
Bubble Universes and The New Girl

Zhou Yu Jun did not expect that on the day of her coming of age celebration, her family would tell her the biggest secret they had been keeping about her. What response do you expect from a 15 year old girl, when informed of the calamity that would befall her in the next few days? Prepare yourselves? but what kind of preparation is right when you suddenly wake up in different universe, where this high school girl who living in this modern world suddenly find themselves in a universe when humans can fly (not fall by force or jump) and animals and plants can talk. Your basic science about physic, biology and technology will be nonsense here. So how the new girl will be fit in, in this new type of environment.

nuniaaa24 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

The Famous Five Clan

The Tiancing Kingdom has five princes. The crown prince and the second prince were born from the Queen, the Third Prince was born from the King's first concubine, while the fourth and fifth princes were born from the second king's concubine.

The five famous clans in the Tiancing kingdom are the basic pillars that are the key to the stability of this kingdom. The Wu clan as the number one clan is the royal family, the Zhao clan as the number two clan is the businessman family, the holder of the economy in this country. The current Queen Tiancing belongs to the Zhao clan. The Huang clan is in third place, as a family with a famous alchemists. Next up is the Zhou clan as a family famous for its martial arts, the best warriors and royal warriors are in this family. Lastly was the Yang clan, the family that gave birth to the best generation of doctors.

While all the residents in the palace were busy carrying out their respective activities, at the Zhou residence, grandpa Huilang had returned from his meeting. The two guards who greeted Zhou Yu Jun earlier, told Grandpa Huilang that Yu Jun had returned and was now resting in her room.

Actually during Yu Jun's departure, grandpa Huilang was worried, but he couldn't refuse when Yu Jun asked to travel alone to meditate on a mountain. After her coming of age celebration, Yu Jun informs him that it's time for her to see the outside world alone.

She was no longer a child, someone who was born in a clan famous for martial arts. Facing and training their ability to defend themself is a must. Although grandpa Huilang had offered to bring a guard or servant with her. Yu Jun still refused, she wouldn't be independent if she didn't feel any hardships at all.

Hearing all that, of course grandpa Huilang felt very proud and did not want to betray the promise he had made. Until now Yu Jun has returned, only then can he really be at ease.

Grandpa Huilang can't wait to share breakfast together, he wants to hear all the stories of his granddaughter's experiences.

In the room, the necklace that Yu Jun was wearing was gradually dimming as the darkness changed to light. Until finally it did not emit light at all, when it was already dawn.

The voices of the maids at the Zhou residence have started their activities, some are sweeping the grass, mopping the furniture and watering the plants. Yu Jun didn't sleep for too long, after hearing the sound of footsteps pacing back and forth in front of her room, she woke up and opened the door.

The three servants who had served her yesterday stood and sat down when they heard the sound of the door opening. Yu Jun was sure that these three servants were her personal servants, after opening the door Yu Jun entered the room and sat back down on her bed. Perform light yoga movements to make the body active.

The three maids were a bit shocked by what Yu Jun was doing, but didn't want to bother Yu Jun who looked serious, they were busy preparing clothes, hot water and everything Yu Jun needed for this morning's activity.

After taking a shower and while putting on her clothes and tidying her hair, one of Yu Jun's servants who has a round face tells her that a book has come out. Thinking she had heard wrong, Yu Jun asked the servant to repeat what she had said. Currently, Yu Jun already knows the three names of these services.

"Shun, what did you say again?" I don't hear it.

"Author Chen has released his latest book a few days ago, do Miss want us to buy it today" Shun offered.

Suying who is combing her hair carefully on her right, adds, "We don't have the courage to buy it yet, for fear that Miss has already bought it"

"You can buy it today, Shu please take my pocket coins in the cupboard" Yu Jun ordered.

Last night when she opened Yu Jun's wardrobe, under a pile of clothes she found a pocket coins containing money and to be honest she was also curious about what books Yu Jun often read. She hasn't had time to explore all of her belongings.

Shu, who had already taken the pocket coins, gave it to Yu Jun. Yu Jun took out one silver coin and gave it to Suying.

After the clothes and hair were ready, Yu Jun followed the three maids into a room. Looking from afar, this was most likely the dining room. Yu Jun's guess was right.

At the dining table, her brother and a man who looked 70 years old were sitting at the dining table waiting for her.

"Yu Jun, grandfather missed you" said Grandpa Huilang in a loud voice.

Zhou Yubi only shook his head at their grandfather's behavior. Yu Jun has only been out of the house for a few days. What if she had already started studying at the Shenzhen sect.

"Sorry grandfather, brother. It's made you al wait" Yu Jun apologized in a soft voice, and of course the small smile she had prepared as an apology shield.

"Fine ~ fine, sit down right away. Don't stand too long" commanded grandpa Huilang.

Yu Jun felt that the family in the Zhou residence was very welcome, she didn't feel that there was a bad feeling between each other, like her warm family. Most importantly, they didn't suspect her at all. Yu Jun felt that she didn't have to worry about her future.

After all of Zhou's family members had finished eating, Grandpa Huilang handed a letter to Yu Jun.

"What is this, Grandpa?" Yu Jun took the paper that was handed to her as she asked.

Grandpa Huilang did not answer Yu Jun's question, but only looked at her as if asking her to open and read the contents of the letter as quickly as possible.

Ah. A letter of acceptance from the Shenzhen Sect. Yu Jun's memory immediately led to the sect she chatted with Huang Quiyue back then. The place where the senior Monk is the principal of the school.

"Grandpa feels that this is all a path of destiny, Yu Jun who doesn't like and never leaves the house, suddenly after her coming of age celebration asks to travel alone, even though the place she going to can still be reached in one day. Grandpa is very worried, just because considering this is your first trip out of the house alone, and the big incident December last year. Now you are back in front of grandfather with a complete state, and being healthy makes grandpa very calm to let you go to study at the Shenzhan sect"

Hearing that Yu Jun was desperately trying to put on a neutral expression, a feeling of guilt arose. His real granddaughter is nowhere now, and the one sitting in front of him is a stranger.

The atmosphere in the dining room suddenly turned mellow. Zhou Yubi, who could not stand their grandfather's exaggerated worries, tried to enliven the atmosphere and thought about what topic he should talk about.

"Zhou Yu Jun, although the Shenzhan sect is famous for its elite students (well-off circles). The knowledge taught in the sect and its teachers are no less powerful than other sects. The incident that the Tiayi sect experienced last December, automatically made our current sect the number one sect in the Tiancing kingdom. So keep working hard, don't be relaxed while you're there"

"Yu Jun, just have fun and enjoy yourself as a student there. Don't push yourself too hard. If later when you are carrying out an assignment from school, if you meet someone who is stronger than you or someone with a harsh temper, avoid it if you can avoid it"

Hearing his grandfather's advice, Yubi mouth opened. What's with that advice, when he was accepted as a Shenzhan sect student, his grandfather didn't stop telling him to work hard.

Realizing that what he said contradicts what he told Yubi last year, Grandpa Huilang just laughed loudly then returned to giving a serious expression.

"Grandfather said this considering what happened with the Tiayi sect. Both of you when outside, be careful" he said worried.