
COTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The Elite

Light Yagami is considered one of japans student with the brightest future. As such he of course applies to the best high school in the world, the ANHS, little does he know what awaits him there. The main character of this novel are Light Yagami and Ryuk, keep in mind that shinigamis will not work the same in this fanfic as they do in death note that would be insane, but if you like COTE fanfics give me a try, I hope you enjoy your reading of my story. Disclaimer: Public AI generation Models, Loras and Ti’s are used in this story to enhance experiences of the reader, for specific information like model name please ask me.

MilkywayAndromeda · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Chapter 12 - The Attack 1


Any support means a lot, comments reviews powerstones I appreciate any one of these and they can hopefully get this story out there if you like it.


"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." ~Charles Baudelaire

"An attack on Class D?" The mutterings of Class C students filled the air with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Sakagami, I need confirmation; our cameras don't capture audio, do they?" Ryuen inquired, his tone laced with the usual cunning.

"Indeed, due to the principle of one-party consent, audio recording is not legally permissible within the school premises; many indoor cameras don't even record audio for this purpose," Sakagami affirmed, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

I had my suspicions, though I remained cautious around Ryuk. It wouldn't do well for others to see me conversing with thin air.

"Perfect," Ryuen declared, then turned his sharp gaze to Ishizaki. "You mentioned a certain hot-headed basketball player from Class D, didn't you?"

"Ah, Sudo? Can't believe you'd remember something like that," Ishizaki replied, scratching his head in mild surprise.

"My proposal is simple: after the midterms, we launch our first move against Class D, targeting Sudo. We'll have a few weeks to plan everything meticulously,"

"And what would you have us do?" Ishizaki asked, ready to follow his lead.

Yet, I felt compelled to pose my own question, "What exactly do you hope to gain from this?"

"Class D is hardly a tough opponent, and while expelling someone would be challenging, I'm confident we can leverage a good situation of our creation to extort some points from Class C," Ryuen explained.

"How many here oppose the idea of targeting Class D?" I questioned, scanning the room for opposition. Not a single hand was raised.

Phrasing of a question can significantly influence its outcome. Ask for a show of hands in favor, and you'll see fewer than would be down if you ask who's against.

"I'm actually in agreement with Ryuen," Yabu said from behind me. "To climb to Class A, we can't be completely passive, or we might be stuck here forever." Nods of agreement rippled through the crowd.

"I understand," I conceded with a sigh. "While I'm not one for drastic actions, it seems this much necessary for the sake of competition." After a brief pause, I continued, "If the majority of the class is in agreement, then we will proceed with your plan, Ryuen. However, I am curious: Why wait until after the midterms to strike against Class D?"

"Preparation is key, not just for the midterms but for our following actions. You and I may be fine without preparation, but the rest of the class isn't as capable," Ryuen explained.

"I would have thought you'd capitalize on the pressure Class D is under during midterms. It seemed in character for you to exploit such a situation," I respond, watching as a realization dawned upon Ryuen's face.

"Considering your study guide... it changes the playing field. If it proves as beneficial as you claim, the class needn't worry about the midterms," Ryuen pondered aloud, then inquired, "Are you confident in the guide's effectiveness for those who rely on it?"

"I'd stake my life on it," I declare with unwavering confidence, addressing the class. "If you follow the study guide's explanations, passing the midterms will be easy."

Ryuen, deep in contemplation, finally speaks. "Your confidence is confusing, but if you're convinced, then I suppose there's no cause for concern regarding our performance on the midterms."

He smirks, a plan forming in his mind. "Initially, I saw no advantage in pressuring Class D during midterms, fearing it might backfire on us. But now, I realize they're likely as anxious about potential expulsions as we are."

Ryuen picks up the study guide and flips through its pages. "Most of you might be idiots, but this guide," he says, holding it up, "will see us through the midterms with ease. It's detailed, almost like having a personal tutor."

His smile widens. "We can't miss this chance. Right after the first month, when Class D is at its weakest, we'll strike during the midterms. Their focus will waver, and we'll be there to capitalize on it."

I conceal a smirk behind my hand, amused by the unfolding strategy.

Ryuk, ever the observer, interjects with a knowing look. "You've planned this, haven't you, Light?"

The study guides, the timing, it's all part of the plan. Class D is vulnerable, and while I can't be the one to initiate the attack, Ryuen is the perfect pawn.

Later, Ryuen summons a select few, including myself, for a post-school discussion, key players like Albert and Ibuki and those involved with Sudo and the basketball club.

Upon his return, Ryuen peers into my open bag, curiosity piqued. "Why the extra study guides?" he asks.

"They're for the other classes," I reply casually, catching Ibuki's attention as Ryuen continues to examine the papers.

"Why would you distribute them to other classes?" Ibuki's gaze was piercing, her voice tinged with frustration. "We agreed these guides were our edge. I warned you about being naive; others will take advantage of you."

My response was a simple smile.

Ryuen interrupted with a dismissive wave. "It's insignificant. These guides only give us leverage over Class D. Classes A and B aren't filled with fools; they'll pass regardless. And even in Class D, those who take time to study will succeed. The rest? Well, a guide won't make the lazy capable."

Ibuki clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Fine, but I'm coming with you. I won't let you do anything stupid."

"Thank you, Ibuki," I replied, her gaze shifting away.

The prospect of socializing with the other classes was intriguing. I had deliberately kept a low profile, focusing on Class C. Sometimes, it's better to be known by reputation rather than presence, but now it was time to make my presence known.

"Yagami, I'm curious," Ryuen began, casually flipping through the study guide. "We all knew midterms were coming, so these guides make sense. But your confidence in them, how can you be so sure they'll ensure success?"

"You seem to have your theories," I said, meeting his gaze. He remained silent, clearly expecting an explanation. "Let's just say I secured reliable test information, confirming that the school recycles the same old exams every year, well, with the exception of special circumstances. You can deduce the rest, including how these guides were made," I explained, whispering.

"Why not hand out the actual midterm answers then?" Ibuki asked.

Ryuen answered before I could, "Yagami is likely playing the long game. If we become dependent on cheats, we'll be unprepared for any future tests. Encouraging study is his way of future-proofing us."

The bell signaled the end of our discussion, and as we prepared to return to class, Ryuen reminded us, "Don't forget, we're meeting after school."

***Lunch Period***

As the lunch bell chimed, I collected my belongings with a goal in mind.

"Leaving without a word?" Ibuki's voice cut through my thoughts.

 "You shouldn't skip meals, Ibuki."

Her eyes narrowed, a mix of concern and irritation visible. "It's your 'plans' that worry me. And you're one to talk, missing lunch as well," she retorted, her gaze sharp. "If you're so worried, then let's grab something to eat  after our meeting with Ryuen."

"Alright, we will grab some food later," I agree with Ibuki, and we head towards Class D.

A couple of knocks on the door, and we're greeted by Hirata, the leader of Class D.

"Hey there, I'm Light Yagami from Class 1-C," I introduce myself. "Hope I'm not interrupting, but I've got something that might interest you all."

Hirata gives a quick glance at Ibuki, who seems uninterested in making small talk, and then steps aside to let us in. The class goes quiet, probably trying to figure out what's up.

I make my way to the front and lay out the study guides. "So, here's the deal. I've put together these guides for the midterms. Took me a good while, but I think they'll really help you out."

Whispers start spreading through the class like wildfire as they begin to buzz about the guides.

Then, a girl with black hair stands up from the back. "How can we be sure these guides are legitimate and will actually help us?" she asks, skeptical.

I hand her a copy. "Just take a look. If you've been keeping up in class, you'll see they're reliable," I assure her.

She walks over, a bit taken aback by my straightforwardness, and starts flipping through the guide.

"Sorry about this, Yagami," Hirata apologizes while she's checking it out. "Class D's been feeling the pressure lately."

"No worries," I reply. "Pressure's part of the game."

Ibuki's got that look in her eye, the one that says she's about to start something. "Honestly, Class D should be thanking us. No other class would've even considered giving you this chance."

I shake my head slightly at her. "Let's not go there, Ibuki."

The girl with the black hair is flipping through the study guide with a critical eye. "This is… actually pretty good. It's all laid out simply, step by step. They are topics I'd expect to be covered in the midterms. Why would you just hand this out for free?"

Hirata, watching us, seems taken aback by Horikita's words. Class C's reputation isn't the best, so our gesture probably seems odd.

"Before we go any further, could you tell me your name? I'm guessing this is Hirata, but I dont know your name and it's weird talking to someone without knowing what to call them."

She hesitates for a moment before answering, "Suzune Horikita." As soon as she says her name, I can't help but notice she looks a lot like the Student Council President. The same last name, too? This could work to my advantage.

"I'm giving away the study guide for a simple reason: I don't want anyone to drop out because they failed an exam. That's all."

"We don't need your charity," Horikita says, pushing the packet back into my hands.

Ibuki grabs my arm, ready to leave. "Then let's not waste any more time here."

But before we even moved exit, Karuizawa spoke up. "Wait a minute, Horikita. Since when have you decided for all of us?"

The class starts to buzz, but Hirata steps in. "Everyone, calm down. I think Horikita just doesn't want us to be indebted to Class C."

"That's understandable," I say, nodding. "But you won't owe us anything. I'm giving these out to every class."

"If you really understood competition, you wouldn't be helping us or anyone else," Horikita shoots back.

"I don't see this test as a competition. Our grades don't affect each other, so why not help?"

I lay the papers on a desk. "I'll just leave these here. Use them, or don't. And if you're struggling with the material, let me know."

Kushida, who is known to be one of the friendlier first-years, pipes up with a thank you, and a few others join in.

As soon as Ibuki and I step out, Ryuk chimes in. "School's just a big popularity contest, huh? You're doing this to get noticed since you've been pretty low-key outside Class C, right?"

He doesn't see the whole picture; my pans are a bit deeper than that, but he got a part of it, so I nod anyway. Ibuki was already thinking ahead and asked, "Where next?"

"Class B," I reply, already strategizing our next move.


I know a lot of you will dislike this chapter but I promise I know what I'm doing, give me a chance here till the end of this Arc I promise you won't be disappointed. Idk when next chapter will be I'm on spring break so I'm out it just depends on how free I am but I'm sure everyone will enjoy this arc.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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