
Custom Made Fiction God

Raiden Ambrose was not a man of the Shinobi World, instead, he came from our world. Planet Earth. Looking wistfully out of the class' window he remembered the day that all of that changed... [Customisation System Activated!] What Customisation System is this?! Isn't this that Photoshop System from that Novel?! *Based on the system from Custom Made Demon King but it does change, after all, this is custom made Fiction god not demon king lol. *

God_Of_Null · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 10: Wake Up To Reality

Raiden woke up the next day and waited to be called by Tsunade or even the Torture Squad if things went south. But it took until midday till anyone came to his tent.


He now stood in front of Tsunade Senju who had her hands crossed in a thoughtful position,

"Raiden Ambrose, Genin rank, Chunin father. Everything on this paper shows me you should be a very average individual apart from exceeding in school but that is still among the common folk. Now tell me, how would a kid such as you come to possess one of the seven swords of the mist?" She questioned pensively.

I sighed before explaining, "Our previous mission was to deliver a peace treaty to Kiri and on it, we were obstructed by the seven swordsmen of the mist. I managed to poison a few of them as they underestimated me. Might Dai, Guy's father managed to intercept them before any meaningful harm could be done. Unfortunately, he was assumed dead in that battle."

She nodded indicating me to go on, "The part that wasn't mentioned in the report was that I went back to the battlefield to see if Dai was alive, he wasn't. I buried him not far from the battle and erected a tombstone for him. I then saw that the lightning swords, Kiba were still there...so I pocketed them."

She thought about my statement for a while before asking a final question, "and is there anything else you should be telling me?"


"You can keep the swords for the duration of the war but after that, Konoha will have to give it back to Kiri...for a price of course"

I nodded in understanding. She then gave a small smile and waved me out the doors.


As Raiden turned around, Tsunade's face turned cold as she indicated something to the hidden ninja around her. Out of nowhere, Raiden felt multiple hits on his tenketsu from metals, probably thin needles which had disabled his chakra. Then he felt a cold slap to his forehead as a seal was placed on his temples.

'Fuck, so it's come to this? ALL I've ever done was try to be nice to these people and help them? Why me? What did I ever...do...wrong...' was his last thought.


Raiden felt a cold spray of water over his face before he was jolted out of his stupor. His eyes widened as he noticed three dark-clothed individuals standing in front of him. The first man was a large, tanned-skin individual with spikey, long black hair. He had an eyepatch over one eye as a cut went through it and a wide grin plastered his face. My arms were chained to the ceiling and my legs were left hanging.

"Good Afternoon Sunshine, My name is Irobu Tenzo...but you knew that right?" He smiled, "and these are my little helpers for today"

Of course, I knew of the Torture and Interrogation Force of Konoha, especially this man named Irobu. The only person who's more of a sadist than him is Ibiki Morino!

"First things first, let's ask this...why did you lie in your report to Lady Tsunade previously?" He questioned.

"I didn't" I croaked back. He tutted at me before saying,

"you did though. Unless you have an explanation as to how you could have left Kiri, gone back to the battlefield and their sensors didn't pick anything up? Oh, and where are you hiding the Kiba blades?"

Fuck so they know that I understand Uzumaki Fuinjutsu.

"See we heard from a blonde birdie that you were seen placing seals on things. What was even weirder was that you did it with your chakra...Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's a very advanced technique belonging to only one clan that I know of...The Uzumaki" He continued, "and I'm guessing you have some sort of spatial pouch where you're hiding not just Kiba but the other blades as well. Don't worry, we'll take our sweet...SWEET time with you to get that out of you."


The sounds of metal clanging against what seemed like the sound of bone reverberated around the area as hoarse screeches echoed around a chamber no one would ever find.


Where the fuck did my healing factor go?!!!

I'd spent the last 15 minutes checking my stat page and nothing was there!

Currently, I'm missing 3 fingers and the rest of them are bent at awkward angles as I gritted my teeth. My toes were in a similar predicament. After a while, they gave up on getting a confession out of me and so, I now had a burned tongue and my ears were bleeding. I also had burn marks all over my body and felt multiple fractions within my body. I'm truly useless without access to Chakra...rendering me to this state where I can't even teleport to any place. Fuck! It's always my fault! Even though I carried out my orders to the t. I should've escaped as soon as I realised Danzo wanted me in his squad...

After a while, I heard the steps of someone coming down, surprisingly it was two blonde-haired individuals. Inoichi and Minato.

The first to speak was Minato Namikaze...

"Kid, tell me...where did you learn Uzumaki Fuinjutsu?" He said with a cold light in his eyes, " I saw you place a seal on the backs of those two kids...something that shouldn't be possible at your age. Additionally, after hearing the added report from Tsunade yesterday about you poisoning some of the swordsmen, another incident that happened recently also came to mind."

Inoichi nodded then stepped towards me and looked me dead in the eye, "Were you responsible for the overgrown trees incident...almost similar to the First Hokage's kekkei genkai?"

I smiled at them before gathering something in my throat,


Inoichi wiped the spit from his face before a flash of anger passed in his eyes. Soon after, he collected himself and returned to a calm state,

"If that is how you wish to do it, then fine, we will resort to more forceful means" He whispered as he raised his hands to my ears. This fucker is gonna get a one-way ticket to fucked-up land.

As soon as he attempted to enter my mind...I allowed him to. I formed two shells of mental shields, like energy shells around an atom. He pierced through the outermost barrier and I kept him in the space between the outermost and innermost shell as I reformed the barrier around him.

He tried attacking the inner shell again and again and again, yet nothing came of it. At this point, Inoichi started hesitating as he thought about his position within my mind.

Jabba the Hut, a predator, a xenomorph, Bane and Davey Jones all walk into a ba- into Ionichi's bedroom with Inoichi tied to his bed... Get Fucked Fucker! ;)

I projected those images to him and I could tell he wanted to get out of there. In front of me, I could see him start frothing at the mouth before his brain could no longer handle it and collapsed. The connection was broken and with it, the seal on me got removed.

Minato immediately rushed to Inoichi's side and teleported away for a second before returning by himself. This was most likely the best point in time to escape as Irubo was probably smoking on his break. I tensed my muscles as I began to transform into a giant purple beast.

"Gutrot!" I yelled as the transformation completed. Minato's eyes widened as he noticed the gases swirling in my stomach,

"So you were the one who copied the first's Wood-Release!" He yelled in surprise. I said nothing back as I pointed my arms forward, yet before I could release anything, I felt a sudden pain assault my eyes.

"I don't think we'll be having any of that today, potato-head" Minato replied. Shit, I didn't think he'd guess the disadvantage of this form so quickly, that being a Chemichellan's slow reaction speed...Now I was blind.

I was cursing internally, this is not going my way so I need to get out...Now!

Minato was about to attack again but he noticed a dim light below my feet as what remained of my chakra began weaving itself into a set of symbols. Before I fully left, I stuck my middle finger up at him, "Fuck you bitch!"

Minato had run out of kunai at this point and scurried to pick up a random blade in the room and threw it...successfully slicing off my arm that was flipping him off.


I teleported away with my missing arm as Minato had a grim look on his face.


Minato POV

That kid could transform into a large purple monster that could control gases...He also knew advanced-level Fuinjutsu and from the reports of his sensei, he had a form of fire release that was hotter than normal. We need to put him in the bingo books immediately and I need to update lord third on what happened to Inoichi as it seems he also had a form of mental shielding where Ionichi suffered a form of backlash. Damn, what a headache...


"So this...Raiden kid actually got away?" Tsunade said, surprised that someone could truly escape from Minato.

"His level of Fuinjutsu mastery is just below or equal to Kushinas, I simply have more control. Still, This kid was definitely on par with some of Uzushiogakure's best. He was able to form a teleportation seal to who knows where in a matter of a few seconds from his chakra." I replied with a grim look.

I finished my report on what I thought the kid's threat level was and she waved me away saying that I should go and inform the old geezer as well. My best bet would be that he's either dead or healing then returning for revenge. If it's the second option, we're going to have many casualties so we can only hope for the first.

Soon after, Raiden's Bounty came out.

Raiden Ambrose, Baal of Thunder.

(A/N: Baal means lord but he's also a thunder pagan god which is to some a demon but meh)

Threat Level: A

Bounty: 2,550,000 Ryo

Remarks: -Can utilise a form of Gas Release

-Can utilise Advanced Fuinjutsu

-Proficient in Fire and Lightning Release


Narrator POV

Out of all the places that Raiden could have teleported, he ended up back in Konoha...specifically, in his house. He sat down on his bed for a second and gathered himself as he concluded that he is probably dying since his Healing factor can't restore him if he doesn't have enough energy.

As he closed his eyes again, he heard strange...sobbing sounds from downstairs. He slowly stomped towards the origin of the noise. He didn't transform back into his human form as he knew he'd die immediately if he did. He slowly made his way downstairs grabbing Kiba in its elongated form with his last remaining arm.

He managed to hear the sobbing sound clearer from downstairs and it was that of a young girl...

'what the hell is a kid doing in my house' he thought before it occurred to him that his dad also lived here which made him hurry even more.

He pushed open the door to the living room and saw his dad...forcing himself onto a kid... the girl that he'd previously seen crying on this street multiple times.

'Wait...He said he always had a guest coming round on Fridays...and I'd always come home late and see this girl crying on our street. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck this world!' He yelled internally.

The loud sound of clapping resonated in the room along with the girl's cries. His father's lustful face and groaning sound finally made something snap within Raiden...

His last remaining arm channelled blue fire onto the Kiba blades as he stomped over to the scum infecting his house. The filth turned around as he finally heard the purple monstrosity's steps and before Raiden could finish, the man scurried for a knife at his side and stabbed Raiden in the chest.


Raiden then decapitated the man in front of him and tossed him out of the window.

He looked at the small shivering girl, still with the knife installed in his chest, and grabbed a nearby cloth before covering her and sitting down on an opposite chair...

"Girl, you might not know me but I'm sorry for everything that has happened." Raiden said in a rough, raspy voice as he was missing a portion of his tongue, "My name is Raiden, girl, remember this, the only ones who can protect the weak...are the strong. Be strong"

The girl picked herself up and turned around to meet Raiden Face to face before nodding to him and wiping her tears,

"thankyou" she whispered before Raiden tilted his head indicating for her to run away. She quickly scurried out of the room leaving Raiden in his father's rocking chair.

He smiled to himself before tears began to form in his eyes, "and that will be the last person I'm ever kind to. This is truly my end, at least...at least I tried to be kind even with how mentally fucked up I am. I understand I'm a bit sociopathic but... I tried didn't I..." He sighed as he looked out the window at the sunset thinking how beautiful this world was yet how cruel the people are. 'How Ironic...I wonder, whoever put me here, are you laughing now? It must be entertaining right? I guess it is...'

Raiden starting cackling loudly before his voice started resounding around the area as he started changing the remaining gas within him into something extremely flammable and potent,

"You are nothing but what you make of yourself, so only focus on what you want! pa hahaha! You lot better take cover because something BIG is coming pa hahaha!"

All the gas within him had now become highly flammable. The last part of his chakra was now used to teleport him into the Hokage's Office. The Hokage and his aides' eyes widened as Raiden grinned at them. He silently mouthed 5 words to Hiruzen, "Fuck you and your boyfriend!"

Before the first sliver of the gas began leaking out...


Multiple explosions were heard, the first being within the office which set off a reaction in nearby houses and complexes. Half of the village closest to the stone faces was engulfed in chemical flames. This included all of the prominent clans as well as any rich businessmen. These flames were produced by Raiden to last 7 days and 7 nights and only then would they be put out. Only a chemist from a highly advanced civilisation would be able to counter them and none of them could be found here.

Wails of affluent men, women and children were heard and yet, those in poverty were completely fine on this day. After the 7 days, those who survived still wailed at the loss of their loved ones.

After this event, the village would hold a ceremony every year where they spent 1 minute in silence to reflect on their wrongdoings and remembering the tragedy that occurred on this day. This came to be known as... The Day of The Lords Wrath.


A/N: And that's the end of volume one. The plot twist with the scum of a father huh? I always hated the fucker.

Anyway, Major Character development coming ahead.

I hope you guys liked it, You guys have to remember. This dude was just a normal guy from earth, he ain't no Yami Inuzuka or OP guy with a clan backing him. Unfortunately, he still applied Earth logic to this world and that was where he went deadly wrong. At least, in his final moments, he made a change in someone's life. However, he's now going demon mode. 😈💪

Unlike other Naruto fanfics where normal earth humans suddenly gain wills of steel and don't even vomit at hundreds of dead bodies on a battlefield, I think Raiden's character was a bit more immersive cus it was more realistic but hey ho, you can't please everyone.

The last thing, I'm going to be uploading these in volumes. so there won't be a release until I've finished the next volume. Hope that's better for you guys as it'll then be back to back uploads and not just erratically uploading.

Thanks for the support again!

.....You're still here? Hehehe, For those of you who read to down here, Here's a sneak peek of what's to come.



[Activating Hidden Skill, Transmigrate 3x]

[Transmigrate x3-> x2]

[Realm Co-ordinates...Locked

System Co-ordinates...Locked

Planet Co-ordinates...Locked]

[Transmigration Procedure Initialising...]

[Unique deceased lifeform located...soul lock complete!]


[Welcome to The Wonderful World of...]