
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Prologue - Is It Wrong for a High Elf to fall in love in a Dungeon?

日本語での最初の3章はここにあります: https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/11899412

Disclaimer: Based on the characters created by Fujino Omori. This is NOT Omori's vision, nor is it canon in the Light Novels. This is a story built on the world developed by Omori, expanding it with my own ideas. I do NOT own the rights to Danmachi: I simply saw a perfect fit with this universe and my own ideas.


At the Hostess of Fertility in Orario, a fateful encounter set everything in motion. This meeting changed not only me, the vice-captain of Loki Familia, but also the course of the eternal struggle between good and evil.

As we stepped into the tavern, my Familia and I noticed a certain boy sitting by himself. 

Bell Cranel.

"Hey, look, it's Argonaut-kun!" Tiona clamored, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Oh... Bell..." Aiz murmured, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. 

"Tch. That rabbit bastard again," Bete grumbled, his voice dripping with disdain. 

"Hahahaha! That kid sure knows how to make a name for himself!" Gareth bellowed, his laughter echoing through the tavern.

Finn nudged me gently. 

"Why don't you go and say hello, Riveria?" he suggested, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"What!? Me!?" I nearly stumbled over in surprise.

 "Come on, don't be shy," Finn teased. "Everyone knows you're interested in Bell Cranel." 

He wasn't wrong. Bell's name had captured my attention and piqued my curiosity. Mysterious, heroic, kind—his presence inspired those around him, especially a certain girl. Yet, it wasn't until I felt the warmth of his flame up close that my heart, encased in ice, began to thaw.

Finn and Gareth always called me "Ice Queen," a nickname I initially resented but eventually accepted. Watching Bell from across the tavern, I saw how my aloofness had built walls around me. My childhood, confined by royal duty, left me with only books and the Chamberlain Aina for company.

I never had time for romance. My head was always buried in books and a longing to see the world outside.

I was always the kind of elf who would instead study.

Ever since I arrived in this city, I diligently studied as many books as I could collect. I yearned to ascend as the most powerful mage in Orario, and ultimately, no rival endured.

For many years, I resisted change.

Then, a certain boy changed me forever.

It all began with one executive of my Familia making a scene at the tavern.

We gathered to celebrate our safe return from a perilous expedition deep into the Dungeon. Amid the revelry, Bete Loga, inebriated and belligerent, mocked a young fledgling adventurer he had encountered. Laughter echoed around the tavern, and shame welled up within me as I watched our Familia join in the ridicule.

And then, he caught my eye.

The fledgling adventurer stormed out, his face a mask of hurt after Bete's cruel jeers. His snowy white hair and warm rubellite eyes caught the light, but it was the raw pain in his expression that stirred my pity.

My motherly nature stirred. I yearned to hold him in my arms, comfort him, and assure him that all would be well.

Aiz raced after him, leaving me to sort out the mess and take care of an inebriated Bete Loga.

My heart was desperate to find the snowy-furred rabbit, to know if I would ever see him again.

Aiz was troubled by what happened that night. I did my best to reassure her, but my interest in the boy also began to grow.

The next time I crossed paths with the youth, he lay unconscious in the Dungeon from Mind Down. My first thought was to give him a lap pillow. When Aiz sought my guidance on how to make amends, I suggested the same.

Only for him to run away from her in a panic, his rabbit ears twitching nervously as he fled. I found it hilarious watching the flustered boy try to escape Aiz's innocent attempt to make amends.

Yet, his spirit ignited when he confronted the imposing, blade-wielding Minotaur. Defying all expectations and amidst staggering peril, he mustered every last bit of his courage and prowess to beat the monster, validating his worth as a genuine adventurer.

There was something special about him, an innocence and purity that shone through his every action. His unwavering determination and kind heart had caught Aiz's attention, a feat I had never seen before. Even my Familia and the other Familia's in Orario had taken notice of the boy.

I saw a glimmer of potential in him, a spark that could ignite a change in Aiz. I'd seen how she was drawn to him, something in her changing after his appearance. I observed them talking to each other and even training with him. I'd seen Aiz laugh. She was a different person around him.

Aiz's reputation as the War Princess has damaged her mind and self-image. The looks of fear and discomfort on the faces of her family and others who see her are an everyday occurrence. She was a prodigy, a sword princess, but beneath that stoic exterior, I knew a lost little girl was yearning for connection.

Bell Cranel allowed Aiz to be who she wanted, not what people have made her out to be.

His presence changed Aiz, and as a result, it has changed us, too. For so long, I had watched Aiz struggle with the weight of her past and the expectations placed upon her. She was a prodigy, a sword princess, but beneath that stoic exterior, I knew a lost little girl was yearning for connection.

One boy had the power to break through those walls to show Aiz a world beyond the battlefield. His genuine admiration and respect for her had already begun to chip away at her guarded heart.

It was the most beautiful thing to watch.

He inspired me to change how I viewed her, which perhaps is why I could not stay away from him. I was reminded of what he meant to Aiz every time I saw him. As much as I hate to admit it, there were moments when I let the jealousy get to me, moments when I wondered what it was about him that captivated Aiz.

And yet, every time he was in danger or at risk, Aiz would leap into action. At the time, I couldn't understand it. Why would she do this for someone she barely knew? This went beyond loyalty to one's Familia - this was something deeper, something personal.

I had never seen her like this before. It was like she was an entirely different person. Gone was the emotionless, unfeeling Aiz and in her place was a young woman full of passion and life.

Her face would light up whenever she heard his name, and her smile would widen when she saw him.

Yet Bell Cranel would continue to do great things. Even with my limited interactions with him, I could see his growth. Aiz was destined to play an essential role in Bell's future.

It was time for Aiz Wallenstein to become someone more than the War Princess. And it was up to Bell Cranel to help her, whether he realized it or not.

As much as I wanted to guide Little Rookie, to nurture his growth and help him navigate the treacherous waters of Orario, I knew I had to step back. He needed to take this journey independently, to find his strength and forge his path.

But the boy was changing the people around him, the flow of fate and destiny seemingly at his fingertips. I could only guess where Bell Cranel's presence would lead me or my Familia. I believed my role was to support him from the shadows, to ensure he had the resources and opportunities to flourish. I would watch over him and protect him when necessary, but ultimately, it was up to him to carve out his destiny.

I found myself getting lost in my thoughts again, picturing Bell's kind smile, his desire to do right by others and the fire that burned deep in his soul. I had only known him briefly, but something about him drew you in and made you want to do everything you could to help him.

Eina also began talking about him all the time. She was so proud of him, of his accomplishments, and of his growth as a person. He was something special. Bell Cranel positively affected those I cared about. He had an uncanny, natural ability to charm the opposite sex. It was easy to see why Eina and the others had grown so fond of him.

Even Lefiya had started talking about him nonstop. The last time I saw her, she couldn't stop thinking about how strong and determined he was. She was incensed by how fast he was progressing through the ranks.

I suppose I felt the same way, I couldn't help but be proud of him. But at the same time, it worried me. What if something happened to him? What if he got hurt?

And I knew if I had gotten close to him, I may have fallen for him, too.

As much as I loved the boy and his fiery spirit, as much as I admired his desire to better himself and his Familia, as much as I respected his courage and determination, I had to remain at a distance. I couldn't let my affection for him distract me from the challenges ahead.

The Familia was a family, which meant looking after each other. They had to come first. That meant I had to make some difficult decisions that I later regretted. I had always been the hard-headed pragmatist, often rejecting Bell Cranel's idealism. But I did not always disagree with him. I admired his potential, though I tried not to show it. I could see how far he was willing to go for his Familia's sake and ideals, even when it came at a cost to himself.

What I did know, however, was that Bell Cranel was meant for great things. His presence had already begun to shape the Familia and the path forward.

But little did I know that destiny would bring our hearts together. The more time I spent with him, my heart began to race. I sighed, remembering the day I first met Bell in the Dungeon's Under Resort. His broad, curious eyes and eager smile had struck a chord within me. From the start, I could feel my heart opening up to him. Like me, I'd seen that spark in his eyes, that same determination to succeed and better himself.

I also remember my encounter with him in the plaza. He couldn't even look me in the eye, but I found him so endearing. I wanted to reach out and connect with him somehow, but I didn't know how. I craved to find out everything I could about him.

There was no denying his unwavering spirit and potential. His aura, drive, and dedication were infectious, and I was drawn to him.

But there was more to Bell than his outward appearance. There was something deeper, something that only a few got to see.

He had an inner light that seemed to shine brighter every day. It drew me in and made me want to be near him. But I never got the chance. Fate seemed determined to keep us apart.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't fantasised about what it would be like to be with him. I knew deep down that he was special and could be the one to change my life, but I pushed those thoughts aside. I didn't want to get my hopes up, only to be shattered.

Yet, despite everything, my heart still yearned for him. My feelings were growing stronger and stronger, but I feared I would never get the chance to be with him.

Until destiny intervened.

After all this time, fate finally allowed me to be with Bell. Our bond would unlock an ancient power that could save Orario and the world.

Our adventure together will be the most incredible story never told. It is a modern heroic tale that will be passed down to thousands of future generations.

I had always thought that Bell Cranel and I had nothing in common. But apparently, I was wrong.

Because I know him, and I love him.

He ventured into the Dungeon to pick up girls, and in doing so, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. He picked up the High Fairy Queen.