
Bubble Universes and The New Girl

Zhou Yu Jun did not expect that on the day of her coming of age celebration, her family would tell her the biggest secret they had been keeping about her. What response do you expect from a 15 year old girl, when informed of the calamity that would befall her in the next few days? Prepare yourselves? but what kind of preparation is right when you suddenly wake up in different universe, where this high school girl who living in this modern world suddenly find themselves in a universe when humans can fly (not fall by force or jump) and animals and plants can talk. Your basic science about physic, biology and technology will be nonsense here. So how the new girl will be fit in, in this new type of environment.

nuniaaa24 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Red Ring

Wu Siyu rubbed the ring on his finger, his thoughts drifting to two years ago when he first got this red ring. At that time he was very bored in the palace, so he sneaked out walking to the black market area. Of course, in disguise.

A stand selling several items made of gemstones caught his eye, among all the items on the table, his gaze was only on a dull-looking red ring.

His hand seemed to move on its own to take the ring and then put it in his finger. The merchant at the stand was amazed to see that Wu Siyu could wear the ring so easily. Every visitor who came to the stand, and showed interest in the ring, their fingers did not fit. Some are small, some are big. The merchant was already feeling frustrated with this item he couldn't sell.

"Young man, the ring looks good on your fingers." The merchant deliberately praised Wu Siyu in the hope that he would buy it.

"How much did you sell it?" asked Wu Siyu with an expression as if he was not interested.

Afterward, he was satisfied to see it. Wu Siyu took off the ring and put it back on the table. Seeing that the merchant felt panic, the first time he saw that someone could wear the ring, he had to succeed in selling it to this young man.

Not wanting to overcharge, the merchant tried to consider what the right price was, at least he didn't lose too much. And seeing the appearance of this young man, it could be said that he was from an upper-middle-class family.

"Just five copper coins" he offered.

Hearing that price, Wu Siyu was very shocked. Of course, the expression on his face was still normal. If he bought this item, this was the cheapest item he would have. He was sure that the gemstone in this ring was no ordinary gemstone. Also, when he took off the ring, there was a feeling of loss. It was as if he had used the ring for a long time and had never fallen out of his fingers.

In the Tiancing kingdom, the lowest value money was copper coins. For people with poor economies, goods with a price of five copper coins are a fairly good standard, considering that all foodstuffs are only around one or two copper coins. The pay for manual labor was also a maximum of seven to eight copper coins per month.

One silver coin is equal to ten copper coins, the wages paid by a job as a royal servant in an intermediate position, about six to ten silver coins. Meanwhile, for money, the highest value is gold coins. One gold coin is equivalent to ten silver coins and 1000 copper coins. Items with the price of gold coins can only be purchased by prestigious families.

Taking out one silver coin, Wu Siyu gave the coin. The merchant who received the money was very happy, this young man did not bid lower, even though he had prepared himself to give the minimum price. But, the greater happiness was that the ring was no longer on the stand. He doesn't have to feel bad again if there are customers who are interested but they can't buy it.

When the merchant wants to give the change.

"No, just for you", said Wu Siyu before walking away from the stand.

"Thank you, young man, I hope you will be safe until your destination", shouted the merchant with gratitude and a big smile.

The merchant feels that today is his lucky day.

Now he is 17 years old, and he has never removed this ring from his index finger.

Gradually the dull red color turned bright- until tonight. The first time it happened, the ring was twinkling and burning brightly.

Of course, when he first noticed the change in color of the ring, Wu Siyu sought out information regarding this mysterious ring. He had thought that this ring was not an ordinary ring but he did not suspect that this ring was made of fire opal gemstone material which is the rarest gemstone. Fire opal is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties of increasing love. It is well known for building good relationships.

Hearing about the meaning of the ring, Wu Siyu was looking forward to seeing whether he would meet and fall in love with someone. Or is it just a rumor, a folktale?

What happened to the ring right now, of course, helped him remember all the information he had gathered about this ring.

And Wu Siyu had to confirm one thing right now.

"Lu Wen" called Wu Siyu in a calm tone

"Yes, second Prince" replied Lu Wen kneeling in front of the prince.

"I want information about who came to the main city today, in two hours you have given the data to me".

"Yes, prince!"

A few seconds later, Lu Wen's figure had disappeared in front of Wu Siyu, he had not felt excited like this for a long time. Even the big incident in December last year that was experienced by Tiayi Sect, he considered as just past news.

Not waiting too long, Lu Wen had already reappeared in front of Wu Siyu.

"Second Prince, I have the information you asked for," proclaimed Lu Wen with his hand holding out a paper.

Wu Siyu took the paper and opened it. He brought the paper to the corner chair, before sitting down- his eyes glanced at Lu Wen who was still kneeling, the same position since he came.

He read one by one the names of those who came to the main city today, among all the names there was only one woman. Zhou Yu Jun, the youngest child, and the only young girl in the Zhou clan.

His eyebrows raised reading this name, he had never met this girl. Zhou Yu Jun has never attended any royal public events or other prestigious family events. The aloof child who has a million charms, that the rumor he heard about this girl. A contradiction, where her brother and all her cousins are known to be friendly and sociable.

Whenever someone asked why the girl never came to an event, her family just gave the answer Zhou Yu Jun prefers to stay at home. Focus on her cultivation.

"Lu Wen, gather as much information as possible about Zhou Yu Jun," Wu Siyu ordered.

"Give it to me tomorrow afternoon, and.. remember. As complete as possible" repeated Wu Siyu.

"Yes, second Prince"

Wu Siyu was alone in his room, smiling ear to ear. "Zhou Yu Jun, I can't wait to meet you," he said in a whisper.