
Chosen One in the Wizarding World:(Anakin Skywalker as Cedric Diggory)

Anakin Skywalker as Cedric Diggory: (HP, Star Wars, Spiderman, FANT4STIC). 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker dies, but remains alive for a time in the Force due to being the son of midichlorians. His soul and essence end up joining the soul of a 4-year-old Cedric Diggory in a different galaxy. A galaxy that Anakin does not know. Now Anakin will live a life in the Wizarding world, but other surprises await him as well... What would Anakin's future be like with Qui Gon Jinn as his master in the Wizarding World? What do you think would change? Would he fall to the dark side as in the Canon, or would he faithfully follow the Jedi path? Find out in this FF. The Force and science will be key aspects in this new world. This world has no Gods. Only the Force is a mystery. This Fanfic will take place in the world of Harry Potter and will be connected to the Star Wars universe and the Force. I will also include in the future Spiderman and FANT4STIC in the world of HP. Please note that only the HP and Star Wars worlds will follow a Canon timeline. The rest of the worlds will be modified at my convenience to include them in the FF.

Shadow7Blue · 映画
18 Chs

Chapter 12: The Force and the sword

- Manor Diggory, Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, Inglaterra

- 14 de Diciembre de 1988

-Pov Cedric

The night was starry, and I was training in the beautiful and impressive garden of my house. Large trees surrounded the area, creating an atmosphere of serenity.

At my side, Qui-Gon Jinn, like a luminous figure, watched my training carefully, as usual.

"Cedric, remember that your surroundings are an extension of the Force, and you must learn to flow with it," he said.

Understanding most of what my master intended to say, I nodded, closed my eyes, and began to use the Force while enveloping myself in it. At the same time, I swung my sword in the silence of the night.

"Feel the Force, let it flow around you, and allow it to guide you in your movements through this place," Qui-Gon continued.

With my eyes closed, I followed everything my master told me to do to the letter while perfectly balancing my sword in different basic Jedi styles...

Once I began to feel more comfortable with my sword as an extension of myself and could feel the Force guiding me in each of my movements, I became more aggressive and started using Form V, also known by its two primary disciplines of Shien and Djem So. 

The fifth form of lightsaber combat used by members of the Jedi Order, which was the one I trained with the most, as I felt it was the perfect style for me.

 However, I must note that initially, I focused more on Form IV: Ataru, the one in which my master was a notable user. And although I had great talent for the Ataru style, after a few years, I finally decided that the fifth form was better for me...

Once I finished training, I opened my eyes and finally relaxed my body.

"You have progressed immensely in your skills with the Force and the sword, nevertheless, you must not neglect the domain of your emotions in combat," Qui-Gon said with his characteristic Jedi calmness.

"I understand, Master. But so far, I have only trained alone. How can I practice combat without a partner?"

"The Force always provides a solution, young Padawan," Qui-Gon responded. "Today, I will teach you how to face an imaginary enemy. Close your eyes again and concentrate…"

Interested and a little eager at the prospect, I quickly obeyed and closed my eyes.

As my mind delved into the Force, I listened and followed everything Qui-Gon told me to do step by step...

Until finally, a dark figure materialized in front of me. It was a combat droid, a B1 from the Trade Federation. My eyes opened, and I quickly raised my training sword.

"You will face multiple combat droids," Qui-Gon said. "You must anticipate their movements and act with precision. Remember, the Force will guide you"

The battle began, and I moved with surprising agility and speed; I doubted there was any wizard capable of doing something similar.

My sword moves were fluid and aggressive, and my concentration was absolute. Each cut and parry I made was a dance choreographed by the Force.

The combat droids approached, but I defeated them one after another with ease. My face was focused and serene, and both my connection with the Force and its use gave me a supernatural advantage.

'Very well, Cedric,' praised Qui-Gon. 'Your connection with the Force makes you truly formidable. But do not let arrogance overtake you. Humility is one of the virtues of a Jedi.'

I nodded to my master and continued practicing enthusiastically; the combat felt so real that it didn't leave room for distractions. It was a unique feeling.

As I progressed in my training, my sword technique improved by leaps and bounds, as if fighting were a natural talent. With each cut and step, I felt that I was perfecting so many things that I hadn't even considered before.

Finally, when the last wave of combat droids was defeated, I opened my eyes and turned to Qui-Gon, who was looking at me with a proud smile.

"Well, how about a one-on-one duel now? Are you interested…?" he asked with amusement, knowing very well what my answer would be.

Smiling and raising my sword with a determined look was all my master needed to understand my response.

Closing my eyes and letting Qui-Gon's words guide me once again, I quickly let my mind sink into the Force until the figure of my master with his own sword materialized in front of me.

And with a confirming look from both of us, the battle began, and I moved gracefully through the garden, facing the figure of Qui-Gon.

Of course, for anyone who saw me at this moment, they would only see me and my sword making strange movements in the air, occasionally cutting the grass and the flowers.

Each of my movements was in harmony with the Force, and my sword felt like a natural extension of my hand. Of course, my master's moves stood out even more than mine.

"You must learn to anticipate your opponent's moves," Qui-Gon advised me while calmly engaging in a sword duel. "The Force will show you the way."

I exerted myself to feel even more of the Force around me, letting myself be completely enveloped by an invisible current that connected me to everything. Gradually, my movements, like those of my master, became more precise, and my confidence grew.

The battle continued under the starry sky, and the garden turned into a stage of skill and grace as Qui-Gon and I danced with our swords.

… It was a pity that such a sight was only visible to Qui-Gon Jinn and me.

Finally, when the duel reached its climax, I made a bold move and disarmed my master. Qui-Gon's sword fell to the ground, and I opened my eyes once more to find Qui-Gon in his translucent form, without a sword.

It was an incredible outcome, but a part of me knew that my master was holding back. He never went on the offensive and always allowed me to have control of the fight. His only purpose was to guide and correct me in each move, as if he expected me to see all my mistakes and gave me enough time to correct them in the duel.

"You've grown stronger, Cedric, making great strides, I would say" Qui-Gon said with a smile. "But remember, the true purpose of sword mastery is defense, not attack. A Jedi must use their skill with wisdom and compassion."

I nodded, knowing these things, but I couldn't help but feel frustrated by the fact that he didn't give his all in the fight.

"Don't worry, when I deem it necessary, I will give my all in our upcoming duels," he told me, perfectly understanding my mood. After all, we shared a deep bond that transcended words. "Until then, you must keep training; the path of a Jedi is a continuous journey…"

"I know, Master, thank you," I said, looking at my master with gratitude. I knew our relationship was unique, transcending even physical death. 

Qui-Gon smiled: "Your determination and willingness to learn are your deepest appreciation, my young padawan."



Once the training was over, I returned to the mansion and took a refreshing shower. Upon emerging, I looked into the mirror. At the age of 11, I appeared very healthy, thanks to continuous training with Qui-Gon Jinn. I had high cheekbones, gray eyes, and long light brown hair.

At 5 feet 2 inches, I was taller than almost all young people my age. In fact, many used to think when they saw me that I was at least 2 years older than I really was.

As I grew up within the Diggory family, a Noble and Ancient pure-blood wizarding house of Irish origin, I began to better understand my new life as just Cedric Diggory on Earth.

Although it took me quite a long time to adapt to using only the name Cedric, eventually, I became completely comfortable with my dual identity as Anakin and Cedric. I accepted the fact that my former existence as Anakin Skywalker had been left behind in a galaxy far, far away.

It was challenging to come to terms with the fact that my physical body as Anakin had perished in the explosion of the Droid Control Ship on Naboo, and that my master Qui-Gon had given me another chance at life, merged with my other self as Cedric.

My new home was with the Diggory family in England, on Earth, in a galaxy known as the Milky Way... in a reality completely different from the one I lived as Anakin.

The Diggorys were a noble house of pure-blood wizards who followed most traditions, although luckily, Barbara and Amos, my parents, were not as closed-minded and did not seek blood purity as much as some other Noble families. It's worth noting that, to this day, records indicate that the Diggorys only married other pure-blood or perhaps half-blood witches and wizards.

Still, I understood that my parents, unlike our neighbors the Weasleys, were not sympathizers of Muggles, a term wizards used to refer to non-magical humans.

To be exact, one could say that my family was more neutral on this subject since they did not engage in conflicts with any party when it came to the Muggle or Muggle-born society.