
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs



Logically speaking, there are no secrets in this circle.

The lyricist and composer behind Yan Lu really came out of nowhere. I haven't found any authors with similar styles before.

Hip-hop rap is popular nowadays, and there are only a few people in the traditional Chinese style circle.

The agent suspected that two big names had opened smurf accounts and pseudonyms to pave the way for Yan Lu, but after investigating for so long, they still couldn't match these two people with any well-known songwriters or arrangers in the circle.

It seems like these two people were born for Yan Lu.

Apart from being mentioned when Yan Lu released a new song, people in the circle knew almost nothing about whether these two people were male or female, how old they were...

Yan Lu's production of each song is also quite high-level, with the sound of flute, pipa, guzheng...

Any of them is worth repeating individually. It's easy for Yan Lu to become a hit as soon as her third song came out. From the lyrics, to the music, to the arrangement, to the singer, every single one of them seems to be a master.

But they couldn't find any clues. They couldn't even find where Yan Lu recorded the song.

It is puzzling for these two people to say that Yan Lu has no backing. On the other hand, it is hard to understand why Yan Lu says that she has a backing. However, Yan Lu has not received any global endorsements yet, and even only has an endorsement for a new product, "Guben Paste".

Both Anqi and Manxi looked down on him.

"She had an unclear relationship with Mr. Liu earlier, and negative news about her was flying everywhere. No one in the circle has heard that she has close contacts with anyone." The agent shook his head. Yan Lu's background is easy to check.

An Qi didn't dare to act rashly in the past few months, but Yan Lu didn't make any big moves except releasing songs after waiting for so long.

This time, Yan Lu's new song will outshine him. An Qi is not ready to be so passive. He lowered his head and said, "I know."

An Qi knows someone from Jiangjing Conservatory of Music——

[Does your school have a summary of the exhibition competitions over the years? ]



In the box, Lu Xiaohan and others were also watching Yan Lu's new song.

Wen Qi sat next to Lu Xiaohan, excitedly connecting in the class group, and he put on headphones.

"Wake up," Lu Xiaohan looked at Wen Qi, half smiling, "Weren't you a fan of Man Xi before? You almost got into a fight with Zhang Erbi, how come you've become a fan of Lu Jie now?"

The "hand slip" incident left a deep impression on Wenqi.

He quickly gestured to Lu Xiaohan, and only heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Yan Lu didn't notice this. He felt a little embarrassed and said, "You are young and ignorant."

After just a few times of getting along with each other, he felt that Yan Lu was a very nice and charming person.

"I understand. Let's eat." Lu Xiaohan picked up a dish for him with chopsticks. "It smells delicious."

I heard that he was eating while reading comments under the song.

After listening to it, netizens began to analyze the lyrics of this song. It was still the top lyrics. He saw the second most popular one at a glance——

[The name Never-Setting Sun is indeed pretty good. We will get it back someday (side-eye smile)]

He laughed and then gave a thumbs up.

After the group finished eating, Yan Lu invited the people from Class 15 to sing.

She knew that during the filming period, these people often went to the Zhang family to help.

Lu Xiaohan was the first to refuse. "Sister Lu, please wait until we finish the college entrance examination before coming back. Recently, everyone has been tortured by Sister Lu and the academic god's notes and can't sleep."

The study atmosphere in Class 15 has been good recently, probably because Bai Ning Xiao's schedule is so touching.

There is also Lu Lingxi's bitter words of conscience in the class meeting -

High school and college are indeed the best opportunities to break away from one's original family and break through class. It is difficult to wake up this group of students, but Bletilla striata is a good sign.

"It's like this," Wen Qi said as he crushed the Coke can, "I'm also studying hard. Sister Xu, can you take me with you when you ascend to heaven in the future?"

Bai Xi raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

Wen Qishi was really a little sad: "I am really afraid that after the college entrance examination, you will either go to college in Beicheng or go to school in Jiangjing, and I will still be in school."

After listening to what they said, Yan Lu realized that the group of people at the table were candidates preparing for the exam.

After dinner, Bai Shi and Yan Lu fell behind.

The other students were discussing the topic in the front.

Jiang Fuli followed Bai Xi and listened for a while as he discussed a math problem with Lu Xiaohan.

I listened for about a minute.

He couldn't help but look at Wen Qi and Lu Xiaohan.

Wen Qi touched the back of his head and felt a chill. "So why do you think this problem is so abnormal when it comes to trigonometric functions? Three times the square root of three..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang He, who was held by Lu Xiaohan's hand, looked up and said slowly: "Two-fifths times the square root of three."

"Ah?" Wen Qi and Lu Xiaohan stopped discussing.

The two looked at each other, then lowered their heads and took out their phones to check the answer -

2/5 times the square root of 3.

Wen Qi: "…"

Lu Xiaohan: "…"

You have to pay for what you have done. The two of them looked up and pretended nothing had happened, but they didn't dare to discuss the topic with Jiang He anymore.


"I heard that he wants to take the bar exam?" Yan Lu came back today and went to visit Zhang Shize with Zhang Ma. She put on a black mask and asked in a low voice, "Can he be a lawyer?"

It is a criminal offense after all.

These white mulberries don't understand either.

Jiang Fuli lowered his eyebrows. The room was cold. He held his coat in his hand and said, "Don't challenge Chi Lu's professionalism."

Yan Lu was confused because of his concern, so Chi Yundai naturally took these into consideration.

She sent Bai Shi to the door. Xiao Tian and the male assistant were waiting for Yan Lu outside.

"This is Xiaotian, you've met him." Yan Lu didn't dare to talk to Jiang Fuli, and only introduced the two new assistants to Bai Xi, "This is Ah Huang, the new assistant. Sometimes there are a lot of black fans, and Ah Huang handles them all."

No matter how popular a star is, he or she will have haters, let alone Yan Lu.

Ah Huang was very curious about the white peony, but did not dare to ask more questions.

After Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli left, Ah Huang whispered to Xiao Tian, ​​"They are actually Sister Lu's friends? Who is this Miss Bai? Sister Xin didn't sign her?"

With this kind of temperament and looks, are you afraid that you won't become popular if you sign into the entertainment industry?

"Miss Bai is not interested in the entertainment industry." Oda replied, otherwise she would have been poached long ago. Why would she have to wait until now?

Yan Lu looked at the two of them and said, "You should also take a rest for two days."


It's not too late to finish the meal.

Jiang Fuli sent Bai Shi back, and Lu Xiaohan went to Ji Heng's place to shoot new material, so she went with Bai Shi. Tomorrow is March, Ji Heng has already finalized the design drawings for boys and girls, and started cutting and making clothes. This time, nearly 40 pieces of clothing have to be finished in May, so two months is still a bit rushed.

When the four people arrived at Ji Heng's yard, there were three people in Ji Heng's yard.

Seeing Lu Xiaohan, Ji Heng introduced these aunts, "These are all embroiderers from the same group. Because there are too many clothes, I am afraid that I won't be able to make it in time for your graduation photos, so I asked them to help."

Purely handmade clothes will take a long time to make.

"That's great," Lu Xiaohan looked at the three new embroiderers excitedly, "Can you be in the photo?"

Aunt Shen listened to Ji Heng's explanation. She nodded to Lu Xiaohan, a little reserved: "We can."

Lu Xiaohan immediately took out the camera from his bag and began to shoot details under the lights of the courtyard.

She planned to start by having Ji Heng make clothes, and then have the whole class wear clothes and take graduation photos, and edit the whole thing into a video, which would be very commemorative.

Lu Xiaohan paid most of the funds for this work, and only allocated a small portion from the class funds.

It could be said that the class funds of Class 15 are never used up. Although the students in Class 15 are not as wealthy as those in Class 8, the number of views of Lu Xiaohan's videos is quite considerable, making her a wealthy lady in Class 15.

Ji Heng moved the embroidery frame aside, and Jiang Fuli put his coat on the stone table and helped move it.

Ji Heng put down his pipe, glanced at Jiang Fuli but said nothing.

After Lu Xiaohan finished filming a segment, she stopped beside Bai Xi and said, "Sister Xi, Bird Brother is eight years old, right?"

"Yes." Bai Shi looked down at Jiang He, who was sitting on a stone bench and eating an apple. She curled her lips and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lu Xiaohan walked away quietly.

After everyone left, Bai Xi leaned forward slightly and tapped Jiang He's forehead with his hand, "What did you do?"

When they said goodbye in the evening, she found that Class 15 looked shocked.

Birdie refused to answer.


The song "Re-reading the Old Days" topped the new song chart overnight.

In addition to the composition and arrangement, the lyrics of this song also became a hot search.

"The sun never sets." Xiao Bingwen also found the last line of the lyrics interesting.

Next to him, Director Chen, who was talking respectfully to Xu Nanjing, heard this. He didn't know much about music, but he understood this sentence, "Haha, grab it. That's a good idea. I'll go listen to it."

Director Chen doesn't listen to music much on weekdays, he turns on the radio when he drives.

He didn't pay attention to Yan Lu's new song, but now he opened his mobile phone to search for it.

Next to him, Xiao Bingwen looked at Director Chen. This kind of thought, how could he be a member of the Chen family, this kind of bandit-like thought, but the lyricist... should not have meant it this way, right?

Jiang Jing.

Xu family.

There is still a family dinner in the evening.

Ever since the Guo Huai incident, all the people Xu Jueming had placed around Xu Nanjing had been removed. Xu Jueming had expected this, and if Xu Nanjing hadn't made such a big move this time, he would have been reluctant to use these people.

But without manpower, it would be difficult for him to know Xu Nanjing's current situation.

Although no one said it, Xu Jue knew that the Jiang family must have helped purge the people around Xu Nanjing this time. "He is really lucky."

Xu Jueming gritted his teeth secretly.

No matter how much he tried, he still couldn't get close to Jiang Xijue.

At the dinner table, some people were praising Xu Jueming's son Xu Jin, who had just discussed cooperation with the official research department.

Mr. Xu looked at Xu Jin, nodded, and praised him a few words: "Not bad."

He had a poor appetite and didn't eat much. He just looked up at Xu Jueling and asked, "How is Nan Jing doing?"

Gao Yan sat next to Xu Jueling with her head lowered and not saying a word.

Xu Jueling is humble.

"Brother, don't be modest," Xu Jueming said to Xu Jueling with a smile, "You should be discussing a big deal, right? And you're hiding it from dad. Are you going to give dad a surprise?"

There is one false joy.

Xu Jueming lowered his head and concealed the sneer on his face.

He had praised Xu Nanjing very early on in the Xu family. Not only Mr. Xu, but everyone else in the Xu family knew that Xu Nanjing was doing something big.

Xu Nanjing has been out for more than half a month and hasn't come back yet, so the Xu family's affairs are a bit slack.

Coupled with Xu Jin's recent success, the old man couldn't help but have some concerns in his mind.

"There are no big orders," Xu Jueling smiled and looked at his father. "I was going to wait for Nanjing to come back and tell you in person, but since you asked, I'll tell you in advance. Nanjing has reached a rare metal cooperation agreement with a foreign country. The other party will guarantee the supply for the next year. The cooperation was just signed the day before yesterday."

As soon as this happened, the laughter and chatter at the entire dinner table instantly disappeared.

Grandpa Xu's face was filled with surprise. "He succeeded? Good, good, he is worthy of being a descendant of the Xu family."

He was so happy that he asked someone to get his treasured daughter's red wine and open it.

"Are you sure it's the Dawson family?" Xu Jueming clenched his fingers hanging by his side slightly, the smile on his lips froze for a moment and then returned to normal in an instant.

"Second brother, do you want to see the contract?" Xu Jueling smiled, "The goods will be delivered next month, you will know when you take a look at it."

"Okay." Xu Jueming forced a smile with difficulty. Apart from saying "Okay", he couldn't say anything else.

The Dawson family, the world's largest supplier, almost monopolized the entire market.

If Xu Nanjing can reach a cooperation agreement with them, his status in the Xu family will only rise sharply.

He obviously took a huge risk to get Guo Huai back, so why was Xu Nanjing still able to negotiate this deal, especially...

Was the deal done so quickly?

Xu Jueming couldn't understand it at all.


"If it's really thanks to that girl, what are you going to do?" After finishing the meal, Xu Jueling followed Gao Yan and walked slowly back, "But you should ride the motorcycle less, it's not safe."

When Xu Nanjing was at home, Xu Jueling was very strict with him.

"What can I do?" Gao Yan sighed, and she pulled her military coat closer. "I wanted to take her in as my goddaughter, but she didn't want to."

Xu Jueling tilted his head, his heroic eyes showing surprise: "Were you talking about her last time?"

"Yeah." Gao Yan thought, took out her cell phone from her big pocket and called Xu Nanjing.

Xu Nanjing answered the call quickly.

Gao Yan gave Xu Jueling a quiet look before asking, "Didn't you ask me to find a teacher last time? I asked Principal Liang to recommend several people. Confirm with them. Otherwise..."

She rolled her eyes and asked casually, "I'll send them to Xiangcheng?"


Gao Yan has known about the existence of Bletilla striata for a long time.

Xu Nanjing only gave her a few photos roughly, and he remained silent when asked some questions.

Gao Yan has always wanted to find an opportunity to go and see it in person, but she doesn't know when that will happen until she comes to Jiangjing.

After she finished speaking, Xu Nanjing fell silent.

Gao Yan raised her eyebrows and said slowly, "Do you think the person recommended by Principal Liang is not good enough? But this is the best teacher I, your mother, can hire. He helped me because of Si Si."

Gao Si was the biological mother of Jiang Fuli.

"No, thank you, Mom." On the other end of the phone, Xu Nanjing looked up and sighed, "But I probably won't need it now."

With Baishen's grades, even ordinary tutors can't achieve them.

"Not needed?" Gao Yan didn't understand. She walked along the corridor. The lantern above her head was not very bright.

Xu Nanjing was helpless: "Sister Bai's grades...may be better than mine."

Of course, Xu Nanjing didn't feel comfortable removing the word "maybe".

Gao Yan: "...?"

"So, I can't go to Xiangcheng?" Gao Yan came to this conclusion, she was a little unwilling, "Then when can I see her?"

"After the college entrance examination." Bai Xi will definitely be admitted to Jiangjing University, there is no doubt about that.


Sunday afternoon.

An Qi finally found the segment that the netizen mentioned among many videos. He cut it out separately and analyzed it sentence by sentence. He found that the arrangement of one sentence was indeed very similar.

"Only one sentence," Anqi's agent frowned as he held up the chords compared by the studio staff. "Is it convincing?"

The studio staff put all these in front of him and said calmly, "That depends on how well we run the business. Just tell me, do you want to do this?"

An Qi's agent didn't think about it for long, and now most of the company's resources are on Yan Lu.

All major music websites are promoting Yan Lu's new song, and An Qi has lost a lot of resources. "Come on Friends" is also going to invite Yan Lu, so An Qi's position as the "number one" is no longer secure.

There are only so many resources out there.

"Contact all the major entertainment bloggers and arrange everything," Anqi's agent said. "Remember to push the hot comments to the top of all accounts as soon as possible after you finish."

At that time, the first thing passers-by will see is the popular reviews, and even if they have doubts, they will be influenced.

This is not the first time they have done this.



Yan Lu's song "Revisiting the Old Days" started playing in the radio room of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School just after school on Saturday night.

From the lyrics to the music, this song is more popular than anyone imagined.

Bai Mi and a group of people from Class 15 were having lunch in the cafeteria.

Tang Ming ran away from his class with a plate in his hand, sat down next to Wen Qi, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Someone in my class asked me for the portraits of Sister Xu and the God of Study."

Baishen lowered his head and ate slowly.

"What?" Hearing this, he was surprised.

"I've been imprinted on their bedside table."

Hearing this, he seemed to be thinking, "Can it be like this?"

There was a group meeting today, and Jiang Fuli usually spent all his time with people in the laboratory.

Bai Mi picked up her phone after finishing her meal and looked down at the question. She immediately saw the emoticon package He Wengang gave her:

[[Pig life is hopeless.jpg]]

It was obvious that he was being scolded, so Bai Shen replied with an emoticon and reopened the Preparatory Camp app to look at a new question.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

On Weibo and major short video platforms, major marketing accounts started the same video.

The content of the video is very simple. It only cuts out a section of Yan Lu's song and compares it with the video from two years ago. The style is very similar and the chords are similar.

The first rule of the navy is——

[They are so similar, are you thinking I am blind and can't tell the difference? ]

[I've wanted to ask this for a long time, why are Yan Lu's songs so popular? She's not an original singer, and now it's really a bomb (eating melon)]

[How many people have not heard Yan Lu's songs? I should be the first one on the Internet, right? ]

[Check the lyrics and music, there must be some gossip]


Yan Lu has touched the cake of many people. As soon as the marketing account came out, many people in the circle were secretly heating up this topic.

There is a saying that when a wall falls, everyone pushes it.

But within one afternoon, the phrase "The arrangement of "Re-reading the Old Days" is a disaster" appeared on all major software programs.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Lu's previous "black history" was also dug up by netizens.

Her new songs were already very popular, and now that these have been brought out, the popularity has increased even more.


The students in Class 15 were studying hard all afternoon.

After school in the afternoon, the school radio station was still playing Yan Lu's songs.

Bai Di, Lu Xiaohan and their group went out in a mighty manner. Yang Lin went to the milk tea shop, while Bai Di and Ning Xiao went to Zhang's backyard as usual. The truck was already parked at the door of the backyard.

The group of students finished moving the flower pots in just a few minutes.

Aunt Zhang took two plates of watermelon and placed them on the small table in the yard, arranging for everyone to eat fruit. "Let's have dinner here today. Xiaolu has to go to record a program in two days, so she won't be able to make it this day."

She tied an apron around herself.

"Okay," Bai Shi took a piece of watermelon, took out his cell phone, and sent a message to Ji Heng, "I'll tell my grandpa."

When Bai Mi lowered her head to read the news, there was a knock on the door in the yard.

Yan Lu put her head behind her ears and went to open the door.

As soon as he saw Yan Lu, Ah Huang spoke anxiously, "Sister Lu, didn't you turn on your phone? Sister Xin said she couldn't find you, so she asked me to come and check."

"I went to visit the graves this afternoon and I didn't bring my phone with me," Yan Lu was on vacation, and Sister Xin said she hadn't arranged any activities for her recently. She went back to get her phone while asking, "Why did Sister Xin look for you guys?"

Just as Xiaotian was about to speak, he saw people wearing the school uniform of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School sitting in a row in the backyard. Each of them was holding a piece of watermelon in his hand, eating it while looking at them curiously.

Bai Xi didn't sit down. She stood under the shade of the tree, her blue and white school uniform jacket casually opened, holding a watermelon in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, looking down at Xiao Tian and Ah Huang as they talked. Bai Xi had just finished her message and looked up at Xiao Tian and Ah Huang, her fair face slightly raised, looking very lazy.

The setting sun dyed the hair on both sides of her body a golden color.

It was clearly an emergency, but seeing Baishen, Oda calmed down.

"You two take a break." Bai Xi put the phone back into his pocket, then lowered his head and took a bite of the watermelon.

Next to them, Aunt Zhang also brought watermelons to Xiaotian and Ah Huang.

Ah Huang was holding the watermelon, but he had no mood to eat it.

Inside the house, Yan Lu just picked up her phone and saw a lot of missed calls, some from Sister Xin, some from the president of Shiguang Entertainment...

She was about to call Sister Xin back on her cell phone when the president of Time Entertainment called her.

"Yan Lu," the CEO of Time Entertainment said politely to Yan Lu, "You should have known about what happened on the Internet. The impact this time is too great. The public relations department asked you to post a Weibo first. Disassociate yourself from the composer, and this matter has nothing to do with you. Minimize the matter, but Wang Xin disagrees, so you should persuade her..."

"Clear all ties?" Yan Lu replied very politely, "I can't do that."

The CEO of Time Entertainment originally thought that Yan Lu was more clear-headed than Wang Xin, but he didn't expect that she was more decisive than Wang Xin. He frowned and said, "With the lyrics and music, there's no need to worry about the arrangement. Don't be so stubborn."

"Let me take a look first." Yan Lu didn't want to explain too much. He just gave a brief explanation and then hung up the phone to call Sister Xin.

Sister Xin explained the whole thing in a few words.

There is only one chord difference that is similar, and it has nothing to do with the main melody, so it is not plagiarism at all.

But netizens won't listen to such a dry explanation.

"I don't know who started this to blow it out of proportion," Sister Xin pressed her forehead, "When I found out about it, it was already number one on the trending searches. It's hard to say what the boundaries are. The company asked someone to distance themselves from the composer, but I suggest you don't. He's still implicated by you in this matter."

Sister Xin knows very well how Yan Lu became famous.

Bai Shi is the greatest benefactor on her road, and Dean Jian is the person Bai Shi found.

"I know. I'll ask someone to take the trending search down first, and pass on any news to me." Yan Lu manages her own Weibo account. As soon as she opens her Weibo account, she is bombarded with private messages wishing her a happy birthday.

Due to the response to the song in the past two days and the news this afternoon, her Weibo was flooded with a large number of people who wanted to watch the show.

Seeing Yan Lu coming out, Ah Huang took a step forward, "Sister Lu."

Yan Lu raised her hand and said, "Let's talk outside."

She took Ah Huang and Xiao Tian out, and the three of them were in a yard. Xiao Tian asked anxiously, "Sister Lu, do you want to clarify this matter?"

"If you want to accuse someone of a crime, you can always find a pretext." Yan Lu had experienced being blacklisted by the entire Internet, so she didn't react much to this. What she cared about was that Bai Fu and Jian Zhongyou would be implicated because of this.

There is also the song "Revisiting the Old Days".

Ah Huang's cell phone rang. He looked down and saw, "It's Li Yang's assistant, Sister Lu. She must be talking about the guest of Come on Friends. What should I do now?"

Yan Lu will go to record "Come on, Friends" in two days, and then go to study acting skills after the recording.

Li Yang is Yan Lu's "friend" arranged by the program team. The other party is also a currently popular star, and the relationship was just confirmed privately the day before yesterday.

"You answer it." Yan Lu said calmly.

"Xiao Huang," Li Yang's assistant said politely on the other end of the phone, "Brother Li has a cold recently, so he may not be able to record Sister Lu's show..."

Yan Lu gave Ah Huang a look.

Ah Huang held back his anger and smiled, "Brother Li, take care of yourself, then we can cooperate next time."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaotian couldn't help but say, "What's wrong with your health? He will turn around and record other programs.

"What should we do now?" Ah Huang asked.

Inside the courtyard, Aunt Zhang called Yan Lu, "Xiao Lu, ask the two assistants to stay for dinner as well."

"Okay," Yan Lu agreed loudly, the smoky blue color made her face look white. She glanced at the two of them, "Don't let Aunt and the others know about this."


Ah Huang found it a little difficult to understand. Are Auntie and the others the important ones at this time?

Yan Lu brought two assistants in to help Zhang Ma cook.


In the yard, Bai Shi had just finished eating a piece of watermelon. She stood there, reached out and threw the watermelon rind casually. The rind went into the trash can at the entrance of the yard with a "clang".

She slowly pulled out a piece of paper and wiped her fingers leisurely.

Lu Xiaohan, who was sitting on the steps, took out his cell phone, walked over to Bai Xi and said, "Tsk," "This is probably it."

Lu Xiaohan handed the phone to Bai Xi.

The people in Class 15 were not fools. They knew there was a problem when they saw Xiaotian's expression. It just so happened that this matter was a public event. Bai Xi didn't like to surf the Internet, so Lu Xiaohan just picked up his mobile phone to take a look.

Bai Mi rolled up the tissue into a ball, took Lu Xiaohan's phone and read a Weibo post -

[@Time Entertainment, you gave us so many resources just to promote Yan Lu? Yan Lu is your dad? This is so funny, apart from these two songs, what else can Yan Lu show? Now the arrangement of the new song is a disaster, is this the superstar you want to create for us by ignoring other artists? This is so funny?

Comments below——

[Predict the PR of Yan Lu Studio: Yan Lu and "Jian" are just partners. "Jian"'s personal behavior is not considered as an artist. Yan Lu also strongly condemns this behavior and has terminated the partnership with "Jian". (dog head)]

This completely blocks any possible path Yan Lu could take.

Lu Xiaohan is also half an entertainment industry person. She picked up another piece of watermelon and squatted aside to eat it: "Sister Lu has so many rivals, so many marketing big names have come out and blocked all her roads. Do you know this 'Jane'?"

"Yeah, you know him too." Bai Xi glanced over, then took out his cell phone from his pocket and took a photo of Xiaohan's cell phone page.

She is calm and composed.

"I know him too?" Lu Xiaohan counted on her fingers and realized that there should be only one person who knew this. She immediately realized, "Oh my god…"

Dean Jian?

After taking the photo, Bai Mi slowly opened WeChat and sent it to Dean Jian.

White smilax: [[Picture]]

White smilax: [. ]

One minute later.

Dean Jian: [???]

Dean Jian: [?

Dean Jian: [(Angry)]

Jane: Who is it! Who wants to slander me like this!

See you tomorrow!


Jian Zhongyou doesn't quite understand the world of young people and he can't even name one or two popular stars.

It was the beginning of the new semester, so he sneaked out for a walk during the holiday as there were many things waiting for him.

Today is Monday. He just finished a meeting when he received a message from Baishen. He clicked on the picture and saw the bold words on it -

[The arrangement of "Re-writing the Old Days" exploded]

He squinted his eyes and sent a few symbols to Bai Shi. The elderly can operate videos, but they don't understand many operations on Weibo, so he flipped through them a little slowly.

Bai Xi came to him again at this moment: [Explosion? ]

He hadn't found out what the mine was yet, but he replied very quickly:

[Wait for me to see]

Dean Jian was too lazy to flip it, so he asked a teacher he knew to help him.

"Ms. Yan Lu?" The teacher next to him took Dean Jian's phone. He had recorded Yan Lu's voice twice before, so he naturally knew her. "Don't worry, I'll help you check it."

The teacher knew the whole story from Weibo in just a few minutes.

The boundaries of the arrangement circle are not that high. In fact, before this, most people would not specifically dig out the arrangement of a song. Now that it has been discovered by the internet trolls, we can only say that this is the only flaw that can be found in this song.


On the other side of the phone, Bai Xi looked at the reply and realized that the matter had nothing to do with Dean Jian.

She waited for Dean Jian to reply.

Yan Lu was still busy in the kitchen with Zhang Ma.

Assistants Xiaotian and Ahuang originally wanted Yan Lu to go back and deal with the matter, but they didn't expect that before they could handle it, they were caught by Yan Lu and asked to wash and pick vegetables.

"Xiaotian," the kitchen was small, and Ah Huang was squatting in the hall picking shrimp threads, a little confused, "What am I doing here? Why am I squatting here?"

He turned around and looked at Yan Lu who was helping in the kitchen.

Such a big matter concerns Yan Lu's reputation, but the other party is not in a hurry at all. Instead, he stays in the kitchen leisurely.

Xiaotian picked up the shrimp thread and felt strangely calm. "Let's pick it first."

Outside, Bai Xi and his friends finished eating the watermelon. A few of them went to take out the trash, and Bai Xi and Ning Xiao went into the house.

"Why haven't you started doing the questions yet?" Ning Xiao brought in a flower pot and spoke in a calm voice.

Bai Shi picked up a pair of scissors and asked, "On the app?"

At the beginning of the month, new questions were posted on the app. Ning Xiao had already started to practice, but Bai Shen had not yet started. Many people were overwhelmed by the difficulty of a question that kept up with the times on the app.

"Yeah, I was just watching Landau Siegel Zero."

Bai Mi stood by the window and began to prune the branches. "Let's see in two days. I have to help He Wen organize some information now."

He Wen was like a big brother who enslaved his little sister. He would give new documents to Bai Xi before he had time to read them, asking her to read them completely and then sort out the core and summary for him.

Bai Shi has not yet entered university, but he has already experienced the treatment of a postgraduate student.

However, He Wen's documents are all in the areas that interest her.

Ning Xiao, who already knew who He Wen was: "..."

As the two talked, Xiaotian and Ah Huang, who were squatting beside them, were completely confused. What app, what He Wen…

What else is there?

What are they all.

The two were very confused.

Finally they started talking about grandma and Uncle Wang. The boy's grandma was sick and his uncle was taking care of him at home. This is what normal students should talk about.

There are many people at home today, but with the help of Yan Lu and two assistants, Aunt Zhang prepared the meal very quickly. She put two tables together, and a group of people gathered around the table to eat.

"A-Xie, when will Lawyer Chi come back?" At the dinner table, Zhang's mother remembered that the last time they had dinner, Zhang's father was there, and Lawyer Chi was also there.

When Aunt Zhang mentioned Chi Lu, Yan Lu also looked at Bai Shi.

Chi Lu is Zhang Shize's savior.

Bai Shi took the chopsticks, reached out and picked up a cabbage, and heard, "Next month."

Chi Yundai was exiled last year, but this year he returned to his regular post. Ming Dongheng said that he didn't have much vacation time, but he would still find time to come back and test Zhang Shize.

People talked about this and that at the dinner table, but no one mentioned Yan Lu.

The meal lasted until around seven in the evening. When Ah Huang finished eating and helped clear the table, he lowered his head and asked Xiao Tian, ​​"Why does Sister Lu have so many student friends? Also, who is Chi Lu?"

"I don't know." Oda put the dishes in the kitchen.

Huang and Xiaotian had never come into contact with Zhang Shize's case. They didn't even know that "Chi Lu" was a lawyer. They just thought it was a few words.

"These students are so lucky that they are friends with Sister Lu." After sighing, Ah Huang became worried about business again.

Shiguang Entertainment knew that Ah Huang and Xiao Tian were with Yan Lu, and the public relations department was unable to persuade Sister Xin, so they called Ah Huang.

After Huang finished the call, he finally found an opportunity to talk to Yan Lu, "Sister Lu, the PR department has communicated with me, you just need to post a clarification on Weibo."

A Weibo post clarifying that the arrangement of the song had nothing to do with her.

Yan Lu shook her head and did not explain. If this matter was not clarified, Yan Lu might lose a lot of resources in the end. Ah Huang really couldn't figure it out, "Xiaotian, what do you think Sister Lu and the others are thinking? Who arranged this music?"

Xiaotian shook her head. Yan Lu recorded the songs by herself and she didn't know who wrote the lyrics and music.

Sister Xin and Yan Lu should be the only ones who know about the entire Time Entertainment.


At eight o'clock, a group of students said goodbye to Zhang Ma.

Jiang Fuli's car was parked opposite and waiting for her.

Bai Mi's cell phone vibrated several times as she walked towards the car, and Dean Jian finally figured out what had happened.

He had no news, so he called Bai Shi directly.

Bai Xi pressed the answer button and walked towards the opposite side following the light, "Dean Jian."

"I've found out," Jian Zhongyou said without saying anything else. He was still sitting at his desk, reaching out to open a long screen recording. "There is a video of our school's previous internal performance on the Internet. I was the director of that performance. I'm looking for the file of that performance at school."

Jian Zhongyou didn't have a very clear memory of this performance. It was only after seeing the video posted by netizens that he realized that he had also arranged this part of the music.

It is Jian Zhongyou's own style anchor.

There is nothing much to say. Jian Zhongyou can only sigh that netizens or Yan Lu's opponents are too powerful. Over the years, in every nearly three-hour performance at Jiangjing Conservatory of Music, they have been able to find these arrangements.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Mi reached out and pulled off a leaf next to him, playing with it in his hand, his voice neither hurried nor slow.

Seeing that she was walking so slowly, Jiang Fuli got out of the car and waited for her.

Bai Mi hasn't finished talking to Dean Jian yet.

"This matter needs to be worked on," Dean Jian calmed down. He had lived for so long and knew that with such a high level of heat, there must be someone behind the scenes fanning the flames. "Otherwise, even if it is clarified, many people will not be able to see it."

Everything needs heat.

It takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it.

After they hung up the phone, Jiang Fuli opened the car door and asked a few questions, and Bai Fuli told him the whole story about Yan Lu.

"A new song you wrote?" Jiang Fuli knew that she wrote the lyrics and composed the music, and his eyes turned cold.

"Yeah." Bai Xi didn't care much. She got in the car and opened her phone to check the paper He Wen gave her.

Jiang Fuli sat next to her and raised his hand to let Ming Dongheng drive. His eyes narrowed slightly: "Tell Dean Jian not to act rashly in this matter. Give me the contact information of Yan Lu's agent."

"Revisiting the Old Days" has been labeled as "not innocent". It is not something that Dean Jian, an outsider, can do to completely clarify this matter.

Bai Xi opened Sister Xin's WeChat and pushed her to Jiang Fuli.

Jiang Fuli reached out and clicked it, adding a friend directly.

"Why are you reading this?" Jiang Fuli waited for Wang Xin's agreement and glanced at a new paper that Bai Mi was reading.

look familiar.

"Given by He Wen."

Jiang Fuli knew what He Wen was doing as soon as he heard it. The lights at the back of the car were on, and he was sitting under the lights, wearing a black shirt and black trousers. His delicate eyebrows and eyes were exceptionally cold, and he just pursed his lips when he heard the words.

He Wen, who was wearing sterile clothing far away at the experimental base, suddenly sneezed.

The boy in the lab looked at him and said, "He Wen, do you have a cold? Don't infect my junior sister."

He picked up a mask and asked He Wen to put it on.

He Wen: "…"


North city.

At Shiguang Entertainment, the public relations department has not yet left work and is still dealing with the Yan Lu incident.

In the office, the boss said to Sister Xin earnestly, "You've been in the entertainment industry for so long, and you still don't know how to get the highest return. As long as there is a lyricist, you can find another arranger at will. After pushing the responsibility, just give him some compensation to shut him up. Could this arranger be Yan Lu's father? You won't give in at all?"

Hearing this, Sister Xin, who was sitting opposite, just raised her eyebrows.

Dean Jian cannot be considered Yan Lu's father, but Bai Shi can be.

Dean Jian is in such a high position, so the only reason he could compose music for Yan Lu is out of respect for Bai Shi, right?

Looking at the entertainment industry, no senior has the status of Dean Jian.

"If the PR department wants to clarify, they can just push the responsibility onto Yan Lu," Xin said, putting down her teacup. Yan Lu had been through so much, and Xin was already indifferent to it. "We will try our best to dispel other rumors. This itself doesn't count as plagiarism."

It seems that Sister Xin and Yan Lu are out of control. The boss lit a cigarette and looked at Sister Xin: "In this case, let Yan Lu rest for a few more days. Let Man Xi go to "Perfect Day" this time to avoid the limelight."

"A Perfect Day" is a variety show invested by Time Entertainment. Businessmen have always been seeking profit and avoiding harm. Now netizens are "avoiding" Yan Lu and have also released a lot of negative information about her in the past.

Time Entertainment is afraid that it will affect the reputation of their variety shows.

Yan Lu currently has two variety shows, "Perfect Day" and "Come On Friends". She has signed a contract for the latter but not the former.

Of course, if we take a bigger picture of Yan Lu's incident now, it has damaged the artist's image, and the variety show can also terminate the contract and ask Yan Lu to pay compensation.

Sister Xin took out her cell phone and contacted the marketing account.

As soon as I turned on my phone, I received a new friend notification.


The account Xinjie added Bai Shi to was a private one, so not many people knew about it. When I clicked on the friend page, I saw that there was no message on the other party's authentication page, but the account name was three words:

Ginger is attached to Li.

Just with an avatar and a name, Sister Xin felt a chill down her spine for no apparent reason.

When she was in Xiangcheng, she had never heard anyone call Jiang Fuli by his name. Even a big lawyer like Chi Yundai called him "Young Master Jiang." But Jiang Fuli mentioned this when he introduced himself.

Sister Xin remembers the pronunciation but doesn't know the character.

At this point, I finally matched the words with their pronunciation.

She reached out and clicked add, and took the initiative to say hello.

Jiang Fuli didn't answer, but just gave her a business card.

Jiang Fuli: [Add him]

Sister Xin didn't dare to ask who this person was, and directly added the other party as a friend. Just as she was thinking about who Mr. Jiang asked her to add, the next second she received a message from the other party -

[Hello, I am Qiu Rong, the planner of Xijiang]

Xijiang is one of the top three marketing companies in China, and most of them are taking on national brand projects. This is the first time that Sister Xin has been promoted to a boss of this level.


The other side of the phone.

Jiang Fuli sent Baishen back.

It was not late today, and Ji Heng was still embroidering patterns in the yard. The main lights in the yard were on, stretching his back very long.

His mobile phone was placed next to the embroidery frame, and he was video chatting with Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing.

"It's early today, too." Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ji Heng raised his head slightly.

"Yes," Bai Su put down her schoolbag, washed some fruit from the kitchen and ate with Ji Heng. She sat next to Ji Heng, greeted Shen Qingji Shaojun, and talked to Ji Heng, "Grandpa, do you know Landau Siegel Zero?"

What is zero o'clock?

Ji Heng's wrinkled hands stopped, his mind still on "av-partcl duality of lght".

Bai Mi didn't say that I had to change the subject in advance?

He calmly placed a needle in his hand and said, "I have something to tell you."

"You say." Bai Shi took a bite of the pear and said slowly.

"Your uncle is in Jiangjing now." Ji Heng knew that Bai Xi had good grades and should be the one with the highest IQ among so many people in the Ji family. "Have you decided what you want to do in the future?"

Bletilla: "Quantum mechanics."

She answered promptly and clearly.

Ji Heng: "...You want to study this? Wave-particle duality?"

"What is this?" Shen Qing was full of doubts on the other end of the phone, and Ji Shaojun also leaned over.

Bai Mi looked at Ji Heng encouragingly, and Ji Heng put down the needle expressionlessly, "These are inseparable from quantum mechanics. In short, light quanta are a superposition of waves and particles... To put it simply, do you know online games? You know there is a stone in front of you, but it won't refresh unless you approach it. As soon as you walk over it, it refreshes immediately."

Shen Qing didn't understand, but she felt it was a little weird and couldn't help rubbing her arms.

"Is that so?" Ji Shaojun nodded. His brain had been overwhelmed by a pile of data recently. "Then Ah-I will study physics?"

"That's the case for now." Bai Su finished eating the pear, "Uncle, what do you want?"

Shen Qing said on the side, "He wants you to help him share the data."

Ji Shaojun: "…"

Ji Heng picked up the needle again and said, "Let's wait for Ah-Xu to finish the college entrance examination."

Beside him, Bai Xi did not mention the "zero point" matter again, and Ji Heng finally felt relieved.


Jiang Fuli is here.


His phone was on, and the speakerphone was on. On the other end of the phone, Jiang Xijue asked in confusion, "Marketing?"

"Well," Jiang Fuli reached out, picked up the pillow on the carpet with two fingers, and threw it on the sand. His voice was indifferent: "Just give the person to me."

"Okay," Jiang Xijue arranged it. He was curious about what it was about, but he didn't dare to ask, "Will you come back next month?"

Jiang Fuli paused for a moment and said, "Yes."

He hung up the phone, returned to his seat, reached out to turn on the computer, the computer's fluorescent light made his face appear snow-white, and he logged into WeChat directly.

Dean Jian's friend has been approved, and the other party sent Jiang a video and a document.

The video is an internal performance video of Jiangjing Conservatory of Music, and the file is the list of people participating in the performance and the time.

He edited a section of the video and finally took a screenshot of the list with Dean Jian's name and the school seal.

Jiang Fuli: [Do you mind revealing that you are Jane? ]

Jiang Fuli knew that Dean Jian used the pseudonym "Jian" at the time because he wanted to quietly collaborate with Bai Mi on music and make music purely, but he didn't expect that such a thing would happen after the song became popular.

At that time, Yan Lu was still a half-famous person, and Dean Jian didn't want to give the song the title of "Dean Jian".

Now, after the two songs, the lyrics and music have already become famous, and "Bai Jian" and "Jian" are both new stars in the circle.

It doesn't matter whether Dean Jian comes out or not, at least the new song will not be labeled "Dean Jian".

Dean Jian: [No problem]

Jiang Fuli also guessed this. He tapped the table casually with his fingertips. As long as there was no problem with Dean Jian, things would be easy to handle.


The next day, Tuesday.

Yan Lu's popularity remains high.

Bai Mi received a WeChat message from Sister Xin when she was in class in the afternoon. Sister Xin drove to Xiangcheng overnight.

Classes are over in the afternoon.

Zhang family.

Aunt Zhang knew that Yan Lu and the others had something to discuss, so she sold flowers in the front and left the backyard and the hall to Yan Lu and the others.

Sister Xin drove to Xiangcheng last night. After arriving in the morning, she checked into a hotel and slept. She just arrived at Zhang's house now.

"Sister Xin, Sister Lu disagrees with clarifying the Weibo post," Ah Huang watched the public opinion last night and did not sleep. He poured a glass of water for Sister Xin, "Didn't you see what those people on the Internet said about Sister Lu."

Yan Lu treats his assistant very well. He is humble and not pampered. Ah Huang likes this boss very much.

"I know." Sister Xin held the teacup and looked at Yan Lu: "Did Li Yang reject you?"

"Yeah." Yan Lu was not surprised.

"Let me check on my previous friends." Sister Xin took out her cell phone and called a good friend in the circle to find someone to help out temporarily.

When the other party heard that it was Yan Lu who had been at Fengjianlangkou in the past two days, he politely refused, "Are you sure you want to record it in Xiangcheng? Isn't it a bit too far? We are currently filming in Xicheng..."

After hanging up the phone, Sister Xin felt helpless.

Just at this moment, the back door was pushed open. When Sister Xin heard the sound, she quickly stood up.

The person who came in was Bai Xi. She was holding a black backpack in one hand and her school uniform in the other. She was closing the door with her elbow and walking into the house.

"Ms. Bai," Sister Xin gave up her seat to Bai Shi, and said apologetically, "My problem has implicated you and Dean Jian." "It's my problem," Yan Lu was also very sorry. She didn't expect that this matter would alarm Bai Shi, who only loved to study. "There are too many marketing accounts that slander me, and I have left a lot of negative information for them before."

"It's okay." Bai Xi understood everything about the entertainment industry. She didn't care much about it. Even Lu Xiaohan, who only focused on making videos, was hacked, not to mention the public figure Yan Lu. "Teacher Jiang will arrange a follow-up clarification."

Sister Xin noticed Bai Shi's expression and was relieved when she saw that she didn't care. "I know."

Jiang Fuli mentioned these to her last night, but Sister Xin hasn't seen Jiang Fuli withdraw from the trending searches yet.

"Qiu Rong" on the address book did not move either.

For Sister Xin, what is important is not the negative information about Yan Lu, but Dean Bai Jian. She is relieved that the two of them will not vent their anger on Yan Lu.

On the opposite side, Ah Huang looked at Sister Xin and Yan Lu, and was surprised that they treated Bai Xi, a high school student, with more respect than the other.

As Sister Xin was speaking, her cell phone lit up.

She clicked it and took a look, then immediately looked up and said in surprise: "Yan Lu, Teacher Mei Yi is willing to be the celebrity guest of this episode."

"Teacher Mei Yi?" Yan Lu was very surprised. "Why is he here?"

Bai Su also raised her head when she heard the name. She had been to the set of the film "Da Yong".

This teacher Mei Yi is the actor who plays "Bai Chongyu".

"Maybe he saw your potential?" Sister Xin was holding her phone, obviously very excited. "I'll talk to his agent about this variety show first."

Bai Shen retracted her gaze and looked at her phone lazily. Jiang Fuli sent her a WeChat message:

[Do you want to register Weibo? ]

White mulberry: [? ]

Jiang Fuli: [[Screenshot]]

Bai Shen clicked on it and saw that it was a topic about "picking up things for free". She does not have a Weibo account, but after posting three lyrics and a song, the number of followers of the topic on Weibo has exceeded 100,000.

She was dazed for a rare moment, and when she downloaded her Weibo, she suddenly remembered that she had left more and more things in this era.

When Bai Shen registered on Weibo, she was thinking quietly.


When Jiang Fuli got Bai Shi's Weibo account, she simply responded with one word: "picked up."

Like Jiang He, he always felt a little guilty when he saw this word.

After paying attention to Bletilla striata.

His cell phone rang. It was Qiu Rong calling.

"Mr. Jiang," Qiu Rong's voice was very respectful on the other end of the phone. When Xijiang was about to go out of business, it was the Jiang family who provided the funds. "The marketing account and popularity are all arranged."

Their team worked out the plan in one night.

Make sure Yan Lu won't be tarnished in this incident, and at the same time make this song reach another level of popularity.

Although Qiu Rong didn't quite understand why such a small matter in the entertainment industry would alarm Jiang Fuli, who was said to have been a hands-off boss for a long time.

"Well," Jiang Fuli walked to the isolation room and said in a light voice, "Okay, I'll ask Dean Jian to post it on Weibo."

Jian Zhongyou has a Weibo account.

When Jian Zhongyou received the message from Jiang Fuli, he was still at school. He stopped in the middle of the road and logged into his Weibo account. His Weibo account was just registered last night at the request of Jiang Fuli. It only had a few zombie fans, but it had been verified.

"You've been verified as a big V so quickly?" The teacher next to him looked at Jian Zhongyou's V account and was very confused.

Jian Zhongyou didn't even post a single Weibo post.

"I don't know." Jian Zhongyou opened Weibo and went out according to Jiang Fuli's request.


North city.

At Shiguang Entertainment, the Manxi and Anqi teams met.

"Manshi," Anqi's agent smiled, "Perfect Day is still you, right?"

Manxi pursed her lips and nodded, her smile very cold.

"I guessed it," An Qi's manager smiled and tilted his head, "I thought they would clarify that Yan Lu had nothing to do with the arrangement, but I didn't expect Wang Xin to be so stubborn and actually refused to agree."

An Qi took off his sunglasses and asked, "Are you sure there's no one behind her?"

"The situation has become so serious now, and I haven't heard of any marketing company coming to her rescue." The agent was on pins and needles yesterday, but now he is finally relieved, "Don't worry."

There are rumors online that Yan Lu is backed by a senior executive of China Guangfa Group.

Compared with Zhongguang, Shiguang Entertainment is like the difference between an ant and an elephant. The only difference is that the paparazzi have been stalking Yan Lu for several months but have not been able to catch the suspected "financial sponsor".

The incident involving Yan Lu is still on Weibo, and there is no way to forcefully remove it from the trending searches.

I guess rumors are just rumors.

The few of them were very relaxed together. Anqi's agent smiled and said, "Anqi, you and Manxi should go out for dinner together in two days. I will arrange for someone to take pictures."

Anqi Studio spent a lot of money to create this wave of public opinion.

As they were talking, the assistant came in hurriedly with a cell phone in hand. "Teacher Anqi, something bad has happened. Look at the trending search results.

"What's the fuss?" Anqi's agent frowned. "What's the matter?"

Everyone in the room took out their phones and opened Weibo.

Weibo is a bit stuck.

Netizens thought that the incident involving Yan Lu had come to an end, but who knew that another big piece of news would break out at six o'clock today.

The first hot search is "eat melons", followed by "explosion".

When I clicked on it, I saw a Weibo post reposted by several big marketing accounts. These people all reposted a Weibo post called "Jian" with an emoji of people eating melons.

v简: [Maybe it's because I composed all the songs [picture][picture]] //@黑第五日: [[screenshot] They look so similar, are you thinking I'm blind and can't tell the difference?]

Is this the mysterious arranger?

Everyone was stunned when they saw it, and then went to check out "Jane's" Weibo certification—

[Jian Zhongyou, President of Jiangjing Conservatory of Music, national guzheng team, Royal Conservatory of Music...]

Now let's look at two screenshots of Jane. The first one is a screenshot of the music performance that netizens compared. The second one is the name list of that performance. There are three words written in the column of the instructor:

Jian Zhongyou.

There is also an official seal on the back.

The top comment was very direct: "What the hell???"

"The legendary self-reference?"

"Shouldn't the biggest melon be that Jane is actually Dean Jane???"

"The music was arranged by Dean Jian. Fuck, who wrote the lyrics and composed the music? Who was it? Who could make Dean Jian willing to arrange the music???"

"How about checking out his follow list?"

See you guys~~~


Most of the netizens came just to watch the fun, and the vast majority of them did not know Dean Jian.

But there are professionals providing scientific insights and vivid comparisons in the comment section.

People who don't study art or are not involved in this field may not know what the status of the president of Jiangjing Conservatory of Music is, but if you compare him with the president of Jiangjing University, everyone will know it clearly.

Yan Lu has a 3S+ level drama to be broadcast, and in addition, she has three songs that have made a name for themselves in the domestic music industry this year.

No one could have imagined that the unknown arranger would be someone like Jian Zhongyou who had left the entertainment circle. Jian Zhongyou could be said to be a master and an artist who could be performed at the National Theatre of China.

Perhaps many netizens still cannot imagine President Jian's status in Chinese music.

But An Qi and his group who had attended classes at the music school knew very well that An Qi's agent had gone crazy. His hands were shaking: "... He was the arranger of Yan Lu? From the very beginning? Why has Yan Lu never hyped it up?"

This doesn't make sense.

An Qi went to Jiangjing University to attend a class. How many marketing accounts did he buy off? Yan Lu, this was arranged by Jian Zhongyou. Didn't Wang Xin hire water army and marketing accounts for marketing?

He is like most netizens.

The arranger is Jian Zhongyou, so who can be compared with Jian Zhongyou in composing lyrics and music? An Qi's agent clicked on Dean Jian's follow.

Short video apps are suitable for the elderly, so Dean Jian is often active on video apps. This is his first time registering on Weibo, and he only follows three people on the account.

Yan Lu, Jiangjing Conservatory of Music official microblog, An Qi looked at the last one——

An account with a system gray-white avatar and the word "拾".

The Weibo account was obviously just registered, and it doesn't have a Weibo account, but it already has 100,000 followers.

Next to him, An Qi also stood up in disbelief: "The composer is Dean Jian..."

Then it all makes sense.

"Yes, he also followed Yan Lu," An Qi's agent was a little distraught, "No wonder, no wonder Wang Xin would rather Yan Lu be suppressed than clarify the Weibo post, and even let Yan Lu lose "A Perfect Day"..."

This time they gambled everything and lost everything. The millions of dollars invested in the early stage were completely converted into Yan Lu's traffic.


The veteran artists of Chinese music have reached artistic heights that they cannot reach in their entire lives in the entertainment industry.

Thinking of the marketing that An Qi had done before because he had attended classes at Jiang Jing Music, the agent couldn't help but look at Man Xi on the side. Man Xi was a first-line actress created by Shiguang Entertainment. It was because of Man Xi's popularity that he let An Qi and Yan Lu break up and chose Man Xi.

Now, the agent began to regret.

If Yan Lu had not been backstabbed at that time, An Qi would have also shared some of the popularity now, right?

Is there a chance that Dean Jian can also compose music for An Qi...

Once some ideas appear, they cannot be controlled. Manxi, who was standing aside, also felt this.



After Sister Xin finished her phone call with Mei Yi, she confirmed the filming location and celebrity guests with the director team of "Come on, Friends".

"With Teacher Mei Yi here, you won't be under so much pressure," Sister Xin came back from the yard with her phone, "Why don't you just shoot here? The production team may have to set a script for you."

"Script?" It was the first time Bai Xi heard that a script was required for filming a variety show. She looked up, surprised.

Sister Xin was helpless, "There is only one celebrity guest, Mei Yi, and the guests in other groups should have several friends in the circle. Yan Lu's daily life is boring. Other artists watch shows, have many friends, and talk about life. She just reads books and learns acting skills from her teacher every day. I am afraid that she will invite Mei Yi back and read books with Mei Yi for two days. Do you think the audience can only watch them read books for two hours?"

As she spoke, Sister Xin looked at Bai Shi. Ever since she met Bai Shi, Yan Lu has been reading more diligently than the average senior high school student.

In the trailer of "Da Yong", most of the shots of Yan Lu show her reading books, scripts and observing her seniors.

"Take them to visit Wutong Street," Bai suggested.

However, as a phenomenal tourist street, there are always a lot of people there, so it may not be suitable for long-term recording of programs.

Bai Mi tilted her head to look at Yan Lu, tapped the table with her fingertips, and began to think slowly.

Perhaps because she felt that she had not kept an eye on Zhang Shize, Bai Xi had always felt guilty for the year he had been in prison, and she became even more concerned about Yan Lu and Zhang Ma.

Sister Xin's cell phone rang again.

It was the CEO of Time Entertainment. As soon as the call was answered, the other party's cheerful voice rang out, "Sister Xin, look at you, why didn't you tell me earlier that the composer is Dean Jian..."

The boss politely called her "Sister Xin".

Wang Xin was stunned at this moment. She didn't know what Jiang Fuli and Dean Jian's plan was. After hearing what the boss said, she knew that Dean Jian must have clarified it on the Internet.

She responded with a few words, and the boss on the other side asked her to introduce a few more "friends" in the circle to Yan Lu and help Yan Lu to record the program, but Wang Xin refused.

"Well, I'll talk to my friends here and ask them to let Yan Lu attend two more sessions," the boss didn't mind. "By the way, the music is arranged by Dean Jian, who is the teacher who wrote the lyrics and composed the music?"

He is asking for information.

Regardless of the upcoming drama, everyone in the industry knows that Yan Lu is popular enough just for his songs. With the quality of his lyrics and composition, as well as Dean Jian's arrangement, there is really no one in the music industry who can be compared with him recently.

Sister Xin's eyes fell on Bai Shi and she changed the subject with ease.

The CEO of Time Entertainment was also very tactful and didn't ask any more questions.

She was on the phone. Xiaotian and Ahuang next to her did not receive any push notifications from Weibo, but they received countless inquiries from friends on WeChat.

As soon as Huang opened his phone, he saw his friends who were also working in the same industry.

[The composer of Yan Lu is the dean of Jiangjing Conservatory of Music? Damn, you actually hid such a big secret from me! I was worried about you for two days?

[Da Huang, I am really angry (smile)]

Ah Huang: "...???"



Ten p.m.

Blackwater Street Bar.

Bai Su sat on a high stool, slowly lowering her head to write the test paper.

"The first batch of veteran Chinese medicine practitioners will be able to get their certificates soon," Mao Kun knocked on the bar, signaling the bartender to give him a cocktail. "Xiao Qi hasn't come back yet, and drugstores in first-tier cities are refusing to sell Guyuan Paste."

The profit margin of Guben Paste is low and the market intends to suppress it, but it sells well in Xiangcheng thanks to locals and tourists.

The rest depends on Mao Kun's ability to bring goods in the fighting arena, but the drugs used in the fighting arena are too strong and cannot enter the ordinary people's market.

"But he said he wanted to do something..." Mao Kun didn't understand any of this.

"The Luo family is the king of domestic medicines. They are financed by Country R and suppress other Chinese medicine markets," Xue Chun came over with a plate and explained, "So Mr. Xiao Qi decided to open up the sinking market first, only entering rural and 18th-tier cities' pharmacies. He has already found dozens of distributors."

Everyone knows that Xiangcheng is buying up traditional Chinese medicine on a large scale. Many people did not go out to work this year and stayed in Xiangcheng to grow herbs.

Once the market is open, everything else will be easy. Bai Xi was listening on the side, but she didn't quite understand, but after Xue Chun's explanation, she understood that this was a long-term battle.

Neither Bai Di nor Mao Kun could help with this matter. Bai Di only asked them to learn a set of acupuncture techniques for myopia from her after they got their Chinese medicine certificates.

"I have a boxing match this Saturday," Mao Kun waited for the two of them to finish chatting before saying to Bai Shi, "Sister, do you want to come and watch?"

Mao Kun rarely plays now, but the fighting arena took the initiative to invite him, after all, Mao Kun is very popular.

"Ring match..." Bai Xi wrote a line of words under the light, and then remembered what Sister Xin said, "Is it difficult to buy tickets for your ring match?"

"That's for external use. I'm considered half a fighting arena member." Mao Kun took a sip of the cocktail.

He has never been to high school, but he is just curious, why do high school students have so much homework nowadays?

Every time Bai Mi is busiest, he has to write papers, and there are more papers.

Bai Mi finished writing, and without checking, he slowly turned the page and asked, "Can we bring someone in to film it?"

She explained that Yan Lu was going to record a show.

There are too many people on Wutong Street, so Yan Lu can't spend much time there, but Heishui Street is full of international friends, and no one would recognize a small domestic star.

There are also many interesting things.

Sister Xin just thinks Yan Lu is too boring and is worried that the show will not be a good success.

Mao Kun didn't know either. He used his phone to talk to the other party in a babble, and then said to Bai Xi, "But we can only give them five tickets. However, we have to show it to the fighting arena after the post-editing, because many things in Blackwater Street cannot be shown to the public. I will let Xiao Wu follow them when the time comes, so they won't offend anyone."

Xiaowu is now also a well-known second-rate guy in Heishui Street.

With five tickets, most of the staff recording the variety show cannot come.

"Okay." Bai Shi nodded.

Behind the two of them, Xue Chun returned to the bar, picked up a lemon, and thought silently in her heart -

Letting people filming variety shows come here, they will be scared to death...

"Are you leaving?" Bai Su suddenly remembered this and turned her head to look at Xue Chun.

Xue Chun took out a bottle of wine from the back and said to Bai Xi very respectfully, "Mr. Xiao Qi asked me to go to Jiang Jing to mix drinks and learn something."

The bar has a branch in Jiangjing.

Bai Xi watched Xue Chun smear the lemon on the rim of the cup and then spin it smoothly in the air. The lights in the bar reflected Xue Chun's charming face, and her movements were graceful and smooth.

Would this kind of wine taste better?

She picked up the drink Xuechun had mixed for her.

It was very light, very different from the wine she was used to.

Next to him, the male bartender handed the drink he had mixed to Mao Kun, feeling very aggrieved: "Mr. Mao, why did Miss Bai only drink the drink mixed by Xue Chun? Is it because I mixed it bad?"

Mao Kun looked at Xuechun, then at Baishen, "No, it could also be that you didn't adjust it well."




Xu Nanjing drove Bai Xi back to Qingshui Street.

In most cases, Xu Nanjing has replaced Ming Dongheng as Bai Shi's driver.

"We are going to watch the fight at Blackwater Street this Saturday," Xu Nanjing stopped the car at the intersection and looked at Bai Shi who was sitting in the back. "Sister Bai Shi, do you want to go? This is a rare opportunity. It was Tochar who got it for me."

The co-pilot, Xiao Bingwen, who was reading Weibo, looked up and hesitated: "It's so bloody, let's just forget it."

It's still a mess there.

Xu Nanjing came to his senses. He looked at Bai Xi, who was reading a book obediently in the rearview mirror and said, "That's right, sister Bai Xi, you should study hard."

Smilax glaze said "hmm" lazily.

Three songs by Yan Lu were playing in the car on repeat. It was connected to the Bluetooth by Xiao Bingwen. Xu Nanjing started the car and asked, "Do you like Yan Lu so much?"

Xiao Bingwen returned to WeChat and messaged Liu Shuhe.

Xiao Bingwen: [Your teacher actually participated]

Liu Shuhe: [She is also talented. There are not many people who can have the teacher arrange music for her. I don't know who the composer is.]

"You don't understand," Xiao Bingwen held the phone, "If you knew who arranged the music, you would be scared to death."

Xu Nanjing is not interested in the entertainment industry. He has been busy with the Charles matter recently, or thinking about how to solemnly introduce Bai Shi to the Xu family, or how to introduce his mother to Bai Shi.

Information has a wall.

"Who is it?" Xu Nanjing replied indifferently.

"Dean Jian," Xiao Bingwen lowered his voice and answered mysteriously, "Shuhe's teacher."

"Ah?" Xu Nanjing had heard of these two people, but had never met them. He was very surprised, "He arranged music for a star?"

"Yes," Xiao Bingwen sighed, "Everyone is guessing who the mysterious composer is. He is definitely not inferior to Dean Jian. The Chinese music and entertainment circles are going crazy about this."

Xiao Bingwen is familiar with Liu Shuhe and naturally understands music. The fact that these three songs by Yan Lu are so popular has already demonstrated the ability of the composer.

After Dean Jian showed up, even Liu Shuhe and the others were guessing which big shot wrote the lyrics and music, not to mention others.

Xu Nanjing was also surprised. He remembered something and explained to Bai Shen who was behind him, "Dean Jian, it seems that he is the great guzheng teacher. Sister Bai Shen, when you go to Jiangjing, I have a surprise for you."

He remembered something Gao Yan had told him.

In the back seat, Bai Xi slowly flipped a piece of paper.

The car arrived at Qingshui Street.

Bai Mi bids farewell to Xu Nanjing.

The yellow-haired man who was squatting and smoking beside the trash can on Qingshui Street stood up when he saw Bai Xi. He held the cigarette in his mouth and took out a few tickets from his pocket and gave them to Bai Xi.

Bai Mi reached out and took it.

In the car.

Seeing Bai Shi interacting with a yellow-haired gangster, Xu Nanjing couldn't help but sit up straight and saw the yellow-haired guy handing something to Bai Shi.

"Hey," Xu Nanjing sat up straight, narrowed his eyes, and patted Xiao Bingwen's shoulder, "Does the thing in her hand look familiar?"