
Colors of fate

"My King...The Crown Prince is dressed as a groom in a wedding ceremony...he is about to wed an unknown ordinary girl this instant.!" Greg finally found his tongue to speak after stammering for a while in confusion. As they suspected, the most important news so far...It made the King stand to attention from his throne, which was a rare sight even for Raymond...who was fuming from within, at the news of his greatest rival, in his aim for the throne. "What??! Are you sure of what you just said?." The King exclaimed, confused by the peculiar news which was quite unusual and bizarre, with even the thought of it. Since every single subject in this royal palace, knew of the Prince's great contempt and spite, with regards to how he viewed love and its emotional flutters with disdain, which he developed from an unfortunate incident in his childhood. To the King's amazement, who was this girl who exceeds all his expectations, to even tie a wounded lion in the knot of sacred marriage?. How did she miraculously melt the stone-cold heart of his son and drastically changed him for the better? "We leave this instant! Get the Royal Jet ready at once!..." The King ordered. Who was she??... Damien was the best-man of the groom while Andrea is the maid-of-honor of the bride, her best friend. Getting married to each other with the intention to separate after three months, Damien agreed to marry Andrea. But in the midst of all the setbacks, an undying love began to blossom between them....but suddenly, things began to fall apart! as Damien's real identity was brought to light, and Andrea's mother, woke up from a three years Coma to revealed the tragic circumstances of the couple's twisted fate. But it was aleady far too late.... WHAT NEXT?? Join me on the ride to "Colors of Fate" and let's find out how the couple, cope with these unexpected secrets of their families squabbles, as well as the depressing state of their twisted fate. However, FATE is not always as COLORFUL as it was made to seem.

NobleRemmy · 都市
17 Chs

The Royal Palace of Angreda

Far beyond the mountainous valley surrounded by the cold breeze of wind, which spreads its refreshing waves toward one the greatest kingdoms ever in existence, known as the Angreda kingdom...where the natural features of its landscape and its spectacular location, as well as the enormously built impenetrable Palace, was built since the beginning of the Monarchy of their forefathers.

This particular Kingdom was founded by a clan known as the Angreda, during the era of the first World war. Members of this clan were amongst the greatest heroes, reported to have freed the country from the clutches of its countless intruders of foes and allies interjoined.

The Angreda Clan fought and toiled through thick and thin, to uphold the kingdom from falling into the monarchy of their invaders. Until their bravery and courageous deeds were passed on their generations to this age of civilization. Where their descendants were currently the sole rulers of this mighty kingdom.

The current royal family of the Angreda clan built one of the strongest foundations of power in their monarchy, which was quite influential in all the eleven states of the country. It was well-known as the number one state, powerful and capable enough to shake the roots of the country, in law enforcement and decision-making, with the unstoppable force of their influence.

The Angreda family has fully dominated any sovereignty. They command and manage their affairs with no interference from any authority whatsoever. But instead, they were rather the kingmakers, who had the ability to influence great leaders and tycoons, even the president, with their impenetrable top security-related routes, and highly dependable connections. No knowledge was ever hidden from them since they had eyes and ears in every corner of the country, and everything was all in their control.

Meanwhile, the current Royal family of the Angreda Kingdom, were descendants of the past royal bloodlines, who lived through the agony of war and its brutal forces, to tell the tale, and were currently the greatest and most influential family in the country and world as a whole.

Currently, their grand palace was the number-one must-visit place in the entire eleven states, due to the nature of its beautiful sceneries, which gorgeously spread its uniqueness throughout their extensive peninsula in its entirety.

As well as the enhancements of adoration to its already known beauty, with the modern renovation of extravagance, which included the state of arts modern refurbishment, and resources of nature in its abundance at their affluent disposal, which was enriched in the glamorous structure of the legendary Royal Palace of Angreda..also known as ARF (Angreda Royal Family), the billionaire royals...with an eagle-like logo to their identity, which was recognized, and viewed with honor and respect throughout the country...The number one richest family in all states.

Inside this grand palace, was where the current ruler and King, of the vast and extensive kingdom, had been cast into a state of the greatest despondency and hopelessness, over the passing of the formal late Queen, Mother to the crown prince of Angreda...Kate Angreda, from an ill-fated incident.

As well as the unfortunate wandering of the crown Prince who left home in exile, after his mother's tragic death, never to return, to hide away from his family for the past five years. Out of anger and spite, which he developed toward his father...the king, for a crime he deemed unforgivable, committed by his father, with his untimely marriage to another woman, a few months after his mother's death.

Ramon collins Angreda, the most exalted and intimidating King of the Angreda kingdom, lifted his head upon the arrival of his son... Raymond Angreda, who was lavishly dressed in his exclusively elegant royal attire, only worn by the Royals of Angreda on daily occasions.

Raymond's steps toward his father were of confidence, and a hidden courage he feign, masked with dignity, in order to appear strong, as well as to hide his condescending character. He only wore this mask in the presence of his father, to earn recognition and favor, so he could increase his status in the sight of his father. Thereby, be deemed a worthy candidate as the next heir...Crown Prince of Angreda!

Raymond had always craved the hope to override his father's love for his other beloved Son...the crown prince, who suddenly vanish out of sight and wandered the world. Since Raymond was simply a stepson to the king, his status doesn't allow him to hold any interest in the throne of Angreda or have any right to it.

All these years, Raymond had to butter up to everything his father ordered and appear diligent and trustworthy to prove otherwise for his aims.

King Ramon smiled with pride upon spotting his son exuding a dangerous aura from his steps, looking mighty and intimidating. He was indeed his son...afterall!

On the other hand, Raymond gracefully paused in front of his father. With an exaggerated elegance, he bowed perfectly in greetings to his father, who was seated on his majestic throne, carved with the purest of gold, designed to last for centuries, along with their highly identified eagle logo etched on it.

"Greetings Father.....You called for me!" Raymond uttered upon raising from his bow.

The overwhelming feeling at which the King looked at his son, was of wonder and admiration.

"Take your seat, Raymond...I hope you had a pleasant night." the King affectionately replied, pointing towards the Royal seat next to him on his left.

The seat of the Crown Prince was on the King's right side, a little above the one on his left...where Raymond normally sat.

The crown prince's seat was never used ever since he left home, it was the King's way to honor his Son's memories and patiently await his return. He knew his son would, one day, once the prince realizes his mistakes, and gets over the pain of the loss of his mother. After all, he had always been the wisest...

"Dreamless and pleasant Father." was Raymond's reply to his father's comment.

But before King Collins could utter a word for the urgent summon of his son...Raymond, who took his seat next to him, they both heard a disrupted commotion of an unwarranted intrusion, from the King's most loyal subject and head of guards. He was a custodian placed to follow all matters related to the Crown Prince's whereabouts, and current location, as well as enforce a tightly disguised security to protect the prince at all times, without the Prince's knowledge...ever since he left home.

"It is urgent...Drake. Let me have an audience with the King." Greg Miller called out to the guards standing by the gate to the throne room, who stopped him in his tracks based on the order of the King, to discuss a matter of great urgency with his Son...Raymond.

"It is about a matter related to the crown Prince." Greg added, and the two guards were brought to attention as they released Greg at once from their obstruction. They immediately opened the huge gates with honor and respect to have Greg enter, despite the King's orders to not interrupt him.

Matters related to the Prince were very crucial, to the point, the King ordered an early audience on all tales bearing the news of the prince, no matter how insignificant or trivial it was. It became the only basis for any intrusion into the King's chamber or royal courts, at any time...and failure to abide by it called for an immediate punishment on the offender responsible for the delay in delivering that particular news to the King.

Upon Greg's entry, the King knew the news he had to deliver, one way or another, had to do with an urgent matter about the crown prince, hence his untimely intrusion.

"Speak Greg...what news do you have for me." The King impatiently ordered. Any news no matter how trivial, about his Son, brought warmth and contentment to his heart, and he hated any delay in the process of delivering it.

Greg stammered for a while about the strange aspect of the news he was about to deliver...it was the most important news they gathered so far since the Prince left.

"My King...The Crown Prince is dressed as a groom in a wedding ceremony...he is about to wed an unknown ordinary girl this instant.!" Greg finally found his tongue to speak after stammering for a while in confusion.

As they suspected, the most important news so far...It made the King stand to attention from his throne, which was a rare sight even for Raymond...who was fuming from within, at the news of his greatest rival, in his aim for the throne.

"What??! Are you sure of what you just said?." The King exclaimed, confused by the peculiar news which was quite unusual and bizarre, with even the thought of it. Every single subject in this royal palace knew of the Prince's great contempt and spite, with regards to how he viewed love and its emotional flutters, with disdain which he developed from an unfortunate incident in his childhood.

To the King's amazement, who was this girl who exceeds all his expectations, to even tie a wounded lion in the knot of sacred marriage? How did she miraculously melt the stone-cold heart of his son and drastically changed him for the better? Who was she??... He never knew a girl existed who could change the negative aspects of his son's tragedy toward a brighter and more fruitful end.

What earnestly surprised King Ramond was the situation of how it happened...it was not towards dating or affair, but straight to the sacred knot of marriage?

"We leave this instant! Get the Royal Jet ready at once!..." The King ordered urgently, as he made his way to his chamber to prepare himself, upon Greg's confirmation of certainty from the news. He simply couldn't wait to meet that Angel, she had come forth, as a huge miracle in his Son's life, so he has to see her for himself and witness the proceedings...live and colored!

Even though, an inner part of the King seems disappointed with the actions of his son. To completely cut off his family's presence, to share that part of his life, as well as the happiest day...his wedding day.

However, just the news of this drastic change in his son was sufficient and made King Ramon so happy...A new hope for change was finally upon them, after all their miseries from the Queen's death. This news was the happiest in his entire rule, as the King of Angreda. He had lived to see the day his Son felt the emotions of love towards a girl...how miraculous!.

In a short while, the King and two of the most trusted security team accompanied him to the jet, and they flew towards Hybrid City, where the wedding was currently taking place.