
Bubble Universes and The New Girl

Zhou Yu Jun did not expect that on the day of her coming of age celebration, her family would tell her the biggest secret they had been keeping about her. What response do you expect from a 15 year old girl, when informed of the calamity that would befall her in the next few days? Prepare yourselves? but what kind of preparation is right when you suddenly wake up in different universe, where this high school girl who living in this modern world suddenly find themselves in a universe when humans can fly (not fall by force or jump) and animals and plants can talk. Your basic science about physic, biology and technology will be nonsense here. So how the new girl will be fit in, in this new type of environment.

nuniaaa24 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Second Prince Siyu

"Yes, grandfather" appreciate Yubi

"Yubi, help your little sister with whatever preparations she needs for later. Grandfather believes you can do it well" grandpa Huilang conveyed it to Yubi with his authoritative tone.

The three of them walked out of the dining room, each preparing to do what they wanted to do. Grandpa Huilang walked towards his office. Yu Jun followed Yubi, as their grandfather advised, she wanted to ask about the sect where she will study later.

"Brother Yubi, is there any important activity today? If not, can you chat with me for a bit"

"There are no specific activities today, let's just chat in the family room"

"Yes brother," said Yu Jun joyfully.

Yu Jun turned her head to the right, whispering softly to Suying. The books she entrusted to buy, she should buy now. Yu Jun plans that after chatting with her brother, she will learn more about Yu Jun.

Makes her worry less and less.

"Less than two months, after the Qingming Festival. Shenzhan Sect has started new semester. We will go together later. When you were a new student, all the things you needed were stored in the Interpatial Ring" Yubi explained passionately. His hand was lifted and shown to Yu Jun.

"You already know, our family will not easily give or buy Interpatial Rings to every family member. But, everyone who wants to own an Interpatial Ring must provide a good argument or reason, what is the benefit of the Interpatial Ring for them"

"Since you got the acceptance letter from Shenzhan Sect, it should be normal to ask to buy an Interpatial Ring. Apart from rings, you also have to buy some medicinal pills and elixirs to treat external or internal wounds"

Yu Jun felt grateful that Zhou Yubi was the type of person who would provide information without having to ask first, he was not stingy with his knowledge. At least, for his family. Enables Yu Jun to avoid asking questions, which most likely people from this universe already know about.

"Of course some clothes, books and essential items that you think you need on a long trip. In fact, I always check to bring earth, wood and some other solid objects. Given that big brother's power is earth element, if trapped in an unfortunate location, brother can at least do a trick or two to survive"

What an extraordinary thought, the two people Yu Jun met were men who were not only handsome, but also intelligent. The five famous clans deserved their title.

So, the Interpatial Ring is a magic ring that has a space dimension in it. Owners can store items and retrieve them at will with mere thought. Its function is the same as the treasures storage bag that she carries, only the shape is different.

At this moment Yu Jun did not know that the storage treasures bag she had was extremely large in dimensions, and was a rare item even among cultivators.

Daydreaming, Yu Jun lost the direction of Yubi's conversation, but it seemed like he was telling everything about his experience as a first year student in Shenzhan sect.

As if remembering something, Yubi stopped the conversation. Then he looked Yu Jun's eyes, his shoulders slightly forward and his hands holding his knees.

The atmosphere turned serious.

Their eyes turned to each other, feeling that Yu Jun had realized that what he was going to say was serious. Yubi let out a long sigh, before saying "Xiao Yu, the Shenzhan sect is indeed a sect that contains children from wealthy families. More than half of the students in Shenzhan sect are from influential families, and have money. The rest are talented students, who made it to Shenzhan sect with talent and hard work, they have to carry out the mission of the sect as their payment for boarding fees, books and meals in the sect"

"Many Shenzhan sect students have bad character, bullying of course often happens. Money and power are the main strengths of the students there. So, you have to be smart in choosing groups while there"

"We, the Zhou clan, cannot do anything against the Wu and Zhao clans. But, you can defend yourself against the Huang and Yang clans. Although, brother doubts that you will clash with the two clans. Those from families who focus on health, helping is the principle of the two families"

"As brother said before, Shenzhan sect is famous as an elite sect. The five famous clans prefer to include their family members in the sect, other than for the sake of building relationships between prestigious families. Their safety is also guaranteed because the sect is directly backed by the King of Tiancing"

"So, you can say. Shenzhan sect is a sect that was built for prestigious family, which basically they do not want to join the lower class when studying. Arrogant and ironic indeed, but the facilities at the Shenzhan sect proved to be the best, and of course the elders who taught were also highly skilled in their fields"

"Xiao Yu, don't be easily provoked if you're already in the sect" Yubi said to his one and only little sister, actually there are a few more points he wanted to say, but he didn't have the heart.

Of course, his younger sister who has an attractive appearance will face many problems, he doesn't want to imagine the response of his male sect friends if he meets his little sister for the first time. Considering that they always asked about her whereabouts, and the stories spread by the people working at the Zhou residence, the rumors did not make their curiosity about Zhou Yu Jun disappear, but rather like fire added with oil.

The girl with a million charms, that's what she is now called.

Before parting to continue their respective activities, Yubi who was standing beside Yu Jun, moved his hand to smooth the little girl's hair, actually he did that because Yu Jun's hair tucked into her outer clothes.

Then they parted walking in opposite directions, Yubi went to the inner courtyard to practice his martial arts and Yu Jun entered her room to read all the books she had.

Now that there is still some time before lunchtime, Yu Jun thinks she'd better train her fire elemental strength. She wanted to learn to be better at controlling her strength.

The books that Yu Jun had were not going anywhere either, and she would stay in the room all day. So she won't meet anyone.

Controlling the fire element at this time was her main ambition, gradually she was able to consistently bring out the level of fire intensity she wanted, her current training only focused on getting fire out of her hands, not only on the fingers but also on the clumps of the hands, even on the palms of her hands.

Yu Jun also practiced how to make her hands hot and warm without actually releasing fire, her fire elemental power was expelled but only in the form of air.

One of her servants came into the room, she was carrying a tray with some food on it. Behind the servant, Suying followed, carrying an object in the form of a book that had been covered with cloth, making the title of the book and the appearance of the book invisible at all.

"Miss, it's lunch" Shu put the tray on the table beside Yu Jun's bed.

"Miss, this is the book." Suying walked forward and put the book next to the food tray.

"Thank you, all of you can come out," Yu Jun said to them, but her eyes focused on the book Suying had placed.

Not waiting for the two servants to come out, Yu Jun already took the book. She opened the layer of cloth that covered the book slowly. Seeing the interesting title and appearance of the book, Yu Jun became even more curious.

When she open the first sheet, the book turns out to be a sketch book. Like a children's story book, but when she opened the next page, a picture appeared something Yu Jun didn't expect.

"AHHH" yelled Yu Jun and her hands closed her mouth reflexively, her eyes turned to the door. The two servants were out.

"Thank God, they are not in this room" worried Yu Jun.

The image that shocked her was a picture of two men kissing, the right hand of a man with long hair holding the cheek and his left hand holding the back of a man who tied his hair.

Yu Jun, who had never read or watched this type of story, was shocked. She knows that this type of story is quite popular at her age, she remembers her classmate at school who was a maniac about the Boy Lover (BL) story.

But what an extreme hobby.

Is this the reason Yu Jun never leaves the house, her friends often tell her that she couldn't control her imagination when she saw two boys who were chatting too closely, or when they were doing normal touch.

If this were really like this, the real Yu Jun would really be at the stage of being unsaved. I have to confirm about this extreme hobby to the three servants of Yu Jun, but how can I not look suspicious.

At the Zhou residence, Yu Jun thought of various ways to confirm this extreme hobby. While at the royal palace, Siyu was reading information from Lu Wen.

Sitting in his study room, the fingers of his right hand tapping the table alternately, in his left hand holding several piles of paper.

Information about Yu Jun is written in full there, regarding her coming of age celebration, the elemental power she has, and her journey a few days ago.

A girl who never set foot out of her residence, several days after turning 15 years old traveled alone.

"Lu Wen, regarding her relationship with the Huang family child?" Siyu put the information paper on the table, his body was brought back and then he crossed his hands.

"The information I received, Ms. Zhou has never interacted with Huang Qiuyue. Most likely they just happened to meet on the road" Lu Wen felt a sweat on his hands.

"The second prince ...." Lu Wen called out in a low voice, confused whether to continue speaking or not. After considering it, he should just say it.

"The second prince, Miss Zhou has been accepted as a new student of Shenzhan sect in this new semester, while Huang Qiuyue is a second grade student in Shenzhan sect. Their relationship will later become school buddy" Lu Wen explained briefly.

His arms and legs crossed, Siyu stared out the window. "It seems, I've been idling the acceptance letter from Shenzhan Sect for too long…. Zhou Yu Jun, we will meet" declared Siyu.

When I first updated this chapter, only half of it. now it's fully updated.

Thanks for the readers who are still interested in reading this story. I hope you are always healthy.


A Atruggling Novice Writer

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