
Damn Really?

So my ex crush's ex boyfriend tried to kill her so i tried stopping him, than i got killed by him and now i'm in front of god and she's explaining shit i don't understand one bit.

seasonal_writer · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Shopping , Birthday & gratitude

I've been hunting down monsters every day, for the last 5 days and I've taken down around 50 monsters every day on average.

I took down around 252 E rank monsters in total and with that I also took down 82 on the 2nd day and 8 on the third so I'm looking forward to my paycheck.

I recently created a bank account since I didn't have one before.

I've tried going to various part time jobs but nobody really recruited me so I've had no reason to create a bank account.

But, now that I habe a job as a monster hunter and I can get awesome rewards for killing these monsters I'm honestly happy.

Than suddenly my mobile rang, I thought it might be someone I know but turns out, it was from yhe bank

And it was a notification of money transfer, when I looked at the contents I was awestruck at the amount of money id just made.

The money I made in this week alone was 16,720, which is quite insane because I've never seen such money before.

With this money I can buy 3 emobile 15's easily and still have a lot of money left.

Well than, how do I explain my mother how I'm gonna buy these costly mobiles?

It's mom's birthday today and I have to buy her the mobile and gift it to her.

And also some good clothes for my sister, should I call someone?

"Yoo! Ariel wanna go out shopping? I'll buy you a cute dress."

"You? buying me? a cute dress? Why?"

"Well, I wanna buy my sister and mother something nice since it's her birthday."

"Is it your sister's birthday or your mother's birthday?"

"It's my mother's."

"Than why do you want to buy something for your sister too?"

"Well, it'd be nice since she wears all shabby and worn ouy clothes that are hand me downs from me."

"Woan man, there's no way you are making a women wear a man's clothes right?"

"It's just t-shirts, and yhey look cute on her anyway. Still I want to but her some nice womanly clothes."

Same for my mother, and also 1 EMobile 15 for mom and I'll buy sis something cheap somewhere around the price range of 200 $.

I mean 200$ is in no way cheap, even 10 - 15$ was a lot but now it doesn't seem like a lot when I have this much in the bag.

"You coming?"

"Well, whatever it's not like I have anything better to do."

"By the way how much did you earn?"

"Ooh that? I Don't know, I gave it all to my family except some."

"What? Why?"

"Seriously? I have a family too you know, and we too are in a similar situation than compared to you."

"Seriously? Even though you wear these really expensive looking clothes?"

"It's actually just mind control, I don't really have many good clothes on me. I'm trying my best to clear the depth my family made, those bastards really made me do this goddess work so I could make more money for them."

"How much is it?"

"It's insanely huge. You wouldn't wanna know."

"Is that so, well whatever let's go I need to buy mom and sis some clothes."


While me and ariel were walking around the mall, Ariel was looking around the mall while I was walking in front looking for clothes that would be good for mom and sis.

So we went inside a particular shop that had a lot of good dresses.

"What would you chose?"

She looked around and chose 2 clothes.

"Don't you think they look good?"

She wore them and showed them to me.

A but embarrassed I told her

"Not for you but for mom and sis."

When she heard that, a but embarrassed she put the clothes back and looked around while she went on ahead I picked those clothes up

And asked the cashier to bill it.

I'm definately buying her these 2

"That'll be 85 $ with tax."

I put my card on the cash pox and swiped it and put the pin and 85 dollars were successfully taken out of my account

And the transaction was successful.

I was a bit glad that it worked out. That was a bit of an experiment to see if the money was actually real or not and itrns out it was.

"Hey hey, don't you think they look good?"

"Ooh they look realy good, did you check the sizes?"

I told her the sizes and she got those sizes after a bit of hardwork.

"Good work."

"It wasn't a problem."

Looks like she likes shopping and that made me a bit happy to see her enjoy it.

I really liked her selections, she has good fashion sense.

She was standing next to me looking a bit dejected, I asked her.

"What are you doing? Go and get a set for yourself, I told you if you came with me i'd buy you one too."


She said and than walked and started looking for clothing, the first thing she did was go to the location she'd gone to before but couldn't find the 2 dresses she'd seen before.

With a bit of a dejected face she started finding for other clothes but couldn't find any that she liked so she came back a but depressed

"Couldn't find any, let's go."

Damn, why am I so bad at this shit. I didn't realise she liked this so much.

Well I'm getting her these anyway, but still I made her sad twice today.

I had to go to the electronics store too now so I decided to leave after the billing was done.

I went to the electronics store and there I found the emobile section, I asked for the e mobile 15 he told me it priced from 799 to 1099 so i asked him to give me the 899 one and asked him for two and did the payment

Than I looked around for a mobile for my sister and found a mobile that was at 199 $ and seemed good looking so I took that one.

After finishing the shopping,

We had a meal together in the top floor and than left the mall soon, she seemed a bit sad but still covered it.

"You aren't gonna buy anything for yourself?"

"Nahh, maybe next time. The first salary should go to the people who have been good for me and after that I can think for myself."

Damn I still have a lot of money left, it feels like some kind of cheat or some shit.

While going home I went to the orphanage nearby and decided to donate 5000 dollars there because I didn't like having so much money and it seemed unfair for others.

"Wow, you really donated 5000$ to an orphanage?"

"Well I didn't know what to do with this money, it's too much. Anyway I still have around 5000$ left now, after taking care of the debt that is around 800$ plus 600$ I should still have around 3400 left, want something?"

"Hmm, nope I don't really want anything."

After saying that, she stayed silent the whole way back.

My mother was sitting on the chair watching TV and that's when I realised what I had to do, I should buy a sofa and a TV.

But, before that comes the surprise for mom.

"Ooh you are back son. Are you done with your part time job?"

Ooh yaa I had to take out 34 monsters today didn't I, damn it I forgot about that.

That's when the paper bombs burst and my sister and Ariel started singing the birthday song for mom.

"Ooh, what is this. You didn't have to do this, It might have cost a lot."

"Nope Don't worry I got my pay check today. And here are some gifts for mom and you too sis."

"What.. what are these son. How did you get the money to buy this?"

I gave mom and sis the mobiles and the clothes id bought for them, They were shocked to see that.

Ariel seemed cheerful by the way she was smiling looking at us all.

Damn no wonder she's a goddess, look at that smile.

"Don't worry mom it as only around 100$. And sir's was around 60$, I work at a mobile company so they give out mobiles for cheap."

That was my cover story, I worked at a mobile store and because of yhat the pay was good.

The clothes didn't cost much but the mobiles did.

I'm not really about to get such a hefty amount again so I decided to buy them both these money.

I mean if it weren't for the demon commandor puppet, my money would be 6000 less.

And if it weren't for this sphere and the powers i'd never be able to make such money and that's why I feel like a cheat.

But, what I saw in front of me. My mom and sis looking so happy to receive these gifts made me so happy.

My mother always said that she was happy to habe a son like me, but I never believed that. I always felt like a burden yo her and my sis.

It's all thanks to my death that I managed to be useful in life for my mom and sis.

And it's all thanks to the goddess that she chose me of all the people that I was able to believe in myself.

It made Mr a bit emotional so I went out with the remaining bags hoping Ariel would follow me

Which she did.

As I sat on the stairs on the 3'd floor she came behind me and asked me

"It's honestly the best feeling isn't it? Feeling like you belong somewhere for the first time?"

She said something depressing that I could relate to but what she said made me feel if we may look different but maybe we were alike in some way.

I rubbed my eyes for a bit and than turned towards her

"Here, for you."

"Hmm, what are these. Ooh... these are the clothes I wanted. What the, a mobile too?"

She gave it back in an instant and looked a bit irritated for some reason.

"I don't need your pity neither your charity."

So that's what she was angry about.

"What do you mean charity?

You have thought me so much shit in the last 1 week ghat I haven't learnt in the last 16 years of my life you bought the only friends I had back to me and you gave me a new life. For everything you have don't this shit's nothing in comparison.

I'm buying you a lot of stuff from now on not because I pity you but because I respect you and it's a form of gratitude not charity.

You were the reason my life is the way it is now. Thanks for everything Goddess, if you weren't there I Don't know what would have happened to me."

"D.. damn, man you made me emotional for no reason. Alright I'll take it so stop crying, and... thanks. I'm glad that you are a part of my life too."

When she said that I felt a tingling sensation in my heart, seeing her warm smile made me all fuzzy inside.

I shouldn't, I thought but there really was no stopping it

I really was starting to like her.