
Between blood and ice: A love between Damon Salvatore and Kate Denali

After Elena rejects Damon in Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore decides to take a break from everyone and everything. So he decides to go on a trip to Europe. During his trip he meets Kate Denali, a beautiful vampire who belongs to the Denali clan in Alaska. Although Damon has no interest in becoming romantically involved with anyone, Kate seems to have a strange effect on him. As they spend more time together, they both begin to discover that they have more in common than they realize. However, not everything is easy in their romance: Kate has a dark past and a reserved personality, which makes Damon have to fight to earn his trust. As their relationship deepens, they begin to discover that they are not the only vampires in Europe. There is a group of hunters who are chasing down the vampires and eliminating them. Damon and Kate will have to fight together to protect themselves and keep their romance safe. Between blood and ice is an action, romance and suspense story that will keep readers glued to the page until the end.

Apolonius556 · 映画
12 Chs

Chapter 11: A new ally

After the battle, Damon and Kate met with the Cullens to thank them for their help in the fight against the Volturi. The members of the clan gathered around them, and Kate introduced Damon to each of them.

As they talked, Damon asked the Cullens how they had known that the Volturi were after them. "We found out through our contacts in Volterra," Carlisle responded. "We thought it best to come and help. And of course, we're glad you won."

Damon thanked the Cullens again, then asked them to excuse him as he walked away with Kate to talk in private. Kate took Damon to a nearby hill where they could see the battlefield from a safe distance.

"Damon," Kate began, "I want you to meet the rest of the Cullen clan. They're a great family, and they've helped us in many difficult situations."

Damon nodded, and the two returned to the camp where the Cullens were gathered. Kate introduced Damon to the rest of the clan, and everyone quickly became friends. Edward, though a bit cautious at first, got along well with Damon.

As they chatted, Alice, one of the vampire members of the clan, announced that she had had a vision. "I think you need to know that the Volturi won't give up so easily," she said. "There's a good chance they'll come back and attack again."

The news worried everyone, but Carlisle remained calm. "Then we'll stay alert," he said. "We'll make sure we're prepared for any eventuality."

Damon and Kate agreed, and together they began to plan their next moves. They decided that it was best to stay together and be alert at all times, so they organized a kind of patrol on shifts. Each member of the clans would take turns in the vigil, to ensure that they were protected at all times.

As they discussed their plans, Damon noticed that Kate seemed worried. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Kate sighed. "It's just that... I don't know how to say this, Damon. But, during the battle... I couldn't help but notice that you acted recklessly on some occasions. I mean, I know you're strong and powerful, but you're also a bit reckless. And that worries me."

Damon nodded, understanding her concern. "I know, Kate. But you know I've always been like this. I've always taken risks in dangerous situations. And this time, it wasn't going to be any different."

Kate sighed again. "I know, Damon. I just want you to be safe. I don't want to lose you."

Damon smiled and took her hand. "You don't have to worry about me, Kate. I'm here to protect you, and to protect everyone I love. And I won't let anything bad happen to them."

Kate smiled, comforted by Damon's words. She knew she could trust him, and that together they could face anything that came their way.

The days passed, and the clans' patrol continued uninterrupted. Fortunately, the Volturi did not return, and peace returned to the world of vampires.

But Damon and Kate knew that this would not last forever. They knew that there would always be someone who would try to destroy them, and that they would have to be prepared for any eventuality.

For now, however, they rejoiced in victory, grateful for the allies they had found in the Cullens, and for the strength they had found in the love they shared. Together, they were ready to face anything the future brought them.