

In the Chat group...

Nothern River Loose Cultivator: "So who is gonna pick up Monarch White. I did it last time, so someone from the group's turn this time.

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: "I felt a stir in my realm. I feel a breakthrough coming. I have to do a secluded meditation for a few years.

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "No way, last time I checked, you just reached Purple glazed gold core recently. There is no way that you could breakthrough that fast."

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: "It's called Fruitious encounter.

Immortal Master Copper Trigam: "Relax guys, I did a divination. He will not come out for awhile so just relax."

All members: "....😱"

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "He's coming out sooner than I thought. Whatever, it's not my turn. You guys fight it out youselves.

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber:"...gone to secluded meditation, pls. do not disturb....."

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "That jerk. Okay who got any ideas?"

Wondering Monk Profound Principle: "I recently got a hold of little friend Shuhang. He seems immune to little friend Yangde's charms."

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Your right, that's a good idea. That might actually work."

Immortal Master Copper Trigam: "How about little friend Yangde. Maybe their charms will cancel each other."

All members: "NO!😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

Su Clan's Seven: "Imagine 2 Whites walking together. That's a walking disaster waiting to happen. We have to keep those 2 seperated.

Wondering Monk Profound Principle: "Seven is right. It might stir out my beliefs and principles."

Medicine Master: "Diddo"

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: "I agree"

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Since everyone agreed, lets fill the chat group with random messages so little friend Shuhang won't see our decision. Medicine master, your job is to convince little friend Shuhang to Pick White up. Okay all members start chatting away.

The chat log was bombarded with random talks and theories.

That night, all the 4 roommates arrived medicine master's rented building when they saw a gorgeous women moving cultivator stuff to the building. This woman's name is Riverly Purple Mist.

Riverly Purple Mist: "Oh, ate you 4 people the new tenants. My name is Riverly Purple Mist. I am Medicine Master's diciple. I take care of his everyday needs and that includes grooming. hehe."

Li Yangde: "Glad to meet you Ms. Purple Mist. We will be in your care for this 3 weeks. And afterwards we will be neighbors."

Song Shuhang: "Wow, way to go Medicine Master. He is a man after all."

Lin Tubo: "You are right in that one. Wow, she's gorgeous."

Goa Moumou: "Are all woman cultivators beautiful. Maybe my girlfriend Yayi will be more beautiful when she becomes one."

They went towards the door and was greeted by Medicine Master who was wearing make up and looks more like a clown with curly hair and baggy pants.

Riverly Purple Mist:" Hehe, with this. No one will steal medicine master from me..."

All three roommates heard her whispers.

Li Yangde: "Fangirls really are scary."

Song Shuhang: "I guess she's aiming to be his Dao Companion/wife.

Goa Moumou: "Poor Medicine Master."

Lin Tubo: "Are you guys shittin' me! He's the luckiest guy in the planet. He get Purple Mist for a wife, how cool is that."

Purple Mist heard the loud comment of Lin Tubo and she blushed.

Riverly Purple Mist: "I like you Little Bo. If you need someone to beat up, just let me know."

Li Yangde: "Well, she do have the same cultivation stage as me so you could believe her."

They then move to each other's room. When Li Yangde closed the room, he went into his dimension mansion.

Li Yangde: "Finally, freedom~! I can cocentrate cultivating. I've been laxing this year too much. Atleast summer vacation is comming. And I have to get ready for the road test tomorrow."

While he was cultivating in his dimension, an assasin was sneaking in Sing Shuhang's room. Shuhang was sleeping and was in deep sleep. The assasin was trying to steal the spirit bead on Shuhang's neck. The moment the assasin touched the bead, the assasin got poisoned. The assasin dropped his knife and quickly took a detoxifying pill but to no avail.

Assasin: "The information is wrong. We have been tricked. I need to get Alter Master to cure me."

The assasin run as fast as he can to 5-star hotel where the Alter Master was staying.

(Knock! Knock! knock!)

Alter Master: "Oh, he's faster than I thought"

When Alter Master opened the door. The assasin rush up to him and grabbed his legs.

Assasin: "Alter Master help me! We've been tricked. The information was false. I've been poisoned and can't cure myself....

Within a few moments the assasin died of poison. Suddenly the fast acting poison was spreading through him. Alter master quickly took some detoxifying pills but to no avail. He then took every antidote he have. Luckily for him it stop spreading but the toxins is still inside him and is killing him slowly.

Alter Master: "Shit! I underestimated the kid. He probably followed my subordinate. I have to escape fast and maybe I have to negotiate with him in the future. F**k! I can't believe the information is wrong. So many expensive antidotes gone."

Alter master poured corpse dissolving liquid into the corpse of his subordinate and jumped out the hotel window and run like hell to escape the city.

The next day, Shuhang woke up shivering. He notice the window was open, but he remember he shut it closed last night. Then he discovered a knife near the window. He put things together, if not robbery then it was assasination. He then went to the dining room for breakfast and he saw Medicine Master waiting for him.

Medicine Master: "Little friend Shuhang. Glad you are okay.

Song Shuhang: "Medicine Master, what happened last night?"😧

Medicine Master: "Oh, an assasin attempted on your life in trying to take your spirit bead. It's a good thing my trap activated and poison the assasin instead."

Song Shuhang: "Trap?"😲

Medicine Master: "Yes, a trap. Remember when I examined your spirit bead. I put a poisonous defensive array to anyone that attacks you with bad intention or killer aura. And the assasin should be dead by now, because that poison is hard to counter. You need someone like me to concuct an antidote for that. hahahaha!😃

Li Yangde got up and heard the conversation but instead went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Since everyone is a cultivator, he cooked everything with spirit product. He even have a freshly squeeze spirit orange juice for everyone. It was a breakfast immortal feast.

Riverly Purple Mist: "My god! You have to teach me how to cook Little Yangde. This is better than immortal feast."

Li Yangde: "It's just normal cooking, but the ingredients are all from my Immortal market products. The milk will also help me form my immortal bones."

Medicine Master: "If you cook this good, I'll be sad if you move out.

Li Yangde: "No worries. If Purple Mist buy the ingredients, she can cook it too, maybe even better. Just send me a list and I'll give you a duscount. You can even pay with Qi & Blood pills. But my family have a different pill and we call it blood and qi pill. We just reversed the words but the ingredients are almost the same."

Suddenly a paper was put infront of me with a jar of Qi & Blood pills. The list came from Purple mist.

Li Yangde: "Okay, give me a sec."

Infront of everyone, he disappeared. After a few minutes he reappeared with a box filled with spirit products. The gave it to Purple Mist.

Li Yangde: "Thank you for being our customer, if you need anything else, just send a list".

Riverly Purple Mist: "H-How did you do that?!"

Li Yangde: "Well, my dao name is Infinite Space Mage. So I'm litterally a space mage."

Medicine Master: "Amazing! I never met a space mage before. I know they exist but most of them are 8th stage cultivators and moved on to a higher plane. Is there a chance I can visit the space you go to?"

Li Yangde: "Sorry, no can do. I only allow my mom and dad in there. Even My grandma and aunties are not allowed. It's a start of my Li Clan. Only members of my immidiate family is allowed.

Medicine master: "I see, too bad. Well you have your secrets as I too have mine."

Goa Moumou: "Wow, and i thought it was normal for cultivators. I was hoping to gain an ability when I finish my hundred day foundation."

Lin Tubo: "That reminds me, Yangde. What abilities did you gain when you open your apertures?"

Song Shuhang: "Yeah, I want to know too"

Li Yangde: "Well, it's not like I'm keeping it secret but sure I'll tell you. For my heart aperture acupoint well i got nothing. My eye aperture gave me appraisal. Nose and ears got nothing. But the final one mouth, I got absorption."

Medicine Master: "Appraisal! That is a high grade ability!"

Li Yangde: "Yeah I guess. I can't appraise people, but I can appraise food, herbs and animals. That's hiw I find rare herbs for my family to grow at home in their fields. That's why we got rare herbs in our immortal market."

Medicine Master: "Wow, what a nice ability. You are a natural alchemy master then. So tell us about absorption of you mouth aperture."

Li Yangde: "Oh that one is special. Every thing I eat, all nutrients and energies are absorbed 100%. No energy is wasted. Even breathing the energy in the enviorment. As long as I inhale it through my mouth aperture, it could absorb it 100%."

Medicine Master: "What a total cheat!"

Purple Mist: "No wonder you advance so fast!"

Song Shuhang: "I can never catch up to you. I thought having the ghost spirit that doubles my cultivation rate, that I can catch up."

Goa Moumou: "Aaah! Shuhang you cheater. No wonder we can't catch up to you even if we train night and day.

Lin Tubo: "Yeah what he said. Give us a cheat also!"

Song Shuhang: "Ugh! Well atleast Yangde taught you guys the basic buddhist fist and True meditation Scriptures. I have to get it from Wondering Monk Profound Principles."

Medicine Master: "Little Yangde, you know the buddhist fist technique?"

Li Yangde: "Well yeah. I forgot to tell you guys, but my father is a dojo grandmaster. We have all kinds of martial arts. He have over 300 diciples now. They are talking of making it a sect if my dad breaks through the 5th rank. My grandma is in secluded meditation trying to breakthrough the 6th stage to become a True Monarch. She could have broken through years ago. But she wants the dojo that her late husband established to be in good hands before going into seclusion. So I won't see her for awhile, maybe 50 to a hundred years."

Lin Tubo: "What about your Aunties?"

Li Yangde:"Hahaha, about that. They got so pissed that my mom and dad caught up to them. That they are vigorously training on the moon at one of the gravity control caves. We send them cultivation supplies every month."

All three friends: "The Moon!!!"

Medicine Master: "Oh you guys don't know. There are a lot of cultivators in space. Some are in the moon."

Song Shuhang: "But how can you breath in space?"

Li Yangde: "Actually, if you control your blood circulation and control your heart to pump. You dont need anything. The internal qi can provide the oxygen. Some cultivators have their immortal cave deep in the ocean. Once tou control every part of your body, soon you don't even have to eat and just absorb the energy around you is enough."

Lin Tubo: "What stage are you supposed to be in order to live without food."

Li Yangde: "Actually 5th stage should be able to do it. That's how they can do a secluded meditation for years. Some like me, if you get an ability of absorbing energy from one of your aperture."

Gao Moumou: "Wow, my world just got bigger."

Li Yangde: "Oh yeah, I just got some new information from my mom. The earth and moon are hollow. And there are a whole world inside."

Everyone: "What!?"

Li Yangde: "Medicine Master? Even you don't know this."

Medicine Master: "No I don't. This is intetesting. What do the natives look like?"

Li Yangde: "They are 10 feet tall Caucasian. A lot of cultivators thought the were aliens from space because we do get those customers too. I haven't seen any dragons yet but I heard they have dinosaurs over there. The reptilian race lives inside the moon but they are like chameleons and can look like people."

Medicine Master: "This is big news, we should let the group know."

Li Yangde: "Okay I guess. It will cjange the storyline but hey, can't follow it all the time. I won't go thete until I reachef the 5th stage. I want to collect new herbs and fruits. I might raise dinosaurs for meat."

Medicine Master: "10 feet tall. I think eating dinosaur meat made the humans evolve by eating alot of dinosaur growth hormones."

Li Yangde: "Maybe if I introduce dinosaur meat, all cultivators will grow huge like a god."

After breakfast, Song shuhang was worried on who wants to kill him, so he looked for Nan Haomeng. Haomeng was the delinquent he beat up recently that controls the other delinquents in the Jiangnan district.

Nan Haomeng: "Greetings big brother Shuhang"

Song Shuhang: "I want you to find the person who is trying to investigate me. Notify me immidiately if you find him."

Nan Haomeng: "Consider it done big brother"

Nan Haomeng departed immidiately followed by a group of delinquents bowing to Shuhang. Li Yangde sneaked behind him.

Li Yangde: "Looks like you became the boss of delinquents."

Song Shuhang: "Please stop it. That mohawk guy just keep calling me big brother after I beat him up."

Li Yangde: "Need my help in this?"

Song Shuhang: "No, I already owe you too much. I can't be too dependable. If I was, I could have joined a sect instead of being a loose cultivator."

Li Yangde: "That's good. I like your resolve. But you have to be ready to kill. The problems are not gonna go away on some occasion. So I'm just warning you to strengthen your resolve when the time comes."

Song Shuhang: "Have you killed before?"

Li Yangde: "You won't get to my stage without killing. And yes, I killed. And I killed a lot."

Song Shuhang: "What do you mean a lot?"

Li Yangde: "When I became the youngest 3rd Stage master with 11 lightning tribulation, a couple of sects got threatened. The first 3 attemps of my life was dealed with my parents. The 4th almost cost me my life. I actually fought an assasin in the 4th stage. He thought he killed me, but thanks to my rapid regeneration. When his back was turned, I beheaded him by surprise. It was pure luck. And because the assasin was so confident he would kill me. He didn't hide any evidence in his body. He have a bounty note from 2 sect patriarch. I also stole all his belongings including cultivation books and martial arts and pill recipes. I showed the bounty notes to my family. My grandma called the help of a friend who was a 7th stage Venerable. Together, my whole family went on a killing spree. We eradicated everyone even outer disciple and servants and stole all their treasures. After that, no one dare attempt on my life again and I safely advance to 4th stage. I can now fly away if trouble comes to me."

Song Shuhang: "Wow, I did not know you went through that."

Li Yangde: "Life and death struggles can make you stronger, but having a firm resolve will not make you hesitate to move forward and grow even more stronger. remember that."

Li Yangde then left Shuhang to his fate. He have an appointment with the interior designer for his building.

He went to the building and saw they cleared the first floor and strengthen the foundation with steel beams. Also the workers are sound proofing the walls and changing the windows with soundproof windows. They also centralized the ac with temperature control on every floor.

Then Goa Moumou and his girlfriend Yayi came over. Soon Lin Tubo came with the interior designer.

Goa Moumou: "Dammit Shuhang is late again"

Lin Tubo: "I already told him 2pm. We can wait 30 more minutes but after that we gotta go furniture shopping without him.

Li Yangde: "So Moumou, who gets the master bedroom and who get the guest room."

Yayi: "I already told him that I'll take the guest room. It's too early to sleep together yet. I'm just glad to leave the dorm."

Goa Moumou: "Hahaha. It's our first step to marriage. Remember, you accepted my ring."

Lin Tubo: "Your engage!!!'😱

Yayi: "No we're not. Not yet. He just gave me a promise ring. Once we finish college we will be engage.

Goa Moumou: "Yeah, what she said"

Li Yangde: "Well, congratualations!"

Yayi: "I have no choice, there are so many girls trying to steal him away, I have to be near him now all the time. Even my roommates are trying to sepetate us to steal him away. How did he get so handsome so quickly. It must be from hanging out with you guys."

Li Yangde: "I feel that it's my fault all of a sudden."

After 5 minutes, Shuhang came running.

Song Shuhang: "Sorry guys, got caught with some unforseen business."

Li Yangde: "Glad you made it. Let's go shopping"

They all went furniture shopping. They gather attention from everyone. Seeing the 4 Prince of Jiangnan. A lot of camera was flashing like they saw a superstar or a great hollywood actor. Yayi was in cloud heaven being escorted by the four. Even the interior designer can't believe the popularity of her client. There was a lot of modeling deals offered to the but only Lin Tubo accepted it to earn more money. He was a rising male model. Goa Moumou stick to his novel writing and trying to publish a book. He wanted to be a famous writer on the side. Shuhang have some offers but he was not short on money, and he wanted his free time for himself while Li Yangde just wants to cultivate.

Everywhere they go and all the furniture they picked was potograph and later was sold out. The store owner now knows the power of advertising.

After they finished, they went back to medicine master's house. Yayi also lived there now, so the food was limited to food that can be taken by a non-cultivator. But Yayi was addicted to the spirit tea which made her more beautiful each day.

The next day, they heard a rumour that Shuhang beat up a student named Lin Tao. Lin Tao supposedly tried to investigate him and sold the information to a dark organization. Now Lin Tao gets beat up by delinquents, everytime he leaves the dormitory.

Li Yangde: "Is that what you call low key"

Song Shuhang: "Shut up, it was spur of the moment. You brainwashed me yesterday about resolve and stuff so I lost it. Shit! I might get kicked out from College."

Li Yangde: "Hahaha, No worries. Let me make some phone calls."

Later that day Lin Tao quit college. And told the headmaster the rumours are not true. Then his family picked him up and entered another University.

Song Shuhang: "What did you do?"

Li Yangde: "I know some cultivators that owe me a huge favor. He owns a lot of companies. Luckily, Lin Tao's parents works there. They may have high position, but compared to company owners, they are nothing."

Song Shuhang: "Shit! I guess I owe you another one. (sigh) My debts keep increasing."

Li Yangde: "How about this. If you take care of Monarch White once he finish his 150 years secluded meditation. Consider all favors even."

Song Shuhang: "Even steven? Then deal! How hard is it to take care of a guy anyway."

Li Yangde: "Okay, you said it. No take backs... I'll go inform the group then. Later Shuhang!"

Song Shuhang: "Why do I feel like I've been duped. I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this deal..... Shit! let me check the group about that monarch White fella."


Infinite Space Mage: "Greetings Seniors!"

Medicine Master: "👋"

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Greetings little friend Yangde.

All other members:"👋👋👋👋👋"

Infinite Space Mage: "Done deal, Shuhang will get Monarch White when he finish seclusion. The deal is solid so you can rest assured."

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: "Thank god he agreed!"😰

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "I thought you are in seclusion you bastard!"😡

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: "I..uh..failed. So there happy now. I feel very embarassed saying I failed."😧

Su Clan's Seven: "That's great. Now we can rest easy. Oh, I invited Sixteen to the group. She should be logging in soon.

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Oh~ how is she doing? Did she get fully cured?"

Su Clan's Seven: "Yes, the tribilation pill is amazing. We tried to analyze the ingredients in the pill but failed."

Infinite Space Mage: "Hahaha, 3 of the ingredients is very rare. The process make it combined and undetectable. The herbs are not sold anywhere and can be only grown by my family."

Su Clan's Seven: "No wonder. We will pay any amount to get the ingredients."

Infinite Space Mage: "It's not about money. The pills can only be given to someone worthy in our eyes. The family decides who to give it to. For me, everyone in the group is worthy but I can only give it when I see the person myself to make the decision."

Sixteen: "Greetings Seniors"

All members: "Greetings Junior Sixteen"

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: "Sixteen please send me your picture and your 3 sizes!"

Su Clan's Seven: "You perverted shit! Sixteen, don't listen to that sabet pervert."

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber:"Your No fun seven. You should go out more."

Su Clan's Seven: " I'll go out allright. I'll come over there and beat you up."

[Su Clan's Seven Logged out]

Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: "Was he serious?... Um something came up, I'll log back in later."

[Thrice Reckless Mad Saber Logged Out]

Sixteen:"Does this thing happen often"

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Yeah, please forgive mad saber. I can vouch for him that he is a good person. But a little perverted.

Infinite Space Mage: "I can vouch for him too"

Sixteen: "Aaah! Senior Yangde! 😍😍😍😍😍

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: "Yeesh another Yangde fangirl"

Butterfly Island Soft Feather: "What! I have competition now! Hi Sinior Li!😘😘😘

Infinite Space Mage: "Hi fans! hahaha!

All members: "lol 😆😆😆"

Stressed by a Mountain of Books: "Greetings Seniors!"

All senior members: "Welcome Little Shuhang!"

Infinite Space Mage: "Took you long enough, you read all the chat logs did you.

Soft Feather: "Hi Senior Song"

Sixteen: "Hello"

Stressed by a Mt. of Books: "Yangde! You tricked me! Even steven my ass! You'll end up owing me big time. Even all the seniors are afraid of this White guy. Your sending me to death jackass! I'm now Stressed by a mountain pile of shit!"

Infinite Space Mage: "I heard Monarch White have great luck. It might rub on you."

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "He have monstrous luck. Let's say you say a meteor might hit you. A meteor will hit you. hahaha!"

Stressed by a Mt. of books: "😨, aaah! You did duped me jackass!"

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "No worries little Shuhang. Monarch White is s good person but his luck is so high. I escorted him last time and I get a lot of fruitous encounter and my cultivation soured and advance quickly....but unfortunately so was the disasters. But we will all compensate you for this favor. Each member will gift you some cultivation help.

Infinite Space Mage: "How about I take you to my immortal market. You'll do a one time shopping's spree and everything is on the house."

All members:"😱😱😱😱😱"

Soft Feather: "I wanna go! I wanna go!"

Infinite Space Mage: "If you guys want, In One of the Closed Sundays for restocking, I'll invite you guys to shop there. I'll even give you guys 15% off of all the products."

All members: "We're in!!!"😮

True Monarch White: "Thank you little friend Yangde. I mean the deliveries are good but going to the store is better, since you keep adding new products. There's also no catalog."

Infinite Space Mage: "Well we we're thinking of expanding and building a corporation, but it's a family business and only my mom is managing it. My dad have his hands full having 300 student diciples. So one store the size of a mall is too much already. We already got half of my dad's diciples working in the stores as our employees. They are addicted to the spirit stone payments and the 10% employee discount. We only got 200 employees. Also got 7th Stage Venerable as security. They are a bit lazy but they do their jobs well."

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "What kind of stones are your spirit stoned?"

All members: "Yeah what spirit stones?"

Infinite Space Mage: "Hmm... I guess it shaped like a pearl filled full of profound energy, almost like immortal energy. It can help a Venerable to easily breakthrough the 8th Stage."

All members: "😱😱😱😱😱"

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "And you give these stones to your employees!!!"

Infinite Space Mage: "What does family business, you guys don't get. Most employees are my dad's deciples. Some is family from my dad's side of the family. He made them become cultivators. And the 7th Stage Venerables are the friends of my grandma. They also helped me solve some problems 8 years ago."

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Oh~ I remember. The eradication of the Heavenly Sacred Sect and the Dark Hand Sect. They were major sects before. Now, not a single trace are left."

Infinite Space Mage: "The 2 patriarch put a bounty on me and tried to kill me. So I gave my resolve to wipe them out. If it was and elder or a student, I would probably just kill them. But killing a patriarch will get vengence of the whole sect, so we have to be thorough."

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "I don't blame your reasoning. You have the means for that judgement. That is also the dangers of joining a sect.

Infinite Space Mage: "I know, but we're not finish yet. Every cultivator have family. Some are in different sects. So my family is still being carefull and trying to geow stronger."

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: "Good luck on that!"

Infinite Space Mage: "Thank You"

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "Well enough of the sad past. Let's welcome our new member sixteen!"

Infinite Space Mage: "That's true. Welcome!"

Sixteen:"😭😭😭 I didn't know you had a sad past Senior Yangde. If you need help with eliminating them call me. I'll be there for you."

Stressed by a Mt. of books: "I don't know what to say anymore!"😰

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: " I guess I can send sixteen some defensive and offensive talisman as a get well soon gift"

They talked about random stuff and theories before logging out. The members are glad that Shuhang agreed in welcoming Monarch White, while Shuhang was cursing his luck.

A week later, Shuhang got a phone call that his cousin Yaya got kidnapped. Purple Mist followed Shuhang jumping on top of buildings. Yangde followed them on his flying sword.

Shuhang met the kidnapper in a open warehouse. Purple Mist stayed on top of the building to observe and only act if things get dangerous. Yangde flew up next to her.

Li Yangde: "Hey there Purple Mist, you gonna help Shuhang out."

Purple Mist: "No, only observing. I'll only act if I need to. This guy only have Nose aperture foundation building stage. How about you?"

Li Yangde: "I'll watch too. He needs to get a life and death struggle in order to advance. He got the celestial flying immortal sword from Wondering Monk Profound principle for a back up. So I'm only here to see how he react on his first kill."

Purple Mist: "I Agree. Oh it's starting"

Song Shuhang just finished his hundred day foundation building and cultivating the eyes. He threw the simplified body tempering liquid gas. Since the kidnapper just opened his nose aperture, the smell of the gas was multiplied. As soon as the kidnapper was distracted, He willed the flying sword and beheaded the kidnapper. Afterwards he looted the kidnapper and used the corpse dissolving liquid to get rid of the body. He then picked his cousin up and ran towards Medicine Master house ti check her out.

Li Yangde: "So how would you grade him on his first kill?"

Purple Mist: "Well his martial arts are to basic, so many holes and unwanted movement. His ingeneous idea to use the gas pill was a good idea and the kill was fast and smooth. I give it a 4 out of 5."

Li Yangde: "I actually agree with you on that score. He only knew the basics so I can't blame him. If he use the sword the first time, it will be over with quickly... Well, there's nothing else to do. I'll see you later. I need to do my road test in an hour."

Later that day, Li Yangde passed his road test and bought a car. He bought a 2019 white corvette.

Goa Moumou: "Wow, nice ride Yangde"

Lin Tubo: "It looks like a race car."

Song Shuhang: "Sweet Ride bro"

Li Yangde: "I know right. The white color makes it look clean and fresh."

Yayi: "I wish I have a car like that"

Li Yangde: "Tell you guys what. If you guys get your driving license. I'll give you a car each so we can fill the garages. How is that!"

All of them: "Deal!"

Those words are like magic words. Within a week, everyone got there licenses. So gift them a car each. Lin Tubo got a Jeep wrangler, Goa Moumou got a white bmw, Yayi got a land rover and Shuhang got a luxury mercedes.

Li Yangde: "Whoa, Talk about. varieties."

Goa Moumou: "(sigh) If only I didn't get my license first. I wanted our car to match. But still, thanks a lot Yangde."

Yayi: "Huhuhu! I'm so excited! I love my car or ah jeep. The land Rover is so cool!"

Lin Tubo: "I like my Jeep. I can go off road. It's perfect too. My next modeling gig is near the beach."

Song Shuhang: "I hope my mercedes can survive the walking disaster named Monarch White.(sigh)"