

That night, the roommates talk about house hunting. They decided to go to the realtor after classes in the afternoon the next day.

The next day, during class. The class door opened. The person at the door had a spiky hair with ornaments and dressed like a lab technician with a lab coat. His eyes had signs of tiredness due to the dark eyebags. This person was the medicine master.

Medicine Master: "Hmmm...I sense 2 cultivator energy from this classroom and 2 more on the other classroom. Is there a Song Shuhang here!"

Song Shuhang: "Yeah, that's me."

Medicine Master: "Oh good!, I already talk with the headmaster. You are excuse from your classes for the rest of the week. Please follow me!"

Medicine Master gave the teacher the letter from the headmaster. As the teacher read the letter he then said out loud.

Teacher: "Go ahead Student Song, I will let the other teachers know. Hurry and get out of here so I can get the class to continue."

Song Shuhang: "Huh? What? What's going on?"

Li Yangde: "Go ahead, I'll just go house hunting with Moumou and Ah Bo."

Song Shuhang: "Who is that guy?"

Teacher: "Hurry up student Song, your delaying my class~!".

Shuhang bows to the teacher and went out with the mysterious medicine master.

After classes were done, the 3 roommates went to the realtor and looked at a houses near Jiangnan College town.

Realtor: "This 5-story Building used to be a luxury apartment. Each floor is a 2 bedroom/ 2 bath appartment. The First floor is the common area, manager's office and laundrymat. The 1st floor can be converted if you like. At the backyard is a swimming pool and back yard barbeque grounds for the residents. No garden though, but it is low maintenance. Let me take you in the 2nd floor apartment. Each floor has an Identical layout, so you will get the feel of every space."

They all went up to the 2nd floor and was awed. The floor of the apartments were marbled and the space was wide.

Realtor: "This is the living room and dining room combined."

Goa Moumou: "Wow, just the combined living room and dining room is already as big as my parent's apartment. And that is a 2 bedroom apartment.

Lin Tubo: "Well the entire floor is one apartment residence. Usually it should have 3 or 4 apartment residence in each floor."

Li Yangde: "Don't worry about furnitures. I'll hire a decorator to furnish every floor."

This shocked both Goa Moumou and Lin Tubo.

Realtor: "This is the master bedroom with attached master bath. Right next to the bath is the walk in closet. The main features of the master bathroom is it came with a jacuzzi."

Let's just say that Goa Moumou and Lin Tubo had their jaw wide open the whole time.

After the apartment tour...

Realtor: So how do you like the building. It is only $1.5 million US Dollars.

Li Yangde: "That's cheap, for this kind of building. And near the Jiangnan College Town. Tell me,what's the catch?"

Realtor: "Hehehe...(Sigh) Okay you got me. The area had dilinquents bothering residents for a few years now. And the building next door is smaller but is renting thier rooms to a lot of people taking all the parking spaces up front. This is a corner building so there's a lot of students passing through so the noise traffic is heavy. Also sometimes, crazy students break in telling the manager they are friends of the residence just to use the swimming pool and a lot of college students use our laundry facilities which was hard for the residence to do their laundry. The delinquents often hangout the entrance to bully the residents for money. And it was selling for $5 million in the beginning but years go by. The original owners have to pay property taxes every year and just wants to get rid of it. The property taxes cost more than they are making right now. The $1.5 million will take them out of their hole and live the good life. But they are not taking any offers less than $1.5 million. That's their bottom line.

Li Yangde: "I see... Tell me, how much is the land so I don't have to pay property taxes."

Realtor: "Oh you have to talk to the goverment land developer office. They are in charge with that. But i doubt the government will sell the land due to tax revenues."

Li Yangde: "Haha,let me handle that then. Okay, I'll buy it. Please make up the contract and ready the title. I'll pay it in full."

Realtor: "In full!!! Y-yes right away sir."

Li Yangde: "Gao Moumou, can you find a contractor to rebuild the first floor. I'll make half of it a garage and half of it will be storage. Also tell them I want a gated perimeter and walls to keep unwanted guest out. Plus, I want all the walls sound proof. It might take about 2 months before we can move in, but it's a start. It will give me time to get my driving license and motorcycle license... Ah Bo, I need you to get a disigner to furnish each floor. Someone that specialized feng shui."

Moumou & Tubo: "Got it boss!"

Li Yangde: "Boss huh.... I like it.... Now while they're gone, I'll take care of the delinquents."

That day, almost 100 delinquents were hospitalized and crippled. They were scared stiff in going to the territory of this mad man. The cops did nothing, so they know he is connected to big powerful people.

The next day, the realtor finished the signing of the titles and all account balancess. The realtor was surprise that Yangde gave her extra commission for telling the truth. She was also surprise that he got the land title deed to the land that completely shocked her.

Li Yangde: "Told you I'll get it. No more property taxes for me."

Realtor: "Your one amazing person Mr. Li...(sigh) if only I haven't married sooner..."

Goa Moumou: "Here's the building plans the contractor gave me. You were right, he estimated about 2 months completion..He. have 20 guys to do the work. But he said if he got 50 guys, he can finish the work in one month, but it will be doubled the amount of the total asking price.

Li Yangde: "Tell the contractor to go ahead with the one month completion, but tell him if he doesn't finish his work on time, I will fine him for breach of contract. Also make a copy of the design plans, so the interior designer can see what she's working with."

Goa Moumou: "You got it. later boss!"

Li Yangde: "Stop it with the boss, will you. You make it sound like we're a mafia family.

Lin Tubo: "Well you did make the delinquents say you are the boss. hahaha😆😆😆! Oh yeah, the designer I found is coming later to look at the apartment."

Li Yangde: "Okay. First up, I get the penthouse the top floor. You guys fight it amongst yourselves who get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th....huh? isn't that Shuhang over there on the next building? Let's go talk to him."

Both Lin Tubo and Li Yangde walked over to Song Shuhang who was together with the Medicine Master and the owner of the building.

Li Yangde: "Yo Shuhang, how are you pal. Haven't seen you since yesterday.

Song Shuhang: "Hey Yangde, Hey Ah Bo! Sorry, things got hectic."

Medicine Master: "Ah, your fellow doa friend Infinite Space Mage. I am glad you are wearing a face mask.

Li Yangde: "Hey senior Medicine Master.Yeah, it's getting irritating. I have a tan line of my mask. That's the other reason why I bought a building."

Song Shuhang: "You bought a building!?"

Li Yangde: "Well yeah, it's right over there next to this building. But we can't move there yet until next month. I also gonna have a designer design the building. You might get a call later from the designer. One whole floor is yours but the penthous is mine. I also got it for cheap hehehe."

Lin Tubo: "Yeah he did, he saved millions litterally. But I will fight you for the 2nd floor."

Song Shuhang: "Whatever floor is fine. An entire floor is already too much. Especially that building looks so big."

Medicine Master: "I would want to live there too, but a month is a long time for me. Besides, I already rented the whole building over here. If you guys want, there are plenty of rooms here. You guys can move here while waiting for the building to finish. And also, thank you little friend Yangde for the shipment of products from the immortal market. I still cannot believe the amount of profound energy was in the fruits. I will breakthrough the 6th stage faster, maybe in a few years from now."

Li Yangde: "You better hurry, your rival. My Grandma Alchemy Mistress told me, she will breakthrough next year. She is already in the Glazed gold core realm in the 5th stage Spirit Sovereign."

Medicine Master: "Ugh! That old hag one up me. I'm about to breakthrough glazed gold core. It was hard just getting to purple gold core. She probably have more dragon marks than me."

Li Yangde: "I have a long way to go. I only condense 3 immortal bones. I have 6 to go before advancing to 5th stage spirit sovereign."

This shocked Medicine Master.

Medicine Master: "Your only 18 and your this far ahead. I knew that 11 lightning 8 years ago made you a legendary cultivator. You are trully a prodigy. The Yang clan is famous in the cultivator world."

Li Yangde: "The Yang Clan?"

Medicine Master: "Oh, my bad. It declined over the years. Your Grandmother was the last decendant before they broke off. Your Ancestor is an Eternal Being. A true immortal. He disbanded the clan when he rich the true immortal realm. So your grandmother went to the alchemy route, while the rest of the clan is spread out through space."

Li Yangde: "Wow, That i did not know. Maybe I should talk to grandma on my next visit home."

The following day. Everyone was packing their stuff to move to medicine master's rented house.

Lin Tubo: "I'm sure gonna miss this place. But having my own room is better, no offense guys."

Song Shuhang: "None taken. I'm also glad to have my own room, all you guys snore like hungry lions."

Li Yangde: "Says the man who snores like a talking lion... u..uu. (snore) zzzz..call me great master zzzz. Hahaha!😆😆😆"

Lin Tubo: "hahaha!😆😆😆"

Gao Moumou: "hahaha!"😆😆😆

Song Shuhang: "I don't snore like that!"

They all laugh at Shuhang again.


Goa Moumou: "Hey Shuhang, did you offend someone. A person who looked like a delinquent was asking questions about you.

Song Shuhang: "They ask you?"

Goa Moumou: "No, remember Zhu Guyue my childhood buddy."

Song Shuhang: "Ah~ her I mean him...uh... is he a transvestite? I can't tell because he look like both male and female like our buddy Yangde here. But I saw Zhu Guyue wear a dress before."

Goa Moumou: "(sigh) Yeah that's him, he even tried to kiss me because he doesn't know how to kiss as he was going on a date with his childhood sweetheart. I'm so grateful I became a cultivator or i would be stained. Well enough of that. You should be careful, he might be a cultivator."

Song Shuhang: "I'll keep it in mind. Well I wanna keep packing, but i gotta visit our teachers in the hospital. I kinda feel responsible because of Soft Feather(sigh)."

Li Yangde: "Hahaha! You know what I'll join you. I have nothing to pack."

Lin Tubo: "I wish I have space powers. I wonder what ability I get when I open my heart appenditure acupiont. It's almos filled up."

Goa Moumou: "Hey Yangde, can we get more of that blood and qi pills."

Li Yangde: "I'm not a vending machine. Remember, I'm only helping you guys for foundation building stage. When you guys reach 2nd stage, your on your own. Here 100 blood and qi pills. Share it with everyone. Also master the basic buddhist fist and True Meditation techniques."

Goa Moumou: "Thanks boss! hahaha!"

Li Yangde: " Jeeeeshh!"😌

Both Shuhang and Yangde went to the University Hispital to visit professor Renshui and Professor Smith. Both were amazed that they are both booked 1st class service.

Li Yangde: "Professor Renshui is this your vacation house?"

Prof. Renshui: "I don't know what's going on. But they said that a good samaritan insist that I stay here until my recovery and also the food they serve is amazing. My family visits me every day but I think they're just here for the food. They said it's all paid for and I can stay as long as I like. They only gave the initials of the person. The initial is S.F., other than that I have no idea whatsoever. Prof. Smith is also taking it easy and the best part is, we get paid the same as teaching class without us being there. How cool is that."

Li Yangde: "I see, Soft Feather really followed through. I guess we don't have to worry about them."

Song Shuhang: "I know, makes me wanna wish I got injured by Soft Feather hehehe."

Li Yangde: "Knock on wood. You should be careful at what you say. Lucks of cultivators is no small matter."

Song Shuhang: "Oh yeah, my older cousin Zhou Yaya interns here. I don't want to bother her so i'll be going before she catch me. Laters."

When Shuhang left, her cousin Yaya saw him.

Zhou Yaya: "How come little Shuhang is leaving from the specialty ward. Only dying or rich people are in there. He is not rich which means.....uhhhhhh. I remember now. He emailed me a bunch of poisonous ingredients....I hope his condition is not serious..."

Meanwhile Yangde was walking around the rooms to find the girl named sixteen. He remembered from the novel on where to find her. Seven was still looking for her or the cure for her condition.

Li Yangde: "That seven have no faith in me. He still go around the world looking for a cure while I already told him that I got it. That jerk, he should focus looking for sixteen."

He was in the specialty ward, the doctors can't find a cure for her so she was left alone and nurse tend to her needs until her passing. Yangde opened the room door and said.

Li Yangde: "Ah, there you are!"

Sixteen was surprise by the guy with a mask that opened the door. She found out he was a 4th stage cultivator when she scanned him so whatever she do, she was no match for him.

Sixteen: "Wh-what do you want?!"

Li Yangde: "Nothing, just want to cure you. That Seven never told you about me."

Sixteen: "Seven knows you?"

Li Yangde: "Well yeah, he even filmed me when I was breaking to the 3rd stage 8 years ago!"

Sixteen: "Aah! Your Prince Charming....I mean the legendary 11 tribulation kid.... Uhhh, can you please remove your mask please."

Li Yangde: "(sigh) Why do all girls do this to me... Okay but prepare your self okay!"

Sixteen nodded wildly like a crazy messed up fangirl. He then remove his mask for a second and put his mask back on.


Sixteen:"😍😍😍😍😍..heaven I'm coming!"

Li Yangde: "Okay enough of that, here. Take this tribulation pills. Inside that jar are 20 tribulation pills. It should stop the progress of decay and rejuvinate all your organs back to perfect condition."

Yangde threw a jar of pills to her. She was shocked at what he said.

Sixteen: "How did you acquire these pills. Even sects don't have these king of pills."

Li Yangde: "I actually just found out that thise pills are the Yang clan secret pills pass down to only our lineage. I thought it was normal until a few days ago."

Sixteen: "The Yang clan! I thought they dissappeared a long time ago in space. I guess there are a lot more secrets I don't know."

She took a pill and she was surprise how fast the pill worked. The decaying stop right away and all her organs slowly regenerate.

Li Yangde: "You'll be okay after a week. You will be back in full peak condition in a month. I'm gonna go ahead and contact Seven of your where abouts."

Sixteen: "Thank you. You saved my life... I already given up hope but you gave my life back...thank you.."😭😭😭(crying)

Li Yangde: "Just keep your head up and move forward. Maybe someday you can help a fellow cultivator in the future that has the same condition like you."

Yangde then turned to his phone to contact Seven.

Infinite Space Mage: "Seven You There! I found sixteen!"

Su Clan's Seven: "What?!"

Infinite Space Mage: "I also gave her the cure. She should be cured within a week but I need you to pick her up before doctors examine her again.

Medicine Master: "You have a cure?"

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "There's a cure?!"

All other members: "What!?"

Infinite Space Mage: "Well Yeah, thanks to medicine master telling me that I'm from the Yang clan, I talked with grandma. She said it was a Clan's secret pills. So I can't share the recipe but only give it with her permission. But I made those pills so I only need my permission hehehe."

Su Clan's Seven: "The Su Clan is indebted to you little friend Yangde. So where is sixteen located.

Infinite Space mage: "She's in University hospital In Jiangnan College district in the specialty ward. You can't miss her because she is the only cultivator there when I scanned the area."

Su Clan's Seven: "Thank You, I'm already flying in the area."

In about 15 minutes...

(Swooooooshh!) Seven arrived tgrough the window of Sixteen's ward room.

Li Yangde: "That's some pretty fast flying there Seven"😮

Seven: "Hahaha Little friend Yangde thank you for all the troubles, the Su clan will pay you back for this service. And thank you for wraring a face mask, I don't think I can survive another attack of your charms. You beat True Monarch White hands down. hahaha!😆😆😆"

Li Yangde: "Is it that much?"😷

Seven and Sixteen: "Yes!"😐😐

Seven then carried Sixteen and said goodbye to Yangde and flew out the window back to the Clan.

Li Yangde: " I guess that's that. I should get back to the dorm for a final cleanup and turn in the dorm keys."

On his way down to the hospital lobby, he saw Shuhang being dragged by his cousin Yaya. He thought it was a family matter so he just exited the hospital towards the dorm.

Li Yangde: "You guys packed up already?"

Gao Moumou: "Yeah, but I guess we will be the only ones cleaning. Shuhang got dragged out by his cousin Yaya. It was funny though, I never saw Shuhang smacked around like that."

Lin Tubo: "I should have filmed it with my phone, but Yaya is scary but she is a beauty."

Li Yangde: "Okay, time to clean. Just think of it as training. Wax on wax off daniel san. I'll do the ceiling and upper walls since i can float up with my sword. Moumou the floor and the lower walls. Ah Bo the bathroom. Then whoever got free time do the beds and cabinets. We all take out the trash."

Goa Moumou: "Fair enough"

Lin Tubo: "You say that, I have to clean the toilet."

After they finished cleaning up, the movers came in and took out all the boxes to medicine master's Building. They then turned in their keys and told them Shuhang will turn his keys later. After the dorm manager inspect the room, he let them go.


Li Yangde: "Oh, hi mom. What's up?"

Li Chun: "Hi honey, yeah I'm calling you because we are running out of herbs for the ingredients for the simplified body tempering/strengthening liquid. It was a big hit at the store. I want to expand the fields but I need you hete in the dimension to control the enviorment and atmosphere."

Li Yangde: "Okay mom, I'll be there in 5 minutes."


Li Yangde: "Sorry guys i gotta go, my mom needs me."

Goa Moumou: "Go ahead, but don't forget that we are meeting the interior designer today to see her ideas."

Li Yangde: "Okay ! Later gators!"

Lin Tubo: " At awhile crocodile!"

Yangde then disappeared and reappeared next to his mom.

Li Yangde: "Hey mom! So, how do you want to do this."

Li Chun: " Okay, Everything has been planted. Follow me. On this acre is the Rising Sun Stone plant. It needs full sun and barely water. It grows like a cactus. On this one, is morning due. It needs plenty of liquids and humidity. This one is a thirsty plant like rice. On this one. I need a special enviorment. These plants grows inside a volcano. It needs sulfur and the tempetature should be boiling point. This plant is called the 9 yang scarlet flame bamboo..."

His mother continued on and on as he changed the enviorment for over 100 acres.

Li Chun: "Okay! That's it we are done. Thank you dear. Now I need to go back and manage the store. Were so busy over there. I might hire more employees. I didn't even know there was that much cultivators. We even got some from the moon and some from inside earth."

Li Yangde:"Inside earth?"

Li Chun: "Yeah, they are quite tall. 10 feet tall caucasian but some asians. They are the ancient people. They have dinosaurs over there. The world inside earth is called agartha. Actually atlantis didn't sink, they just flip and station inside the earth. And the moon is hollow too. Cultivators in the moon mined special stones. Kinda like our spirit stones but weaker. Way weaker than ours. Okay I talked enough. Bye honey and your dad says hi also. Love you..."

Li Yangde: "Agartha huh...Interesting"