
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs


 Chapter 354: Chapter 355: Great Rivers and Mountains (End)

  Two more people were added to Jiang Da's celebrity list.

  Not to mention Bai Qian's popularity, Ning Xiao's reputation is almost as good as He Wen's.

  Neither of them went back to school and stayed in the institute for the past two days.

  Bai Zian recorded a set of data and returned to the lounge. Jiang Fuli was sitting openly in her seat, holding her mobile phone to answer the call.

  Seeing her coming, he raised his hand and gave her the phone, "Grandpa's phone number."

  Bai Qian unbuttoned his white coat and answered the phone, "Grandpa?"

  "I just told Xiao Jiang that I would like to stay in Xiangcheng for a while. "Yue," Ji Heng was smoking and speaking vaguely, "Xiaohan also wants to stay and record the process. How is your template painting?"

  At the request of the Xiangcheng Cultural Tourism Bureau, Qingshui Street is also worth developing. The old city should be developed into the ancient city of Xiangcheng.

  Knowing that there was a group of embroiderers on Qingshui Street, the Bureau of Culture and Tourism asked these teachers to embroider a piece of work, which was both publicity and a representative item of the ancient city.

  It is said that there are twenty or thirty embroidery masters.

  "It was sent back yesterday," Bai Zian took the tea that Jiang Fuli poured for her, "Let Xiaohan bring it to you."

  After hanging up the phone, Bai Zian drank the tea and slowly printed the data.

  Jiang Fuli was still sitting on the chair, with his finger on the mouse, reading a paper that had not yet been translated. The sunlight from the window lazily hit the two of them. He looked at each word and suddenly said, "There are seven days off during the National Day. "

  Both of them didn't get much rest during the summer vacation.

  "Huh?" Bai Zian put down the tea cup and turned to look at him.

  "I've bought the ticket." Jiang Fuli closed the paper page and looked up.

  Bai Zian realized that it was a ticket to Snow Mountain.


  National Day, peak tourist season.

  Snowy mountains are at the border.

  On the evening of September 30th, Jiang Fuli packed a suitcase and drove to Jiangjing Airport.

  At Shanhai Apartment, Chen Beixuan watched Jiang Fuli's black car drive away.

  She put one hand in her pocket and glanced at Ming Dongheng, "Young Master Jiang is going on a long trip, won't you follow him?"

  The Jiang family was relieved.

  Ming Dongheng took out his car keys and glanced at Chen Beixuan, "Don't worry."

  With Bai Qian here, what was he worried about?

  Worried that others won't live long enough?

  "Okay, where are you going? Give me a ride." Chen Beixuan came here with Xu Nanjing due to traffic restrictions today. Xu Nanjing was upstairs talking to Ning Xiao about business.

  She pulled Ming Dongheng's passenger seat away.

  "Xingyi Martial Arts School." Ming Dongheng put on his sunglasses and started the car.

  Always cool.

  He and the owner of the gold gym have recently been teaching Yang Lin bodybuilding moves. It is the first time he teaches a newcomer and he is still Bai Qian's friend. Although Yang Lin is not very knowledgeable, she can endure hardships.

  Ming Dongheng and the owner of Jin Guan were very concerned about it.

  He works hard and shows his special skills.

  "Xingyi Martial Arts School?" Chen Beixuan lowered the window and was very interested in Xingyi Martial Arts School.

  Go there with Ming Dongheng.

  Arriving at Xingyi Martial Arts Hall, Master Jin was teaching Yang Lin how to stand.

  Chen Beixuan recognized Yang Lin as Bai Qian's classmate and a top student at Jiang University. He was about to ask Ming Dongheng why Yang Lin was here when he turned around and saw the owner of the gold shop holding a large silver metal cube and placing it on the squatting floor. Yang Lin's hands.

  Chen Beixuan: "...?"

  Isn't this iridium?

  After Yang Lin finished practicing for half an hour, Chen Beixuan went over and picked up the fifty centimeter square piece of iridium with one hand.

  Didn't pick it up.

  After she was silent for a moment, she began to think that Yang Lin should not be in Jiangda.

  She should be in military school.

  Of course, it would be better if he was in her team.


  Jiangjing Airport.

  The old steward Jiang was waiting at the VIP entrance with two boarding passes in his hand.

  From a distance, I saw two young people.

  The man wore a white straight-breasted shirt with dark patterns, black casual pants, and a peaked cap on his head, with the brim of the hat lowered so that his face could not be seen clearly.

  The girl next to her is wearing a gradually lighter beige cotton and linen dress. Her long hair is simply pulled up, her eyebrows are lowered, and she is talking to the person next to her, looking relaxed and gentle.

  A smile appeared on Butler Jiang's face.

  The two are close.

  Butler Jiang handed over the boarding pass, "Master, Miss Bai."

  Jiang Fuli raised his head and introduced to Bai Xian, "This is Butler Jiang."

  Bai Xian looked at the old man.

  The other party was wearing a black coat, with obvious wrinkles between his brows and eyes, and white hair. "Hello."

  Butler Jiang sent the two of them to board the plane, and gently told Jiang Fuli about the hotel he had booked and his itinerary.

  Butler Jiang didn't look back until the two of them disappeared at the boarding gate.

    He took out his cell phone, squinted his presbyopic eyes a little, and called Gao Shu.

  "Dean Gao," Butler Jiang said gently and beamingly, "do you think I should prepare the wedding for the young master and Miss Bai now? It will take a year or two to prepare these things, especially Miss Bai's wedding dress. , I have to go to Xicheng. "

  The prince of the Jiang family must be extravagant when he wants to get married. It is not easy to prepare for this.

  There is the oldest weaving factory in Xicheng. Butler Jiang plans to go to the head of the factory in person to tailor-make a Yunjin Phoenix robe for Bai Zian.

  This kind of construction period will take at least one year.

  Gao Shu: "...Steward Jiang, you probably don't have to worry about this. Ah's grandpa will probably prepare it, but you can make a spare one. Mr. Ji is old, so you should also prepare some regular clothes for Ah."

  "That's okay," Butler Jiang made up his mind to find time to go to Xicheng. The most important thing is to order a phoenix robe for Bai Zian. "I'll have someone contact the Xicheng Manufacturing Factory."


  National Day.

  Tourist season.

  Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli, like all the people who come to travel, took a car to the foot of the mountain and queued up to buy cable car tickets. Jiang Fuli was wearing a black scarf. The black scarf was pulled up, covering his chin and revealing the straight bridge of his nose. .

  He stretched out his hand and knocked on the window, waiting for the conductor to take the ticket.

  Without a mask, those pale eyes were as cold as snow-capped mountains.

  The conductor didn't dare to look at him, and his movements became several times faster.

  Bai Zian stood next to him, wearing an oversized beige scarf. Her face was stunningly beautiful. She pushed the scarf down and spoke politely to the conductor, "Please give me another bottle of oxygen."

  Jiang Fuli was a little confused as to why she needed to bring oxygen.

  The two of them walked in a sea of ​​people and lined up to get into the cable car.

  A cable car can seat four people. There are many people during the peak tourist season. Across from Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli, there is also a young couple who are out for fun. They seem to be about college age.

  I was sitting chattering, and Jiang Fuli stooped down and came in. The noble gentleman had a cold face and a dignified look. His aura was still different from that of ordinary people.

  He was just carrying an out-of-place red oxygen tank in his hand.

  The two of them lowered their voices in unison.

  Especially the boys, who kept silent and pretended to look at the machines outside with the girls next to them.

  In the entire enclosed cable car, the already low temperature seemed to have dropped by two or three degrees.

  Bai Zian sat next to Jiang Fuli, and she leaned back casually.

  This was her first time riding a cable car. She looked at the scenery below with some curiosity. It was going very fast. Jiang Fuli helped her hold the oxygen tank and put his other hand behind her. He didn't even look at the snow-capped mountains. He was tired of looking at them. .

  Most of his light-colored eyes fell on her, and only when Bai Zian mentioned the scenery outside, he gave the snow mountain a lazy look.

  The girl opposite looked at the two of them out of the corner of her eye. She seemed very excited, but she didn't dare to speak, so she pinched the leg of the boy next to her.

  Reach the top of the mountain and get off the cable car.

  Seeing that there was no movement from the two people opposite, Bai Zian smiled politely at them and took Jiang Fuli off the cable car first.

  After they got out of the car first, the girl whispered to the boy next to her: "Look at that young lady just now. Is she the very popular young lady from Jiang University last year?"

  Bai Zian was very popular, but her traffic was Times, it was just those few days where the brush was fierce.

  Later, it was overshadowed by other heat again.

  This girl still vaguely remembers Bai Zian, entirely because Bai Zian's face is too prominent.


  After getting off the cable car, we are not even at the top of the mountain.

  There is only one landmark check-in place.

  There is also a staircase that needs to be climbed up slowly, where you can overlook the scenery at the foot of the entire mountain.

  But half of the people did not continue climbing and only checked in at the landmark here on the cable car.

  There was a vast white mist above the head, the sun was cold, and snowflakes were floating downwards. Jiang Fuli took Bai Qian to climb the last flight of stairs. He was wearing a long black down jacket, which was provided by the hotel.

  "That direction used to be the earliest laboratory," Jiang Fuli walked up a few stairs and pointed forward, "Now it's a forbidden area, there's nothing left there. If you want to see it, I'll take you there by another way. "

  Bai Zian looked over and saw only a vast expanse of white, and occasionally only exposed stones.

  The world is vast.

  She pulled her scarf up.

  Because she was walking slowly, snowflakes slowly fell on her lazy brow bones, giving her a chill.

  Bai Zian reached out and shook out the cloak on his body, and the snowflakes scattered by the black cloak fell to the ground.

  She was in good health, she didn't wear the down jacket the hotel manager prepared for her, and it wasn't cold at the top of the mountain.

  Stepping on the last step to the top of the mountain, Mr. Jiang couldn't bear the thin oxygen.

  Bai Zian walked toward the railing, took the oxygen bottle from his hand, unscrewed the valve, and handed it to him.

  Jiang Fuli followed her and took it.

  Stand next to her and watch quietly with her.

  Bai Xian rested his hands on the railing and looked around. The snow-capped mountains in this area remained unchanged all year round, majestic, cold and holy.

  Half leaning on the railing, looking sideways at Jiang Fuli who was taking oxygen slowly, he smiled lazily: "The snow-capped mountains are really beautiful."

  She came to this world through the torrent of time, colliding with modern times. In this magnificent mountain and river, giants lie prone. , it has shone for five thousand years, dimmed, but never disappeared.

  The rivers and mountains are great.