
Chapter 13 - The Attack 2


Any support, comments, reviews, or Powerstones, means a lot. I appreciate any one of these, and they can hopefully get this story out there if you like it.

I'm back from my break, so I'll try to upload more consistently now, although give me a bit to get back into everything.


"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure." ~Confucius

Ibuki and I made our way down the hallway, quickly arriving at Class B. Their door was invitingly open, so I took a peek inside. Almost immediately, I caught someone's eye.

"Yagami!" Ichinose exclaimed, spotting me. What brings you here? Is there anything wrong with Class C?"

Her question drew the attention of the class. I scanned the room, noting a few faces. Kanzaki stood out, thanks to Ryuk's briefing on the first day.

"It's nothing serious," I reassured her, pulling out a packet-filled folder. "I've prepared these study guides for the midterms. We're all in this together, and I'd hate to see anyone fail because of an exam."

Ichinose approached with a few classmates, each taking a packet. "Thank you, Yagami," they murmured, flipping through the pages.

Ichinose looked genuinely impressed. "Yagami, you must be quite the scholar."

Curious, Kanzaki started looking over someone's shoulder at the guide.

I downplayed her praise. "I just hit the books hard. No big deal."

She smiled warmly, then turned to Ibuki. "And you're from Class C as well? Thanks for this. What's your name?"

Before Ibuki could answer, she cut in, "Yagami, we're wasting time. Aren't we heading to Class A?"

I urged patience. "We're making good time. And Ichinose, this is Mio Ibuki, my classmate and friend from Class C. She's not the social type, but she's solid."

Ichinose's smile mirrored my own. It was like a reflection—the persona I presented and her genuine character were strikingly similar.

"Don't speak for me," Ibuki snapped, "and I'm not here to make friends, so don't bother."

I quickly intervened. "I hope these guides help Class B. But Ibuki's right; we should move on. I'll catch up with you all later."

"Take care, Yagami. And you too, Ibuki!" Ichinose called after us as we left.

Once we were out of earshot, Ibuki sighed in relief. "Finally, we are out of there."

"Our visit to Class B was brief, even shorter than our time in Class D. Why the strong reaction, Ibuki?" I asked as we walked towards Class A.

"I just don't like them," she says and doesn't elaborate, so I stare at her. "They're naive, especially Ichinose. People who act all perfect really get on my nerves."

"But don't you think I might be considered naive, too? You could say I'm similar to Ichinose in some ways." I respond to her.

"No, it's not the same with you," Ibuki responds quickly and almost assuringly as I look at her. Stop that. It's just that you don't have that same… vibe as Ichinose. When we first met, I thought you might be like her—idealistic, Mr. Perfect. But you're different, even if you do share some traits."

"Interesting. Perhaps your dislike stems from a lack of understanding toward people like Ichinose," I respond after a moment's thought.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ibuki questions.

"That's for you to figure out, isn't it?" I say with a smirk as we approach Class A.

Opening the door, I was greeted by an interesting environment. It was like a regular classroom but more organized. Of course, two people instantly caught my eye: Arisu Sakayanagi and Kohei Katsuragi, the two exceptional members of class a. Katsuragi was surrounded by a small group of boys, while Sakayanagi seemed to keep to herself as she sat at her table, seemingly uninterested in the world around her.

Walking into Class A, the atmosphere was noticeably different. It was organized and seemed competitive, but the students socialized like any other students.

I cleared my throat, drawing the room's attention. "Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Light Yagami from Class 1-C. Sorry to interrupt, but I've brought along some study guides I put together for Class A."

I received a few curious glances, including those from Katsuragi and, to a lesser extent, Sakayanagi. Their interest was piqued, albeit to different levels.

Katsuragi approached his expression a cautious one. "A study guide?" he asked, and I nodded, handing him one of the packets.

He flipped through the pages with a speed that made his intellect obvious.

Sakayanagi's eyes, meanwhile, remained fixed on Katsuragi as if gauging his reactions to validate the guide's worth.

"What's the reason for this?" Katsuragi finally asked, looking up from the packet.

Ibuki, who had been silent until now, let out a sigh. "I'm tired of hearing the same questions today. Does the reason really matter as long as it's accurate?" she retorted sharply.

Katsuragi's brow furrowed. "You've provided these to Classes B and D as well?"

"That's correct," I confirmed.

Sakayanagi, who had been observing from her seat, stood up, leaning on her cane. "May I see that packet too?" she requested, her tone polite yet commanding.

"Of course," I replied, handing her a copy as she made her way to the front.

She scanned the guide briefly before looking up with a sly smile. "How did you come up with these questions?" she asked. "It's interesting. The quizzes, mock tests, and even entrance exams we've taken at this school included questions that far exceeded general knowledge. They seem designed for academically gifted students to shine. Yet, your study guide includes certain versions of these challenging questions and omits others, almost as if you know exactly what will be on the midterms."

"Are you suggesting I provided incorrect versions of difficult questions to sabotage student grades?" I asked, intrigued by her thought process.

"No, that would be pointless. Lowering grades slightly by studying the wrong type of difficult questions wouldn't affect smart students or anyone who has reviewed your study guide—they'd still answer all other questions correctly since regular class material is covered here," she reasoned.

Arisu paused, boosting herself on a table at the front of the class before continuing. "The real question is, how did you become so knowledgeable about the complex questions that should be studied? You paid a senior to provide you with a copy of an old midterm, didn't you?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Stepping out of Class A, Ryuk's voice broke the silence. "That girl from Class A… she's more intriguing than we anticipated. She could be a real contender, Light."

I acknowledged with a nod. "That's accurate."

"And I'm certain you didn't just pay for the knowledge but for the actual tests. That's the most logical approach. Otherwise, you'd risk being deceived."

Sakayanagi's words hung in the air, her intelligence shining through as she pieced together the puzzle without needing further explanation from me.

"Even with this information, many questions remain," Sakayanagi stated, returning the study guide to me.

"I understand you don't need it, but please, keep the guide," I offered, my tone gentle. "Consider it a gift."

"A gift?" she repeated, her eyes flickering over the guide before a smirk played on her lips. "Very well."

Turning to Katsuragi, I asked for confirmation. "So, would it be acceptable to leave these packets with Class A?"

"As long as they pose no threat to our class, I have no problem with you leaving the packets; anyone who wishes to take one may do so," Katsuragi granted.

"Then I'll take my leave to avoid further disruption. Thank you for your time," I said, exiting the classroom with Ibuki.

"We're finally finished," Ibuki exhaled with relief as we stepped out.

"It wasn't so bad," I replied.

"Maybe it was quicker than I expected, but that white-haired girl from Class A… her gaze was unsettling like she was trying to see right through us," Ibuki remarked.

"Sakayanagi? She is obviously smart, and considering we entered their Class unannounced, her focus on us was to be expected."

"Yeah, I guess," Ibuki conceded as we made our way back to Class C.

***After School***

The tension was noticeable as the classroom emptied, leaving only Ryuen, Ibuki, Ishizaki, Komiya, Kondo, and myself. Ibuki was as direct as ever, cutting to the chase: "So, Ryuen, what's this all about? Why are we still here?"

Ryuen, with his usual air of control, faced Ishizaki, Komiya, and Kondo. "It's simple," he began. "Tell them about Sudo."

Ishizaki broke the silence, "Alright, I'll spill. He's on the basketball team. The guy's got a short fuse. I've clashed with him before, and I bet Komiya and Kondo have too."

Komiya chimed in, "Yeah, he's always on edge, picking fights over nothing, acting like he's the king of the court."

Ryuen's interest seemed piqued. "And academically? I can't picture someone that hot-headed being particularly bright."

Kondo shrugged, "I don't really talk to him, but word is he bombed the mock test with a score of 14."

Ryuen couldn't help but laugh at that. "A 14? Is he retarded? HAHAHA. At least it means Class D will have to rally around him. They can't afford an expulsion, not with those grades. The brighter ones in Class D should realize that rather quickly."

I decided to press for details. "What's your plan, Ryuen?"

He grinned at my impatience. "You're eager, I'll give you that. But fine, I'll lay it out for you. When midterms close in Komiya, Kondo, and Ishizaki, here will corner Sudou after practice. They'll push his buttons, grab him, and threaten him, but they won't throw a punch. Sudou, predictably, will lash out."

"And there won't be any cameras to catch the brawl," I deduced, seeing where he was going with this.

"Exactly," Ryuen confirmed with a nod. "But all the evidence will point to Sudou's aggression—three injured from Class C, and him without a scratch. And the cameras will only show them leaving the scene together."

Ibuki's doubt was apparent. "And you're just telling us about this? Do you not trust us?"

Ryuen's response was cold. "Trust is earned, Ibuki. I recognize your talents, which is why you're in the loop. Now, let's focus on our offensive."

I weighed in, my voice calm and measured. "The tactics you're suggesting are somewhat underhanded, but they're not without merit. Sudou's perfect condition contrasted with Class C's injuries could indeed tip the scales in our favor against Class D. But are you three truly prepared for this? There's a risk of serious injury."

Ishizaki's response was loud, filled with a confidence that seemed to echo off the walls. "Absolutely!" he declared. Komiya and Kondo, however, were less convincing, their agreement coming out as a timid "Y-yeah!" I overlooked the apparent pressure from Ryuen they were under.

"If you're all willing, then I suppose there's no point in arguing," I conceded with a sigh.

Ibuki interjected, her voice cutting through the tension. "Wait," she said, fixing her gaze on Ryuen. "Your plan sounds solid in theory, and it might give us some leverage, but at best, it'll result in a suspension, not an expulsion."

Ryuen's eyes glowed with the reflection of a well-thought-out strategy: "My aim isn't to get Ken Sudo expelled. It's to weaken Class D and gain an advantage by holding this incident over them. With even the slightest threat of expulsion or suspension, even if they don't like him, Class D will likely rally behind him to avoid penalties that could affect their class points and private points."

I turned to Ibuki, then back to Ryuen. "This school thrives on competition," I began, "and someone like Sudou could be a valuable asset in any physical or sports-related challenges ahead. Not all tests here are academic. Remember the swimming lessons? We've confirmed they're probably more significant than they appear. Sudou will undoubtedly be a key player for Class D. If they understand his value, they'll do everything in their power to protect him. After all, he's one of the most physically capable students they have."

Lost in thought, Ryuen considered my perspective. "When you frame it like that, Sudo's potential does indeed make him more valuable than I initially gave him credit for."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Class D's untapped potential. "They're a bit unrefined, but they possess a raw potential that could pose a significant challenge to Classes A, B, and C in the future, despite their current standing," I said with a sense of pride.

Ryuen's gaze hardened as he dismissed Ishizaki, Komiya, and Kondo with a wave of his hand. "Let's change the subject. The midterm exam answers you have—hand them over," he demanded.

I was taken aback. "But you already have the study guide I provided, don't you?" I questioned.

Ryuen's expression was unamused. "Do I look like someone who wants to study?" he retorted flatly. "Just give it to me. I have no intention of getting expelled in the future, and I certainly don't plan on paying some senior for something I can get for free, so there's no point in keeping them from me. Besides, if you don't comply, I might just take out my frustration on our classmates," he said, a sly grin spreading across his face.

I met his gaze with a stern look. "Fine, you'll have it. But you'll need to wait until tomorrow. I promised the source of the midterm answers anonymity, so I'll need to recreate the test with the answers for you."

"Just make sure I get it with all the answers. I don't care how," Ryuen said dismissively.

Turning to Ibuki, I changed the topic. "Shall we grab something to eat?"

She seemed momentarily flustered. "Oh, right, I almost forgot," she said, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Give me an hour. I need to change back at my dorm; we've been running around quite a bit."

"I have some matters to attend to myself," I replied as Ibuki made her way out, leaving me alone in the classroom.

Well, not entirely alone.

Ryuk's laughter echoed through the empty classroom, a sound that would send shivers down most spines. "It seems you've become Ryuen's pawn, Light. I must say, I expected more from you. Perhaps I should intervene to make things more… entertaining."

I let out a soft chuckle, ensuring it was just low enough to avoid being heard outside. "Me, Ryuen's pawn? It's quite the opposite, Ryuk. If anything, he's unknowingly playing into my hands," I whispered, my eyes darting to the camera before I made my way toward the door.

"That's not the impression I'm getting," Ryuk countered, his voice laced with amusement.

"You might be a god, Ryuk, but sometimes you're not the quickest to catch on," I said, the corners of my mouth lifting into a sly grin.

"So, you have a plan of your own then? Or are you just playing along with Ryuen's game?"

"Ryuk, you seem to have overlooked the fact that I've been setting the stage for this moment long before today, even before our conversation with Ryuen. And who's to say what's unfolding isn't of my design?" I replied confidently. "While I value your occasional assistance, I'm far from helpless without you. The pieces have been in place for quite some time."

Ryuk appeared puzzled, which was understandable. Despite his constant presence and observation, he hadn't grasped the full extent of my strategy. "Are you implying that this entire scheme is really your own creation?" he inquired.

As I descended the staircase, I couldn't suppress a knowing smile. "The downfall of Class D has been inevitable for a long time, Ryuk. No one can alter the future I have planned for them."

---End Notice---


What do you guys think of the chapter? Are you able to predict the lights plan? There is enough information to infer it from all I have written (I didn't hide it behind any time skip or behind the scenes, so just like Ryuk, you've all seen everything that will lead up to the ploy), so I'm curious if anyone can get close to guessing what he is planning. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the chapter and what you think he's planned.

Also, there will be no Sakura picture arc in this story; Sakura's picture of Sudo getting grabbed and whatever won't occur, not because of plot armor but because her picture would be easy for class c and Light to deal with but because this attack on class d is happening way earlier than the initial attack Ryuen did in the story so sakura likely wouldn't even be there to take the photo, that and I think a sakura arc would be a bit boring. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MilkywayAndromedacreators' thoughts
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