
Code: Infinity [Reboot]

Waking up in the world of Franxx and being forced into a game of 'Gods' with multiple penalties imposed on him was not a cup of tea for Ryo. With a loud explosion from a stupid experiment he was performing, Ryo finds himself floating in the void as suddenly a Bizarre Flamboyantly Homosexual Time Stopping Blonde Vampire pops up in front of him, forcing him to go through different worlds and try to survive. But... there was but one particular 'thing' that had made Ryo very 'special'. He tends to get off his way to achieve the 'win', no matter what he needs to sacrifice or get his hands into. Now with a system that can help him (or maybe not) achieve his dreams, how surely can he keep his desire to win the games of so-called 'God' in control, even with multiple penalties that were imposed on him? Is there any chance for him to win at all? If he wins, will he get a 'Happy' Ending? Or will he stay merely as a pawn to the 'Gods' in their grand plans within the cosmos? Read to know more about his future adventure! First World: Darling in the FranXX. Second World: Akame Ga Kill. Third World: ??? ========== 1. Hardcore system. Semi-Sentient. 2. Small Harem. (Or not?) 3. Neutral Evil MC. (Will do his best to gain the highest gains, but won't do pointless evil. Borderline evil.) 4. Very Long Chapters (Around 4k words each.) 5. Dark Plot ======== Note: Shared Multiverse with "Kono DIO Da" fanfic. Sequel to the fanfic. Note 2: Having some basic knowledge about the worlds that he goes in, would be best.

SR_2027 · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 28 - Your love belongs to me and me alone... [Rewrite]

The last semi-filler chapter before the chaos breaks out and the plot begins to move by huge leaps...

One of the biggest chapters I have ever written. Took me a whole week to make the chapter.

Classes for my university have started. Now I will not have much time. I feel like my uploading speed will be badly affected... 

Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!

Thank you!



"No need to hurry, Seryu Ubiquitous. I will let you understand the extent of the power I have but before I can tell you something, I want something from you. I want you to keep everything I say to you to yourself."

"The things I am about to show you are top secret from the higher above. Remember to keep it a secret even from your Master as the current project was initiated by the Prime Minister himself."

Seryu nodded to Ryo absent-mindedly, making a small smile form over Ryo's lips. "Good. Welcome to the Order of Round Table, Seryu. We hide in shadows and hunt in shadows. From this day forward, you will receive the power of Order to get stronger and give justice to the sinners. And in return, we want your loyalty to the Imperial Order."


"So, Sir Omega is actually part of a hidden organization built on the order of the Prime Minister Honest!?", With strained eyes, Seryu looked at Ryo, asking for confirmation, making Ryo chuckle. Although Seryuu was a bit tensed a few minutes back, she calmed down as Ryo led her through toward their hideout.

"Yes, this organization was actually a secret plan of Prime Minister Honest. With the recent increase in power of the Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army, Sir Honest has planned to form this team."

"We will be forming a special task force consisting of the highest and the strongest of the Empire. Each member will need to have a Teigu in their possession to get a chance. Although it will work directly under the emperor himself. The name of our organization is Shadow Garden."

Ryo introduced the 'hidden secret' he had been keeping with him to Seryu, making her turn a bit more serious.

While walking in the front, Rurik silently listened to Ryo and Seryu talking, opening several mechanical doors with passwords and fingerprints on their long hallway. Giving him a side glace, Ryo continued, "Our task force will be tasked to bring order to the Empire and eliminate any threats to its stability."

"We bring justice to society and remove crime from the face of the world. And with your skills, Seryu, you are the perfect fit for this team.", Taking a deep slow breath, Seryu closed her eyes as she continued to think about the proposal that she was given.

She had always wanted to serve the Empire and eliminate any threats to its peace. Her wish seemed like a dream because of all the crimes that were being done within the empire. And now, with this opportunity, she felt like she was finally fulfilling her lifelong dream.

Opening her eyes, she looked at Ryo with narrowed eyes and asked, "Sir Omega, I do not want to doubt you but what proof do you have that you are working for the Empire itself? How can I believe you completely? And why is it named after the 'Shadow' person being wanted."

Ryo smiled inwardly, knowing that everything was going as he had expected. The World Will is again using its energy on her. "Good deduction and analysis. I would have been dissatisfied if you had not suspected me. I am 'Shadow', and the reason for making me the enemy of the Empire is so that we will be more easily able to infiltrate the Revolutionary Army."

"Now, if you follow me."

Ryo then walked through the final door as Seryu followed him with confusion but as soon as she entered the hidden bunker, her eyes widened as she watched the whole new world in front of her.

The whole bunker was filled with futuristic technology and there were tens of scientists working on several different things.

Ryo noticed the awe in Seryu's eyes and continued, "This is the heart of the Empire's research and development. Everything we do here is for the betterment of the Empire and its people. This is still just the start."

As Ryo walked into the room, one of the scientists who was working noticed him and stood up from his computer and walked up to him, "Sir Omega! It is a pleasure seeing you here!" As he says that, all the scientists working nearby noticed them, making them stop working, and walk up to them to greet them.

Ryo smiles at them and says, "Sorry to intrude my friends, but can you please tell me where I can find Dr. Franxx?" Nodding his head, the person led them through a small hallway as they reached a room where two people were looking at several weapons placed in the small 'Treasury' that was built in the room.

In the center of the room, there was a huge glass cylinder with dark green liquid in which several huge Danger Beasts were floating, as if they were there for something. 

As if noticing them entering the room, Dr. Franxx turned toward them and bowed a little, "Welcome, Sir Omega. What brings you to my lab? Is there anything you need my help with?", the now younger Werner Franxx continued to bow to Ryo but then he looks at Seryuu standing behind Ryo.

Looking at the girl, Franxx flashed a harmless smile at her, making the tensed and amazed Seryuu feel a bit relieved. 'He... This person's aura feels almost the same as that of Sir Stylish. The cold but kind glint in his eyes and the calm feeling that he is releasing makes me feel amazed.'

"Dr. Franxx, meet Seryuu. She is one of my subordinates who has captured my eyes. She has both the courage and heart to promote justice in this cruel world. Her presence will be essential for our 'plan'."

Ryo looked at Franxx and replied, introducing Seryuu to Franxx. But Franxx instantly understood the underlying meaning behind his words.

With that, Ryo looked to Franxx's side and nodded to the person standing by Franxx's side. The person was a fairly muscular young man of above-average height with short, dark blue hair and eyes.

He was adoring a blue leather jacket and a red scarf with an anchor on it. The scarf is said to be his symbol of justice. Under that is a white shirt with a single blue line down the middle. He also wears a pair of grey jeans with a belt and dark blue boots.

The person was none other than Wave himself, one of the Teingu users that Ryo recruited as soon as he gathered a small force to search the Teigu and Teigu users present in the Empire.

Ryo smiled at him and asked, "How are you doing Wave? Are you adjusting to the fairly new environment? I hope everything is going fine."

Wave's body stiffened as he saluted Ryo and replied, "Everything is fine, Sir. I am adjusting very well. With the new resources and training regiments, I have been getting stronger as I continued to use the techniques." He then looked at Seryuu and smiled at her. 

"Welcome to the Shadow Garden."

Ryo glanced at Seryuu and with a pat on her back, he said, "Seryu Ubiquitous, meet Wave. He is one of the recruits that I have invited for the protection of the Empire. He is a true Navy man at heart and loves everything to do with the ocean. Haha. I feel like you two will make a good pair."

"Huh?" As he said that, Wave who heard it, frowned a little and looked at Ryo with a bit of confusion. For him it might be very confusing, but for Ryo who knew that since they both were 'allies' in the original timeline, they would somehow be able to get along.

Glancing at him for a second, Ryo looked at Wave with a wave he continued, "Wave, meet Seryu. She is currently a member of the Imperial Police but she might soon join the organization. She is very talented with a strong sense of justice. I hope you take care of her."

Although he was a bit confused regarding the situation, Wave still nodded with a confused face. Then taking a small breath, he looked at Seryu and said, "Hello! It's nice meeting you! If you have any doubts or anything that you want to know about, you can come to me anytime you want."

'Well, I will just ask Sir Omega what he meant by that... And isn't it too risky for all of the force to take an Imperial Police Force recruit to the headquarters?', Wave was confused, but he decided to act normal as of now.

With a smile, Seryuu nodded at him and replied, "I will do so."

With the introduction done, Ryo searched his coat and took out letters, handed them to Franxx, and said, "Dr. Franxx, can I have a few minutes alone with Seryuu?"

"Of course, Sir."

Saying that Dr. Franxx, Rurik, and Wave leave the room, leaving behind Ryo and Seryuu. As soon as they left, Ryo walked up to the center of the room and gazed at the Danger Beasts floating in the thick liquid of some sort.

"I hope everything goes well.", Ryo murmured as he then looked and coughed, making Seryuu pay more attention to him as he took out another letter with a seal over it and presented it to Seryuu. "As I have promised you to let you gain more power. But before that, I hope that you know why I accepted you."

Seryuu's eyes brightened up as she took the letter with a bit of confusion. "What is this?"

"Please open it and read it. This is something very important to you."

Nodding Seryuu opens the seal and reads the letter, and unknowingly, her full attention turns to the letter as her eyes tear up and her breath quickens up. As she completes reading the letter, she lets out small sobs.

It was a letter from her father. It described how he was sent by some corrupt nobles within the empire to fight at the frontline. But before he walked toward his death, he decided to send the letter to his trusted friend, so that he could look after Seryuu.

Unknowingly Seryuu felt water flow down her eyes. Her mind became foggy as he continued to read the letter. It was indeed her father's handwriting and he also wrote some important between them to show the trustworthiness of the letter.

Her tears fell on the rough sheet of paper, and she started to sob.

"*Sob* H-h-huh?"

Seryuu let out a confused sound as she suddenly found herself being hugged, making her stunned. As she breathes the smell of Ryo, her mind goes turbid.

His scent filled her nostrils, the soft smell of wild made her mind calmer. She could feel his warm breath on her neck, causing her heart to race. Seryuu tried to calm herself down, but her thoughts kept racing. 

"I understand how you are feeling. This letter was written by your father but it was not sent to me, but to my subordinate, but with mine and the empire's investigation, I found the culprit and learned the authenticity of the letter."

Listening to Ryo, Seryuu found herself safer and relaxed. For the first time in her life, Seryuu felt complex emotions swelling in her mind. Her mind felt on the brink of breaking down, making her tighten her grip and hug Ryo back, trying to find comfort, for she wanted just the very comfort to last longer.

With how things were, she didn't realize how unnatural the situation was. She didn't question why she didn't give the letter beforehand and how Ryo found it. After all, the mind-manipulating waves from Ryo and the brain 'alteration' she received from Ryo was playing with her brain.

After a short time, she composes herself as Seryuu felt her cheeks flush. She coughs, trying to remove the awkward silence. She notices Ryo smile at her, making her a bit more flushed.

Ryo chuckles as he says, "Well... I am sorry for surprising you. You just seem to be in desperate need of someone's shoulder to cry on."

With that, he pats her head as he says, "Anyway, I will talk to Dr. Franxx. Although he is not on the level of Dr. Stylist, he is one of the few most intelligent people on this planet." 

This made Seryuu brighten up and after wiping her tears away, she asked excitedly, "Really?"

"Yes. I will talk to Dr. Franxx regarding it in a short while. But before that, if all your doubts have been cleared, all you need to do is pledge your loyalty to the Prime Minister and join our task force. Are you ready to serve the Empire, Seryu?"

Seryu straightens up and nods firmly. "Yes, Sir Omega. I am ready to serve the Empire and protect it from all its enemies... But I have a doubt... If I may ask since this is the research and development team, why can't I find Dr. Stylist on the team?"

This makes Ryo laugh and takes out another letter after giving it to Seryuu, he walks up to the door and says, "This letter contains all the required information. You just need to read the letter after returning to your dorm. But remember to read it alone. It contains some classified information."

As the door opens, Ryo looks at Rurik, who was guarding the room, and says, "Rurik, please take Seryuu and inform Dr. Franxx regarding the operation. Seryuu will be given the ownership of Koro. Also, take her to Dr. Franxx for examination." 

"Yes, Sir!"

With that, Ryo looks at Seryuu following Rurik out to the corridor. He stared at them as they disappeared into a corner of the hallway, and then looked up, at the ceiling and called out, "How long are you planning to hide Wave?"

"H-hehe... You really are something else, your Highness. You can locate me even after I activated my stealth mode." With an awkward smile, Wave removes his stealth and reveals himself as he lands slowly in front of him and rubs his back head.

He was in his Teigu's released form, his Grand Chariot. Looking at the armor which takes the form of black, full-body armor with a phantasmagoric defensive film, Ryo walks up to him and knocks on the armor.

"This is quite a good armored Teigu that you have in possession. I have to say that at some point I do envy your luck. There are very few Teigus who are at this level."

"Haha! Thank you for your praise."

Ryo smirks at Wave and knowing full well why he was there, he walks into the room again with Wave following him, "Cut the chase, Wave. I know that you have several doubts, right?"

"Y-Yeah... About that girl..."

"I know that. You might be wondering why I didn't show her my true identity to her. You must understand the situation, Wave. I don't have any capacity to trust anyone right now."

"Had it been someone else, who is loyal to the Imperial Family and the public of the Empire, I would have released my identity, but Seryuu... She is only loyal to the 'Imperial' court and not the people..."


Ryo, who had entered the room, looked back at Wave and slowly passed his hand through his own neck, tearing away the face mask, revealing the face of someone who was of the blood of the previous emperor.

"Yes, I know what you might be thinking. You might be feeling conflicted regarding how I am manipulating that girl but you should know how the Empire is corrupted to the very core."

"My brother is being manipulated and he is nothing more than a spoiled little naive sheep. If my father didn't know how the Empire would turn out, I would not have been here. I am currently carrying the burden of not only my bloodline but the whole Empire." 

With tired eyes Ryo looked at Wave, making his heart clutch at such a pitiful sight. From the moment he came to know how Ryo was actually a member of the Imperial Family, how his father was poisoned and killed, and how he was carrying the extreme burden of the empire, Wave had decided to help the tired guy. 

With a weary face, Ryo looked at him for a short while as he continued, "I cannot take any chances right now. I cannot let Father down, nor the public. The Empire is nothing without its people, and I have to carry my duty to most.", After all, he was roleplaying as the hidden child of the Imperial Family.

After staring for some time, Ryo looks away and signs while massaging his head and continues, "Wave... I am sorry. But I cannot take any chances. If she learns the truth right now, there is a very high chance that she will make some rash decisions."

"I don't know who to trust and whom to not. I just... *Sigh* I just can't mess anything up right now. Our goal is very much achieved. The only troublesome thing is General Esdeath..."

Wave signs and smiled back at Ryo, trying to comfort him, "I understand it, your Highness. I know how much responsibility has been imposed upon you, and I admire you. I just want to let you know that no matter what happens, you can rely on me. I will do my best and protect you."

Laughing at the Wave, Ryo smiles at him, and waving his hand he says, "I know. Wave. Thank you. You are one of the few people who I can trust from my very heart... But General Esdeath is much more powerful than you think she is. If you both fight, she will win within seconds. That's why I want you to train yourself up more."

With that Ryo and Wave talked a bit more until Ryo sent Wave back to his training and work.

As soon as he left the room, Ryo's demeanor changed as he walked up to the Teigu present in the liquid tank his tired expression turned into a happy one. He had successfully planted all the pawns into their positions and it was but a moment's worth of time before chaos would ensue.

Although Seryuu was recruited too soon and he had to use 100 UPs to forge the letter to capture Seryuu, he decided it was worth it because the World Will spent much more Paradox Energy trying to keep her against him, earning him more and more UPs.

There was but a tiny problem...

He had started to change. It would have been unnoticeable to many, but he knew. He was becoming more... Human.

The only thing he could put reason for was either the 'System' was influencing him or it was his newfound 'fear' of the original Ryo that had made him understand how he actually acted toward others. Always manipulating, always scheming, always doing something 'Evil'.

It was not a regret.

He never regretted doing anything.

All his actions, all his motivation, all his past, all his personality, and all his intelligence made him who he was. It made him what he was and bought him at that point in time.

It was just a tiny bit of feeling that he had started to feel, that had made him change inside his core. He didn't know what was changing but it was something he hated. It was making him 'weak'.

Shaking away all his thoughts, for him it was but lies that he conjured up like he used to. Closing his eyes for a second, Ryo pulled up a normal face as he calmly asked out, 'System, show me why Status.'


[ Infinity System

Name: Code 003 / Code Omega / Ryo Otsuki

Gender: Male


Titles: Lord Shadow [Persuation + 20%, Unnatural Luck + 200%]

Bloodlines: Klaxo-Sapien

Core (?): Infinity (Unawakened): Able to manipulate the concept of [Infinity] 



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: E+

Mind: E+ (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: E-


Unique Points: 232,000

[Show Abilities] [Show Inventory] ]


'232,000 UPs... This World's World Will had much more Paradox energy to spend. Most of its energy is being spent on stopping the 'Blue Pill' effect, it trying to save the main character and it trying to stop the Earth from drying off from the Klaxosaur sucking the power and energy out of this world.'

Smirking at the status, Ryo closed the window and started to look around the room, examining the Teigus that he had gathered during the 2 months he had gathered.

Due to his special affinity to the 'lifeforce', and Teigu being essentially made out from the organs and souls of the beasts, he was able to locate any Teigu within a radius of 100 meters from the 'life energy' that they were emmeting.

During his stay, he was able to gather 3 Teigu in total.

The first one he gathered was [Myst], a cup-like Teigu that creates smoke out of its open end area in which, as long as the user of the Teigu doesn't stop or is not killed, the people captured in the smoke-covered area will be lost in an infinite loop. This doesn't mean that the user can cover an infinite space. 

The reason for the 'infinite loop' is because from what Ryo understood after he used it was that the user can cover an area up to 100 kilometers and lower the senses of people captured in it while creating a loop in which if a person tries to exit from one end, he would instead be transported to the inverse end of the area.

This means that as long as they don't kill the user or the user doesn't stop using the Teigu, the people who were captured in the smoke will be captured in an infinite loop. Making it one of the most practical Teigu for assassins.

The second Teigu that he gathered was called [6th Sense], the Teigu that he was currently equipped with.

The 'shield' was more of a spherical-shaped 'magical construct'. While in original form, it simply looks like a small miniature shield, 10 cm in diameter, but when the wielder, which is currently Ryo, is in danger, it will absorb the next fatal attack no matter how strong the attack is, making it one of the most cherished Teigu that Ryo discovered.

It also increases the body stats of the user multiple times over and even increases natural and supernatural immunity by several times.

Ryo himself was a bit astonished when he found it. It was a small toy shield that he was able to 'detect' because of the life force it was emitting. It was hidden underground, buried in the old battlefield of the Empire along with the dead body of its previous user.

Although the [6th Sense], the defensive Teigu can absorb the next fatal attack on the user, there were a lot of limitations. 

The first limitation of this Teigu is that as soon as the Teigu absorbs the attack, it will fall into the state of cooldown of 5 minutes. However, from Ryo's perspective, it was not much of a disadvantage as blocking the first fatal attack was enough for him.

When in cooldown, the shield transforms into a normal-sized shield which has to be carried around till the cooldown ends and the user can decide to place it back to its 'Original' position, where it was previously hidden.

Ryo didn't feel any disadvantage regarding the Teigu's first limitation as he never goes into a battle without every ounce of preparation, furthermore, if somehow he is not as strong as the opponent, he can surprise the opponent and make a run for it if the opponent is too strong.

Although it is unknown to him how much damage the 'magical' all-angled shield can handle, he can say for sure that it could handle almost a low-level C-Rank attack from his perspective, which is like a state-level attack or an entire nuke on the zero point range. 

Now comes the second disadvantage of the shield. The [6th Sense] cannot detect whether the user wants the attack to be blocked or not. What if Ryo wanted to let the opponent attack him, with his perspective, he can easily trade super fatal attacks with his opponent and survive with his super healing.

With this, comes [Anubis], a humanoid Teigu, the third Teigu Ryo found by luck. Ryo got the Teigu from a distant village. This humanoid Teigu was actually prayed to as a god in some West villages who hid the presence of Anubis as it used to protect them from the Danger beasts. 

What astonished Ryo most was that when he learned about the Teigu, he was notified by the system with an exchange of 100 UP that he was 'cursed' by [Anubis]. This curse actually helps the [Anubis], the humanoid Teigu to grow as 'strong' as his current level as time passes by.

This made Ryo personally take a small break and leave for the West and confront the [Anubis] as fast as he could. It took him a day to reach there and when he confronted the humanoid Teigu, it instead of fighting him, submitted to him and thus the statue was later brought to the base by Ryo.

After coming to the lab, Ryo instructed it to protect the most secure area of the base, allowing only two additional individuals to enter the area.

With heightened senses, the [Anubis] was so strong that it could even detect Wave in his stealth.

'Anyway, I should hurry back to the lab to advance my plan.' With those thoughts in mind, Ryo reached the lab Zero Two was in. which was covered in grey walls with various holographic diagrams floating around a particular tube.

As he reached the laboratory, he looked around, but to his surprise, Zero Two was not in the place. This caused him to turn his face toward the main occupant of the lab.

Inside the tube, was a small girl with blue skin and black stripes floating inside the liquid-filled tube. As soon as Ryo walked toward it, the Klaxo-Queen that he had gathered in the tube slowly opened her eyes and looked at Ryo with tired eyes.

Ryo looked back at her for an instant and ignored her as he walked up to the tube and started to check the statistics that were shown on the holographic screens, making the Klaxosaur queen narrow her eyes and send a transmission through their link.

<How long will I have to stay in this filthy place? We came an agreement that would let you do whatever want with us as grow. But what am seeing is nothing more than wasting your time.>

<You could have just destroyed this world and made a paradise from the start of humanity ruled over it along with Klaxosaurs.>

<Instead of just destroying the world, you can let Klaxosaurs absorb this 'Earth's' energy core which could increase their stats. But your meaningless actions are beyond my understanding.>

It had been a week since they had been here and from what she had gathered through the connections with the 'Klaxosaurs' that she was sensing, which was slowly slipping away from her due to Ryo and Zero Two isolating her 'connection hub' that had been connected to her brain.

But it was none of her concern.

As long Klaxosaurs and their legacy stay alive, she was fine with it. But she still didn't understand why Ryo had not taken any drastic measures or destroyed the world with the 'Star Entity'.

Even with that, she contained herself from any accessive moves. She was waiting for a perfect time to act.

It was useless to struggle when there was 100% of failure.

Ignoring her, Ryo continued to look over the holographic screen with a frown.

If he had destroyed the world, he would have only gained more than 50,000 UPs to travel to another world, unlike how 200,000 UPs he has in his system now. Furthermore, if he tried to destroy this world, the World Will would have used a ton of UPs to create some sort of abomination to oppose him.

But he had his own plan. 

'Have patience, Ryo. Have patience.', Sighing for the nth time of the day, Ryo concentrated on the work and he moved the mechanical hands within the tube the Klaxosaur Princess was in to open her brain and inject some sort of fluid much to her grimace.

<Do you not know how to warn someone? Just kill me already than do these experiments.>

Rufing his 'green' hair, a vein popped on Ryo's head as he replied with a, "Shut up.", Due to the intense emotion he felt. Normally he would have not been emotional, but as he had been letting the suppressed emotions go, his irritation with some stuff grew at an alarming rate.

Specifically, since the 'love' potion was getting control over his body, even when he was trying to suppress it.

'Looks like the time is here.'

'System, buy the 'extreme obsession' potion.'


[Obsession Potion

Description: Makes one extremely obsessed with the first person who the consumer is looking at. 

Cost: 1000 UPs]


[Does host want to continue with the purchase?]

'Yes. Purchase it and put it in my inventory.'

Taking a deep breath, Ryo calmed down his emotions, until he felt a soft breath over his ears. Suddenly he felt a pair of hair hugging him from the back. "What happened, Darling? Why the long face?"

Knowing full well who it was, Ryo leaned back in the pink-haired girl's embrace and replied, "Nothing Darling. It is just that I have been becoming too irritated very frequently for the past few weeks."

Chuckling, Zero Two poked Ryo's checks and replied, "That's what you get for constantly working. Why are you wasting so much time for no reason? We can live a slow life... and have a few children.", she finished saying the last part with a red face as she continued to stare at the Ryo.

Listening to Zero Two, Ryo smiles as he replies, "Haha. This is not a waste of time. I am working on the evolution process. After becoming the Klaxosaurs, our adaptation has increased, but the speed at which we evolve is very slow. Nothing compared to what I want to have, in my mind"

Closing his eyes, Ryo continued, "I know, Darling that you have been giving me signs regarding it... But now is not the time... We are still weak... Weaker compared to most of the beings out there in the world. We will have our children when we are strong enough in the future."



"You're lying. I can feel the uncertainty that you are feeling. Instead of facing me, you always keep avoiding me. Also, even if we can't have children, it's fine, we can do t-that! We can use protection!"

"...", Ryo closed his eyes as he connected to his system

"Darling? Why are you staring into the air?"

"Oh, sorry... Darling... I have something to confess to you... Do you remember that I talked to you about some 'girl' that you saw during the previous world when we got too mentally connected to share our memories and feelings?"

Tilting her head in confusion, Zero Two looked at him and asked back, "Well, yes, what about her? You told me that you would tell me about her later on... Wait, are you going to reveal to me about her?"

With a dangerous glint in her eyes, Zero Two looked at Ryo, making him chuckle in fear, "Well kind of... Wait first drink this... This will help you feel you feel more relaxed...", taking out a potion, he held it out to Zero Two.

With a scoff, Zero Two took the glass flask with lip, opened and chugged it down her throat within a second as she looked back at Ryo and inquired, "Well what about her?"

After staring at her eyes for a second, Ryo looked away from her as he replied, "Well... You see... Just like how we traveled to this new universe... I was once from another universe before I met you..."

Listening to him, Zero Two's eyes began to twitch. She knew this was bad. Really bad. 'No. Please don't...', Her mind was not believing, but she already knew what was coming.

"Due to some accident, I lost my memory before I was 'reincarnated' to your world as a baby and met you... And as I grew up, I started to get my memories back...", With a raised shoulders, Ryo looked away from Zero Two as he continued.

"This-This is not true r-right, Darling? You love me right?", With shaky hands, she grabbed Ryo's shoulders as she asked him. Her voice was cracking.

"I... I don't know Zero Two... I have been trying to figure out what to do... I loved her as much as I love you right now... I just... I just know..."


Her hands shook Ryo's whole body as her mind began to throb, "Y-You are trying to reach back to her r-right? You were experimenting with something alone... W-was that a way to reach her!? TELL ME!? TELL ME THAT YOU ONLY LOVE ME RIGHT NOW!"

With a crazy blank expression, Zero Two grabbed Ryo's face pulling it toward her as she shouted out loud, but no matter what she did... No answers came out of his mouth no matter what he did.

For the first time in her life, Zero Two felt her whole life was a lie. Her world began to crumble as she almost puller her hair out due to the throbbing pain she was feeling.


As no answers came out of his mouth, Zero Two looked toward his face, as his eyes looked away in guilt for a few seconds, nibbled her lips, and swiftly left, walking out as tears almost formed in her eyes.

Looking at her back, Ryo's eyes began to dull, as all emotions began to fade away, leaving behind a blank expression. '*Phew* If I didn't know how her mind works, I would have thought she would have tried to kill me. But everything went well, all according to plan...'

Behind him, the Klaxosaur Queen suddenly felt a chill, even when she was not seeing Ryo's expression. Just as she was wondering what was going on with the sudden influx of negative influxion of emotion she was receiving from Ryo, her eyes widened suddenly as she looked at Ryo.

Putting his finger over his head, Ryo 'hypnotizes' himself and literally removes his 'hesitation' along with hiding a few memories of his past deep inside his brain and branding it as 'Do Not Open' with 'Dangerous'.

He had finally mastered the art of manipulating his DNA strands.

For Ryo, it felt like his mind went blank for a second as he took a deep breath and opened his eyes with newfound 'confidence'.

'Goodbye, past. I can't live all the time in the past. I should have done it a long time ago. I should not have manipulated and hurt Zero Two. I regret making her wait for so long. I can no longer contain my love for her... I was so dumb for hurting her heart...'

With a tired rub of his eyes, Ryo looked in the air for a few seconds in confusion, but shaking away all the negative feelings, he felt grim about how he had made Zero Two feel.

'Why the hell did I say that!? I... Why the hell would I do something so stupid that can lead to something so bad!? I really need to get back to her and let her know that although I loved 'Nana' previously, it was my previous life!'

'I need to let her know that I love her from my new start...'



Misunderstanding, confusion, obsession, chaos, betrayal... Hehe I hope y'all love what I will be cooking, cause I will be burning the whole kitchen! Muhahaha!

Everything is in place, every pawn in its position... Continued to read more to know what Ryo had cooked up.

Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!

Thank you!

