Dungeon her bulwark. The final war she promised would plunge the world into eternal, perfect darkness, forging an empire of shadow and lightlessness.


The stench of fear and death pervaded the Dungeon. As word of the Medusa spread, many adventurers dared not tread in the Dungeon she haunted. But there were also those who saw the new threat as a challenge, a chance for a new adventure, and a chance to expand their profile and cement their reputation. Unable to resist the ultimate prize that was the head of Medusa, this ragtag band of adventurers was dogged in making a name for themselves. But little did they know that were dealing with a force far beyond the comprehension of mortals. A primordial power that transcended even Arcanum.

This considerable party of adventurers, driven by the promise of fortune and glory, had forged an alliance. This many different familias working in harmony was a seldom phenomenon indeed, but considering what they were up against, it was a necessity. They tread carefully, trying not to draw attention to themselves in this dangerous new world. There was no light apart from their flickering torches, a fulgurating warm glow in this merciless abysm.

"Keep your eyes peeled," one of the adventurers warned. "The gaze of the Medusa petrifies all that it meets."

Another adventurer scoffed at this. "No big deal," he said confidently. "We have enough strength to take on the lower floors."

Even as he spoke the words, a sense of unease settled over the group. No one could escape the feeling that they were being watched, as if something were lurking just out of sight.

The adventurers moved into the interior of bewildering chambers, hyper-vigilant of every noise and every movement. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional drip of water and the faint, sinister echoes of something unseen.

Then, the campaign of terror began.

A high-pitched, ear-splitting guffaw resonated through the dungeon. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, chilling the inhabitants to their cores.

"What on Earth was that?" whispered a young mage, her eyes wide with fear.

"Sounded like laughter," said another, his voice shaky.

Suddenly, there was a pained shriek, and one of the adventurers was on the ground.

"His foot!" yelled one of the group, pointing to the fallen man's left leg.

As they watched in horror, his leg began to turn to stone, starting from his foot and spreading quickly up his body. In mere seconds, he was completely turned to stone. The horrified group stood frozen in place, unable to take in what they were seeing.

"She's here," whispered the young mage, her eyes wide with terror.

"Get back!" yelled the leader of the group. "She's after us all!"

They began to run, scattering in all directions like panic-stricken mice.

The laughs grew louder, more frequent, and closer. The adventurers felt eyes that never left them, unseen but all-seeing. The torchlight flickered against the dungeon walls, casting fulgurating shadows that seemed to move with a flickering of their own lives.

The adventurers' footsteps echoed through the dungeon, an ominous sign of their desperation. Suddenly, a scream pierced the air. One of the adventurers, a burly man with a greatsword, was frozen in place, his body slowly turning to stone. The group skidded to a halt, watching in horror as the transformation took hold. In less than a minute, the warrior was gone, replaced by a solid stone statue.

"We have to get out of here," cried one of the adventurers.

"Run for your lives!" someone shouted, but it was too late.

The adventurers tried to flee, but the sinister laughter followed them, mocking their efforts. One by one, they were caught, their bodies petrified by the unseen menace. Some tried to fight, swinging their weapons wildly, but their efforts were in vain. They were no match for the Medusa's powerful gaze.

"We can't escape," cried one of the adventurers. "It's no use!"

The panic spread through the group like wildfire, consuming them all.

Tears streamed down the faces of those still able to move, their comrades falling around them like statues in a garden of nightmares. The survivors stumbled over the fractured stone bodies of their friends, desperate to escape the ceaseless laughter that seemed to grow louder with each passing second.

Time was running out for the terrified adventurers. The Medusa's laughter echoed off the dungeon walls, filling them with despair. The last few survivors could only pray for salvation as they fled, but salvation seemed like an impossibility.

A seasoned rogue turned, his heart pounding, only to see his comrades' bodies starting to harden, their eyes wide in defiance. "I... I can't," he mumbled to himself as his legs grew heavy and unresponsive. Soon, he found himself rooted to the spot, his body slowly changing to stone.

The last thing he saw was darkness closing in, the oppressive silence broken only by the sound of stone grinding against stone.

And then there was only one. One remained, standing alone against the petrifying horror that had taken so many lives.

One young girl was left alive, trembling as she backed away from the growing mass of stone figures that surrounded her. She was no warrior, just a simple mage who had joined this expedition in search of treasure and glory.

She suddenly could no longer feel her own feet. They had hardened, encased in a marble carapace. It was now only a matter of time before she suffered the same fate as all the adventurers who had died around her. She was trembling, her mind numbed by fear.

"Please," she begged, her voice hoarse and barely audible. "Let me live. I'm begging you!!"

She caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure, and yellow, glowing, glaring eyes. Its form swarmed with innumerable serpents acting like its robes. The response then came:

"Dinner Time!!!!" The creature screamed its voice, a grating, ear-splitting sound that reverberated off the dungeon walls.


In a matter of mere seconds, slews of snakes were upon her.

There was a piercing cry, followed by silence.

The dungeon was now a tomb, filled with the petrified remains of those foolish enough to believe they could take on Medusa. Their quest for glory ended in a nightmare of stone and echoes. Medusa's laughter faded into the distance, leaving behind a chilling reminder of the terror that lurked in the shadows and the ultimate price of hubris.

Far above, in the city streets, the citizens of Orario were oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded in the dungeon below. They went about their daily lives, unaware of the horror that awaited them in the darkness. But not all were oblivious. There were those who knew the truth, who understood the terrible danger that was lurking just beneath the surface. And as night fell, and the sun set on the last day of the old world, they knew that the time had come for them to act. They pitied those who had dared to face such a terrifying monster on their own. The rumors were true, it seemed. The Medusa was real, and it was more fearsome than anyone could have imagined.


The Guild headquarters was bustling with its usual activity, adventurers filing reports, strategizing for their next delve, and negotiating prices with the merchants hawking their wares in the lobby. The familiar sounds of chatter and haggling were almost enough to make one forget the horrific fate that awaited adventurers unlucky enough to wander into the dungeon's depths. But the atmosphere changed abruptly when the doors burst open with a resounding crash.

Mord and his companions staggered in, eyes wide with terror, faces pale as ghosts. Their armor was scratched and dented, evidence of a desperate flight. They were hysterical, voices overlapping in a cacophony of fear and desperation.

"She's alive! She's real!" Mord exclaimed.

"That laughter..."

"The screams!"

The adventurers crowded around the shaken party, demanding answers.

"What did you see?"

"Seal the dungeon! Seal it now!" Mord shouted, his voice cracking with panic. He pushed through the crowd, making a beeline for Eina Tulle, the elf advisor who had seen her fair share of frantic adventurers but never like this.

Eina tried to maintain her composure, though her heart raced with growing anxiety.

"Calm down," she said to Mord. "Tell me what happened."

"I can't," he said, shaking his head violently. "I... I can't put it into words."

The other adventurers stared at him with a mixture of disbelief and fear. What could have shaken this seasoned fighter so badly?

"Tell me something," Eina said insistently. "Anything."

"There was laughter," Mord finally managed to say. "We heard laughter that seemed to come from all around us. We kept moving, but the laughter only got louder. And then... those screams. We've never heard anything like it. The laughter and the screams together.... You have to seal the dungeon now before it's too late!"

Eina and the other Guild workers exchanged worried glances. This was no ordinary report.

"I... I will alert the Guild officials," Eina said at last, her voice trembling slightly. "We will investigate this matter immediately."

"Do not go back in there!" Mord said, grabbing her arm desperately. "She... it... it's turning everyone to stone! You can't see her, but you can hear her laugh, and then... then you're just... stone!"

The room fell silent as the weight of Mord's words sank in. Fear rippled through the gathered adventurers, their faces reflecting a mix of disbelief and dread. Eina struggled to maintain her calm, but the severity of the situation was undeniable. Something beyond comprehension lurked in the dungeon depths.

Eina could only nod, her mind racing to formulate a plan. There was no denying that the dungeon would need to be sealed.

"We must convene an emergency meeting of the Guild officials," she said. "This situation requires our immediate attention."

The other adventurers watched on in shock as Eina swiftly alerted her superiors, leaving them to ponder Mord's words. Was a new terror haunting the dungeon? If so, what hope did they have of facing such a foe? The room was filled with fear and uncertainty, the sense of dread palpable.

As night fell and adventurers trickled back into the city streets from the dungeon depths, hushed conversations gave way to boisterous chatter at pubs and inns across Orario. Word of the terrifying encounter in the dungeon spread quickly, fueling speculation about the mysterious threat that lurked within. Some speculated that it might be a new monster species, while others ventured that it was a cursed artifact of ancient origins, waiting to be unearthed by those foolish enough to enter the dungeon.

But one thing was certain: the dungeon was no longer a safe haven for adventurers seeking glory and fortune. It had become a death trap, and the terrifying entity within seemed intent on turning the brave into stone.


Royman, the head of the Guild, stepped forward, his face grim. "Take Mord and his companions to the infirmary," he ordered. "They need rest and healing." As the Guild workers moved to assist the shaken adventurers, Royman turned to Eina. "This is no ordinary threat. We must inform Ouranos immediately."

Eina nodded, her expression matching Royman's seriousness. "I will contact him right away." She hurried off to seek out the aged god's aid, leaving Royman to contemplate the dire situation at hand.

In the secluded chamber deep within the Guild headquarters, Royman approached the altar where the deity Ouranos presided. The ancient god's presence filled the room with an air of solemnity and power.

"It has started," Royman said, his voice steady but laced with urgency. "The Medusa has emerged from the dungeon depths."

Ouranos's eyes narrowed, his expression darkening with concern. "You are certain of this?" he asked.

Royman nodded. "Yes."

Ouranos's eyes opened slowly, their ancient wisdom piercing through the shadows. "Then we must act," he intoned, his voice resonating with divine authority.

Royman turned to the hooded figure standing nearby. "Fels, accelerate our plans. Prepare an obligatory mission from the Guild to exterminate this menace. We cannot afford to wait."

Fels nodded, their face hidden beneath the dark hood, a figure of enigmatic power and knowledge. "I will see to it at once. We must not let this creature roam free."

"Agreed," Royman replied. "The Guild will mobilize the city's most powerful adventurers to destroy this monster, and we will not rest until she is dead."

Ouranos closed his eyes once more, a sense of foreboding settling over him. The Medusa was a fearsome foe, but if they did not stop her now, the consequences would be catastrophic.

As the preparations began, the Guild buzzed with renewed urgency. Messages were sent, strategies devised, and the call to arms issued. It was a daunting task, but it was clear that no effort would be spared in eliminating this terrible new threat.

The threat that lurked in the dungeon had to be contained, and soon. The very fate of Orario depended on it.

In the depths of the dungeon, the unseen monster continued its hunt, unaware of the storm gathering above. The game was far from over, and the next move belonged to those who dared to face the shadows.


In the aftermath of Medusa's vicious attack, the Guild was left with a single survivor, an adventurer who bore the scars of his encounter not on his body, but on his mind. His eyes were vacant, his body trembled, and he rocked back and forth, muttering the same warning over and over again: "Beware Medusa."

The Guild members tried to question him, hoping to glean some valuable information about the monster they were facing. They asked him about her appearance, her abilities, and anything that could give them an edge. But the traumatized adventurer could only repeat his warning, his voice growing hoarse from the constant repetition.

"Beware Medusa," he whispered, his eyes wide with terror. "Beware Medusa."

The Guild members exchanged worried glances, their frustration mounting. They needed information, a plan, or anything to combat this new threat. But the survivor was lost in his own world of fear, his mind shattered by the horrors he had witnessed.

"Beware Medusa," he continued, his voice barely audible now. "The world... the world will end."

Suddenly, the adventurer's hands shot up, his fingers digging into his own eyes. The Guild members watched in horror as he gouged out his own eyes, his screams echoing through the room. Blood streamed down his face, staining his clothes, as he collapsed onto the floor, his body convulsing. The Guild workers scrambled to help him, but it was too late. The survivor's wounds were fatal, and within moments he lay still on the floor, his life slipping away.

The room fell silent, the only sound the ragged breathing of the now blind and broken adventurer. The Guild members stared at him, their faces pale with shock. The threat they were facing was unlike any they had encountered before, and now, it seemed even looking at it could bring about their deaths.

The adventurer's final words echoed in their minds, a chilling warning that sent shivers down their spines. "Beware Medusa," he had said. "The world will end."

The Guild members could only look at each other, their faces reflecting a mix of fear, shock, and determination. They knew what they had to do. The Guild officials wasted no time in convening an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. Eina's report only deepened their concern and increased their resolve to take swift action. After hours of debate, they reached a decision: the dungeon would be sealed and no adventurer would be allowed inside until the threat was eliminated.

The decision was met with mixed reactions, with some adventurers expressing outrage that it would affect their livelihoods and others arguing that it was necessary for the safety of the city. However, the majority of the adventurers eventually agreed that sealing the dungeon was the best course of action.


The grand hall of Twilight Manor was filled with the members of the Loki Familia, their expressions a mixture of concern and curiosity. Finn Deimne, their steadfast captain, stood at the head of the table, a serious look on his face as he prepared to address his familia.

"The Guild has issued a mission," Finn began, his voice cutting through the murmurs. "We are to exterminate a monster unlike any we've faced before. The details are scarce, but what we do know is that this creature, which they are calling Medusa, has already wreaked havoc among the adventurers. It turns its victims to stone."

A collective shudder rippled through the room. The thought of facing a monster with such a terrifying power was enough to unsettle even the most seasoned adventurers.

Finn paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. He could see the apprehension in their eyes, the uncertainty that came with the unknown. "I understand your fear," he said, his voice softening. "But we are the Loki Familia. We are known for facing challenges that others fear to even consider. This mission may be the most difficult yet, but I am confident that we can rise to the occasion."

Finn's words resonated with the familia members, bolstering their spirits and stirring their fighting instincts. The room was silent, the members hanging on his every word. "We will show this Medusa what it means to challenge Loki Familia," Finn continued. "We will destroy this creature and protect our home of Orario from harm."

As the familia captain spoke, Loki, their patron goddess, watched on from the back of the room, a smirk playing on her lips. The adventurers in front of her were a force to be reckoned with, and she was proud to be their goddess. She watched as the familia members cheered and applauded Finn's inspiring words, their resolve burning bright.

Finn's impassioned speech reignited the fire in his familia's hearts. Uncertainty and fear began to dissipate, replaced by a steely determination. They were ready to face whatever came their way.

Turning to his trusted advisor, Finn asked, "Riveria, how is the mentoring of Bell Cranel progressing?"

Riveria's stern expression softened slightly. "Despite a few... embarrassing hiccups, the boy shows promise. He is eager to learn and has a good heart. I have grown quite fond of him."

Her words elicited mixed reactions. Lefiya and Alicia, both fiercely loyal to Riveria, were visibly displeased.

"Riveria-sama," Lefiya began, her voice tinged with frustration, "I don't understand why you would spend so much time on a mere human. It's dangerous. What if he defiles you?"

Alicia nodded in agreement. "Lefiya is right. Human men cannot be trusted," she said, her voice laced with disgust. "They're driven by lust and desire."

Riveria looked at them sternly, her eyes narrowing. "I have complete control over Bell Cranel," she said in a firm tone. "Besides, he has not once shown any signs of such behavior."

Lefiya and Alicia exchanged dubious looks but did not argue further.

Ais, who had been listening quietly, felt a pang of jealousy. Bell had always been like a pet rabbit to her, someone to protect and watch over. Now it seemed like Riveria was taking that role from her.

"The boy's potential is extraordinary," Riveria said. "He is strong, and fast, and his skills are exceptional for one so young. If he continues to develop at this rate, I have no doubt that he will surpass many of us in power."

Riveria's words did little to soothe Ais's jealousy, but she also saw the truth in them. Bell was indeed showing incredible potential, and if he continued to improve, he could become a formidable ally.

Finn nodded approvingly at Riveria's assessment. "His growth will be critical for our upcoming mission," he said. "Each of us has a role to play, and together, we will succeed."

The meeting adjourned soon after, and as the Loki Familia members departed, they could not help but feel the weight of their task ahead.

Despite this, a sense of determination and purpose united them. They would not back down from a challenge, especially one that threatened their home and their way of life.


Soon after Riveria and Bell parted ways, an unsettling rumor began to circulate through the streets of Orario. Whispers of a new threat, a monster unlike any other, sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned adventurers.

Bell, his curiosity piqued, found himself drawn to the Hostess of Fertility, where adventurers often gathered to share stories and information. As he entered the bustling tavern, he caught snippets of hushed conversations, each one more troubling than the last.

"They say she's the queen of all monsters," a grizzled adventurer muttered, his face etched with worry. "Medusa, they call her."

Bell's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the name. He had heard tales of Medusa and the Gorgons before, but they had always seemed like mere legends, stories told to frighten children. They were an extremely rare and deadly monster form, only three have ever been recorded in history.

Bell Cranel made his way to the Hostess of Fertility, his heart heavy with the news of the new mission. As he stepped into the lively bar, he spotted Ryuu Lion, the stoic waitress, busy serving drinks. She noticed his troubled expression and leaned in, her voice low.

"You've heard the news," she said. "Medusa."

Bell nodded gravely. "What do you think?" he asked, hoping for some reassurance from the older adventurer.

Ryuu considered her response carefully. "She's no ordinary monster," she finally said. "We must proceed with caution."

Bell nodded, his throat suddenly dry. He tried to swallow but found it difficult, his nerves getting the best of him. "What... what should we do?" he managed to ask.

Ryuu's gaze turned hard, her eyes unwavering as she looked at Bell. "Whatever it takes," she said firmly.

Bell took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. The thought of facing such a terrifying monster was daunting, but he knew that he had no choice. He was an adventurer, and it was his duty to protect the city and its people.

"I won't let you down," he said, his voice steady despite his fear.

Ryuu offered a small smile before returning to her work, leaving Bell to contemplate her words. He was determined not to fail, not only for himself but for all those who had placed their trust in.

His thoughts were interrupted by a commotion at the other end of the bar. Anya and Chloe, the cat-girl waitresses, were engaged in a playful argument over who had spilled a drink, their tails flicking in irritation.

"It was your fault!" Chloe hissed.

Anya's ears flattened in annoyance. "No, it wasn't!" she shot back.

"I saw you! You tripped me!" Chloe hissed, playfully swatting at Anya.

Anya laughed, dodging the swat. "It wasn't me, nya! It was you!"

"Both of ya" Mia Grand scolded. "This is a bar, not a playground. If ya want to bicker, I'll be more than happy to settle things for ya! Got it?"

Bell watched as the two waitresses suddenly went silent, their ears drooping in shame. He couldn't help but chuckle at their antics despite his nerves.

Lunoire, the human waitress, shook her head with a smile. "You two are going to scare away the customers. We have a reputation to uphold, you know."

The banter between the waitresses helped lift the gloomy mood that had settled over the tavern. Despite the looming threat, there was still a sense of optimism among the adventurers present. They were a resilient bunch, and they would not let fear get the better of them.


As he left the Hostess of Fertility, his mind reeling with the implications of this new threat, he found himself face-to-face with Riveria. The elven mage's expression was grave, her eyes filled with concern.

"Bell Cranel," she said, her voice low. "I see you've heard the news."

Bell nodded, his heart heavy. "Medusa. Is it true?"

Riveria sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "I'm afraid so. The Guild has confirmed the reports. Medusa is real, and she poses a significant threat to Orario."

Bell clenched his fists, a determination burning within him. "What can we do? How can we stop her?"

Riveria met his gaze, her eyes searching his. "That, Bell Cranel, is a question we must all ask ourselves. Medusa is unlike any monster we've faced before. It will take the combined efforts of all the adventurers in Orario to even stand a chance against her."

Bell steeled himself for what was to come, his resolve unwavering despite the challenge before him. "I will do whatever it takes," he said resolutely. "I won't let fear hold me back."

Riveria smiled faintly, a look of pride flashing across her face. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear," she said. "But know this: this mission will not be easy. Even the strongest of adventurers may not survive. You must be prepared for that."

Bell hesitated for a moment before nodding, his eyes never leaving hers. "I understand."

"Would you care for some tea, Bell Cranel? We can chat about whatever's on your mind."

Bell looked at her gratefully and nodded once more. "That would be great. I would like that very much."

Riveria led him upstairs to her private chambers, where a steaming pot of tea awaited them.


"Uh... no.... thank you."

"Ah yes, you don't exactly have a sweet tooth, do you, Bell Cranel?"

"Um... well... not really."

"My apologies."

"That's okay."

"How do you take your tea then?"

"Uh... no milk... no sugar..."

"A true adventurer."


Bell couldn't help but admire Riveria's beauty and grace as she poured the tea into two delicate teacups. His rubellite eyes met her jade ones, and she briefly gave him a genuine smile.

"Thank you," Bell said as he accepted the tea from her outstretched hands. The cup was warm and comforting in his grasp, and he savored its soothing aroma.

Riveria watched Bell sip at his tea, her keen eyes never leaving his face. He was nervous, she could tell, but determined. Her lips curled upward slightly at the thought. It was no wonder that Finn Deimne saw something special in him.

The two sat in silence for a long moment before Bell finally spoke up. "Um... Riveria-san," he began hesitantly, "what do you think about this Medusa?"

Riveria considered the question carefully before responding. "Medusa is an ancient monster form, one that is rarely seen in this day and age," she said, her voice grim. "They are fierce, cunning opponents. If she has indeed risen from the dungeon depths, she will be a formidable enemy indeed."

Bell felt a chill run down his spine at Riveria's words. The thought of facing such a powerful and ancient monster was daunting, to say the least. He took another sip of his tea, trying to calm his nerves.

"How do we fight something like that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riveria's expression softened slightly. "With courage, skill, and teamwork," she said. "No one adventurer can face Medusa alone. It will take the combined efforts of all of us to stand a chance."

Bell nodded, his resolve strengthening. "I'll do whatever it takes," he said, his voice firm. "I won't let Orario fall to this monster."

Riveria smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes. "I know you won't, Bell Cranel. You have a strength within you that few possess. It's why I've taken such an interest in your training."

Bell blushed slightly at the compliment, his eyes darting away from hers. "I... I'm honored, Riveria-san," he stammered. "I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

Riveria chuckled softly, amused by his bashfulness. "I have no doubt that you will," she said. "But remember, Bell Cranel, this mission will test you in ways you've never been tested before. You must be prepared for anything."

Bell met her gaze once more, his eyes filled with determination. "I understand," he said. "I won't let you down."

Riveria nodded, satisfied with his response. "Good. Now, finish your tea. We have much to discuss and plan for in the coming days."

Bell obliged, draining the last of his tea and setting the cup down gently. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with the support of his friends and allies, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they continued their conversation, discussing strategies and potential weaknesses of the Gorgon monster, Bell couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Riveria's guidance and support. She was a true mentor, and he knew that he would need her wisdom and strength in the battles to come.


As night fell on the city, the atmosphere was charged with anxiety and uncertainty. Word of Medusa's presence in the dungeon had spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves throughout the entire world. Orario had become a no-go zone. No one dared venture into the depths of the dungeon anymore; everyone feared the Medusa lurking within.

The Guild and its members were quick to respond. Orders were sent out to seal off the dungeon's entrances and evacuate the residents of Rivira, the makeshift rogue town located on the 18th floor of the labyrinth.

In his search for answers, Bell turned to Eina, his trusted advisor at the Guild.

"Eina-san," he began, "please tell me more about this Medusa."

Eina looked up from her paperwork, her expression grim. "Bell-kun," she said softly, "this isn't going to be easy for you to hear."

Bell leaned forward, his heart pounding in his chest. "What is it?"

Eina took a deep breath, as if steeling herself for the revelation. "Medusa... she's... one of those intelligent armed monsters."

Bell's eyes widened in shock, his mind reeling. "You mean the Xenos? You're sure?"

Eina nodded solemnly. "Yes."

"But how? Why?" Bell's mind was racing, trying to make sense of this revelation. The Xenos were rare, intelligent monsters, the only ones who could speak the common tongue and communicate with adventurers. Many considered them to be closer to humans than monsters themselves.

Eina sighed, her expression pained. "I don't know," she admitted. "We don't know much about them, really. They are a mystery in their own right. But from what we know, Medusa's story is similar to Wiene's. She was once a peaceful creature, living in harmony with the other Xenos. But something changed, and she was cast out by her own kind."

Bell was silent, listening intently as Eina continued.

"Medusa found refuge in the dungeon, and over time, her loneliness and rage turned her into what she is today," Eina explained.

Bell felt a weight settle in his chest, a mixture of pity and dread. "What happened to her?"

Eina sighed, her shoulders sagging. "I don't know," she said sadly. "All we know is that she's become a danger to not only adventurers but also Orario itself."

Bell bit his lip, his mind spinning with thoughts of Wiene's tragic story. The Xenos had been hunted and persecuted for simply existing. Was Medusa no different? Did she deserve to be hunted down and killed?

Eina watched the emotions play across Bell's face, her own filled with empathy for the young boy.

Bell's mind raced, trying to reconcile this new information with what he knew of the Xenos. He thought of Wiene, of her gentle nature and kind heart. The idea that a creature like her could become something as monstrous as Medusa was almost too much to bear.

"What can we do?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Eina's expression hardened as she met Bell's gaze. "We must kill her," she said firmly. "Medusa is a threat to Orario, and she must be eliminated."

Bell felt his heart sink at her words. He had come to know and love the Xenos through his encounters with Wiene, and the thought of killing one of their own left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Eina sensed his hesitation and reached out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Bell-kun," she said gently, "I know this is difficult for you, but there's no other way. Medusa has shown no signs of redemption, and she has killed countless adventurers in her rampage. She cannot be allowed to roam free."

Bell nodded slowly, his resolve hardening. "I understand," he said quietly. "But that doesn't make it any easier. We can't just kill her without giving her a chance to explain herself, right?"

Eina shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid not," she said. "Medusa has shown no signs of remorse or repentance for her actions. She is a danger to all of us."

Bell swallowed hard, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he would be one of the adventurers tasked with defeating her.

Eina's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Bell-kun," she said gently, "I know this isn't easy, but I believe in you. You have the strength and determination to face this challenge and overcome it."

Bell nodded, his resolve hardening. He would not let the Guild and Orario down.

As night fell on Orario, Bell's mind was filled with thoughts of Medusa and the daunting task ahead. He would have to steel himself to face this creature and put an end to her reign of terror.


Grave news from the Dungeon had spread like wildfire through the streets of Orario. Adventurers, once eager to explore the depths, now found themselves paralyzed by fear. The whispers of Medusa's growing power sent shivers down their spines.

Bell Cranel, his brow furrowed with concern, sought out Riveria once more, desperate for answers.

"Lady Riveria," he began, his voice tinged with urgency. "What's happening in the Dungeon? How has Medusa become so powerful?"

Riveria's expression was grave as she met his gaze. "The reports are troubling, Bell Cranel. It seems Medusa has found a way to amplify her abilities, turning the Dungeon itself into her lair."

Bell's eyes widened in alarm. "Amplify her abilities? How is that possible?"

Riveria's lips pressed into a thin line. "From what we've gathered, Medusa has somehow tapped into the very essence of the Dungeon, harnessing its ancient power to fuel her own."

Bell felt a chill run down his spine. "But... how? That shouldn't be possible, should it?"

Riveria shook her head slowly. "We're not sure. But it appears Medusa has found a way to exploit the Dungeon's natural magic energy, turning it into a weapon. Medusa is somehow able to connect with the Dungeon's primordial energy and use it to her advantage. She is corrupting the Dungeon, twisting its very nature to serve her own sinister purposes."

Bell's heart sank as he considered the implications of Riveria's words. Medusa was no longer just a monster — she was in a position to threaten the entire world.

"Lady Riveria," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "What can we do? How can we stop this?"

Riveria met his gaze, her eyes blazing with determination. "We must face Medusa, Bell Cranel, and we must defeat her. But this will not be an easy task. Medusa's power has grown exponentially, and she commands an army of snake-like monsters. We have called them the Gorgon-Spawn, as it is believed they have originated from Medusa herself, and not the dungeon."

"From Medusa herself????" Bell said incredulously.

"Correct, Bell Cranel. A monster that can spawn more monsters. Her blood can generate a limitless supply of soldiers."

"That's insane."

"It's the truth."

Bell ran his fingers through his hair as he struggled to process the gravity of the situation. If Medusa was not stopped, Orario would be overrun by her deadly army.

Riveria's expression softened, and she placed a hand on Bell's shoulder. "Bell Cranel," she said firmly. "There is still hope. We may not fully understand how Medusa has gained her powers, but we do know this: she is not invincible. We can defeat her — but we must unite against her."

Bell took a deep breath and nodded slowly, steeling himself for the challenge ahead.

Riveria smiled at him encouragingly. "Bell Cranel," she said softly. "I believe in you. I know you will rise to this challenge and defeat Medusa. Your strength and determination will not fail you."

Bell met her gaze, his rubellite eyes reflecting a newfound sense of purpose and resolve. He would not let Riveria or Orario down — he would save the world from this monster who had brought nothing but death and destruction.

"I'll do it," he said firmly. "I'll defeat Medusa."

Riveria nodded, a glimmer of pride shining in her eyes. "Then we must act quickly. Gather the strongest among us and prepare for a battle unlike any other."

As they parted ways, Bell's mind raced with the implications of Medusa's newfound power. The Dungeon, once a place of adventure and discovery, had become a twisted, dangerous realm, under the control of a monstrous being. He knew that the fate of Orario, and perhaps the entire world, now rested on the shoulders of the city's bravest adventurers.


The Guild's grand hall was filled to the brim with adventurers from every Familia in Orario. The air was thick with tension and anticipation as they waited for the urgent briefing to begin. Bell Cranel, standing alongside his fellow Hestia Familia members, felt a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach.

As the Guild's representatives took their places at the front of the hall, a hush fell over the gathered crowd. Eina Tulle, her face etched with worry, stepped forward to address the assembled Familias.

"Adventurers of Orario," she began, her voice carrying through the hall. "We have called you here today because of a grave threat to our city and the Dungeon itself."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, adventurers exchanging nervous glances and hushed whispers.

Eina continued, her tone somber. "As many of you have heard, a powerful new monster known as Medusa has emerged from the depths of the Dungeon. But what you may not know is the extent of her influence and the danger she poses to us all."

The hall fell silent, every eye fixed on Eina as she revealed the shocking truth.

"Medusa has built an impregnable castle in the deepest levels of the Dungeon, a fortress from which she now commands the monsters that once roamed freely." Eina paused, letting the weight of her words sink in. "The creatures of the Dungeon, once diverse and independent, now serve her, poisoned by her venom and bound to her will."

Gasps of disbelief and horror echoed through the hall, adventurers grappling with the implications of Medusa's power.

"A monster that builds castles????"

"B-but, that must mean, it has… it has i-i-intelligence!"

"But that is not all," Eina continued, her voice trembling slightly. "Our sources have confirmed that Medusa is preparing to launch an attack on Orario itself. She seeks to extend her dominion beyond the Dungeon and claim our city as her own."

The hall erupted into chaos, adventurers shouting questions and demands, their voices filled with fear and anger. Bell felt a chill run down his spine, the gravity of the situation settling upon him like a heavy weight.

As the Guild representatives struggled to restore order, Riveria approached Bell, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Bell Cranel," she said firmly. "The Guild has decided: it is time for us to take action against Medusa. You must gather your strongest allies and lead us into battle. The fate of Orario depends on it."

Bell stared at her in disbelief. "Me?" he exclaimed, his heart racing. "But... but I'm just a kid!"

Riveria smiled gently at him. "You may be a child, Bell Cranel," she replied, "but you are also one of the strongest adventurers in the city. The Guild has entrusted this mission to you because it believes that you have the ability to lead us to victory."

Bell swallowed hard, struggling to process Riveria's words. "I... I don't know if I can do this," he whispered, his voice filled with doubt.

Riveria's gaze grew fierce. "You can, Bell Cranel," she said firmly. "The Guild has chosen you for this mission because it knows that you have the potential to lead us to victory. Do not underestimate yourself. Do not let fear hold you back."

Bell took a deep breath, mustering his courage. "I'll do my best," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Good," Riveria replied, her tone confident. "Gather your strongest allies and prepare for battle. The fate of Orario is in your hands."

As Riveria left Bell standing alone amidst the chaos of the crowded hall, he felt a sudden rush of responsibility and a surge of determination rising within him. He would not let his friends and fellow adventurers down. He would rise to this challenge and save Orario from Medusa's clutches.

Together, they would stand against Medusa and her army of poisoned monsters. They would fight to protect Orario and reclaim the Dungeon from her clutches. No matter the cost, they would not let their city fall.


As the Guild's emergency meeting drew to a close, a sense of dread hung heavy in the air. Adventurers murmured amongst themselves, their faces etched with worry and disbelief. Bell Cranel, his heart heavy with the weight of the revelations, found himself seeking solace in the company of his trusted advisor, Eina Tulle.

"Eina-san," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "Is it true? Has Medusa really enslaved the Xenos?"

Eina's expression was grim as she met Bell's gaze. "I'm afraid so, Bell-kun. Our sources have confirmed that Medusa has taken the Xenos captive and is forcing them to work in her armaments factory."

Bell's eyes widened in horror. "Armaments factory? What kind of weapons is she making?"

Eina's brow furrowed. "From what we've gathered, Medusa has the Xenos mass-producing some sort of advanced weaponry made from metal, making the use of some sort of explosive magic. Long hollow barrels that make loud bangs and shoot unseen projectiles. Hollow, metal cylinders that shoot exploding stones like catapults." She paused, her voice dropping to a whisper. "But that's not the worst of it. These weapons are laced with her venom, making them even more deadly."

Bell felt a wave of nausea wash over him. The thought of the gentle, misunderstood Xenos being forced to create weapons of destruction was almost too much to bear.

"We have to save them," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We can't let Medusa do this to them."

Eina nodded, her expression softening. "I know, Bell-kun," she replied, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "That's why we've gathered all the strongest adventurers in Orario to create an army and defeat Medusa."

Bell's heart raced as he thought about the challenges ahead of him. He had never faced such a powerful and dangerous enemy before, but he knew that he couldn't back down, not when his friends' lives were at stake.

Eina placed a hand on Bell's shoulder, her touch reassuring. "We will defeat Medusa together," she said, her eyes shining with resolve. "But you must be careful, Bell-kun. You are our lead player now, and your strength will be key to our success."

As they spoke, a new piece of information reached their ears. Adventurers who had ventured deep into the Dungeon returned with whispers of a name: Ardahara. It was the name Medusa had given to her realm within the Dungeon, a twisted domain where her power reigned supreme.

The news had knocked ten bells out of him. Medusa's influence had spread far beyond what he had initially feared. Not only had she enslaved the Xenos and corrupted the Dungeon, but she had also claimed a portion of it as her own, a dark reflection of the once-vibrant realm of adventure.

As he and Eina went their separate ways, Bell's mind was overloaded by non-stop thoughts of the momentous and daunting task at hand. Liberating the Xenos, saving the Dungeon, and putting an end to Medusa's reign of terror would be his most perilous quest yet. But in this vast ocean of hopelessness, a tiny isle of hope was waiting to be discovered.