
Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Johnathan, a fearless protagonist, awakens in a mysterious place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. He discovers that he is trapped in a complex labyrinth of cinematic simulations, each more surreal than the last, and no matter how much he progresses, the exit seems to have no end. With a deep desire to reunite with his parents, he embarks on a desperate quest to find the way out of this cinematic hell. Each door leads to a new world, from science fiction landscapes to period settings and fantastical realms. With every step, Johnathan realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the plot of each simulation. Will Johnathan manage to reunite with his parents and find the exit before dying in one of the simulations that await him? My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/srcuervo

SrCuervo · 映画
51 Chs

On the Move

Yes, Jonathan had to admit that now, knowing it's not a dream, he should have chosen a much quieter and more pleasant door to hell. Now he completely understands why they are called gates to the underworld and also those words from the butler.

Now that he thinks about it, he would like to know what his friends are experiencing and if they have had much better luck. One went to the world called Attack on Titan, and the other to a place he doesn't remember specifically.

But even if Jonathan wanted to cry, tears wouldn't come. His temperament and personality remained in this type of reality, helping him maintain composure. Security is what he should have in this world to survive; if he lacks confidence, he might die in the next few hours, and that is not an option for someone who needs to return to his parents to continue helping them.

"Now, the important thing is not to get infected; that would be fantastic..." Jonathan muttered as he devised a plan that directly involves Ada, whom he would use for his own benefits and survival. Yes, he admits that he doesn't feel entirely comfortable doing it, but that idea was the first that came to mind.

Currently, although he knew how to shoot weapons and had enough strength and agility to escape from normal zombies, he had no chance of doing so for 48 consecutive hours with the goal of completing many more missions. This was annoying because, while he could survive hidden in the room where he was, he would die because he couldn't complete the missions assigned to him when he arrived here. He didn't know who was behind all this and how he ended up in this situation, but he was sure that it somehow involves his own reality.

Everyone had been brought to this place for a reason; he knows that somehow all those participating in these simulations are connected, and how they develop will affect their personal lives. Now, the fate of the role he was assigned is destined to die under the virus release around the mansion, so he should act as soon as possible and do it quickly.

Jonathan thought about all this for a moment and pressed the dial button, trying to use Ada to somehow survive. However, no matter how long the call attempt lasted, there was no response from the other side. But after figuring out the reason, he knew that the signal was weak where he was probably located.

"Well done, Jonathan, trying to make a call outside in an underground laboratory..." He wanted to scold himself for the mistakes that could have been avoided, but he still had important things to do; switching to a secondary plan is always important in these cases. Since he couldn't get in touch with Ada, that means he won't be able to consider her in his desperate survival, so he should act even faster.

"First, I must get out of here; I have authority, so many should be containing the infection in other places..." Jonathan stood up, walked around the room, and began searching the furniture.


He cared about nothing more than finding some kind of weapon; this would be his only way to get out of here alive. After searching for a few minutes, he found a gun with two magazines that were more than enough to survive and a knife.

Jonathan, in his situation, did not question his luck in finding a weapon, nor did he care to know if it was part of his initiation package or something related to his arrival in this world. Just as he left the room, he frowned to know that he wasn't directly in the laboratories. Initially, he thought that because he was a researcher, he should be in the underground facilities, but that was not the case, and he was truly lucky.

Remembering a bit of the plot, he knew that the security guards had eliminated everyone who showed any symptoms of infection, unaware that they were all already infected by the virus. It would be impossible to survive if he was in those underground facilities, which took a great weight off his shoulders.

"So somehow the previous owner of this body escaped from the labs or is directly the starting point for everyone who entered this door; maybe the gun in my hands was used to take his life in the future..." Jonathan knew no information about the John whose role he had directly taken over, but he knew that his entire role had changed from the original, so this was a unique opportunity.

If he is in this place, it means that those who saw him here didn't want him to die too quickly. If this is the case, maybe there is a way to escape by completing all the missions without dying. Because it was late and also within a dark forest, the atmosphere looked a bit eerie.

"The mission I'm in is obviously the plot of the first Resident Evil game, so, is that place the one I should thoroughly investigate?"

Given that the mission message clearly indicates hidden missions, that means anything he does in addition to what is specified would be a hidden mission. Additionally, it was specifically stated not to exceed the range of 5 kilometers from the mansion, and this distance includes the location where the plot takes place.

Including the survival time he must endure in this place, the main game plot unfolds tonight. Obviously, the extra time is reserved for him to complete the extra missions.

Jonathan felt that his assumption was close to the truth since it wasn't complicated to think about. But he doubted whether he should go to that mansion right now. Moving without any kind of knowledge means death, danger, and dying miserably again.

Outside, in the forest, as far as he knew, many zombie dogs were roaming, not to mention various types of zombies eager to leave the mansion to begin their hunt for anything that moved.

In this regard, running at night being chased by literally dogs wanting to devour him is not the best idea simply because experienced containment squads were eliminated by zombie dogs.

The easiest way to survive is to stay where he is, wait for the story's protagonists to enter his field of vision, and then stick with them while trying to survive; only then could he come out of this place alive. But in this case, the score definitely won't be high, and the possibility of achieving all his objectives would be nil.

Perhaps it's time to directly involve himself in the reality he finds himself in. Even if it's not for the mission, wouldn't he be just dying if he stays in one place?

The important thing now is to make a decision. After searching the entire room, besides the gun and two magazines, he found nothing else he could use as a weapon except the knife.

The good thing is that he got two sealed water bottles; he wants to think that this water is not infected by the virus, so he would drink it later if necessary.

But for now, that was more than enough, so for now, he will try to take control of his future and make sure to get used to this kind of adrenaline as soon as possible.

"All right, here I go..." Jonathan pushed the door very slowly to see the outside. From what he saw, he was in the Training Center where the first part of the story takes place, but since that was not considered in the missions, he wanted to head to the main mansion before it gets dark.

The hallway outside the door was silent; no sound could be heard, and the dim lights seemed eerie. From where he was, he should be a few kilometers from the main mansion.

At this point, Jonathan remembered his complaints in horror movies, "Can't anyone fix the damn light bulbs and take a high-intensity flashlight?"

Not only did it happen in Resident Evil, but there were many TV series where for some unknown reason, the light was dim, and it could barely be perceived. Flashlights, on the other hand, were a poorly told joke since they illuminated so little that a low-end cellphone flashlight could easily surpass them.

But these thoughts were fleeting; right now, Jonathan walked toward the mansion door very carefully. Although it was a somewhat quiet choice compared to the ones he had, if he died in this place, that means he would die in real life.

"Oh my God, there's one..."

Upon reaching the corner of a staircase, despite Jonathan always being alert, he couldn't help but shudder when he saw the extremely fierce and blood-stained face a few meters away.

It is true that he loves gore in horror movies, the undead represented by Asian cinema, and their ferocity. However, now that he witnessed the sudden appearance of a zombie with his own eyes, he couldn't help but tremble. Not to mention the zombies now standing in front of him, roaring like a fierce and hungry beast. No ordinary person who has lived in modern society is prepared to see this kind of thing.

But Jonathan, who was breaking into a cold sweat, remained calm on the outside; perhaps that was a quality related to the ability of a cold heart. Without any weapon other than his gun, he aimed it at the zombie's head, and although his heart was pounding, he took a deep breath.


The bullet penetrated the zombie's head instantly; coagulated blood flew along with brain fragments, making it clear that it was an imperfect but sufficient shot to eliminate this figure.

After the first shot and the dull thud generated by the fallen zombie, the other figures in front of him were attracted to the source of the sound.

Bang! Bang!

Although not every shot hit, the sound of gunfire drew the attention of numerous zombies in the vicinity.

They were all dressed in work clothes with white lab coats; some of them had started to decay, while others had their ankles completely twisted and deformed, but they still walked towards Jonathan in an unstable manner.

Jonathan knew he couldn't stay here for long and had to leave quickly to check other methods. He couldn't waste all the bullets in this place but had to make his way through and get away. Even special forces like S.T.A.R.S suffered significant losses, so if he stayed still, he would be killed.

At this stage, Jonathan's greatest advantage is that he knows the plot; instead of fighting zombies here, he must use the terrain to gain an advantage. He shouldn't panic, and after stabilizing his breathing, he began to run towards the mansion's main door, which was a few meters away from him.

At the same time, due to recent strange murders in Raccoon City, where citizens were attacked by wild animals and bitten as if they had insatiable hunger, a team from the S.T.A.R.S Bravo Squad had been sent to investigate after the movements became more noticeable with the disappearance of a train.

But the helicopter was forced to land due to a malfunction, and the captain ordered a separate investigation, which resulted in them being attacked without being able to do much.

But Rebecca survived the first encounter with the infected and soon found a teammate named Billy, who had been previously attacked by a supposed snake, which turned out to be a leech.

The main story begins when the S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team goes to the rescue 24 hours after the Bravo Team lost contact.


On the other side of the mansion, Jonathan experienced several dangers on the way that could have easily ended his life.

Although he faced various dangers on the way, Jonathan slowly overcame his fear of zombies with his years of experience watching horrific scenes. Coupled with the familiarity of the terrain, he emerged without any risk.

But the forest outside the mansion was not entirely calm.

Thanks for reading, you can support me and read more than 15 chapters on my Patreon: SrCuervo

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