
Damn Really?

So my ex crush's ex boyfriend tried to kill her so i tried stopping him, than i got killed by him and now i'm in front of god and she's explaining shit i don't understand one bit.

seasonal_writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"I'm sorry."

"Why? You know you are being weird by saying sorry to a piece of shit like me right? Isabel wouldn't like this."

"Tf you on about, dumbass why did you go so far. Was that really necessary? To make yourself an enemy like that just to help me?"

"It could have backfired you know."

"Damn it, it doesn't mean anything. I was just trying to ruin your image but it just backfired."

"Why are you going so far? Why do you want to look like a bad guy, do you have some kind of a fetish?"

I Don't know Why I am doing this now either, before I was afraid that she'd not feel anything even if I said that I did this for her or did that.

But now that she's apologising for it, I just don't want to see her in this state.

"I just couldn't get over her, I just thought that was

The best thing to do. Afterall she had to deal with me for 3 years, i thought it as the least I could do."

Isabel looked at me with pity and confusion in her eyes and so was the case for Rose.

"By the way I have a question for you."

"Damn it, you really can't read the room can you. Well waht is it?"

"You really are abusive sometimes, anyway how much will I get when I defeat an e class monster?"

"You never asked your guide and you are asking me that question?"

When I looked at Ariel She was pouting at me as if angry that I didn't ask her but I asked rose this question.

"Well, Miss Ariel would you be so kind as to tell me."

"Well each e rank kill will go for around 30 $."

"Damn, I thought it'd be atelast a 100$"

"And an e rank assist will be around 15 $."

"This shit is like a game, so you can get money for assists too? That's insane."

"Well you took down 7 d rank monsters with 1 c rank commandor puppet so it'll be a total of 6700 $ and how many did you take down today?"

"What, what ,what? How did it go from 100 for each d rank to 6000 for each c rank?"

"Well, it's a coins rank Commandor puppet not a c rank monster. So you'll get thriple the amount of a c rank monster, by the way I asked you a question."

"Ooh yaa, I took about 82 of them."

"Hmm, you made a hearty amount already. You should be able to buy your apartment house with the money you can make in this month."

"Damn seriously? I really made 9160$ in 2 days?"

"At first I thought they wouldn't be much when I heard you say that each e rank was only 30 now I am excited yoo."

"Well you have to wait until the end of the week to defeat them."

"Well, we got a 1000 assists each and we aren't as excited as you are Alan. Well considering your situation, that money is a lot isn't it."

"Are you mocking my financial situation?"

"No no no, you misunderstand. I was simply happy for you and your mom. I've met her a few times and she's a very hard working and kind person. I always wondered how she had a son like you. Turns out you are a bit of a spitting image of her."

"Wait, you met my mom Isabel?"

"Well yaa I did, when she came to the meeting that day we had that fight in the class. I later realised that it was your mother."

"You met Alan's mother and I haven't that doesn't sound like a good thing."

"Why are you competing against who met my mom and who didn't, it's not the time let's go to the next floor."

"Ooh yaa we have another floor don't we."

"Wait why aren't we going below."

"Ooh, yaa some of them have only 2 floors. And according ti the records of the dungeon it seems to have only two so we have cleared it for the day."

"Wait it's over already? I wanted to take out more monsters and earn some more damn it."

Well that's it for today ig, it's a bit lonely now that Well probably not meet or talk to each other much but I hope we can be friends again with them.


"Are you feeling lonely now that they left?"

"Not exactly, but I feel a bit sad that We'll not be seeing each other much."

"Hmm, why do you say that?"

"I mean, we won't be able to raid much with them since they'll probably have other dungeons they'll have to take care of right? Isn't that like the rule, that parties are given different dungeons depending on the number and class of the mages."

"Exactly, and now we and the 3 of them have been registered as a team and the Upper society has accepted this."


"Well what do you think took me so long."

"Ooh so that's why you were late."

"Precisely. But remember, those 2 are around B rank and you are around C rank and me and Charlotte are A rank.

You are pur weakest line and the average dungeon will be about d-b rank so you'd better brace yourself because you'll be seeing monsters

like the one we saw in herds and we'll probably encounter more Commandor puppet monsters from now on.

So brace yourself, things are about to get really bad and you need to train for the next remaining week because the registration process will be done by the end of this week and things won't be as easy."

"Damn, that's a lot of shit to take in, but to summarise you are telling me to get stronger and control my powers aren't you.

Well, I think I have a better hang of this thing, but it'll probably take a little while longer to fully get used to it."

"That's good because this week is all you have to become better and bring out the true potential of that spear. Because people might die of you don't help us out."

Listening to that sent shivers down my spine, I don't want to see Rose, Charlotte or isabel die but waht I was most scared of was seeing the dead figure of Ariel and i'l never let that happen to her.

I'll protect her,

And so I resolved myself, to get stronger and better so I could protect everyone and also earn for my family.


*** END OF VOL 2***